Book picks similar to
Mothers Together by Ruth Bell Graham


Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth

David Wilkerson - 1986
    But he also brings a message of courage and comfort--a call to return to God with all our hearts and to fulfill God's purposes for us as His beloved children.

Tough Guys and Drama Queens: How Not to Get Blindsided by Your Child's Teen Years

Mark Gregston - 2012
    Are you ready for your child's teen years?If you've ever lain awake at night wondering what might be around the corner of your child's adolescence, this book is for you! After more than thirty-eight years of working with more than 2,500 years, Mark Gregston, founder of heartlight, a Christian residential counseling center, introduces Tough Guys and Drama Queens — a must-read "how-to" book for parents of pre-teens and teens with time-tested, biblical techniques to guide you  through these unavoidably challenging years.Mark helps parents realize that some natural parenting approaches are actually counter-productive and therefore totally ineffective.In place of those, he offers tried and true wisdom on the vital importance of relationship, forgiveness, and explains how conflict is actually the precursor to change.Everyday your child is bombarded by highly sexualized culture and over-exposed to words and images that can influence them beyond your reach.your connection to them during these years is critical as is your response to tough issues such as appearance, performance, authority and respect, boundaries, and many more.

Missional Motherhood: The Everyday Ministry of Motherhood in the Grand Plan of God

Gloria Furman - 2016
    God has designed motherhood as part of his greater plan to draw people to himself--instilling all women, whether called to traditional mothering or not, with an eternal purpose in nurturing others.In this book, Gloria Furman searches the Scriptures for the mission of God in motherhood. She opens our eyes to God's life-giving promises--promises intended to empower each and every woman as she makes disciples in her home, in her neighborhood, and around the world.

Child Training Tips

Reb Bradley - 1996
    Child Training Tips is not just another interpretation on how to train a child-this book has no equal! In this updated edition of the original classic, every chapter consists of lists of symptoms that identify behavior problems and expose trouble spots in parenting.How can parents tell if they've given control of their home to their children?? How can a child be trained to obey quickly when spoken to calmly and only one time? What's gone wrong when chastisement doesn't work? How can appropriate punishments be determined? What are the most subtle signs of rebellion? How do parents accidentally train their children to disobey them? What can be expected of children at what ages? What exactly is sass and how can it be stopped? Pastor and family counselor and minister Reb Bradley answers these and many more questions like these in this best-selling child-rearing book.

Consumer Detox: Less Stuff, More Life

Mark Powley - 2010
    Follow along in a three-part deconstruction of today's full-throttle existence to build the kind of life that Jesus modeled.

God's Lavish Grace

Terry Virgo - 2004
    This concise survey of the impact and outworking of God's grace in the life of the believer will revitalize the most threadbare faith.

Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches

Rachel Jankovic - 2010
    I wrote it because it isn t. I know that this is a hard job, because I am right here in the middle of it. I know you need encouragement because I do too. "This is not a tender reminiscence from someone who had children so long ago that she only remembers the sweet parts. At the time of writing this, I have three children in diapers, and I can recognize the sound of hundreds of toothpicks being dumped out in the hall. "This is a small collection of thoughts on mothering young children for when you are motivated, for when you are discouraged, for the times when discipline seems fruitless, and for when you are just plain old tired. "The opportunities for growth abound here but you have to be willing. You have to open your heart to the tumble. As you deal with your children, deal with yourself always and first. This is what it looks like, and feels like, to walk as a mother with God."

What Happens When Women Say Yes to God Devotional

Lysa TerKeurst - 2013
    Each of the 40 devotions includesa focus Scripture a thought for the day a devotional message a personal prayer a reflect and respond sectionThis spiritual journey ushers women to a deeper relationship with God, the faith and fulfillment they have been longing for, and the life God has been longing for them to lead.

