Best of


The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word

Joyce Meyer - 2004
    Includes powerful Scriptures covering over 50 topics, such as patience, loneliness, and wisdom.

The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind: Access to a Life of Miracles

Bill Johnson - 2004
    Yet all too often, Christians practice an intellectual faith, which lacks any supernatural punch. Healing, deliverance and signs and wonders are an inheritance for all followers of Jesus Christ. The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind teaches you how to remove the blinders of religious limitation to redeem the lost and transform communities. You too can tap into an abundance of miracle-working authority and unleash the power of God's glory.

The Power of a Praying Parent Book of Prayers

Stormie Omartian - 2004
    Power of a Praying Parent Book of Prayers

The Prayer That Changes Everything: The Hidden Power of Praising God

Stormie Omartian - 2004
    You can't see all that is being affected, but you can trust that it is. It is impossible to come into contact with all that God is without change taking place.

His Princess: Love Letters from Your King

Sheri Rose Shepherd - 2004
    Many don't even know that they are daughters of the King - chosen to be His Princess. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, they trade in their fairy-tale dreams of being cherished for a tarnished identity fashioned by their own insecurities and the mixed-up messages of the media. Now, these tenderly adoring letters written from God's persepective demonstrate that every woman is beautiful just the way she is. Walking in confidence toward her God-given purpose, every woman can bless others - even future generations.It's hard to look at our lives and think of ourselves as royalty. But the truth is, God is our King and wer are chosen by Him. As your soul soaks in these love letters from your King, be affirmed of who you are, why you are here, and how much you are loved.For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew.Ephesians 2:10, NLT

Rediscovering the Kingdom: Ancient Hope for Our 21st Century World

Myles Munroe - 2004
    From the very beginning God's plan for His creation was centered on our being in relationship with Him. It was never God's plan to establish a religion. The Kingdom is coming at us in full force and will destroy all that man has built in substitution of God's glorious Kingdom. This is 'the book' for 'the hour' in which we live and will take us back to the beginning of all things where we will discover God's original intention for humankind.

Ending Your Day Right: Devotions for Every Evening of the Year

Joyce Meyer - 2004
    But how many of them take the time at night to spend a moment with God after their hurried bedtime prayers. This companion to 'Starting Your Day Right' asks for God's continued care throughout the night.

Praying the Names of God: A Daily Guide

Ann Spangler - 2004
    This is especially true when it comes to the names of God recorded in the Bible. Praying the Names of God explores the primary names and titles of God in the Old Testament to reveal the deeper meanings behind them.El Shadday, Elohim, Adonay, Abba, El Elyon—God Almighty, Mighty Creator, Lord, Father, God Most High—these are just a few of the names and titles of God that yield rich insights into his nature and character. Praying the Names of God shows readers how to study and pray God’s names by focusing each week on one of the primary names or titles of God.• Monday—readers study a portion of Scripture that reveals the name.• Tuesday–Thursday—readers pray specific Scripture passages related to the name.• Friday—readers pray Scripture promises connected to the name.By incorporating the divine names and titles into their prayers—and learning about the biblical context in which the name was revealed—readers will gain a more intimate understanding of who God is and how he can be relied on in every circumstance of their lives.Praying the Names of God is a unique devotional, one that offers a rich program of daily prayer and study designed to lead people into fresh encounters with the living God.The book is also available as an Abridged Audio Pages® CD.

Holiness: The Heart God Purifies

Nancy Leigh DeMoss - 2004
    But let the reader beware: prepare to be changed in the presence of a Holy God.

