Zolar's Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Dreams: Fully Revised and Updated for the 21st Century

Zolar - 1963
    Looking at new cultural trends, work and social patterns, technologies and means of communication, Zolar reveals the meanings of dreams about cell phones, computers, cyberspace, beepers and much more. His concise and incisive explanations of such classic dreams as meeting a redheaded stranger, flying without wings and trying to comfort a crying baby are here as well, while obsolete subjects -- like girdles, gleaners and grenadiers -- have been eliminated. To complement each dream category a lucky number has been added for this new edition. With interpretations for more than 20,000 dreams, Zolar's Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Dreams offers you the opportunity to uncover the secrets hidden in your dreams and to act on the wisdom -- or respond to the warnings -- they contain.

Shakti Rising: Embracing Shadow and Light on the Goddess Path to Wholeness

Kavitha M. Chinnaiyan - 2017
    The Mahavidyas have traditionally been steeped in esoteric and mystical descriptions, often removed from the practicalities of the spiritual journey. In this book, which is written from the perspective of an ordinary woman—a cardiologist, wife and mother—these great goddesses come to life to reveal subtle aspects of the inner journey such as spiritual bypassing, spiritual materialism, and self-deception. The fierce symbolism of the Mahavidyas (Kali, Tara, Tripurasundari, Bhuvaneshwari, Tripura Bhairavi, Chinnamasta, Dhumavati, Baglamukhi, Matangi, and Kamalatmika) are explored through the lens of yoga, tantra and Vedanta. These great goddesses become the focal points for inquiry into our various shadow aspects that keep us from realizing our eternal, unborn and undying blissful nature.With practices, self-inquiry prompts, and stories from the author’s own spiritual seeking, this exploration of the divine feminine will gently reveal the source of your fear, pain, and suffering, showing you that when you allow those parts of yourself to arise and simply be, you can finally begin to heal, overcome your limitations, and open to the light and beauty of your true nature. Through exercises and contemplations of the progressive and the direct paths, you’re invited to embrace all aspects of yourself into wholeness, the essence of non-duality.

The Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali

    This new deluxe printing of these timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras (thought-threads), at least 4,000 years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form, with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. In this classic context, Sri Swamiji offers practical advice based on his own experience for mastering the mind and achieving physical, mental and emotional harmony.

The Yugas: Keys to Understanding Our Hidden Past, Emerging Present and Future Enlightenment

Joseph Selbie - 2010
    Today's view of history cannot account for ancient anomalies, such as the Pyramids and advanced knowledge contained in India's Vedas-but in 1894 an Indian sage gave us an explanation not only for our hidden past, but for the trends of today and for our future enlightenment-the 24,000 year yuga cycle


Vivekananda - 1982
    Includes the Swami's translation of the Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali.

Meditation within Eternity: The Modern Mystics Guide to Gaining Unlimited Spiritual Energy, Accessing Higher Consciousness and Meditation Techniques for Spiritual Growth

Eric Pepin - 2012
    Easiest Way to MeditateThis meditation was specially designed to give you maximum results with minimum effort. It's really an "all in one" technique where one single action allows you to maximize your results.2. Rake-in Spiritual EnergyThe technique is direct and unmediated. It is a new meditation method that you will not find anywhere else that allows you to absorb massive amounts of spiritual energy.3. Feel inner peace and serenityImprove the flow of your energy, release your emotional blocks and re-balance your energy body.4. Unfold deep inner experiencesDevelop your sixth sense and inner powers to have direct, real spiritual experiences.5. Learn To Sense, Feel And Affect Spiritual/Psychic/Metaphysical EnergyThis energy controls, manipulates and directs you every day of your life and 99.9% of people have no idea they are being affected by it. Remove negative energy, replace it with positive.6. Develop your "bubble of personal energy"Multiply the synchronicities in your life (chance meetings, opportunities, luck), connect and communicate with your Higher Self, and Find the source of that feeling that is calling you all by creating a perfect, 'magnetic' bubble of higher energy. Meditation within Eternity is a journey into the heart of being spiritual in the modern world. Practical yet provocative, it pushes the limits of what spirituality is conceived to be, more than just relaxation and bits of Zen wisdom, it is the extraordinary yet invisible aspect of the universe we have forgotten how to touch, hear and see.This guide offers simple methods to gain unlimited spiritual energy, a forgotten resource and why many fail to truly grow spiritually. It also solves the missing link to accessing higher consciousness. It is the natural magnetic sense, or sixth sense, each of us possesses. The universe, reality, is molded by magnetism. We have an organic body, and an electric one. This electric, energy body, is capable of tapping the electromagnetic nature of reality. Following simple techniques and practical advice you will learn how it is possible to tap into the source code of reality.Meditation within Eternity provides practical, short meditation techniques for real spiritual growth. It serves a humble purpose – to give you the ability to experience spiritual awakening for yourself.

