What is an Author?

Michel Foucault - 1969
    The work considers the relationship between author, text, and reader; concluding that:“The Author is a certain functional principle by which, in our culture, one limits, excludes and chooses: (…) The author is therefore the ideological figure by which one marks the manner in which we fear the proliferation of meaning.”For many, Foucault's lecture mirrors much of Roland Barthes' essay Death of the Author.

I Can't But Jesus Can: Experiencing the Power of Surrender

Adam Houge - 2015
    Before you can make a difference first you need to learn and be changed by the power of surrender. In this book you will discover everything you need to understand God’s will, increase your faith, and experience Jesus more intimately in your life. All you have to do is begin with surrender.

Elbow Room: A Tale of Tenacity on Kodiak Island, Alaska

D.D. Fisher - 2011
    From humorous fishing excursions and frightening bear encounters to snow blinding blizzards and quirky characters, they come face to face with the unpredictable Mother Nature and learn the value of friendship, survival, and solitude in a picturesque but harsh life by the sea. Packed with adventures, challenges, and true Alaskan lifestyle.

Ten Tips for Topping the Romance Charts: How To Get Your Own Happy Ever After

Mark J. Dawson - 2017
    Romance author Serenity Woods and best selling author Mark Dawson provide ten short tips to help the eager beginner interested in turning their hobby of writing romance stories into a way to earn a living.

the little book of SITCOM

John Vorhaus - 2011
    So much of what you need to know is already defined for you. You know that your script needs to be a certain short length, with a certain small number of characters. You know that your choice of scenes is limited to your show’s standing sets and maybe one or two swing sets or outside locations. You know how your characters behave and how they’re funny, either because you invented them or because you’re writing for a show where these things are already well established. Sitcom is easy and sitcom is fun. Sitcom is the gateway drug to longer forms of writing. It’s a pretty good buzz and a pretty good ride, a great way to kill an afternoon, or even six months. And now, thanks to comedy writing guru John Vorhaus (author of THE COMIC TOOLBOX: HOW TO BE FUNNY EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT), writing situation comedy is easier than ever. In THE LITTLE BOOK OF SITCOM, you'll find a whole trove of tools, tricks and problem-solving techniques that you can use -- now, today -- to be the sitcom writer of your wildest dreams. Ready to write? Ready to have fun? THE LITTLE BOOK OF SITCOM is the big little book for you.

A Reader on Reading

Alberto Manguel - 2010
    “We come into the world intent on finding narrative in everything,” writes Manguel, “landscape, the skies, the faces of others, the images and words that our species create.” Reading our own lives and those of others, reading the societies we live in and those that lie beyond our borders, reading the worlds that lie between the covers of a book are the essence of A Reader on Reading.The thirty-nine essays in this volume explore the crafts of reading and writing, the identity granted to us by literature, the far-reaching shadow of Jorge Luis Borges, to whom Manguel read as a young man, and the links between politics and books and between books and our bodies. The powers of censorship and intellectual curiosity, the art of translation, and those “numinous memory palaces we call libraries” also figure in this remarkable collection. For Manguel and his readers, words, in spite of everything, lend coherence to the world and offer us “a few safe places, as real as paper and as bracing as ink,” to grant us room and board in our passage.

How to Write the Perfect Resume: Stand Out, Land Interviews, and Get the Job You Want

Dan Clay - 2018
    As you read through the job description, your excitement builds as you realize that the job is a perfect fit! Not wasting another second, you fill out the application, attach your resume, and hold your breath as you hit “Apply.” Then you wait. And wait. And wait some more. Weeks go by without hearing so much as a peep, and before long you’ve given up hope on what seemed like a match made in heaven. Sound familiar? You’re not alone! On average there are 250 resumes submitted for every job opening, which means that 99.6% of applicants will fail to land the jobs they apply for. To get the job you want, you don’t just need a great resume--you need an outstanding resume, one that puts you in the top 1% of candidates for the job. That means ditching the same old advice you’ve been following with little results and adopting a tried-and-true process for getting your resume noticed in even the most competitive situations. In this book, Dan Clay breaks down the exact method he’s carefully developed over a period of ten years and provides a precise, step-by-step set of instructions for crafting the perfect resume, down to the last period. Unlike the dime-a-dozen recruiters turned career coaches who have never had to put themselves on the line in today’s brutally competitive job market, Dan offers practical, real-world experience gained from applying for and getting job offers from some of the most prestigious, competitive companies in the world. And when it comes to something as important as your career, don’t you deserve to learn from someone who’s actually succeeded at doing what you’re hoping to do? Of course you do! Here are some of the things you’ll learn about how to transform your resume from average to awe-inspiring: How to handle tricky pitfalls like extended time off or unemployment and have your resume come out as strong as ever How to make your accomplishments sound dramatically more impressive without having to tell a single lie How to remove the guesswork about what to include in your resume and build it to the exacting specifications of your target job's requirements How to pass the four tests that companies will put your resume through with flying colors How to strike the perfect composition of content, white space, and page length to accentuate and differentiate your strengths How to avoid the common (and not so common) resume mistakes that leave your resume dead on arrival How to tell a powerful story that demonstrates your capabilities in a way that will knock the socks off anyone reading it How to stand out without resorting to cheap tricks that come off as cheesy or over-the-top PLUS, you’ll also gain access to a free companion website containing fully editable resume templates, a perfect resume checklist, and other bonus materials to give you everything you need to create a stunning resume that will get you noticed and land you interviews. Whether you’re a new graduate looking for your first job, a career veteran angling for your next move, a recent victim of a layoff, or someone looking to dip their toes back int

