The Pen Commandments: A Guide for the Beginning Writer

Steven Frank - 2003
    Thou Shalt Not Pick on the Puncts: Frank persuades a hyperkinetic teen to slow down long enough to let punctuation marks help the boy’s own natural storytelling ability come through. Thou Shalt Overcome Writer’s Block: With practical advice and compelling case studies, Frank unfreezes the pens of struggling writers all around him, from his mail carrier to a former student to his own mom.Drawing on Frank’s considerable experience as an English teacher, his passion for writing, and his love of language, The Pen Commandments is a witty and accessible book that entertains as it instructs.

How to Write a Selling Screenplay

Christopher Keane - 1998
    In How to Write a Selling Screenplay, he takes writers through the entire process, from developing a story to finding the best agent. Using an annotated version of an often-optioned screenplay of his own, and citing examples from movies ranging from Casablanca and Lethal Weapon to Sling Blade and The English Patient, he discusses how to create three-dimensional characters, find a compelling story, build an airtight plot structure, fine-tune dialogue, and much more. Keane's tips on the difference between writing for film and television, as well as his advice on dealing with Hollywood movers and shakers, make this an essential companion for people writing their first--or their fortieth--screenplay.

Writing Poems

Peter Sansom - 1993
    He illustrates his book with many useful examples, covering the areas of writing techniques and procedures and drafting.


Richard Broadbent III - 2012
    It is a guide to salvation for those who have not been born again. It teaches relationship with the Lord, verses just being good or religious. It also teaches on what to expect as a Christian, how to pray, drawing near to God, and how you can and should grow as a Christian.This is followed by prayers on many various topics which are written from the perspective that God is all powerful, that the scriptures are inerrant, and that the Word of God is alive and powerful. We believe that those who have faith in God and have been saved by the blood of Jesus can pray these prayers and expect to have what they have prayed for, whether it be forgiveness of sin, healing, deliverance from bondage, or any prayer that is in line with the truth of God’s word.Thousands of people have testified to the blessings they have received from this book. To date we have mailed out over 2 million copies, have had 280,000 copies downloaded from the internet, and have had over 500,000 hits on our mobile download site. You may visit us at for more information on printed copies

An American Fraud: One Lawyer's Case Against Mormonism

Kay Burningham - 2011
    There is no middle ground. It is the Church and kingdom of God or it is nothing."--LDS President Gordon B. Hinckley, April Conference, 2003. Many Mormons assume that this and other similar proclamations by Mormon Leaders are rhetorical statements. But what if the LDS leaders meant something else? It is estimated that more than 1-1.5 million Mormons have resigned from the LDS Church since 1995. This book exposes why there is such a recent, formal abandonment of Mormonism by, in many cases, previously devout members of the Church. Admittedly, the LDS Church "stands or falls," on the divinity of "The Book of Mormon." However, it has been proven that "The Book of Mormon" is not a translation of ancient American history engraved in "reformed Egyptian," on golden plates buried by an early American prophet. Instead, it has been shown to be a 19th-century work of fiction authored by Joseph Smith and perhaps others. Until the advent of widespread internet access, most members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons, rarely read outside the strictly proscribed canonized scriptures, books and magazines approved by Church leaders. But over the past 10-15 years, Mormons have begun to discover facts about LDS history that had only previously been known to very few, mainly scholarly historians of Mormonism. Through the discovery of these primary historical sources, now available on numerous internet sites, most intelligent and curious Mormons have reached a critical point and are furious. If they read, they have become disaffected and disoriented. Many are experiencing existential crises. Those who refuse to look outside Mormon Society for Truth have become increasingly self-righteous and insular. The first third of "An American Fraud: One Lawyer's Case against Mormonism," chronicles the Author's journey out of the Religion. The second two-thirds of the Book, the last six chapters, are an exposé including an analysis under the law. The Author, an experienced civil trial attorney, places the activities of Mormon Leaders over almost two centuries in their proper legal framework, analyzing not only the misrepresentations, but the resulting damages: political, environmental and especially psycho-social. Ms. Burningham writes that a determination of whether Mormon Leaders have historically misrepresented the origins of LDS theology does not involve a judicial evaluation of the truth of religious beliefs and is therefore not beyond the reach of the American legal system--it is not constitutionally barred. The issue is not whether Jesus Christ is the Son of God, or the efficacy of prayer. These things could never be determined by a secular court of law. Instead, the fraud committed by generations of Mormon Leaders is that they have misrepresented the facts surrounding the source of their scriptures, presenting that source as divine, when they have known otherwise. Neither the golden plates, nor the writings by the Old Testament prophet, Abraham, claimed to have been inscribed on Egyptian papyri, ever existed. Furthermore, the claimed visitations by biblical apostles to restore lost priesthoods to Smith and his colleagues never occurred.  Yet for decades LDS leaders have at least ignored, if not suppressed and grossly misrepresented, the true facts surrounding Mormonism's origins, reworking and re-packaging the founding facts and the theology as necessary. Those who joined the Church or continued on in the Religion reasonably relied on LDS leaders' misrepresentations to their significant detriment. Given what has been proven about its sources, the Author claims that the Mormon Religion cannot continue to be defended under any guise as a religious organization for the good of its members.

