Book picks similar to
Signal Processing and Linear Systems by B.P. Lathi
Digital Integrated Circuits
Jan M. Rabaey - 1995
Digital Integrated Circuits maintains a consistent, logical flow of subject matter throughout. KEY TOPICS: Addresses today's most significant and compelling industry topics, including: the impact of interconnect, design for low power, issues in timing and clocking, design methodologies, and the tremendous effect of design automation on the digital design perspective. MARKET: For readers interested in digital circuit design.
Semiconductor Device Fundamentals
Robert F. Pierret - 1995
Problems are designed to progressively enhance MATLAB-use proficiency, so students need not be familiar with MATLAB at the start of your course. Program scripts that are answers to exercises in the text are available at no charge in electronic form (see Teaching Resources below). *Supplement and Review Mini-Chapters after each of the text's three parts contain an extensive review list of terms, test-like problem sets with answers, and detailed suggestions on supplemental reading to reinforce students' learning and help them prepare for exams. *Read-Only Chapters, strategically placed to provide a change of pace during the course, provide informative, yet enjoyable reading for students. *Measurement Details and Results samples offer students a realistic perspective on the seldom-perfect nature of device characteristics, contrary to the way they are often represented in introductory texts. Content Highlig
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics
Fawwaz T. Ulaby - 1996
and abroad, this reader-friendly yet authoritative volume bridges the gap between circuits and new electromagnetics material. Ulaby begins coverage with transmission lines, leading readers from familiar concepts into more advanced topics and applications. Includes six new sections on Waveguides and Cavity Resonators, replacing the material on geometric optics in Chapter 8. Presents new Technology Briefs on relevant topics, connecting concepts in the book to everyday applications found in real life, such as liquid crystal displays, the laser, GPS, and x-ray tomography. Includes an interactive CD-ROM that allows readers to gain physical intuition about electromagnetics. A useful reference for engineers.
Fundamentals of Logic Design
Charles H. Roth Jr. - 1975
Author Charles H. Roth, Jr. carefully presents the theory that is necessary for understanding the fundamental concepts of logic design while not overwhelming students with the mathematics of switching theory. Divided into 20 easy-to-grasp study units, the book covers such fundamental concepts as Boolean algebra, logic gates design, flip-flops, and state machines. By combining flip-flops with networks of logic gates, students will learn to design counters, adders, sequence detectors, and simple digital systems. After covering the basics, this text presents modern design techniques using programmable logic devices and the VHDL hardware description language.
The Art of Electronics
Paul Horowitz - 1980
Widely accepted as the authoritative text and reference on electronic circuit design, both analog and digital, this book revolutionized the teaching of electronics by emphasizing the methods actually used by circuit designers -- a combination of some basic laws, rules of thumb, and a large bag of tricks. The result is a largely nonmathematical treatment that encourages circuit intuition, brainstorming, and simplified calculations of circuit values and performance. The new Art of Electronics retains the feeling of informality and easy access that helped make the first edition so successful and popular. It is an ideal first textbook on electronics for scientists and engineers and an indispensable reference for anyone, professional or amateur, who works with electronic circuits.