Kundalini Awakening: Two Techniques To Awaken Shakti

Jon Andre Lundal - 2016
    Two powerful and very valuable techniques for awakening and starting the journey towards a full Kundalini Awakening are given to you in this book. It is straight to the point without airy-fairy language, but the methods used hold the potential to change your very spiritual core. A Kundalini Awakening may: Bring physical and mental healing Erase and wash away karma that no longer serves you Open up your mind to new possibilities on every level of life Bring about evolution of your soul Show you life in a new and wondrous light that you never thought possible

The Yoga of Discipline

Gurumayi Chidvilasananda - 1996
    In this collection of fourteen talks, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda teaches students how to cultivate yoga discipline of the senses on the Siddha Yoga path.

Kundalini Awakening: A Gentle Guide to Chakra Activation and Spiritual Growth

John Selby - 1992
    Kundalini Awakening demystifies the complex science of Kundalini in a compelling content of: · A full understanding of the seven Chakras, from the first Root Chakra located at the base of the spine to the brain's Crown Chakra· The power of mantras and complete instructions for their use · Breathing techniques for relaxation and stress reduction· Meditation exercises using the guided imagery and the magnificent full color Chakra paintings of Zachary Selig that clarify the color coding of the Chakras Kundalini Awakening presents a dynamic humanization solution through Chakra models framed in meditations to address the challenges in our world and the way we interact with ourselves.

In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching

P.D. Ouspensky - 1947
    I. Gurdjieff's thoughts and universal view. This historic and influential work is considered by many to be a primer of mystical thought as expressed through the Work, a combination of Eastern philosophies that had for centuries been passed on orally from teacher to student. Gurdjieff's goal, to introduce the Work to the West, attracted many students, among them Ouspensky, an established mathematician, journalist, and, with the publication of In Search of the Miraculous, an eloquent and persuasive proselyte.Ouspensky describes Gurdjieff's teachings in fascinating and accessible detail, providing what has proven to be a stellar introduction to the universal view of both student and teacher. It goes without saying that In Search of the Miraculous has inspired great thinkers and writers of ensuing spiritual movements, including Marianne Williamson, the highly acclaimed author of A Return to Love and Illuminata. In a new and never-before-published foreword, Williamson shares the influence of Ouspensky's book and Gurdjieff's teachings on the New Thought movement and her own life, providing a contemporary look at an already timeless classic.

Original Bhagavad Gita — The Ultimate Millennial Edition — With Clear and Concise Commentary

B.G. Narasingha - 2017
    G. Narasingha for the 21st Century. Includes: * Complete eighteen chapters with a brief history to set the context * Sanskrit text for each verse with english transliteration & translation * Straightforward & concise commentaries * Sanskrit pronunciation guide * Glossary of terms & names * Linked 'Verse Index' for both Gita & Quoted verses The sublime message of Bhagavad Gita is timeless and is applicable in every facet of life. Within the Bhagavad Gita are the answers to the mysteries of existence – our real purpose in this world, how we should act and why we suffer, or are oftentimes helpless in our struggle for survival. To understand the Bhagavad Gita one must enter into the spirit of the Gita by accepting the path of devotion (bhakti). Accordingly, the Gita’s message cannot be properly understood by mental speculation. To this end, the sublime process illuminated within the Gita must be accepted as given by the speaker Himself, Sri Krishna. The philosophy of Bhagavad Gita is clear for the sincere reader, yet for some, approaching the Gita may seem daunting – its language too ancient. However, this obstacle is easily overcome by a straightforward translation and commentary (Anuvritti). The requirement for a translation and commentary on the Gita is as necessary today as anytime in the past. With the passing of time, our values and our worldview are constantly changing, and this demands a fresh approach to the understanding of the Gita.

The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way

Julius Evola - 1949
    Drawing from original texts on self-mastery, Evola discusses two Hindu movements--Tantrism and Shaktism--which emphasize a path of action to gain power over energies latent within the body.

The Tibetan Yogas Of Dream And Sleep

Tenzin Wangyal - 1998
    "If we lose ourselves every night, what chance do we have to be aware when death comes? Look to your experience in dreams to know how you will fare in death. Look to your experience of sleep to discover whether or not you are truly awake."This book gives detailed instructions for dream yoga, including foundational practices done during the day. In the Tibetan tradition, the ability to dream lucidly is not an end in itself, rather it provides and additional context in which one can engage in advanced and effective practices to achieve liberation.Dream yoga is followed by sleep yoga, also known as the yoga of clear light. It is a more advanced practice, similar to the most secret Tibetan practices. The goal is to remain aware during deep sleep when the gross conceptual mind and the operation of the senses cease. Most Westerners do not even consider this depth of awareness a possibility, yet it is well known in Tibetan Buddhist and Bon spiritual traditions.The result of these practices is greater happiness and freedom in both our waking and dreaming states. The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep imparts powerful methods for progressing along the path to liberation.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

    This text elucidates the entire science of hatha yoga (asana, pranayama, shatkarma, mudra and bandha) as it was conceived and practised not only for health and fitness but for awakening the vital energies: pranas, chakras and kundalini shakti.It points out that hatha yoga is not just a physical practice but a process of cellular transmutation from gross to subtle to divine. Thus hatha yoga was considered to be the foundation of all higher yogas. Line drawings and diagrams illustrate the text.

Meditate: Happiness Lies Within You

Muktananda - 1980
    This invaluable source of wisdom and inspiration for both beginning and experienced meditators sparks enthusiasm for pursuing this practice and its highest goal, self-realization.