Hearing the Voice of the Lord: Principles and Patterns of Personal Revelation

Gerald N. Lund - 2007
    Lund, million-selling author of The Work and the Glory, offers profound insights about how personal revelation 'works.' Learn how we can increase our ability to receive and recognize personal revelation, what we can do to avoid being misled, and many other ideas relevant to this tremendously important spiritual gift.

Orrin Porter Rockwell: Man of God Son of Thunder

Benita N. Schindler - 1983
    Travelers sang ballads about him as they gathered around their campfires at night. Mothers used his name to frighten children into obedience. He was accused of literally hundreds of murders, all in the name of the Mormon Church. Yet behind all the myth was a man, a human being. Orrin Porter Rockwell believed in his prophet, Joseph Smith. He spent most of a year chained in an Independence dungeon for his belief, then walked across Missouri to Nauvoo, stumbling into Joseph’s house on Christmas Day. Joseph said to him then, “Cut not thy hair and no bullet or blade can harm thee,” and the legend was born.Rockwell continued to serve the leaders of his church—as hunter, guide, messenger, scout, guerilla, emissary to the Indians, and lawman. He traveled thousands of miles, raised three families, accumulated land and wealth—and favorably impressed almost everyone who met him. But although he walked with presidents and generals, scholars and scoundrels, in a life lived at the center of many of the great events of the American frontier, he has remained an enigma, a source of continuing controversy.Harold Schindler’s remarkable investigative skills led him into literally thousands of unlikely places in his search for the truth about Rockwell. Dale L. Morgan, one of the west’s foremost historians, called the first edition “…an impressive job of research, one of the most impressive in recent memory, in the Mormon field. Mr. Schindler has shown great energy and sagacity in dealing with a difficult, highly controversial subject; and he has also made maximum use of the latest scholarship and newly available archival resources.”But the author was not satisfied until he had probed even more deeply, and this revised and enlarged second edition contains greatly expanded documentation as well as textual additions that flesh out the characters and events of this classic drama of early America.

Beyond the Shade of the Mango Tree: Reflections on What God Sees in Us

Edward Dube - 2021

Getting at the Truth: Responding to Difficult Questions about LDS Beliefs

Robert L. Millet - 2004
    In Getting at the Truth, Robert L. Millet demonstrates that we can reach out and build bridges of understanding with those of other beliefs without compromising what we know to be true. Our responsibility to be a leavening influence in society means we cannot completely avoid the troublesome issues of our world. This book helps us put many of those issues in context, clarifying our doctrines and showing how to respond to opposition most appropriately and peacefully.

When You Can't Do It Alone

Brent L. Top - 2008
    But what happens when you experience challenges and difficulties that leave you so spiritually exhausted that you can't see God's hand in your life? As a newly called mission president for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, author Brent L. Top experienced a severe emotional and spiritual crisis. Desperate for help, he discovered that knowing where to turn is not enough; we must allow the Savior to rescue us. With remarkable candor, this gospel teacher shares a deeply personal story as he describes six essential ways to survive whatever trials we face. With compassion and understanding, he offers practical suggestions on how to say focused on Christ and take hold of His outstreched hand when the storms of life are raging. This insightful and encouraging book is a must for anyone dealing with adversity.

The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ

Anonymous - 1830

Porter Rockwell: A Biography

Richard Lloyd Dewey - 1986
    . . combined. A man who believed from a blessing he received from Joseph Smith that if he never cut his hair he could never die in a fight. Assassins ambushed him, but no one could kill him, as confirmed by the Deseret News in 1918, stating he had passed through dangers "unscathed, as numerous as those recorded in the most lurid fiction" after it had interviewed numerous settlers who had known him. Gunfighters traveled hundreds of miles to "get him" - none succeeded. Outlaws actually sang compfire ballads about him. Latter-day Saints are proud to view him as a folk hero. Reading this book allows us to see what a real hero is. Famed British journalist Jules Remy wrote in 1861, "He is the stuff from which heroes are wrought. It is he who is ever at hand where there is a sacrifice to be made which can be of advantage to the oppressed." Richard Lloyd Dewey quotes hundreds of original sources - journals, letters, and court records - some from sources never before tapped - and weaves them all together in fascinating form. In the process he clarifies the controversies, dispels the shadows, and melts away the myriads of anti-Mormon myths. Journalistic, fast-flowing writing sweeps you through explosive early Mormon history with charm and style. He reports little known events and unravels a bizarre yet faith-promoting tale. The Deseret News of 1986 reports, "The writing is slick and the pace is fast. Dewey has done his homework." It's a story told with breadth and feeling . . . the most intriguing, ACCURATE account yet of Orrin Porter Rockwell. Also the most comprehensive, by far. As the definitive work on him, this fascinating, epic biography is as exciting to read as a first-rate novel. Beautifully illustrated by western artist Clark Kelley Price.

