Book picks similar to
Algebraic Number Theory by Frazer Jarvis
Calculus [with CD]
Howard Anton - 1992
New co-authors--Irl Bivens and Stephen Davis--from Davidson College; both distinguished educators and writers.* More emphasis on graphing calculators in exercises and examples, including CAS capabilities of graphing calculators.* More problems using tabular data and more emphasis on mathematical modeling.
Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications
Kenneth H. Rosen - 1984
The Fourth Edition builds on this strength with new examples, additional applications and increased cryptology coverage. Up-to-date information on the latest discoveries is included.Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications provides a diverse group of exercises, including basic exercises designed to help students develop skills, challenging exercises and computer projects. In addition to years of use and professor feedback, the fourth edition of this text has been thoroughly accuracy checked to ensure the quality of the mathematical content and the exercises.
Elliptic Tales: Curves, Counting, and Number Theory
Avner Ash - 2012
The Clay Mathematics Institute is offering a prize of $1 million to anyone who can discover a general solution to the problem. In this book, Avner Ash and Robert Gross guide readers through the mathematics they need to understand this captivating problem.The key to the conjecture lies in elliptic curves, which are cubic equations in two variables. These equations may appear simple, yet they arise from some very deep--and often very mystifying--mathematical ideas. Using only basic algebra and calculus while presenting numerous eye-opening examples, Ash and Gross make these ideas accessible to general readers, and in the process venture to the very frontiers of modern mathematics. Along the way, they give an informative and entertaining introduction to some of the most profound discoveries of the last three centuries in algebraic geometry, abstract algebra, and number theory. They demonstrate how mathematics grows more abstract to tackle ever more challenging problems, and how each new generation of mathematicians builds on the accomplishments of those who preceded them. Ash and Gross fully explain how the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture sheds light on the number theory of elliptic curves, and how it provides a beautiful and startling connection between two very different objects arising from an elliptic curve, one based on calculus, the other on algebra.
Linear Algebra
Kenneth M. Hoffman - 1971
Linear Equations; Vector Spaces; Linear Transformations; Polynomials; Determinants; Elementary canonical Forms; Rational and Jordan Forms; Inner Product Spaces; Operators on Inner Product Spaces; Bilinear Forms For all readers interested in linear algebra.
Student Solutions Manual for Contemporary Abstract Algebra
Joseph A. Gallian - 2009
Contains complete worked solutions to all regular exercises and computer exercises in the text; additional test questions and their solutions; an online laboratory manual for the computer algebra system GAP, with exercises tied to the book and an instructor answer key; and links on the author's website to true/false questions, flash cards, essays, software downloads, and other abstract algebra-related materials.
A Book of Abstract Algebra
Charles C. Pinter - 1982
Its easy-to-read treatment offers an intuitive approach, featuring informal discussions followed by thematically arranged exercises. Intended for undergraduate courses in abstract algebra, it is suitable for junior- and senior-level math majors and future math teachers. This second edition features additional exercises to improve student familiarity with applications. An introductory chapter traces concepts of abstract algebra from their historical roots. Succeeding chapters avoid the conventional format of definition-theorem-proof-corollary-example; instead, they take the form of a discussion with students, focusing on explanations and offering motivation. Each chapter rests upon a central theme, usually a specific application or use. The author provides elementary background as needed and discusses standard topics in their usual order. He introduces many advanced and peripheral subjects in the plentiful exercises, which are accompanied by ample instruction and commentary and offer a wide range of experiences to students at different levels of ability.
How to Count to Infinity
Marcus du Sautoy - 2020
But this book will help you to do something that humans have only recently understood how to do: to count to regions that no animal has ever reached.
By the end of this book you'll be able to count to infinity... and beyond.
On our way to infinity we'll discover how the ancient Babylonians used their bodies to count to 60 (which gave us 60 minutes in the hour), how the number zero was only discovered in the 7th century by Indian mathematicians contemplating the void, why in China going into the red meant your numbers had gone negative and why numbers might be our best language for communicating with alien life.But for millennia, contemplating infinity has sent even the greatest minds into a spin. Then at the end of the nineteenth century mathematicians discovered a way to think about infinity that revealed that it is a number that we can count. Not only that. They found that there are an infinite number of infinities, some bigger than others. Just using the finite neurons in your brain and the finite pages in this book, you'll have your mind blown discovering the secret of how to count to infinity.Do something amazing and learn a new skill thanks to the Little Ways to Live a Big Life books!