Productivity Tools for Writers

Gwen Hernandez - 2013
    Can't find that amazing idea in your pile of sticky notes? Distracted by blog posts, social media, and email? Looking for an easy way to keep track of your research?This booklet (about 30 pages) introduces handy--and often free or inexpensive--computer-based tools to help you eliminate distractions, track your progress, organize your research, capture new ideas anywhere, streamline your writing process, and safeguard your hard work.Lessons in this booklet are based on a week-long class Gwen taught for the Romance Writers of America in June 2013.

It Was a Dark and Creepy Night: Real-Life Encounters with the Strange, Mysterious, and Downright Terrifying

Joshua P. Warren - 2014
    Warren began collecting these stories from around the world: they had to be true, they had to be short, and they had to send a shiver down your spine.It Was a Dark and Creepy Night presents a wide variety of weird and spooky tales about ghosts, UFOs, cryptids, angels, demons, ESP, interdimensional contact and more. Because each tale is short, this eerie little tome is perfect for a subway ride, a plane flight, or a night entertaining guests.An internationally respected investigator of the unknown, Joshua adds his insight to these strange experiences. Some tales are too odd to easily categorize, but each one simple or complex transformed an ordinary person's life, revealing a facet of those uncanny phenomena that still leave us wondering…what if?Imagine if:You met a strange woman who said she remembered Lincoln's funeral, then vanished . . .You dreamed you were being attacked by a demon and woke up to find scratch marks across your body . . .The face of the person in front of you suddenly transformed into that of a reptilian . . .Remember: These and the many other tales in this fascinating book are true, short, and eminently creepy!

How to Write Great Characters: The Key to Your Hero's Growth and Transformation

David Wisehart - 2015
     You will learn the ancient secrets of human psychology: the nine fundamental fears that motivate human behavior the nine core character types the nine stages of character change and so much more Complete beginners and seasoned veterans will benefit greatly from this material. You don’t even have to be a writer. The only requirement is that you come open-minded and ready to learn. About story. About character. And about yourself. Scroll up and get your copy now. What readers are saying… "Highly recommended to the writer wanting an effective tool to help develop believable characters." ~ Amazon Andy "Full of useful ideas." ~ Untamed Pen "Great book—must have for creating characters and developing plot around them!" ~ Susan Mi "Great jumping off point for characters and arcs." ~ Gail Clifford "I heartily recommend this book as a great tool for all writers." ~ Harry Rankin "A wonderful book." ~ Candace Segar "Gave me that AHA! moment of epiphany. I would recommend this book." ~ Dcortez "A great piece for new and veteran writers suffering from character block." ~ Cullen "They don't get better than this. It will fix your story and possibly your life." ~Amazon Customer Scroll up and grab your copy today. Scroll up and get your copy now.

