When a Child Wanders

Robert L. Millet - 1996
    Millet provides hope for families with wayward children by focusing on the scriptural and prophetic promises to those who have received the blessings of the gospel covenant. Wandering children and the trail of attendant sorrows are no respecter of persons. These make their way into the families of the rich and poor, active, and less active, functional and dysfunctional. This book faces head-on the reality that sometimes things simply don't turn out as we had planned. Robert Millet uncovers the doctrinal basis for hope when a loved one forsakes the faith. He offers real peace here and sustaining faith in the future. Paperback Published: March 2005

Days of the Living Christ (Volume 1)

W. Cleon Skousen - 1992
    Over Twenty-five years ago, Dr. Skousen had concluded that just about everything connected with the life and mission of Jesus Christ had been written. Then he began to find some scriptural treasures that had been missed. Before long he was deep into a comprehensive study of the life and mission of the Savior that finally culminated in these two volumes. Volume 1 covers the birth of Christ, His early years, the Sermon on the Mount and much of His ministry here on earth. The reader will grasp a new concept of the love Jesus had for the Jewish people and also discover a whole new scriptural basis for Peter's denial of the Christ. It is believed these two volumes will provide a new, dynamic, three-dimensional appreciation of the Savior and those who labored with Him.

Made for This: The Catholic Mom's Guide to Birth

Mary Haseltine - 2018
    But for too many, birth can seem like a purely clinical experience — something to get through as quickly as possible in order to get on with the joys of being a mother.In Made for This, author Mary Haseltine draws on Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body to show that birth is an essential part of who God created women to be, body and soul. With real-life stories from many moms and practical tips — including preparing for birth, making informed choices, helping fathers embrace their role in the birth room, and encountering the work of labor — this book is an indispensable guide for navigating the physical and spiritual dimensions of pregnancy and birth. Expectant mothers will find the tools they need to approach birth as a gift, and to invite God into the experience. About the Author Mary Haseltine is a theology graduate and a certified birth doula and childbirth educator. With a passion for building a culture of life through the teachings of the Theology of the Body, she works to bring an awareness and practice of the teachings of the Church into the realm of childbirth, mothering, and pregnancy loss. She lives in Western New York with her husband and five sons. You can find more of her writing at www.betterthaneden.com.

Things I Wish Id Known Sooner

Jaroldeen Edwards - 1991
    Things I Wish I'd Known Sooner is a many-hued bouquet of wisdom and strength for women at every stage of living. From a woman who found her life never perfect yet always full of wonder comes a rare treasure of a book.

How to Hug a Teenage Porcupine

John Lewis Lund - 2004
    John Lund likes to remind people that they either married their biggest test in life or they gave birth to it! This all-new, three-part seminar is designed to help parents get past the test of raising teenagers. Dr. Lund draws on his extensive background as a marriage and family mediator, as well as his experience of surviving his own eight teenagers, to deliver practical information and real solutions. And of course, he uses humor to drive home his message. For example, he reminds parents that nagging teenagers is much like trying to teach a pig how to sing—it doesn’t work and it irritates the pig!

The Triumph of Zion: Our Personal Quest for the New Jerusalem

John Pontius - 2010
    With so much emphasis on building Zion physically on Earth, we sometimes forget that the best place to build Zion is within our own hearts. John Pontius carefully details the importance of Zion in our own lives, opening our eyes to our oft-overlooked obligations and vast privileges. With hundreds of references from the scriptures and the prophets of our dispensation, The Triumph of Zion Our Personal Quest for the New Jerusalem will guide you in obtaining the blessings of Zion for yourself and your family.

To Light Their Way: A Collection of Prayers and Liturgies for Parents

Kayla Craig - 2021
    Filled with more than 100 modern liturgies, this book guides you into an intentional conversation with God for your children and the world they live in. From everyday struggles like helping your child find friends or thrive in school to larger issues like praying for a brighter world rooted in peace and truth, these pleas and petitions act as a gentle guide, reminding us that while our words may fail, God never does.At the core of To Light Their Way is the deepest of prayers: that our children will experience the love of God so deeply that their lives will be an outpouring of love that lights up the world.

