Alien Embrace

Tracy St. John - 2010
    Her life of peace shatters when a three-man clan from the planet Kalquor kidnaps her and holds her prisoner.With their people poised on the verge of extinction, the Kalquorians are determined to have Amelia for their mate. Amelia is equally determined to escape. But when her body thrills to the ruthless domination of her captors, she finds herself surrendering to desires she never imagined possible.Mild BDSM including captive/forced seduction, anal play/intercourse, bondage, Dom/sub play, homoerotic situations (m/m), and multiple sexual partners (m/f/m/m).


Grace McGinty - 2021
    Sure, on the surface it was perfect. Her abductors were huge, hot and members of a race of supernaturals that were rumoured to be extinct.The Manix. Even the name was terrifying.But someone needed to update their definition of extinct, because they were cluttering up her kitchen, looking at her with desperation that had little to do with sex and everything to do with something more life altering. They insisted she held the key to their survival. They said she was an Omega and they needed to do all sorts of freaky things with her to ensure the continuation of their species.Naja wasn’t against getting a little freaky, but there was a line a sane person wouldn’t cross, but the Manix? They jumped across that line with rippling abs and both feet.However, the Manix were the least of her problems right now. Naja’s life was haunted by something worse than the boogeyman; a monster that leaves flowers on her doorstep like he was putting a tribute on her grave.The Manix may be terrifying, but could they salvation from the very thing that’s chasing her?Or will they be too late to save the only female Omega they will ever find?Manix is a Reverse Harem Omegaverse Standalone with MPREG. Contains M/M goodness.

Casey's Warriors

Ann Mayburn - 2014
    When a wormhole opens from his galaxy to Earth and the women who could hold their future, Lorn will do all in his power to not only find his mate, but show her a Universe she never knew existed.Casey Westfall’s normal life changed forever when she finds the sexy leather clad man on her doorstep. One innocent kiss leads to an adventure that will span worlds and Casey will have to choose between the man who is the other half of her soul and never seeing her family or her world again. To complicate matters Kadothians live in polyamerous family units and Lorn will have to convince his Earth bride to accept not only his love, but the love of his best friend and brothers in arms or risk the chance of losing them to either the madness or the Hive—the race of sociopathic women bent on destroying and enslaving everything in their path, but Casey can’t see loving more than one man as being anything other than a sin. Lorn will have to teach his bride that she was created for both of them just as they were created only for her.In a Universe where all is possible, the battle to protect not only his people, but his heart rests on the soul of a human woman who must face the unknown and take a leap of faith that could save or destroy them all.


Penelope Fletcher - 2014
    When she is weak, I shall be her strength. She was stolen from her world by our captors. Now her survival is my responsibility. It is her duty to endure my lust, respect my nest mates and honour our union with offspring. I revere this giver of life, as is the way."~ Venomous One, formerly of Rök, enslaved gladiator "Six things a woman should not have to deal with: 1) More than one barbaric alien lover/life mate. 2) Long term stay on a slave planet where you’re one female amongst thousands of 'needy' males. 3) Killer space pirates. 4) Psychotic mother-in-law. 5) Putting your alien lover/life mates’ species under the threat of annihilation because you ticked off the wrong Slave Chieftain. 6) A marauding overlord with a harem four hundred strong who is determined to make you concubine number four hundred and one. My name is Lumen. I am stranded in a galaxy far, far away and here be huge f***ing aliens."~ Lumen Young, formerly of Earth, lost in space Abducted from Earth and transported to a slave planet in an unknown galaxy, Lumen finds herself, shackled, naked and put on display before an alien horde. Told the males will battle for the right to slake their lusts with her body, she would become the slave of slaves. Venomous One, a proud warrior enslaved, has given up hope of returning to his home world and finding a life mate. When a female is tossed into the arena his soul demands he claim her. Winning his mate by Right of Might, he vows to protect Lumen and be a good provider, no matter how ugly her human appearance. Rescued by Venomous’ people, the couple face space pirates, the condemnation of an alien government, galactic war, and a deadlier threat from within the warrior’s own kindred. Warning: violence, profanity and sexual situations with multiple partners.