Why Pro-Life?: Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers (Today's Critical Concerns)

Randy Alcorn - 2004
    If pro-choicers are right, precious freedoms are in jeopardy. If pro-lifers are right, innocent children are being robbed of their most basic freedom—life. Though bumpersticker slogans prevail, the facts are rarely presented. We need clear and credible answers to the central questions of the abortion debate. For those who have had abortions or are currently considering one, for pro-choicers and fence-straddlers alike, Why Pro-Life? provides answers to these questions in a concise, straightforward, and nonabrasive manner.Head: Human Life Begins…When? No issue is more divisive or troubling than abortion. Many believe that we have to choose between helping women and helping children. This book shows how critical it is that we help both. In a concise, non-abrasive fashion, Randy Alcorn offers compassionate, factual answers to the central issues of the abortion debate. [Insert Sarah Marie Switzer image] An award-winning photo of an operation on Sarah Marie Switzer, a twenty-four-week unborn child with spina bifida. Sarah, here grasping a surgeon’s finger, was reinserted into her mother’s womb and born two months later, nine weeks premature. [Insert 3-D Real-Time ultrasound image] A 3-D ultrasound photo of a baby 21 weeks after conception—just over halfway through the pregnancy. Modern technology offers a window to the womb that is changing the face of the abortion debate. Story Behind the BookThere have always been likable people who hold to wrong positions on ethical issues—including slavery and anti-Semitism. Sincere people can be wrong and often are. We need a clear presentation of what is true. Randy Alcorn has intervened for the unborn and their mothers—and at great personal cost. In writing this book on one of today’s critical issues, he has endeavored to lay out well-supported facts on why the pro-life position is right and true when it comes to valuing human life.

Heaven: Biblical Answers to Common Questions

Randy Alcorn - 2004
    This handy little booklet makes a great gift! Features: 18 easy-to-understand questions and answers adapted from the best-selling Heaven Perfect gift for non-believers Great evangelism piece Convenient pocket-size, easy to fit in purses, backpacks, and briefcases Affordably priced

Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival

Nancy Leigh DeMoss - 2004
    but a complete transformation! It can happen ... in your heart ... in your home ... in your church ... in your world. Seeking Him is a 12-week interactive study on personal revival. Get ready to experience the freedom and joy of an honest and humble heart, true repentance, God's amazing grace, genuine holiness, a clear conscience, radical forgiveness, sexual purity, and walking in the Spirit. Each week includes five days of individual study, questions for group discussion and interaction, testimonies of changed lives, and 'Making it Personal' questions and exercises. God says that if you seek Him you will find Him. What are you waiting for'

Invitation to Solitude and Silence: Experiencing God's Transforming Presence

Ruth Haley Barton - 2004
    I have found myself . . . drawn to the task and yet somehow strangely resistant. On the one hand, I have been drawn to the task because my journey into solitude and silence has been the single most meaningful aspect of my spiritual life to date. . . . On the other hand, I am aware of the continuing challenge solitude and silence represent in my own life. Even though it has been well over ten years since I first said yes to God's invitations to enter more intentionally into these disciplines, I still find it challenging to protect space for these times apart which so deeply satisfy the empty places of my soul.Ruth Haley Barton describes how she has discovered the real presence of God--the God who is present through the practice of solitude and silence. Her book invites you to meet God deeply and fully outside the demands and noise of daily life. It is a call to the adventure of spiritual transformation--an adventure that will lead you to freedom and authenticity, allowing you to become the person God created you to be.In Invitation to Solitude and Silence Barton offers spiritual guidance for your journey, helping you to hear God's call more clearly and showing you concrete ways to say yes. Chapter by chapter she combines teaching and reflection on different aspects of the journey with activities and disciplines that will help you to practice solitude and silence. Barton offers the prophet Elijah as a biblical guide for your journey. And she offers her own perspective to help you understand the ups and downs you might experience along the way.The beauty of a true invitation is that you really do have a choice. You can say yes or no. God is waiting for you to respond to him from the depths of your desire for relationship, belonging and transformation. Will you say yes?

