Book picks similar to
TextAppeal - For Guys! - The Ultimate Texting Guide by Michael Masters
Double Your Dating
David DeAngelo - 2010
I've spent years on this.This book is meant to be used like an encyclopedia. It's meant tobe a REFERENCE, not a novel.The best way to use it is to read it and find all of the parts that youlike and all of the ideas, skills and techniques that you would like towork on and improve. Then take those sections and either write themdown or print them so you can review them and practice.Success with women isn't like success with learning to use a lightswitch.Success with women is more like success with learning to play amusical instrument. It takes practice. At first none of it makes anysense. Sometimes it seems as though all of your practice isn't makinga difference.But if you keep at it, eventually you'll be playing songs. And thenyou'll be writing songs. Next thing you know, you've become a master.So take this book and use it as a workbook. Come back to it often.Reread the parts that you want to learn and integrate. And mostimportantly, DON'T STOP READING UNTIL YOU'RE DOING IT.Many people make the mistake of reading a book, and then saying"I know that stuff" before they've mastered the information in theirexperience.Don't make this mistake yourself.Keep reading and practicing and using it until you HAVE IT DOWN.And do me a favor. Email me with your ideas, comments, andcomplaints. I want to know what you think. You can email me let's have some fun!
Bad Boys Finish First: How to Stop Being the Nice Guy and Become the Man Women Can’t Resist
Dominic Mann - 2016
Bad Boys Finish First: How to Stop Being the Nice Guy and Become the Man Women Can’t Resist will explain the evolutionary basis for why women love jerks--and how you can turn that to your advantage. Bad Boys Finish First offers easy, proven dating tips any guy can follow. Whether your goal is seduction or a lasting relationship, you’ll discover how to awaken the deepest desires in any woman. Inside the Book:
How to be comfortable with your own masculinity
The importance of not investing in any one woman
Why you should tell her she looks fat in that dress
The power of making statements, not asking questions
The tests all women will give you--and how to pass them, every time
And much more!You CAN escape the friendzone. Grab Bad Boys Finish First today, and watch as women flock to your side!
The Book of Pook
Pook - 2008
Basically, if you haven't come across it, its a collection of psychological techniques for pressing women's buttons in order to get them to be attracted to you.A couple of years ago there was a man who posted on a PUA forum called So Suave and had his own blog called Pook's Mill. His basic message was that the PUA techniques were too simple, and focused on external manipulations, and focusing on others rather than focusing on yourself and your own masculinity.Sadly Pook disappeared from the scene, but someone managed to collect Pook's posts from So Suave into an ebook (PDF) that is freely downloadable.
The Book of Numbers: Analyzing the ROI on the Pursuit of Women
Aaron Clarey - 2020
Specifically, men’s desire to have sex with young and beautiful females. It’s not specifically female youth and beauty per se, as much as it is the fertility these things signal. But make no mistake about, female youth and beauty has powered the world economy since the beginning of time. And men are the economic engines that run on it.Consequently, in their pursuit of women, men have not only produced nearly every penny of GDP, but have created nearly every technological innovation in the history of the world. They’ve built civilizations from the ground up. Cured diseases through amazing medical advances. Laid incredible multi-trillion dollar transportation and communications infrastructures. And it isn’t even these great, Herculean achievements of man, as much as it is the daily grind billions of men today and in the past went through to attract a wife and support a family. From waking up in the morning, to going to school, to suffering a commute, to working overtime, to hitting the gym, to majoring in STEM, to going to war, even to the granular level of choosing which shirt to buy or what car to finance, nearly all of a man’s post-pubescent life is directly or indirectly dedicated towards the pursuit of women. And if there were no women, $90 trillion in global GDP and $360 trillion in wealth would simply disappear overnight. And the army of 50 billion men who’ve existed on this planet would never have produced the $3 quadrillion in total historic GDP that built society. Without female youth and beauty, humanity would simply not exist.But there is an opposite side to this total, historical, global GDP coin. Because while society screams bloody murder over wealth and income gaps between the sexes, nobody asks how all this economic production, let alone these financial disparities, came about. And while men no doubt out-earn women and own the lion’s share of global wealth, it is only because for every penny of GDP a man’s labor was put into it. That for every technological innovation, a man paid a price in terms of time, effort, toil, and mental energy. And the $90 trillion in global GDP we see today is not just cryptically “the total economic production of the world,” but can also be viewed as the total price men pay for their pursuit of women.And this essay asks just one simple question – “Is it worth it?”To date no serious economic analysis has been conducted on what is nothing short of the most important economic question facing men. And since men will likely account for the majority of economic production and technical innovation in the future, this also makes it the most important economic question facing the world. However, while the economic ramifications of men's pursuit of women are truly global, this essay has no grandiose ideas of convincing the world, let alone the economics profession, about the importance of whether it's in men's best interests to continue this pursuit. It only cares about the individual man reading this essay and whether the pursuit of women is personally worth it to him. In that regard this essay aims to inform the reader about the real mathematical chances of success he faces in the pursuit of women, as well as the modern day risks, so that he may make an informed economic decision as to how he best invests his life. It also aims to align the reader's expectations with reality so his life is not ruined by delusion or hope, both of which have ruined millions of lives in the past. But in short, this essay is nothing less than the most important cost-benefit analysis any man will read, which makes it mandatory reading for any man who wishes to take his life seriously.And I most certainly hope you do because you only get one of them.