S.J. Sanders - 2019
    Never wear red or any other bright color. Make as little sound as possible if one had to be outside the protection of the sanctuary settlements. And never, ever, go out in the wild places alone. The Ragoru, an alien species set down to live among them, dwell within the forests and everyone knows that they crave all things red. Arie’s life has always been one of playing by the rules. She doesn’t draw attention to herself. She doesn’t leave her home without her hood that conceals her bright red hair. It is a secret from everyone, and her hood protects her secret so that she may continue to live safely within the village until one day that secret comes to light. Absconding into the woods soon becomes her only safety, and she will risk her very life into the care of the very dreaded beings that all people fear, the Ragoru, in hope of making it to her grandmother’s house in the citadel at the other side of the great forest. When circumstances reveal them to not be the monsters of human imagination, but that they stir the ravenous beast within her, Arie finds that she is willing to risk far more to find a way to be with them forever. Even if that means severing ties with her grandmother, rejecting the human comforts of the citadel, and facing the horror of the Order of the Huntsmen. A new spin on the Little Red Riding Hood Story, bringing a well known fairy tell to a dystopian future with a wolfish alien species.

Hers to Command

Patricia A. Knight - 2013
    His contractual bride, Princess Fleur Constante, the beautiful future queen though young and inexperienced, is willing to risk everything, including her own sanity, to save her planet.The inhabitants of the sentient planet, Verdantia, are poised on the precipice of extinction following a brutal invasion by an off-world, nomadic horde. Verdantia’s capital, Sylvan Mintoth, must have its failing energy shield restored, or the planet is doomed. The Elders know the shield can draw energy from only one thing ~ a very arduous and grueling coupling of two specific people who were pre-chosen by the planet Herself and promised by prearranged marriage contract.Verdantia draws strength from the duo, but the sentient planet whispers to Ari that a third is necessary ~ Ari’s aide de camp, Visconte Doral deLorion, an angelically handsome, skilled assassin who silently surrendered his heart to Ari long ago.The trio struggles to make this surprising partnership harmonious, pushing through pride, scars of past abuse, fears of inexperience and distrust. To save Verdantia, they must overcome their individual weaknesses and realize their full potential. Only the Tetriarch and their combined synergy, can harness Verdantia’s immense power to shield its citizens from invasion.Be part of the Tetriarch! Get your copy today!

Draekon Mate

Lee Savino - 2017
    Prison planet. Snarling, lethal predators. Two big, hulking, bronzed aliens who turn into dragons. The best part? The dragons insist I’m their mate.The Zorahn wanted women for some kind of super-secret science experiment, and I volunteered. Dumb move, right? But they promised we’d be safe, and they offered a lot of money. Money I needed desperately.Of course, everything went wrong. Our spaceship has crashed on a prison planet, one where the Zorahn exile their most dangerous criminals. My friends are injured. I’m all alone on a jungle planet where everything is designed to kill me. Then I run into the Draekons. When they see me, they change into dragons and burn the predators threatening me to a crisp. They feed me and care for me, and they keep me safe. But there’s a catch. The Draekons insist that I’m their mate. And the only way they can shift into dragons again to save my friends? Both of them need to mate with me. At the same time.This isn't the space vacation I thought it would be.Draekon Mate is the first book in the new Dragons in Exile series. It’s a full-length, standalone science fiction dragon-shifter MFM menage romance story featuring a snarky human female, and two arrogant aliens that keep her warm, with or without dragon fire. (No M/M) Happily-ever-after guaranteed!


Laurie Roma - 2013
    Still recovering from a war that almost destroyed the world, humans have fought to rebuild and have once again opened their shields to outside visitors. As a liaison officer for alien races that are visiting Earth, Alexis does her best to ignore what she can never have, but when she is put in charge of four visiting alien warriors, her entire world changes... Dragons Warriors from Arcadia, Xavier and Galan Tesera and their best friends Thorn and Brydan Volis, have been curious about Earth ever since they helped the humans defeat their enemy years ago. As commanders of their own space vessel they travel the galaxies searching out the unknown, but in their hearts they know they will never truly be satisfied without a mate by their side. When the four Dragon Warriors land on Earth they are instantly enamored with the sharp-tongued liaison who ignites a burning passion in their hearts, and know that she is the mate they have been searching for who will complete their souls. Will Alexis take a chance on four alien warriors or will the fear of leaving everything she has ever known destroy her chance of finding true love?