In the Likeness of God: The Dr. Paul Brand Tribute Edition of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and In His Image

Paul W. Brand - 2004
    Paul Brand—the brilliant hand surgeon who devoted his life to the poorest people of India and Louisiana—was also a likeness of God, living the kind of Christian life that exemplified what God must have had in mind. In the Likeness of God combines the complete texts of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and In His Image—both Gold Medallion Award–winners which together have sold more than half a million copies—into one volume. Also included for the first time are eight beautiful litanies of praise on the human body by Dr. Brand.In Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Dr. Paul Brand and bestselling writer Philip Yancey explore the wonder of the human body and uncover the eternal statements that God has made in the very structure of our bodies. Their remarkable journey through inner space—the world of cells, systems, and chemistry—points to a still deeper unseen reality of God’s work in our lives. In His Image takes up where the first book leaves off. In five sections—Image, Blood, Head, Spirit, and Pain—the authors unlock the remarkable living lessons contained in our physical makeup.

The Beloved Disciple: Following John to the Heart of Jesus

Beth Moore - 2004
    Having been with Jesus all the years of his ministry, John witnessed more miracles than he could count, saw more displays of power than he could comprehend, and experienced more love than he could fathom. And one unforgettable morning young John outran Peter to his Savior’s empty tomb. Just as Christ took John on a lifelong journey into the depths of His love, He will do the same for you. The bridegroom’s love is unmatched and inexhaustible, and He is waiting to lavish it on you, His beloved.

Beyond Words: Daily Readings in the ABC's of Faith

Frederick Buechner - 2004
    (2.) The reality that is beyond even the power of beyond words to convey, and that can be known only by experiencing it for yourself."A word a day to keep the demons at bay." This is how Frederick Buechner likes to describe this witty and incisive dictionary. A daily devotional from one of today's greatest spiritual writers, Beyond Words offers 366 entries from Buechner's three alphabet books, Wishful Thinking, Peculiar Treasures, and Whistling in the Dark, including a new Introduction and nineteen new entries.Providing definitions of both sacred and ordinary words, as well as biblical characters, Buechner unabashedly brings his fresh perspective to words, concepts, and characters we thought we understood. This is a great introduction to Buechner's work as well as a library staple for those already well versed in his writing. It is Buechner at his best. Whether readers find themselves tearful from a deeply moving insight or laughing out loud at an unexpected turn of phrase, they will always feel uplifted, illuminated, and enchanted by the wisdom of Frederick Buechner.

What on Earth Am I Here For?

Rick Warren - 2004
    An evangelistic booklet based on the first three chapters of The Purpose Driven Life.

Johnny Cash Reads the Complete New Testament-NKJV

Johnny Cash - 2004
    After 20 years of encouragement from his mother to record the Bible, he approached the recording of the New Testament with "fear, respect, awe, and reverence for the subject matter." Cash said further, "I also did it with a great deal of joy, because I love the Word." Johnny Cash Reads the Complete New Testament, is 19 hours of hearing the Word of God from one of the most distinctive voices of our time. The legend of country music shows his greatness.

God's Lavish Grace

Terry Virgo - 2004
    This concise survey of the impact and outworking of God's grace in the life of the believer will revitalize the most threadbare faith.

Daily in His Presence: A Classic Devotional from One of the Most Powerful Voices of the Nineteenth Century

Andrew Murray - 2004
    This treasury of 365 gems of biblical wisdom is presented here in contemporary English by best-sellingauthor Bruce Wilkinson.Each day will lead you deeper into God’s presence. Your spirit is yearning for it. Don’t delay. Let these timelesssecrets of a more meaningful spiritual life invigorate your soul.

Light Force: A Stirring Account of the Church Caught in the Middle East Crossfire

Al Janssen - 2004
    Today, in the land where the church began, less than two percent of the people in Israel, West Bank and Gaza are Christians. Yet that remnant holds the hope for peace-if they can only persevere in faith and not be discouraged.Light Force is the remarkable story of Brother Andrew's mission to seek out the church in the Middle East, learn about its conditions and needs, and do whatever he can to strengthen what remains. Through dramatic true stories, readers get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at real people affected by the centuries-old conflicts in this volatile part of the world. Now available in paper, this gripping account of the church caught in the crossfire will captivate readers everywhere.