How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You
Leil Lowndes - 1996
In How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You readers will find 85 techniques based on scientific studies regarding the nature of love, including:Finding potential love partnersMaking an unforgettable first impressionDodging love bloopersEstablishing sexual rapportBy using these pragmatic, down-to-earth strategies, anyone can turn new or casual relationships into lasting ones--or make current relationships deeper.
Wired for Love: How Understanding Your Partner's Brain and Attachment Style Can Help You Defuse Conflict and Build a Secure Relationship
Stan Tatkin - 2012
Every person is wired for love differently, with different habits, needs, and reactions to conflict. The good news is that most people's minds work in predictable ways and respond well to security, attachment, and rituals, making it possible to actually neurologically prime the brain for greater love and fewer conflicts.Wired for Love is a complete insider’s guide to understanding your partner’s brain and enjoying a romantic relationship built on love and trust. Synthesizing research findings on how and why love lasts drawn from neuroscience, attachment theory, and emotion regulation, this book presents ten guiding principles that can improve any relationship.Strengthen your relationship by:Creating and maintaining a safe “couple bubble” Using morning and evening rituals to stay connected Learning to fight so that nobody loses Becoming the expert on what makes your partner feel loved By learning to use simple gestures and words, readers can learn to put out emotional fires and help their partners feel more safe and secure. The no-fault view of conflict in this book encourages readers to move past a "warring brain" mentality and toward a more cooperative "loving brain" understanding of the relationship. This book is essential reading for couples and others interested in understanding the complex dynamics at work behind love and trust in intimate relationships.While there’s no doubt that love is an inexact science, if you can discover how you and your partner are wired differently, you can overcome your differences to create a lasting intimate connection.
How to Text a Girl: A Girls Chase Guide (Girls Chase Guides Book 1)
Chase Amante - 2016
If you're tired of "spin your wheels" texting advice, buy this book. Its approach draws from 18 cutting edge scientific studies on texting… And it's written by the founder of the highest traffic men's dating advice website on the Internet, What you will learn inside: Who the 4 kinds of texters are (plus: which one YOU are) - pg. 2 How to text a girl you like (use the powerful JGIG texting system) - pg.10 Exactly what to text girls: what topics to text and which to AVOID - pg. 62 The 4 BIG reasons most guys struggle to turn phone numbers into dates (these are so easy to correct) - pg. 74 How to tell if a girl likes you over text… Do this ONE thing, and you will know, with certainty, if she like you or not - pg. 67 How to "break the ice" with a girl over text in a way that kills awkwardness and gets her to text you - pg. 52 How to get a girl to LIKE you over text (hint: no clueless questions or long-winded text jousts!) - pg. 15 What to do when a girl doesn't text back - apply these 2 dos and 2 don'ts, and you'll get her texting today, 4 times out of 5 - pg. 72 How to flirt with a girl over text and make her EXCITED to meet up with you - you'll learn why "less" is "more", and just how much to actually do - pg. 31 An easy way to make sure girls almost never cancel the dates you plan with them over text. To do this, you'll use a simple, powerful trick called the "pre-meeting text" - pg. 68 What to do if a girl flakes on you (the good news: handle this well, and her attraction for you goes through the ROOF) - pg. 85 How to make a phone call to a girl that "resets" her interest in you (this works like magic at times when nothing else does) - pg. 92 The single most EFFECTIVE way to resume texting a girl you haven't talked to in weeks or months - pg. 112 How to start a conversation with a girl over text message; to do this right, you MUST use one of the two (2) patented "text objectives" - pg. 28 An example text conversation, start to finish, that ties EVERYTHING in the book together (this lets you see how all the pieces work, end to end) - pg. 134 … plus tons more examples, scientific study findings, and rules to texting women most men NEVER unearth… no matter how many texts they send. As a FREE bonus, only for book buyers, you'll receive the GC URL to a 93-minute bonus podcast on texting with girls.
Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day
Roosh V. - 2011
It contains 51 openers, 23 long dialogue examples with commentary, and dozens of additional lines that teach by example.Day Bang includes...-The optimal day game mindset that leads to the most amount of success-An easy mental trick to prevent your brain from going into a flight-or-fight response when it's time to approach a woman you're attracted to-A detailed breakdown of how to use the "elderly opener," an easy style of approach that reliably starts conversations with women-2 ways to tell if a girl will be receptive to your approach-How to avoid the dreaded "interview vibe"-10 common mistakes guys make that hurt their chances of getting a numberDay Bang shares tons of tips and real examples on having successful conversations. It teaches you...-How to use my bait system to get the girl engaged and interested in you-How to segue out of the initial opening topic into a more personal chat where you'll get to know the girl on a deeper level-How to take the interesting things you've done (your accomplishments, hobbies, and experiences) and morph them into bait hooks that gets the girl intrigued enough to want to go out with you-My "Galnuc" method to seamlessly get a girl's number-An easy hack at the end of your interactions that will reduce the chance of a flake and prime the girl for going out with you-Ways to open up a conversation on a girl who isn't giving you much to work withDay Bang goes into painstaking detail on how to approach women in a variety of common environments...-How to open a girl in coffee shops when she has a book, laptop, mp3 player, cell phone, research paper, crossword or Sudoku puzzle, or nothing at all-Two methods for approaching a girl on the street, depending on if she's moving or not, with a diagram to explain all the approach variations-How to approach in a retail store or mall environment, with openers to use on customers or sales clerks-How to approach in bookstores, with specific tips on how to customize your approaches in the cafe, magazine section, or general book aisles-How to meet women in public transportation, on both the bus and subway-How to meet women in grocery stores-How to approach girls in secondary venues like a beach, casino, concert, gym, hair salon, handicraft fair, museum, art show, park, public square, or wine festivalDozens of additional topics are logically organized into 12 chapters...-Preparation. How to reduce your approach anxiety-Opening. How to deliver your opener in a way that doesn't scare women away-Rambling. How to have conversations that make women interested in you-Closing. How to get a number in a way that reduces the chance she'll flake-The Coffee Shop. How to pick up in coffee shops and cafes-The Street. How to pick up outdoors-The Clothing Shop. How to pick up in retail shops, malls, and big box stores-The Bookstore. How to pick up in bookstores-Public Transportation. How to pick up in the bus, subway, or long distance transportation-The Grocery Store. How to pick up in grocery stores-Other Venues. How to pick up just about anywhere else women can be found-Putting It All Together. How to maximize your day game potentialThe lessons taught in this 75,000 word, no-fluff textbook will help you meet women during the day. If you need tips on what to do after getting her number, consult my other book Bang, which contains an A-to-Z banging strategy. Day Bang focuses exclusively on daytime approaching.
Get the Guy: How to Find, Attract, and Keep Your Ideal Mate
Matthew Hussey - 2013
Here's a book dedicated to telling you what you can do. In his book, Get the Guy, Matthew Hussey - relationship expert, matchmaker, and star of the reality show Ready for Love - reveals the secrets of the male mind and the fundamentals of dating and mating for a proven, revolutionary approach to help women to find lasting love. Matthew Hussey has coached thousands of high-powered CEOs, showing them how to develop confidence and build relationships that translate into professional success. Many of Matthew's male clients pressed him for advice on how to apply his winning strategies not to just get the job, but how to get the girl. As his reputation grew, Hussey was approached by more and more women, eager to hear what he had learned about the male perspective on love and romance. From landing a first date to establishing emotional intimacy, playful flirtation to red-hot bedroom tips, Matthew's insightfulness, irreverence, and warmth makes Get the Guy: Learn Secrets of the Male Mind to Find the Man You Want and the Love You Deserve a one-of-a-kind relationship guide and the handbook for every woman who wants to get the guy she's been waiting for.
Magic Bullets
Nick Savoy - 2009
It's a simple step-by-step system that teaches you how to engage sexy women in fun and natural conversations, get their phone numbers, right through to how you can increase intimacy, romance and more. It will show you how to develop a passionate and sexual relationship with the girl of your dreams (plus importantly you will learn exactly how, where, and when you can meet her). It's got the proven ways to get women to initiate “accidental” dates that are pressure-free… AND the 6 best places to consistently meet a huge range of desirable women (plus four specific ways to immediately improve your “game”).
