Book picks similar to
Information Engineering: Strategic Systems Development by Clive Finkelstein
The Past Present and Future of JavaScript
Axel Rauschmayer - 2012
Now, hopes and expectations for JavaScript’s future are considerable.In this insightful report, Dr. Axel Rauschmayer explains how the combination of several technologies and opportunities in the past 15 years turned JavaScript’s fortunes. With that as a backdrop, he provides a detailed look at proposed new features and fixes in the next version,, and then presents his own JavaScript wish list—such as an integrated IDE.
Database Systems: The Complete Book
Jeffrey D. Ullman - 1999
Written by well-known computer scientists, this introduction to database systems offers a comprehensive approach, focusing on database design, database use, and implementation of database applications and database management systems. The first half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the database designer, user, and application programmer. It covers the latest database standards SQL:1999, SQL/PSM, SQL/CLI, JDBC, ODL, and XML, with broader coverage of SQL than most other texts. The second half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the DBMS implementor. It focuses on storage structures, query processing, and transaction management. The book covers the main techniques in these areas with broader coverage of query optimization than most other texts, along with advanced topics including multidimensional and bitmap indexes, distributed transactions, and information integration techniques.
Advancing Your Spirit 4-CD Set: Finding Meaning In Your Life's Journey
Wayne W. Dyer - 2008
This is a rare opportunity to hear two luminaries from the field of self-development together for the first time on an audio program.As you absorb the information on these four CDs, you’ll find that you can transform your challenges and concerns into spiritual triumphs; learn the keys to empowering yourself in the midst of change, chaos, and complexity by understanding and applying spiritual principles to your life; and discover the deeper meaning inherent in your daily experiences and see your life as a blueprint for growth and personal evolution.
Sams Teach Yourself SQL™ in 10 Minutes
Ben Forta - 1999
It also covers MySQL, and PostgreSQL. It contains examples which have been tested against each SQL platform, with incompatibilities or platform distinctives called out and explained.
Modern Database Management
Jeffrey A. Hoffer - 1994
Intended for professional development programs in introductory database management.
Murach's PHP and MySQL
Joel Murach - 2010
Teaches developers how to build database-driven web applications using two of today's most popular open-source software tools, PHP and MySQL.
How to Count (Programming for Mere Mortals, #1)
Steven Frank - 2011
unsigned numbers- Floating point and fixed point arithmeticThis short, easily understood book will quickly get you thinking like a programmer.
Computer Graphics with OpenGL
Donald Hearn - 2003
The text converts all programming code into the C++ language.
Working with UNIX Processes
Jesse Storimer - 2011
Want to impress your coworkers and write the fastest, most efficient, stable code you ever have? Don't reinvent the wheel. Reuse decades of research into battle-tested, highly optimized, and proven techniques available on any Unix system.This book will teach you what you need to know so that you can write your own servers, debug your entire stack when things go awry, and understand how things are working under the hood.
MacBook For Dummies
Mark L. Chambers - 2006
In addition to the freedom to work wherever you happen to be, a MacBook offers youA portable darkroom with iPhoto Mobile music, podcasts, and Internet radio GarageBand software that lets you make your own music The ability to create and share original movies and DVDs Safari, a safer and ultra-cool Web browser, and all the other OS X advantages Whether you already have your new MacBook or are still weighing the pros and cons of various models, MacBook For Dummies is a valuable resource. For newcomers to laptop land, it's packed with basic information about using and caring for Mac laptops. It also walks you through Mac OS X, the revolutionary Macintosh operating system that makes your laptop tick. Then it's on to all the fun stuff you can do with your MacBook, like making music, editing photos and turning them into a book, creating DVDs on the road, or adding a wireless keyboard. MacBook For Dummies will help youSet up your MacBook and get acquainted with all the features of the Mac OS X Tiger operating system Use the Safari Web browser and Apple's .Mac Internet subscriber service, connect your MacBook to a printer, and communicate with your cell phone or PDA Connect to a wired or wireless network Make the most of the iLife applications that come with your MacBook--iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie HD, iDVD, and GarageBand Keep your MacBook and your data safe, troubleshoot any problems, and maintain your system Popular For Dummies author Mark Chambers has loaded this fun book with tips, ideas, and his famous "Mark's Maxims"--power user advice that will guide you around the pitfalls and make you a Macxpert in no time. From latptop basics all the way to upgrading and adding memory, MacBook For Dummies will be your MacBook's best friend.
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
John Zelle - 2003
It takes a fairly traditional approach, emphasizing problem solving, design, and programming as the core skills of computer science. However, these ideas are illustrated using a non-traditional language, namely Python. Although I use Python as the language, teaching Python is not the main point of this book. Rather, Python is used to illustrate fundamental principles of design and programming that apply in any language or computing environment. In some places, I have purposely avoided certain Python features and idioms that are not generally found in other languages. There are already many good books about Python on the market; this book is intended as an introduction to computing. Features include the following: *Extensive use of computer graphics. *Interesting examples. *Readable prose. *Flexible spiral coverage. *Just-in-time object coverage. *Extensive end-of-chapter problems.
An Introduction to Database Systems
C.J. Date - 2003
This new edition has been rewritten and expanded to stay current with database system trends.
Computer Science: An Overview
J. Glenn Brookshear - 1985
This bookpresents an introductory survey of computer science. It explores thebreadth of the subject while including enough depth to convey anhonest appreciation for the topics involved. The new edition includesreorganization of some key material for enhanced clarity (SoftwareEngineering and Artificial Intelligence chapters), new and expandedmaterial on Security and Data Abstractions, more on ethics anddifferent ethical theories in Chapter 0. Anyone interested in gaining athorough introduction to Computer Science.
Database Management Systems
Raghu Ramakrishnan - 1997
Coherent explanations and practical examples have made this one of the leading texts in the field. The third edition continues in this tradition, enhancing it with more practical material. The new edition has been reorganized to allow more flexibility in the way the course is taught. Now, instructors can easily choose whether they would like to teach a course which emphasizes database application development or a course that emphasizes database systems issues. New overview chapters at the beginning of parts make it possible to skip other chapters in the part if you don't want the detail.More applications and examples have been added throughout the book, including SQL and Oracle examples. The applied flavor is further enhanced by the two new database applications chapters.
Absolute Beginner's Guide to C
Greg Perry - 1993
This bestseller talks to readers at their level, explaining every aspect of how to get started and learn the C language quickly. Readers also find out where to learn more about C. This book includes tear-out reference card of C functions and statements, a hierarchy chart, and other valuable information. It uses special icons, notes, clues, warnings, and rewards to make understanding easier. And the clear and friendly style presumes no programming knowledge.