A Wife After God's Own Heart

Elizabeth George - 2004
    No matter what the state or season of your marriage, this book is for you. Join bestselling author Elizabeth George as she shares the keys to having a great marriage, including... communicating to your husband more effectively understanding how to best support your man having more fun as a couple enhancing or rekindling marital intimacy honoring God together in your relationshipWhen it comes to making a marriage the best it can be, you'll find this book a practical help--including the many "Little Things That Make a Big Difference" in every chapter! Start now on the path to a stronger and more fulfilling relationship. Includes study guide.

Growing Your Faith: How to Mature in Christ

Jerry Bridges - 2004
    But what can we do to deepen our relationship with Jesus? What does He expect of us? And how can we be more like Him? Navigator author Jerry Bridges presents the essential elements of Christian life in a highly readable, practical form that men, women, and teens can enjoy. Learn how to:Feed your spiritual life by taking in the ScripturesRely on the Holy Spirit in obedience and prayerTrust God during the trials of lifeContribute your unique spiritual gifts to serve othersThese essentials of the Christian faith can help you disciple others.

Unrelenting Prayer

Bob Sorge - 2004
    Exploring Jesus' parable of the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8), Sorge helps to explain why God sometimes bears long with His elect, articulates God's purpose in the wait, expounds on how justice involves both restoration and restitution, and ignites faith to believe God to avenge us of our adversary.

The Wisdom of Tenderness: What Happens When God's Fierce Mercy Transforms Our Lives

Brennan Manning - 2004
    A Stirring Invitation to Accept God's Unfathomable Tenderness

A Treasury of Miracles for Friends: True Stories of God's Presence Today

Karen Kingsbury - 2004
    A heartwarming collection that reminds readers that God is present in every friendship.

The Poems and Prayers of Helen Steiner Rice

Virginia J. Ruehlmann - 2004
    From her remarkable body of work, this volume includes nearly four hundred original poems--sixteen of them rare and previously uncollected--and one never-before-published prayer discovered in the Helen Steiner Rice Foundation archives. Included are favorites like "The Praying Hands," "Heart Gifts," and "Tribute to John F. Kennedy." Organized topically into sixteen parts, this collection features the subjects Helen returned to again and again in her life--from musings on heaven and the beauty in nature to odes of love for friends and family. It's a definitive volume packed with heart and hope for generations to come.

Be Exultant (Psalms 90-150): Praising God for His Mighty Works

Warren W. Wiersbe - 2004
    Like David and Moses and others who contributed to the Book of Psalms, you can come to know God as the tenderhearted Father, a God who keeps his promises and who lovingly cares for his people. See yourself in those who follow him, their faith and doubts, their victories and failures, and their hopes for the glorious future God has promised. You will meet all kinds of people who are faced with a variety of circumstances, crying out to God, praising him, confessing their sins and seeking to worship him in a deeper, more meaningful way.

Be Worshipful (Psalms 1-89): Glorifying God for Who He Is

Warren W. Wiersbe - 2004
    Revised with a new look and added content, these commentaries now include study questions at the end of each chapter for further reflection and application.


Randy Alcorn - 2004
    Randy Alcorn has the answers.In the most comprehensive and definitive book on Heaven to date, Randy invites you to picture Heaven the way Scripture describes it-- a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, and death, and brimming with Christ's presence, wondrous natural beauty, and the richness of human culture as God intended it. God has put eternity in our hearts. Now, Randy Alcorn brings eternity to light in a way that will surprise you, spark your imagination, and change how you live life today. If you've always thought of Heaven as a realm of disembodied spirits, clouds, and eternal harp strumming, you're in for a wonderful surprise. This is a book about real people with real bodies enjoying close relationships with God and each other, eating, drinking, working, playing, traveling, worshiping, and discovering on a New Earth. Earth as God created it. Earth as he intended it to be. And the next time you hear someone say, "We cant begin to imagine what Heaven will be like," you'll be able to tell them, "I can."