Get Inside Her: Dirty Dating Tips & Secrets from a Woman on How to Attract, Seduce and Get Any Female You Want
Marni Kinrys - 2013
You see, these emails were not the typical online dating messages. They weren't asking me out on dates, or vying for desire or attention. They were sent from great guys, who no matter what they tried, always seemed to find that beautiful women ended up dating jerks and never calling them back.Now, you might be wondering what all these guys are doing emailing me their questions, but as a professional Wing Girl, it's my duty to be the girl who gives it to guys straight of the dating community. I'm always brutally honest and have been told I have a gift for seeing things from both sides of the dating lines, but it took me a few glasses of wine and some seriously deep thinking to try to piece the puzzle together.What was going on?I knew all my gorgeous girlfriends were looking for these types of men. Men who were exciting, fun, good, honest and who had their life together...So as they were they emailing me, detailing their failed attempts, I tried to find the one common factor that was holding these great guys back. I spoke with them at length about their dating history, trying to figure out if they were doing something wrong, and then it struck me.It wasn't them; it was "The Game" they had been told to play.They had the best intentions, but they were going about attracting and dating beautiful women in all the wrong ways. They were dating from the male perspective and in a way that seemed right to other guys; but this wasn't communicated clearly to women!As I started to reply to each email, instead of telling them what I thought they wanted to hear or what I thought male Pick Up Artists might tell them, I started to lay it all out on the line. Later on, when I asked my girlfriends for their opinion, they couldn't believe what I had written.I was revealing all secrets women would never tell men. I was putting it out there in a way that would give guys what my girlfriends called the upper hand, but I defended my actions. These were genuinely great guys! I was tired of hearing how women could never find what they were looking for. Now, when I was gave the men a road map to go out and find them, they freaked out!That's when I knew I had something worth sharing. Something that would turn the dating world on its head; finally, I thought, "It's time to shake things up!"If you have ever wondered why you aren't on the calendars of beautiful women, why they never seem to call back, or always end up with the jerks of the world, then you have to hear what I have to say.You need to accept that it's not your fault and face the facts. Men and women are different. We act, think, and date differently. If you want to find success, you have to see things from a different perspective. You have to gain the world's first (and best) awarded female Pick Up Artists perspective!Now when I go out, meet with clients, call, or email these great guys back, I get something in return. I get to see them finally date the women they have always wanted and deserved. They tell me how easy and simple it has become, and how they cannot believe they didn't think of it first.
Getting Back Out There: Secrets to Successful Dating and Finding Real Love after the Big Breakup
Susan J. Elliott - 2013
Based on years of research and work with her own clients, Susan Elliott offers a proven plan that will help you to:Examine past relationships for unfinished business and negative patternsIdentify warning signs and red flagsKeep your standards and boundaries high, even when you're head over heelsWork through rejection, rebounding, and other bumps in the roadDecide when to take a relationship to the next level and when to say goodbyeWith practical rules, strategies, and self-assessments—including tips for dating as a parent and dating online—Getting Back Out There will help you transition from your split to a happy, healthy new relationship.
Oooooh . . . Say It Again: Mastering the Fine Art of Verbal Seduction and Aural Sex
Alan Roger Currie - 2011
Say it Again: Mastering the Fine Art of Verbal Seduction and Aural Sex can be described as 60% self-help and social commentary for men regarding their pursuit of short-term and/or non-monogamous (i.e., "casual") sexual companionship, and 40% detailed examples of erotically explicit dialogue that author Alan Roger Currie used in his real-life verbal seduction experiences with women. Readers will enjoy Currie's no-holds-barred writing style and entertaining, enlightening, and honest advice and wisdom.
The Unchained Man - The Alpha Male 2.0
Caleb Jones - 2014
The Art of Seduction
Robert Greene - 2001
Now Greene has once again mined history and literature to distill the essence of seduction, the most highly refined mode of influence, the ultimate power trip. The Art of Seduction is a masterful synthesis of the work of thinkers such as Freud, Ovid, Kierkegaard, and Einstein, as well as the achievements of the greatest seducers throughout history. From Cleopatra to John F. Kennedy, from Andy Warhol to Josephine Bonaparte, The Art of Seduction gets to the heart of the character of the seducer and his or her tactics, triumphs and failures. The seducer's many faces include: the Siren, the Rake, the Ideal Lover, the Dandy, the Natural, the Coquette, the Charmer, and the Charismatic. Twenty-four maneuvers will guide readers through the seduction process, providing cunning, amoral instructions for and analysis of this fascinating, all-pervasive form of power. Just as beautifully packaged and every bit as essential as The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction is an indispensable primer of persuasion and offers the best lessons on how to take what you want from whomever you want or how to prevent yourself from being taken.