Daughters of Terra

Theolyn Boese - 2007
    Several days later, after a surgically neat kidnapping, she awoke to find that her world has been turned upside down. Told that she was mated to both men and altered to carry their children she finds herself thrown into a world and culture she knows nothing about, one where science, myth, and religion seem to blend seamlessly.As she tries to accept her new life with Kyrin and Daeshen, her new husbands, a hidden danger stalks the human women. For not all of the Ta’e’sha are happy to accept these women, and one expresses his contempt with rape.Note: The Ta'e'sha Chronicles: Daughters of Terra contains subject matter that may be objectionable to some readers: menage, homoerotic sexual situations, BDSM, sex while in shapeshifted form, violence.

Of Another Dimension

Jeanette Lynn - 2014
    Catching her eccentric neighbor fiddling with strange contraptions in his yard, driving large spikes into the ground in the middle of a vicious storm, sends her rushing out to draw him inside. Nothing could have prepared Lil for what was about to happen next. Things don't go as they should, one well-aimed jolt of lightning sending her careening through a portal of some sort, a wormhole to an alternate dimension. Lilie finds herself spat out through the other side, landing smack dab into the middle of a strange alien world. What's a gal to do when she suddenly finds herself being rundown by an angry, bellowing red creature with tall horns, wild yellow eyes and a deafening roar, a being that looked like something straight out of a science fiction movie. Lil discovers things she never could have imagined as she navigates this strange new world. Love finds a way, even in the most alien of places.

The Queen's Consorts

Kele Moon - 2013
    Just laying eyes on one is a death sentence. So when Sari, who spent most of her life on the streets, ends up entangled in a steamy relationship with the two most forbidden men on the planet she knows it can’t end well.After a brutal attack, Sari’s taken to the Sacred City, exposing her to the secret lives of the Rayians who rule in the long lost queen’s absence. It’s in this darkly sexual world where she first meets the legendary consorts. Too handsome and talented for their own good, Calder and Taryen have learned to trust only each other in order to survive. Bred to be feared warriors and exclusive companions to a queen, instead they’re slaves to other Rayian’s desires for them. Their brutal lives make the two consorts hesitant to care for Sari when she’s unexpectedly dumped in their laps, but they soon discover she’s different from the cruel women they’re used to serving. Drawn to Sari on a soul deep level, Calder and Taryen can’t seem to stop themselves from going back for one more taste of the beautiful outsider… even when it puts the fate of the entire world in jeopardy.95,258 word count


Jade Waltz - 2019
    That’s all she is…Born and raised as an experiment, Selena’s life has been filled with torture, betrayal, and distrust... but one night changes everything. Sold, attacked, and on the run, Selena is picked up by a colony ship. Struggling to find her place on this ship and trying to understand the draw she feels toward two alien males, her already uncertain life becomes downright unimaginable when she learns new life is growing inside her.Terrified her captors will find her and take her and her children back to a life of horror and captivity, she must learn to trust her saviors, and herself.With the help of her two mates, Selena will fight for her freedom—or die trying.


Kaitlyn O'Connor - 2006
    Then she knows it's both, but it's even more unsettling to find herself the object of desire of two six and a half foot males-particularly since Kole and Dansk seem perfectly willing fight to the death to settle which of them gets to breed her. Rating: Contains graphic sex, graphic language, graphic violence.


Loki Renard - 2019
    I broke protocol to investigate, only to suddenly find myself in a very small cell with a very large alien male.He is Talon, captain of the Virility, and I am now his captive. His crew's mission is to seed the universe, breeding with every form of life.Including me.Publisher's Note: Seeded includes spankings and sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book. Also note that Seeded was previously published under the titles Bred and Virility.

Theirs to Punish

Ivy Barrett - 2020
    She wasn't even supposed to be entered in the lottery, but her sharp tongue got her in trouble with her stern, infuriatingly sexy alien boss and he apparently decided that a painful, humiliating public spanking was not a sufficient reminder of her place.Anna knows what comes next, and that only makes it more shameful.Soon she will be bare and on display for her new masters, and then there will be no hiding the arousal glistening on her thighs as she is punished, trained, and used in any way they please.Soon there will be no denying that her body aches to be bred.Publisher's Note: Theirs to Punish includes spankings and rough, intense sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.