Blessed Beyond Measure: Experience the Extraordinary Goodness of God

Gloria Copeland - 2004
    In BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE: DEVOTIONAL, Gloria Copeland invites readers, with warm, elegant prose, to embrace God's goodness and to learn to trust him with every area of their lives each day. Gloria explains, 'Only by placing our lives in his hands can we open the way for him to save us, bless us and work through us.'

Then Sings My Soul Book 2: 150 of the World's Greatest Hymn Stories (Then Sings My Soul, #2)

Robert J. Morgan - 2004

Hallmarks of Design

Stuart Burgess - 2004
    This book presents this in the light of the latest discoveries about the complexity and beauty of the natural world.

Listening for God: How an Ordinary Person Can Learn to Hear God Speak

Marilyn Hontz - 2004
    She discusses "Recognizing God's Voice While Reading Scripture," "Recognizing God's Voice While Praying," and "Recognizing God's Voice While Listening" and provides practical suggestions for cultivating a two-way conversation with God.

Worry: Pursuing a Better Path to Peace

David A. Powlison - 2004
    Jesus' words in Luke 12:22-34, however, give us better reasons not to worry and six steps to peace.

Christ in the Old Testament

Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 2004
    Drawing on the clear and direct revelation of the New Testament, Spurgeon uncovers the thorough and systematic way in which the life and ministry of Christ fulfills His integral and eternal role in the redemptive plan of God.

Renew My Heart: Daily Devotional Insights from John Wesley

John Wesley - 2004
    These 365-day books feature writings of the giants of Christendom--people like Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley, Matthew Henry, and Andrew Murray. It's very accessible introduction to some of the most important figures in Christian history.

Sunday Morning Memories

Don Reid - 2004
    If you've ever attended a church like this, you have probably encountered some people and situations just like the ones Don Reid describes in his humorous, sentimental, and very nostalgic book, Sunday Morning Memories. Don Reid, in his wonderfully witty and down-to-earth way:- Runs the gamut of subjects from covered dish suppers to family pews to revivals to Vacation Bible School.- Reminisces about stray radio signals coming through the PA system, using Sunday school money for purposes other than the collection plate, and skipping church on Sunday night to go to the movies.- Reflects on candlelight services on Christmas Eve, Easter Sunrise services, weddings, and funerals.- Reminds us to appreciate our church family, our different denominations, our church traditions, and our Lord.Don’s reminiscent stories will remind you of how really wonderful it is to have a church family to help make your own Sunday Morning Memories.

Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World: Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Ken Ham - 2004
    Parents also face a disturbing trend of young people leaving home and leaving the Church - and want to insure their children have a strong foundation of biblical faith and understanding. Discover how to create an incredible faith legacy in your family! Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World presents empowering insight for: surviving the culture wars as a family, educating children-the Bible offers guidance, practical tips for raising spiritually-healthy children, solutions to the root cause of dysfunctional families, discovering biblical authority as a parent, and discipline-necessary and lovingly administered. Ken Ham is joined by his brother, Steve Ham, in presenting this powerful look at how the principles and truth of Genesis are vital to the strong and lasting foundation of a family. Sharing their own stories of growing up in a Genesis family and sharing this legacy within their own families, it is an intensely personal and practical guide for parents.

Becoming a Woman Who Listens to God

Sharon Jaynes - 2004
    Women find themselves longing for time away from it all so they can really hear God. This title invites women everywhere to explore answers to the heartcry, How can I hear the voice of God?

The Miracle of Life Change: How God Transforms His Children

Chip Ingram - 2004
    Using the Bible and practical examples, Chip Ingram will show you how to participate in the process of true metamorphosis (or "morphing") that brings about a completely new you—a you that's remade from the inside out. He'll show you how you can think, feel, and act differently because God's Spirit has taken up residence inside you.In this book, Chip explores how life-change really happens, even in the midst of frustrating, painful, or mundane circumstances.Don't give up! Let this book encourage and equip you to follow Christ headstrong into new life.