The Blog Startup: Proven Strategies to Launch Smart and Exponentially Grow Your Audience, Brand, and Income without Losing Your Sanity or Crying Bucketloads of Tears

Meera Kothand - 2020
    It takes several years for that—more than a book and a couple of days of reading can promise.  But this gives you a plan for success before you even start. Think of it as a road map for your first 90 days!Now, you can start a solid blog with the potential to make money WITHOUT a $1,000+ blogging education! Here’s a snapshot of what’s packed into this how-to guide: Popular guru promises exposed! I expose the truth about popular revenue streams and why NOT ALL monetization options are right for you despite guru promises! The 2M (+1) strategy to help you hit your first $1K blogging. How to find YOUR unique angle, so you can stand out from the pack and attract the right kind of readers. The smartest ways to make critical website pages sticky—Make these pages shout out “YES, you’re in the right place!” and understand what you need and don’t need to include. Why some bloggers make the leap and others don’t. (It has everything to do with what they don’t do!) 3 MUST-ANSWER questions that will shape your blog’s journey. How to create a strategic blog launch plan and my answer to the question “How many posts do you need before launching?” (No more confusion or stress. Just an actionable plan for results.) AND MORE! Imagine knowing exactly what you need to focus on despite all the distractions pulling you in a million directions.Imagine if in a mere year you accomplish more than you ever thought possible, feel a sense of satisfaction, and actually make progress toward this larger vision of what you want your blog and business to do for you.You don't flinch, get panicky, or try different tactics hoping one sticks. You have a plan of action and every decision you make for your blog is calculated and intentional. That’s the power of the process and the promise behind The Blog Startup!Intrigued yet? Then scroll to the top and click or tap “Buy Now.”

Hustling Hard For A Happily Ever After: …and how I made my dreams a reality one mantra at a time...

Frankie Love - 2020
    She believes you can too.

Beyond The Fray: Bigfoot

Shannon LeGro - 2019
    What began as a fun article turned into an almost instant national sensation and since stories of the elusive creature have poured in, not just from California and the Pacific Northwest, but from around the world.              BEYOND THE FRAY: BIGFOOT features some of these personal eyewitness accounts and terrifying encounters, most taken from the transcripts of the popular podcast, iNTO THE FRAY.  These stories are unique and scary. They will leave you wondering what this creature is and will no doubt give you pause before you cross the wood line and enter the woods.

The Truth Will Out: Unmasking the Real Shakespeare

Brenda James - 2006
    Everything known about the facts of William Shakespeare's life seems incompatible with the extraordinary genius of his writing. How could a man who left school at the age of 13, and apparently never travelled abroad have authored the incomparable Sonnets or so intricately described Renaissance Venice? Shakespeare 'candidates' abound, among them Sir Francis Bacon, The Earl of Oxford, even Queen Elizabeth I herself, but none have stood up to serious scrutiny. Until now....This remarkable, intriguing, and provocative book offers a completely plausible new candidate; Sir Henry Neville.

Write a Book in Two Hours: How to Write a Book, Novel, or Children’s Book in Far Less than 30 Days (Authorship 1)

Jonathan Green - 2019
    Most people dream of writing a book, but those manuscripts end up shoved away in dusty drawers, half-finished and abandoned to be eaten by moths.Many of them are great writers, many of them have great ideas. Yet so many people come to the conclusion that they'll never finish their books. Why? Because they aren't following a proven system. Maybe this is you right now.Maybe you believe that you're not good enough, that you'll never have enough time, or that it's a terrible book idea.You wonder how on earth other people manage to find time to write alongside their jobs, family and other commitments. But the assumption that writing is a slow process and books take six months or years to write is outdated. You can easily increase your efficiency three to four times MORE by using this system. As much value as there is in quality, quantity also plays a significant factor.The days where you need to have access to expensive or special equipment are gone.And one of the fastest ways to become profitable as an author nowadays is to write faster. Let me show you how you can hit the finish line at record speed. Every. Single. Time. This is the same system that allows me to spend more time with my family, earn more money and accomplish four times the amount of work in the same eight hours a day.It’s allowed me to release books on an exponential scale, to set goals of writing fifty books per year.This book was written using the same strategy.  It can be done. And now you can do the same. This ISN’T a book you read for inspiration and walk away feeling good. This is a book about taking ACTION. I want you to be generating MORE CONTENT THAN YOU EVEN NEED. What you will walk away with... Learn The Conveyor Belt Method: The step-by-step process which will give you an unshakeable FOUNDATION for your writing career Become One With Your Creative Mind: How to become so efficient with your methodology that you can AVOID writer's block entirely Master Your Location Independence: The secret writing anytime and ANYWHERE you want! Harness Your Long Term Sales: Get the exact ingredients you need to capture your readers for good and turn them into lifelong fans! Imagine if... Writing books was no longer a struggle and you could churn out bestsellers on a whim You could write a book in your spare time and don't need to fight against your other commitments You could come up with an idea in the morning, plan out your content and have your first draft FINISHED by the afternoon! Don't let your book rot in a drawer like all the rest. Your time is NOW. You could have the book you've always dreamed of writing in your hands TODAY. Begin your journey by clicking the button above.