Math Riddles For Smart Kids: Math Riddles and Brain Teasers that Kids and Families will Love
M. Prefontaine - 2017
It is a collection of 150 brain teasing math riddles and puzzles. Their purpose is to make children think and stretch the mind. They are designed to test logic, lateral thinking as well as memory and to engage the brain in seeing patterns and connections between different things and circumstances. They are laid out in three chapters which get more difficult as you go through the book, in the author’s opinion at least. The answers are at the back of the book if all else fails. These are more difficult riddles and are designed to be attempted by children from 10 years onwards, as well as participation from the rest of the family. Tags: Riddles and brain teasers, riddles and trick questions, riddles book, riddles book for kids, riddles for kids, riddles for kids aged 9-12, riddles and puzzles, jokes and riddles, jokes book, jokes book for kids, jokes children, jokes for kids, jokes kids, puzzle book
Israel M. Gelfand - 1992
This is a very old science and its gems have lost their charm for us through everyday use. We have tried in this book to refresh them for you. The main part of the book is made up of problems. The best way to deal with them is: Solve the problem by yourself - compare your solution with the solution in the book (if it exists) - go to the next problem. However, if you have difficulties solving a problem (and some of them are quite difficult), you may read the hint or start to read the solution. If there is no solution in the book for some problem, you may skip it (it is not heavily used in the sequel) and return to it later. The book is divided into sections devoted to different topics. Some of them are very short, others are rather long. Of course, you know arithmetic pretty well. However, we shall go through it once more, starting with easy things. 2 Exchange of terms in addition Let's add 3 and 5: 3+5=8. And now change the order: 5+3=8. We get the same result. Adding three apples to five apples is the same as adding five apples to three - apples do not disappear and we get eight of them in both cases. 3 Exchange of terms in multiplication Multiplication has a similar property. But let us first agree on notation.
Abstract Algebra
David S. Dummit - 1900
This book is designed to give the reader insight into the power and beauty that accrues from a rich interplay between different areas of mathematics. The book carefully develops the theory of different algebraic structures, beginning from basic definitions to some in-depth results, using numerous examples and exercises to aid the reader's understanding. In this way, readers gain an appreciation for how mathematical structures and their interplay lead to powerful results and insights in a number of different settings. * The emphasis throughout has been to motivate the introduction and development of important algebraic concepts using as many examples as possible.
Challenge And Thrill Of Pre College Mathematics
V. Krishnamurthy - 2009
It can urge the reader to explore new methodologies to have maximum fun with numbers, and opt for a higher course in mathematics. The book was specifically designed to help the student community, and develop a strong affinity towards problem solving.the book offers many complicated, and interesting challenges for the user, keeping them engaged throughout. A large number of solved problems are also included in challenge and thrill of pre-college mathematics, to give readers an insight into the subject. The book can be an eye-opener for school students of class 7 and above. The materials given in the book are powerful enough to help them develop a strong interest for the subject. The concepts are explained in a simple and comprehensive manner, providing them with a good understanding of mathematical fundamentals.what makes the book distinct is its detailed sections on geometry, that can improve the reasoning skills of students. There are also detailed accounts on algebra and trigonometry, enhancing the competitive ability of the users. The topics such as combinatorics, number theory, and probability are also explained in detail, in the book. Each chapter was designed with the intention of motivating students to appreciate the excitement that mathematical problems can provide. Published in 2003 by new age international publishers, the book is available in paperback. Key features: the book includes a collection of more than 300 solved numerical problems, compiled from various national, as well as international mathematical is widely recommended by students and teachers, alike as an essential preparatory book for those writing competitive examinations.
The Fabulous Fibonacci Numbers
Alfred S. Posamentier - 2007
In this simple pattern beginning with two ones, each succeeding number is the sum of the two numbers immediately preceding it (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ad infinitum). Far from being just a curiosity, this sequence recurs in structures found throughout nature - from the arrangement of whorls on a pinecone to the branches of certain plant stems. All of which is astounding evidence for the deep mathematical basis of the natural world. With admirable clarity, two veteran math educators take us on a fascinating tour of the many ramifications of the Fibonacci numbers. They begin with a brief history of a distinguished Italian discoverer, who, among other accomplishments, was responsible for popularizing the use of Arabic numerals in the West. Turning to botany, the authors demonstrate, through illustrative diagrams, the unbelievable connections between Fibonacci numbers and natural forms (pineapples, sunflowers, and daisies are just a few examples). In art, architecture, the stock market, and other areas of society and culture, they point out numerous examples of the Fibonacci sequence as well as its derivative, the "golden ratio." And of course in mathematics, as the authors amply demonstrate, there are almost boundless applications in probability, number theory, geometry, algebra, and Pascal's triangle, to name a few.Accessible and appealing to even the most math-phobic individual, this fun and enlightening book allows the reader to appreciate the elegance of mathematics and its amazing applications in both natural and cultural settings.
A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics
N.P. Bali - 2010
The salient features of the book are as follows: It exactly covers the prescribed syllabus. Nothing undesirable has been included and nothing essential has been left. Its approach is explanatory and language is lucid and communicable. The exposition of the subject matter is systematic and the students are better prepared to solve the problems. All fundamentals of the included topics are explained with a micro-analysis. Sufficient number of solved examples have been given to let the students understand the various skills necessary to solve the problems. These examples are well-graded. Unsolved exercises of multi-varieties have been given in a well-graded style. Attempting those on his own, will enable a student to create confidence and independence in him/her regarding the understanding of the subject. Daily life problems and practical applications have been incorporated in the body of the text. A large number of attractive and accurate figures have been drawn which enable a student to grasp the subject in an easier way. All the answers have been checked and verified. About The Author: N.P. Bali is a prolific author of over 100 books for degree and engineering students. He has been writing books for more than forty years. His books on the following topics are well known for their easy comprehension and lucid presentation: Algebra, Trigonometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Real Analysis, Co-ordinate Geometry, Statics, Dynamics etc. Dr. Manish Goyal has been associated with