Building a Life Out of Words

Shawn Smucker - 2012
    Then there are times when life punches you in the gut, takes your wallet, and leaves you hanging upside down by your toenails.2009 was one of those times for me (the gut-punching kind). My construction business faltered after the housing bubble burst, and my wife and I found ourselves in $50,000 worth of debt. Then came the toughest decision of our young lives: we left the community we loved and moved into my parents' basement in search of a simpler life.Part of the change included laying aside my aspirations for wealth and taking up the vocation of my dreams: I would try to make money writing full time. This is the story of my first year doing exactly that.I would try to build a life out of words.Also included in the book are nine essays from folks who make money writing – they share unique tips on how to find writing work and how to improve your craft. Contributors include Andi Cumbo, Bryan Allain, Ed Cyzewski, Jason Boyett, Jeff Goins, Jennifer Luitwieler, Ken Mueller, Kristin Tennant, and Stacy Barton.

Acedia & Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer's Life

Kathleen Norris - 2008
    Even as she struggled, Norris recognized her familiar battle with acedia. She had discovered the word in an early Church text when she was in her thirties. Having endured times of deep soul-weariness since she was a teenager, she immediately recognized that this passage described her affliction: sinking into a state of being unable to care. Fascinated by this “noonday demon,” so familiar to those in the early and medieval Church, Norris read intensively and knew she must restore this forgotten but utterly relevant and important concept to the modern world’s vernacular. Like Norris’s The Cloister Walk, Acedia & me is part memoir and part meditation. As in her Amazing Grace, here Norris explicates and demystifies a spiritual concept, exploring acedia through the geography of her life as a writer; her marriage and the challenges of commitment in the midst of grave illness; and her keen interest in the monastic tradition. Unlike her earlier books, this one features a poignant narrative throughout of Norris’s and her husband’s bouts with acedia and its clinical cousin, depression. Moreover, her analysis of acedia reveals its burden not just on individuals but on whole societies— and that the “restless boredom, frantic escapism, commitment phobia, and enervating despair that we struggle with today are the ancient demon of acedia in modern dress.”

Fondling Your Muse

John Warner - 2005
    I alone have heard your silent screams, so I have written this book to help you achieve what everyone who has the courage to live the creative life deserves: complete, utter, slavish adoration and worship. Also: incalculable wealth that insulates you from the concerns of ordinary people." And there you have it. Fondling Your Muse is John Warner's innovative and slightly insane book of instruction for those who want to write, and those who think they already can. It's packed with quirky (possibly deranged) advice guaranteed to make you laugh out loud in the most embarrassing fashion possible. You know what we mean. It also includes a special chapter entitled "Everything Stephen King Knows About Writing Successfully: Plus Some Things I Know That He Doesn't Because He Isn't That Special." No other book currently available has this chapter! And Fondling Your Muse provides the kind of wise, insightful guidance that's missing from all of those self-serious, mind-numbingly awful books that promise riches and fame by writing only 20 minutes a day. Let's say you're looking for a tried-and-true recipe for literary success. Warner reveals all of the best ones, including these succulent concoctions: * Contemporary Romance Quiche al la Nicholas Sparks ("Tasty with a side of hackneyed potatoes.") * Tom Clancy Techno-Thriller Surprise ("Preparation is usually subcontracted to others.") * Chick-Lit Cacciatore ("Satisfies many, every single time. I can't explain how either.") * Harlequin Romance Salad ("Thoroughly rip bodices, pound prose until purple, and combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl.") * John Grisham's Legal Thriller Stew ("Boil in pot until ingredients bubble over line of believability.") * Comtemporary American Literary Fiction Flambé ("Served in smaller and smaller quantities as the years go by.") Mmmm...tasty. Even really famous people endorse Warner's work: "Fondling Your Muse is brilliant in the same way the most distant stars in the galaxy are brilliant. If it's a really clear night and you tilt your head to the side and squint, you sort of see it." -- Dave Eggers It doesn't get any better than that. So go ahead - get Fondling today!

Writing for Comics and Graphic Novels with Peter David (Writing for Comics & Graphic Novels)

Peter David - 2009
    Instruction is easy to follow, even for beginners. New content to the book includes ten brand-new pages of specific questions from aspiring fans that read the first edition, covering a range of current and updated topics. Readers will also find useful a comprehensive chapter on the do's and don'ts of breaking into the comics business by Andy Schmidt, senior editor at "IDW", owner of a consulting company for aspiring comics professionals and author of "The Insider's Guide to Creating Comics and Graphic Novels". The revised edition also includes a brand-new introduction by Peter David as well as a new foreword by renowned comic's artist George Perez.

Writing Flash Fiction: How to Write Very Short Stories and Get Them Published

Carly Berg - 2015
    She is the author of Coffee House Lies: 100 Cups of Flash Fiction.