Robert Morrison: Translator in China

Rebecca Hammond - 2004
    He accomplished incredible things for God, including a translation of the Bible into Chinese, an Anglo-Chinese dictionary, and hundreds of Chinese tracts and translations. Morrison toiled for twenty-five years in China, and though his ministry was not blessed by great numbers of converts, he paved the way for other missionaries to come to China. His work for Christ was what mattered, not the praise of friends or the blame of his enemies. He worked ceaselessly, never faltering from the path of duty, which enabled him to accomplish work which seemed impossible. To all Christians he is a wonderful example.

The Beauty of Christ through Brokenness

K.P. Yohannan - 2004
    Rise above the things that hinder you from doing this, and see how your life can display His beauty, power and love.

The Enduring Classics of Billy Graham

Billy Graham - 2004
    Graham's reputation as the world's leading teacher of biblical truths makes this collection a great idea for someone searching for answers to some of life's most troubling questions. No one communicates with the wisdom and simplicity of Dr. Graham, as evidenced by this powerful collection of inspirational writings. This first volume includes these best-selling titles:The Secret of Happiness teaches that happiness is a by-product, a bonus that comes when we seek what is really important.Death and the Life After, a classic that liberates readers from fear and denial on the topic of death and helps them find peace, assurance, and ultimately triumph .In Hope for the Troubled Heart Dr. Graham teaches about God's unfailing love as the key to hope in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Complete Personalized Promise Bible: Every Promise in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, Written Just for You

James Riddle - 2004
    Carefully crafted from various translations, each promise faithfully expresses God's Word in heartfelt, personal prayer language.

Knowing God Through the Year: A 365-Day Devotional (Through the Year Devotionals)

J.I. Packer - 2004
    I. Packer's Knowing God. Each day you'll read a Scripture and a brief passage about the glory and joy of being in relationship with God. An idea at the end of each day's reading will help you to respond to God in prayer and reflection. This could be the most significant book you will read this year―or next.

A Glimpse of Grace: A True Story

Mary Forsythe - 2004
    It is a story of dreams and disappointments, of heartache and hope, of tragedy and tenderness, of loss and love. Walk with Mary Forsythe through an innocent childhood in small-town America to a glamorous life in the capital of ritz, through successful business and investment endeavors to a grueling government investigation and a federal indictment that landed her in prison.

The Secret Place Of God's Protection By Gloria Copeland On Audio Cd

Gloria Copeland - 2004
    Satan has no access. The enemy has no access. Terror has no access. There is a place by God, in God, for us that is fully protected. When you dwell in this secret place, you know that you are not in any trouble because there is nothing higher than the Most High! He can't be outdone, overcome, run over or put down. There is nothing higher than where we dwell in the Most High. You too can learn how to abide in that secret place. It's available to every believer. You don't have to be afraid or worried about tomorrow. Security, protection and peace of mind belong to you. They are your covenant right - in Christ Jesus. God's Word is full of protection. And this little book and its companion CD are full of powerful scriptures, faith-filled prayers and confessions, and encouraging quotes from Gloria Copeland that will increase your faith for protection again and again.

The Infertility Companion: Hope and Help for Couples Facing Infertility

Sandra L. Glahn - 2004
    But hope is available—today more than ever. The Infertility Companion draws on the Bible and on current medical knowledge, including the latest research, to shed light on such questions as:•Can people of faith ethically use high-tech infertility treatments?•How do we make moral, biblical decisions about medical treatment, third-party reproduction, stem cell research, and embryo adoption? •Is God punishing me? •Does God even care?•Will adoption increase our chances of getting pregnant?•How can we reduce the stress of infertility on our marriage relationship?•How can we keep sex from becoming a chore?These theologically trained authors have taught at a variety of conferences on infertility, pregnancy loss, and adoption, and they have helped thousands of couples to face the future through their message of encouragement. The Infertility Companion includes discussion questions and a workbook suitable for individuals, couples, or small groups. Full of practical tips and true stories, this book will guide couples past the ethical pitfalls of assisted reproductive technologies as they travel the difficult road ahead.An all-encompassing guide for the Christian infertility patient. Where other books fall short, this “companion” aids the patient not only with the physical and emotional aspects of this journey, but also helps answer the tough spiritual and ethical questions that arise in a couple’s desire to conceive.—Julie Watson, Conceiving Concepts