Parenting the Ephraim's Child: Characteristics, Capabilities, and Challenges of Children Who Are Intensely More

Deborah Talmadge - 2004
    Ephraim's Children are also often high maintenance, emotional, and aggravating. This book examines the nine common characteristics with examples and real life stories to explain how each trait contributes to the challenge of raising an Ephraim's Child. Parents can understand and work with these temperamental traits, and then see how each is actually a strength in need of refinement.

Love is a Choice: Making Your Marriage and Family Stronger

Lynn G. Robbins - 2015

Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage

H. Wallace Goddard - 2007
    The sub-title says 'Eternal Doctrines that Change Relationships.' That says it all. You will love putting these principles into motion in your own marriage or see them work in the marriages and relationships of those closest to you. Dr. Goddard writes: 'In striking the marriage bargain, we are unknowingly giving up the egocentrisms of childhood in favor of the charity of Godhood. We make a covenantal step toward unselfishness. As we progress in marriage we gain ennobles character as well as eternal companionship.'Scot and Maurine Proctor write: 'Being around Wally Goddard makes us want to be better people--better spouses to each other--a better son and a better daughter of God. Wally simply knows how to put eternal principles in a layman's, working language--translating them into daily living. Our lives have truly been effected for good reading this amazing and powerful book. Every marriage, new or old, needs to have this book. Really.'

Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice, Mom to Mom

Leila Miller - 2016
    How do we teach our sons to be chaste when a sex-obsessed culture is ready to drag our boys into the pit at every turn? All we want to do is protect the innocence of our little ones and the honor of our teens, yet the snares of ubiquitous porn, hook-up sex, LGBT ideology, and the devaluing of true manhood appear unavoidable. What’s a mother to do? Relax, grab your beverage of choice, and flip open Raising Chaste Catholic Men. In this little heart-to-heart between us girls (although the guys can listen in, too) Leila Miller will take your hand and calm your fears by giving you practical advice in simple terms, based on her 25 years of experience in raising eight children, six of them sons. Some of the serious topics addressed with good humor and no fear include: • Three basic rules for parenting • What to do when boys are little • Answering the culture’s accusations • Straight talk about masturbation • Navigating pop culture • What to do when things go wrong • Advice from chaste young men themselves ...and much more, all of it designed to bring your worried heart some peace by giving you a plan of action and the power tools to pull it off. So, trust God and dive in! You’ve got good men to raise, and the world needs them!

Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments

Emily Jensen - 2019
    In a world of five-step lists and silver-bullet solutions to become perfect parents, mothers are burdened with mixed messages about who they are and what choices they should make. If you feel pulled between high-fives and hard words, with culture’s solutions only raising more questions, you’re not alone.But there is hope.You might think that Scripture doesn’t have much to say about the food you make for breakfast, how you view your postpartum body, or what school choice you make for your children, but a deeper look reveals that the Bible provides the framework for finding answers to your specific questions about modern motherhood.Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler help you understand and apply the gospel to common issues moms face so you can connect your Sunday morning faith to the Monday morning tantrum.Discover how closely the gospel connects with today’s motherhood. Join Emily and Laura as they walk through the redemptive story and reveal how the gospel applies to your everyday life, bringing hope, freedom, and joy in every area of motherhood.

Love and Anger: The Parental Dilemma

Nancy Samalin - 1991
    An honest look at how children can drive the most loving parent to periodic madness, along with practical suggestions for how to cope.--Adele Faber.

Don't Make Me Count to Three

Ginger Plowman - 2003
    Ginger's candid approach will help moms move beyond the frustrations of not knowing how to handle issues of disobedience and into a confident, well-balanced approach to raising their children.

Listen, Learn and Love: Embracing LGBTQ Latter-day Saints

Richard Ostler - 2020
    I invite all to increase trust in and develop a relationship with Heavenly Father, which will enable all to make thoughtful, faith-based decisions going forward. This is true of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters, their families, and Church leaders. We all have a place in the plan of happiness and I hope to provide a glimpse of that. But if for whatever reason, anyone decides not to stay, we can support them as they move forward with their lives rather than cut them off. We can keep the family circle together and leave the judging to our Savior and His perfect understanding.