Digital Design
M. Morris Mano - 1984
The book teaches the basic tools for the design of digital circuits in a clear, easily accessible manner. New to This Edition: *Nine sections on Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) inserted in discrete sections, allowing the material to be covered or skipped as desired. The Verilog HDL presentation is at a suitable level for beginning students who are learning digital circuits for the first time. *Reorganized material on combinational circuits is now covered in a single chapter. *The emphasis in the sequential circuits chapters is now on design with D flip-flops instead of JK and SR flip-flops. *The material on memory and programmable logic is now consolidated in one chapter. *Chapter 8 consists mostly of new material and now covers digital design in the Register Transfer Level (P) FL), preparing the reader for more advanced design projects and further Verilog HDL studies. *A new section in Chapter 11 supplements the laboratory experiments with HDL experiments. These unable the reader to check the circuits designed in the laboratory by means of hardware components and/or by HDL simulation.* Text accompanied by Verilog simulator software-SynaptiCAD's VeriLogger Pro evaluation version, a Verilog simulation environment that combines all of the features of a traditional Verilog simulator with a powerful graphical test vector generator. Fast model testing in VeriLogger Pro allows the reader to perform bottom-up testing of every model in a design. All of the HDL examples in the book can be found on the CD-ROM. *A Companion Website includes resources for instructors and students such as transparency masters of all figures in the book, all HDL code examples from the book, a Verilog tutorial, tutorials on using the VeriLogger Pro software, and more. It can be found at
Power System Analysis and Design [With CDROM]
J. Duncan Glover - 2001
Like earlier editions of the book, physical concepts are highlighted while also giving necessary attention to math-ematical techniques. Both theory and modeling are developed from simple beginnings so that they can be readily extended to new and complex situations. Beginning in Ch. 3, students are introduced to new concepts critical to analyzing power systems, including coverage of both balanced and unbalanced operating conditions. The authors incorporate new tools and material to aid students with design issues and reflect recent trends in the field. Each book now contains a CD with Power World software. This package is commonly used in industry and will enable students to analyze and simulate power systems. The authors use the software to extend, rather than replace, the fully worked examples provided in previous editions. In the new edition, each Power World Simulator example includes a fully worked hand solution of the problem along with a Power World Simulator case (except when the problem size makes it impractical). The new edition also contains updated case studies on recent trends in the Power Systems field, including coverage of deregulation, increased power demand, economics, and alternative sources of energy. These case studies are derived from real life situations.
Control Systems Engineering
Norman S. Nise - 1991
Readers learn how to create control systems that support today's advanced technology and apply the latest computer methods to the analysis and design of control systems. * A methodology with clearly defined steps is presented for each type of design problem. * Continuous design examples give a realistic view of each stage in the control systems design process. * A complete tutorial on using MATLAB Version 5 in designing control systems prepares readers to use this important software tool.
Digital Communications
John G. Proakis - 1983
Includes expert coverage of new topics: Turbocodes, Turboequalization, Antenna Arrays, Digital Cellular Systems, and Iterative Detection. Convenient, sequential organization begins with a look at the historyo and classification of channel models and builds from there.
Discrete-Time Signal Processing (Prentice-Hall Signal Processing Series)
Alan V. Oppenheim - 1989
Revised from the 1989 edition not so much with new information, which has not changed much at the introductory level, bu
Microwave Engineering
David M. Pozar - 1990
The author successfully introduces Maxwell's equations, wave propagation, network analysis, and design principles as applied to modern microwave engineering. A considerable amount of material in this book is related to the design of specific microwave circuits and components, for both practical and motivational value. It also presents the analysis and logic behind these designs so that the reader can see and understand the process of applying the fundamental concepts to arrive at useful results. The derivations are well laid out and the majority of each chapter's formulas are displayed in a nice tabular format every few pages. This Third Edition offers greatly expanded coverage with new material on: Noise; Nonlinear effects; RF MEMs; transistor power amplifiers; FET mixers; oscillator phase noise; transistor oscillators and frequency multiplier.
Modern Control Systems
Richard C. Dorf - 1974
Written for a senior-level course, this engineering textbook presents the concepts of feedback control system theory as they have been developed in the frequency and time domains, discussing such topics as robust control systems, state variable models, computer control systems, internal model contro
Digital Computer Electronics
Albert Paul Malvino - 1977
The text relates the fundamentals to three real-world examples: Intel's 8085, Motorola's 6800, and the 6502 chip used by Apple Computers. This edition includes a student version of the TASM cross-assembler software program, experiments for Digital Computer Electronics and more.
Engineering Circuit Analysis
William H. Hayt Jr. - 1971
A new organization and emphasis on problem-solving, practical applications, and design make this book a perfect update of the 5th edition
Digital Design: Principles and Practices Package
John F. Wakerly - 1990
Blends academic precision and practical experience in an authoritative introduction to basic principles of digital design and practical requirements. With over 30 years of experience in both industrial and university settings, the author covers the most widespread logic design practices while building a solid foundation of theoretical and engineering principles for students to use as they go forward in this fast moving field.