The Plan of Salvation: Doctrinal Notes and Commentary

Matthew B. Brown - 2002
    This time Brown takes a "readable" takes an in-depth look at such topics as: How did the plan of slvation originate? Where did the premortal Grand Council take place? What was the premortal status of Lucifer? What actually happened to Adam's and Eve's bodies when they partook of the forbidden fruit? Why didn't the Lord create a fallen world to begin with? Why did we need to get physical bodies? Why do children need to be sealed to their parents? What gifts or abilities will we have in the Spirit World? What are the prerequisites for exaltation? Can a person progress between degrees of glory after resurrection has take place? What will happen to the sons of perdition once they are cast into outer darkness? And much more. AN opened minded and courageous study of [God] and His divine plan with respect to our salvation will be the most interesting and permanently rewarding of all ventures. Hugh Brown How much do we really know about the plan of salvation? What have ancient and modern prophets revealed about the great plan of deliverance? Matthew Brown discusses the doctrines associated with the creation, the fall, and the atonement. A thought-provoking, in-depth, and thoroughly readable book on the plan of salvation

Massacre at Mountain Meadows

Ronald W. Walker - 2008
    More than 120 men, women, and children perished in the slaughter. Massacre at Mountain Meadows offers the most thoroughly researched account of the massacre ever written. Drawn from documents previously not available to scholars and a careful re-reading of traditional sources, this gripping narrative offers fascinating new insight into why Mormons settlers in isolated southern Utah deceived the emigrant party with a promise of safety and then killed the adults and all but seventeen of the youngest children. The book sheds light on factors contributing to the tragic event, including the war hysteria that overcame the Mormons after President James Buchanan dispatched federal troops to Utah Territory to put down a supposed rebellion, the suspicion and conflicts that polarized the perpetrators and victims, and the reminders of attacks on Mormons in earlier settlements in Missouri and Illinois. It also analyzes the influence of Brigham Young's rhetoric and military strategy during the infamous "Utah War" and the role of local Mormon militia leaders in enticing Paiute Indians to join in the attack. Throughout the book, the authors paint finely drawn portraits of the key players in the drama, their backgrounds, personalities, and roles in the unfolding story of misunderstanding, misinformation, indecision, and personal vendettas. The Mountain Meadows Massacre stands as one of the darkest events in Mormon history. Neither a whitewash nor an exposé, Massacre at Mountain Meadows provides the clearest and most accurate account of a key event in American religious history.

Receiving Answers to Our Prayers

Gene R. Cook - 1991
    In Receiving Answers to Our Prayers, Elder Cook examines some of the most important principles and practices of prayer, which the Lord has taught us through scripture and through living prophets. By illustrating those principles through examples and many true-life stories, he shows that the Lord does answer prayers and suggests ways we can become more receptive to the answers the Lord sends. Elder Cook focuses on the difficult question of why answers do not always come in ways we expect and what we can do then to increase our faith.

Yearning for the Living God: Reflections from the Life of F. Enzio Busche

F. Enzio Busche - 2004
    Enzio Busche, emeritus member of the First Quorum of the Seventy, was born in Germany in 1930, three years before Hitler's rise to power. Fifteen years later, when World War II ended, Enzio was a prisoner of war, having been drafted into the German army at age fourteen. The war left Enzio with many questions: Is there a God? What is the purpose of life? What happens after death? In time, he learned the answers. "Yearning for the Living God" is a collection of Elder Busche's experiences - both before and after his conversion - and an account of the life-changing awakening that can come to all who search for truth in this world.About the Author:Elder F. Enzio Busche is an emeritus member of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was sustained a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy on October 1, 1977, at the age of forty-seven. He has also served as president of the Germany Munich Mission and president of the Frankfurt Germany Temple. He and his wife, Jutta, are the parents of four children and the grandparents of nineteen.Tracie A. Lamb comes from the small rural town of Manila, Utah. She graduated from Weber State College and served in the Germany Munich Mission while Elder F. Enzio Busche was mission president there. She received a Master's degree from Arizona State University and then taught English in Seoul, Korea, for three years. She teaches English as a second language and lives with her husband and two daughters in Auburn, Washington.