Prayers of My Heart

Debbie Williams - 2004
    But many find their prayer life erratic and haphazard, forgetting promises to pray for friends and neglecting good intentions to pray more consistently. In Prayers of My Heart, Debbie Williams offers help for busy people to maintain the focused, meaningful, and intentional prayer life they want.

A Firm Foundation: Building a Household of Faith on the Unchanging Principles of the Word of God

Paul Chappell - 2004
    Every well-built house must first have carefully designed blueprints, a strong foundation, and a competent builder. Even so, a strong Christian home can only be the product of the blueprint of God’s Word, the foundation of Jesus Christ, and the daily guiding hand of the Holy Spirit. In a culture that is redefining marriage and the family, you can build your family upon the firm foundation of God's Word! If you are determined to understand and follow God's design for your family, the pages of this book will establish your footing on solid ground!Study questions are included at the end of each chapter!


Joel Sonnenberg - 2004
    This is Joel's own extraordinary account that many have been waiting for. It is the story of how a two-year-old boy has grown up to be a young man after a horrific tragedy changed his life forever. It reveals the faith, courage, and determination needed to make life one of wholeness and purpose. Despite overwhelming odds, Joel survived an explosive collision with an 18-wheeler. Escaping the flames before they claimed his life, Joel's body was transformed. He was burned on over 85 percent of his body and lost his eyelids, fingers, toes, and hair. Despite all that was taken from him, this book chronicles the astounding life and thoughts of a young man whose faith restores him into someone who has much to give. Joel considers his disability to be a special gift from God. When reading his story, you will be inspired by his love for God and his can-do attitude.

When Women Long for Rest

Cindi McMenamin - 2004
    They want to do more than just simplify or reorganize their lives; they're looking for a rest that will help them to... -avoid spiritual burnout -sense a gratifying fulfillment in all their work -enjoy greater intimacy with God -drink deeply of the riches in God's Word -revive their hearts through prayer and worship When Women Long for Rest is an invitation for women to find their quiet place at God's feet-a place where they can listen to Him, open their hearts to Him, and experience true rest.

Eternal Marriage and the Parable of the Silverware

F. Burton Howard - 2004
    Burton Howard, who reminds us that the covenant of marriage comes with sacred obligations and must not be treated lightly.  Most of what I know about this I have learned from my"mso-spacerun: yes">  We have been married for almost forty-seven years now.  From the beginning she knew what kind of marriage she wanted style="mso-spacerun: yes">   <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-fareast-language: EN-US">Elder Howard follows his wise counsel with a poignant, personal story that beautifully illustrates the sacrifice and effort required to make a marriage"FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-fareast-language: EN-US"> style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-fareast-language: EN-US"> Author s Bio Elder F. Burton Howard of the First Quorum of the Seventy is the author of two previous books, Marion G. Romney: His Life and Faith and You Can Go Home Again. style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Elder Howard was born in Logan, Utah.  He graduated from the University of Utah College of Law and served as president of the Uruguay Montevideo Mission.  Prior to his calling as a General Authority in 1978, he was a managing partner in a Salt Lake City law firm and was an assistant attorney general and special assistant attorney general for the state of Utah.  Elder Howard is married to Caroline Heise"mso-spacerun: yes">  They are the parents of five children.

The Language of Love: Hearing and Speaking the Language of God

Graham Cooke - 2004
    God uses the language of love to help us understand how he sees us--but we hardly understand its magnitude. Readers can join Cooke in this exploration of the unbelievable love of God and learn how they can touch others with this life-transforming gift.