How to Discover Best-Selling Nonfiction eBook Ideas - The Bulletproof Strategy

Steve Scott - 2013
    You can't write about any topic and expect it will become a best selling eBook. The truth is the Amazon marketplace is full of fickle readers. Most will only read a specific type of nonfiction book. If you're not writing about these topics then no one is going to buy your book. It's that simple!As an expert on niche research, I know what it takes to find proven, profitable markets. I use four free websites to discover where people are spending money. In my book, I show you these sites. Plus I teach you how to find the right niche that matches your background and personal interests.Generate Hundreds Of Book Ideas and Publish Your 1st, 2nd, and 100th Best-Selling Kindle BookThe key to making a killing on Kindle is to follow a publisher's model. You don't succeed with a single title. Your best best is to locate a hidden niche full of hungry buyers who will buy everything you publish. That's how the top authors really make money with Amazon eBooks.My guide details an additional four websites for exploring any market topic. You won't have to guess what people will buy. Instead you'll do a special type of research to decipher the language they use and locate the problems they encounter on a daily basis. In addition, you'll discover the right way to get hundreds of profitable nonfiction book ideas.Discover 7 Secrets Of Highly Effective Kindle AuthorsYou'll need the right philosophy to win at the Amazon game. I've examined top-selling Kindle authors and discovered they have a specific mindset that leads to hundreds of daily sales. My guide details these 7 "highly effective" secrets and shows how you can adopt these winning habits.Use 5 Different Ways To "Hack" AmazonAll the market research in the world won't matter if you pick the wrong market. The only way to publish a best-selling book is to know if it' something Amazon readers will buy.Fortunately I know the secret to determining the profitability of any nonfiction book idea. Specifically I use five tools to "hack" Amazon's algorithm. You'll learn:1. How to determine the average daily sales of any published title2. The quickest way to find related books in your marketplace3. A simple trick for discovering "hidden" book ideas4. My system for turning an unprofitable idea into a title that readers want5. How to use the top selling charts to find what's currently popular in your market.There is a goldmine of information on Amazon. You just need the right tools to do the digging. With my "5 Amazon Hacks," you'll know...within minutes...if you have a best-selling book idea. Then all you have to do is write and publish your title!Would You Like To Know More?Get started right away and locate those best-selling nonfiction book ideas.Scroll to the top of the page and select the 'buy button' now.

The Muses Among Us: Eloquent Listening and Other Pleasures of the Writer's Craft

Kim Stafford - 2003
    In a series of first-person letters, essays, manifestos, and notes to the reader, Kim Stafford shows what might happen at the creative boundary he calls "what we almost know." On the boundary's far side is our story, our poem, our song. On this side are the resonant hunches, griefs, secrets, and confusions from which our writing will emerge. Guiding us from such glimmerings through to a finished piece are a wealth of experiments, assignments, and tricks of the trade that Stafford has perfected over thirty years of classes, workshops, and other gatherings of writers.Informing The Muses Among Us are Stafford's own convictions about writing--principles to which he returns again and again. We must, Stafford says, honor the fragments, utterances, and half-discovered truths voiced around us, for their speakers are the prophets to whom writers are scribes. Such filaments of wisdom, either by themselves or alloyed with others, give rise to our poems, stories, and essays. In addition, as Stafford writes, "all pleasure in writing begins with a sense of abundance--rich knowledge and boundless curiosity." By recommending ways for students to seek beyond the self for material, Stafford demystifies the process of writing and claims for it a Whitmanesque quality of participation and community.

Be Patient and Paradise Will Be Yours

Darussalam - 2013
    It is the best course of action in all situations. It is a cause for Allah’s mercy and help. It is a source of spiritual joy. The final victory in both matters of the world and Hereafter is only earned by patience and the good end belongs only to the patient ones. Our trials in this world are numerous and varied. Sometime, they comes as difficulties and some other times in forms of ease. Situations that life turns on us sometimes could stretch our will and faith to the extreame. In all situations, patience and eemaan remain our most valued companions for the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:“Whoever remains patient, Allah will make him patient. Nobody can be given a blessing better and greater than patient.”(Bukhari)This book is a discussion of patience and how to develop that trait so that we might be a recipient of one of Allah’s greatest blessings

Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven

Suzanne Ward - 2001
    Book annotation not available for this title.Title: Matthew, Tell Me About HeavenAuthor: Ward, SuzannePublisher: Matthew BooksPublication Date: 2002/09/01Number of Pages: 206Binding Type: PAPERBACKLibrary of Congress:

Writing and Enjoying Haiku: A Hands-On Guide

Jane Reichhold - 2002
    Haiku are clearly shown to be a means of discovering and recording the miracles of the world, from the humorous to the tragic. This is one of the major themes underlying Writing and Enjoying Haiku-that haiku can provide a way to a better life.After looking at why the reading and writing of haiku is important from a spiritual point of view, the book shows, as has never been done before, the techniques of writing-the when and the where, punctuation and capitalization, choice of words, figures of speech, sharing haiku, and much, much more.Having come this far, having learned to read and write haiku with a discerning mind, the reader will never again look upon the world in quite the same way.