The Believing Heart: Nourishing The Seed Of Faith

Bruce C. Hafen
    This experience with believing young people has allowed him to explore, as he puts it, his "own questions about life in an atmosphere of faith." The author's personal study has centered around three religious issues that hold the greatest meaning for him-faith, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and relationships with people-and the connection among the three: faith prepares us to receive the Atonement; the Atonement purifies and strengthens us; and the Atonement then helps us build our relationships with the Lord and with others. The author felt he might one day publish a series of books centering on these themes. Subsequently, he released his first book, The Believing Heart, in 1986. By the time The Broken Heart was published three years later, the first printing of The Believing Heart had expired. The author was then invited to publish a revised and enlarged edition of that volume to act as a companion to The Broken Heart. This second edition of The Believing Heart, which incorporates two new chapters as well as a substantial revision of the original four, is the result of that process. In these six thought-provoking essays, the author discusses the power available to all who truly believe in Jesus Christ. He outlines the pattern all who hope to increase their spiritual power must follow, including the difficulties they can expect to encounter-life's trials, the hazards of agency, the pull of the world, and so forth. How can we bridge the gap between the ideal and the real? Is it possible for "ordinary" mortals to have encounters with angels? How does one actually nourish the seed of faith and make it come alive? By answering these and other pertinent questions, Bruce Hafen provides insight into the process of increasing personal faith and shows how powerfully the seed of faith is connected to the doctrine of the Atonement. As he explains, "The tree of life waits for us, as it did for Adam and Eve, Lehi and Sariah, at the end of the inviting, but sometimes treacherous and lonely, path of faith. . . . We take our first steps (and many later ones) along this path through our freely chosen desire to have a believing heart-for "even all this can ye do if ye will."

Doing What We Came to Do: Living a Life of Love

Ardeth Greene Kapp - 2011
    Love enables us to bless others as we reach past our own concerns. Love provides opportunities to heal, to hope, and to have faith - even when dreams have to wait and the challenges of life weigh us down.When we are filled with love, we can make a profound difference in our own lives, in our homes and circles of influence, and in the world in which we live. Love makes it possible for us to do what we came to do.

Making Sense of the Doctrine & Covenants: A Guided Tour Through Modern Revelations

Steven C. Harper - 2008
    After all, it is the only one of the standard works that does not tell its own story.Making Sense of the Doctrine and Covenants addresses this challenge in a creative new way. Rather than giving a verse-by-verse commentary, author Steven C. Harper takes readers on a guided tour through the revelations. Drawing on the earliest manuscripts of those revelations, he provides historically grounded insights into why each revelation was given, what it means, and why it matters.Chapters on every section of the Doctrine and Covenants begin by delving into the historical record to recreate the question or problem each revelation was given to resolve and end by showing readers the outcomes for individuals and the Church.Families and scholars alike will relish the depth and accessibility of Making Sense of the Doctrine and Covenants. It is an invaluable addition to any gospel library and a fascinating resource for anyone who wishes to become more closely acquainted with this marvelous book of scripture.

I saw the Lord: Joseph's First Vision Combines from Nine Accounts

Kerry Muhlestein - 2020
    Yet, because the details of the vision are spread over nine different accounts that vary in emphasis and some finer points, many people do not know all they could about this remarkable and world-changing experience.Kerry Muhlestein, professor of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University, presents a faithful, harmonized version of the First Vision story to show how each of the various accounts might share select aspects of the vision yet all be consistent with the actual event experienced by Jospeh Smith. As the Prophet recorded or shared his remarkable vision, he emphasized different details depending on the audience and circumstances at the time. All nine accounts—four firsthand and five secondhand—are combined into one compelling story in this retelling of Joseph Smith's incomparable vision. Also included are the original accounts in their entirety so that readers can feel for themselves the powerful witness of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Strengthen your testimony of this singular, foundational event that would lead to the Restoration of Christ's Church upon the earth.