Believe That You Can: Moving with Faith and Tenacity to the Dream God Has Given You

Jentezen Franklin - 2008
    It takes persistence and tenacity, along with faith in yourself, in God, and in the vision He has given you. In Believe That You Can, Jentezen Franklin gives you a powerful message of hope: you can do it!   Using his own personal experiences and examples from biblical characters who pursued their dreams to the end, Franklin shows you how to find and walk out your God-given vision for your life. Here you will find what you need to turn your dreams into reality, including:   The five stages of a dream and how to recognize and get through each of them What you can do when your dream seems far away or impossible How to fight for your dream and never let go until it comes to pass Don’t let anybody steal what God has already shown you!

Things I Wish Id Known Sooner

Jaroldeen Edwards - 1991
    Things I Wish I'd Known Sooner is a many-hued bouquet of wisdom and strength for women at every stage of living. From a woman who found her life never perfect yet always full of wonder comes a rare treasure of a book.

Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe

Sarah Mae - 2013
    It's for those who have ever wondered what happened to all their ideals for what having children would be like. For those who have ever felt like all the "experts" have "clearly" never had a child like theirs. For those who have prayed for a mentor. For those who ever felt lost and alone in motherhood.In" Desperate" you will find the story of one young mother's honest account of the desperate feelings experienced in motherhood and one experienced mentor's realistic and gentle exhortations that were forged in the trenches of raising her own four children.Also in Desperate:* QR codes and links at the end of each chapter that lead to videos with Sarah Mae and Sally talking about the chapter* Practical steps to take during the desperate times* Bible study and journal exercises in each chapter that will lead you to identify ways in which you can grow as a mom* Mentoring advice for real-life situations* Q & A section with Sally where she answers readers questions

Wilderness Skills for Women: How to Survive Heartbreak and Other Full-Blown Meltdowns

Marian Jordan - 2008
    Whether it’s relationship drama, the constant pull of our sinful nature, a health issue, or any variety of unmet dreams, Jordan turns readers to God’s Word as the ultimate wilderness survival guide.Conversational and self-deprecatingly confessional in her delivery, this young writer finds ways to have fun with delicate subject matters, using wilderness analogies to great effect in chapters titled "Drink Plenty of Water," "Seek Shelter," and "Don’t Eat the Red Berries."

PREGNANCY: What You Need To Know When You're Expecting - The Complete Pregnancy Guide For Moms And Dads (Pregnancy Books) (Pregnancy Books for First Time Moms Book 1)

Jyothi Shenoy - 2016
    Jyothi Shenoy explains EXACTLY what you need to do, why you need to do it, and when you need to do it...all in an easy to understand, step-by-step fashion. Inside this complete pregnancy guide, you will learn: - The 11 most important facts about pregnancy that all mom's and dad's need to know - The top 10 pregnancy myths - The most recent developments in obstetrics that will save you time and energy - The physical symptoms you will experience and the solutions - Dangerous pregnancy symptoms that should not be ignored - Diet and nutrition tips for a pregnant woman - Guidelines for safe exercises during pregnancy - How to handle the emotional roller coaster during pregnancy - The most current lifestyle trends in the pregnancy world - What’s hot and what's not for sex during pregnancy - How to juggle a busy career with your pregnancy - Travel tips for pregnant women - What a man needs to know about pregnancy - Safe skin-care products during pregnancy - What clothes you should and shouldn't wear during pregnancy - The packing list for the hospital or birth center

Love and Anger: The Parental Dilemma

Nancy Samalin - 1991
    An honest look at how children can drive the most loving parent to periodic madness, along with practical suggestions for how to cope.--Adele Faber.

God Works the Night Shift: Acts of Love Your Father Performs Even While You Sleep

Ron Mehl - 1994
    Especially when we are going through difficult times, it may seem as though other people have been richly blessed-while our own lives are completely empty. But Ron Mehl assures readers that despite the way things sometimes appear, God is continually at work in their lives, reminding them that God often does his best works in the darkness. As men and women take a closer look at the God who works the night shift, they will learn about the unceasing acts of love he performs for them, every moment of their lives...even while they sleep.