Letters to a Young Calvinist: An Invitation to the Reformed Tradition

James K.A. Smith - 2010
    In fact, Time cited New Calvinism as one of "10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now." This book provides pastoral and theological counsel, inviting converts to this tradition to find in Calvin a vision that's even bigger than the New Calvinism might suggest. Offering wisdom at the intersection of theology and culture, noted Reformed philosopher James K. A. Smith also provides pastoral caution about pride and maturity. The creative letter format invites young Calvinists into a faithful conversation that reaches back to Paul and Augustine, through Calvin and Edwards, extending to Kuyper and Wolterstorff. Together they sketch a comprehensive vision of Calvinism that is generous, winsome, and imaginative.

How to Pray When You're Pissed at God: Or Anyone Else for That Matter

Ian Punnett - 2013
    In a first of its kind book, Ian Punnett provides a spiritual path for expressing your rawest emotions through prayer and how to rebuild a relationship with one's higher power--or anybody else in your life. In this important and practical book, Ian Punnett provides insight on   feeling anger and resentment toward God and offers advice on how to deal with the pain and blame that accompanies these emotions. In a book that is edgy, timely, funny and compassionate, Punnett presents real help in everyday language for transforming the negativity of anger into a positive and useful force that will ultimately help us pray more effectively, bring us closer to God, enhance our spiritual relationship, and change the way we live and love others. After a divorce, a broken friendship, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job or even the accumulation of all the tiny cracks in our spirit from life's disappointments, it’s easy to feel pissed at God. When anger is left unchecked, it is harmful to  our minds, bodies and souls. “How to Pray When You’re Pissed at God is not “the last word” on angry prayer,” Punnett writes, “but it might be the first words you have ever heard on the topic. By the end of the book, it is my hope that you’ll understand the role of anger in our lives, the benefit of honest prayer, and the need for honest, angry prayer in the lives of the faithful and faithless.”

Singing God: Discover the joy of being enjoyed by God

Sam Storms - 1998
    We need to know that God loves us just the way we are now...today. In The Singing God, Sam Storms explores God's immeasurable love for His children--and the fact that we can take comfort in seeing how the Father joys over us, to the extent that He breaks out in inexpressible joy and song as He thinks about us.

The Mystery of Providence

John Flavel - 1678
    First published in 1678, this little work well illustrates and explains the purpose of God for his people.

Finding Common Ground: How to Communicate with those Outside the Christian Community...While We Still Can.

Tim Downs - 1999
    Tim is a man of integrity and a man committed to making an impact for Christ in his world." — Stu Weber, pastor and author------------------In a world that's growing more hostile to the gospel, what can Christians do? How can we communicate with our unbelieving friends and coworkers in a way that won't seem pushy, intolerant, or judgmental? In a world that's heard it all before and no longer seems to care, where do we begin?By sowing.In Finding Common Ground, Tim Downs reminds us of the forgotten biblical art of sowing and shows us practical and effective ways to:Bring up spiritual subjects with busy and distracted peopleUse secular movies and books to talk about biblical ideasOvercome prejudice and stereotypes in our listenersKeep open doors of communication with even hostile opponentsMove everyone we meet a step closer to the gospel


    His face was extremely expressive. Were these the qualities which had made me crazy about him? Oh no! Then what was it? Why was I so crazy about him? There were many handsome men all around me, in my house, in my neighbourhood, in my college. On the contrary, they were as young as me, unmarried too. Then what was it that I was so attracted towards him? The answer was crystal clear. It was his style, his versatile personality, his attitude of asking, `So What?` in an audacious manner. I was enchanted by his straightforwardness, his ham-handedness. All his qualities attracted my basic attitude for sure. डॉक्टरांचे निळे टपोरे डोळे आरपार वेध घ्यायचे. त्यांचे एखाद्या लहान मुलासारखे खळाळून हसणे पाहत राहावेसे वाटे. त्यांचा भावदर्शी चेहरा मोहित करायचा. अंहं. पण ज्याच्यासाठी मी वेडावून जावे, असे त्यांच्याजवळ विशेष असे काय होते? घरीदारी, कॉलेजमध्ये त्यांच्याहूनही देखणी मंडळी मी पाहत होते. शिवाय ते सर्व माझ्या बरोबरीच्या वयाचे होते. अविवाहित होते. मग डॉक्टरांचेच इतके आकर्षण मला का वाटत होते? –आणि मग एकच उत्तर डोळ्यांसमोर येत होते – ‘डॉक्टरांचे कलंदर व्यक्तिमत्त्व’, ‘सो व्हॉट?’ असं बेदरकारपणे विचारणारा त्यांचा बेधडक स्वभाव. त्यांच्या रांगडेपणाने, धसमुसळ्या सî

I'm All Yours: She will definitely make him believe in love

Madhumitha Lakshamanan - 2017
    She was a Chennaiite and was working as a Chartered Accountant. Her life was like a bed of roses until the day when her marriage was arranged with a complete stranger. But who is the man? Does he even deserve Shakthi? Leading their lives separately for years together, what will happen when they are put to live under one roof? Will they try and make their marriage work? What is it that doesn't allow them? In the process of making her husband believe in love, will she lose her faith in love? To know more, read I'm All Yours

Before You Open Your Bible: Nine Heart Postures For Approaching God's Word

Matt Smethurst - 2019
    We're not biblical experts—though we may have started enough reading plans to be really familiar with Genesis. If we're honest, the Bible often intimidates us, confuses us, and reading it doesn't always thrill us.And yet, the Bible is where God reveals his loving character and incredible plan of redemption. In a practical and engaging manner, Matt Smethurst—managing editor of The Gospel Coalition—presents nine heart postures that will prepare you to unpack all that's awaiting you in God's Word.Although there are many great resources on how to read and study Scripture, hardly any focus exclusively on how to approach it in the first place. That's what Smethurst provides in this unique "prelude" to opening your Bible. For without the right heart postures, we're not yet ready to start reading.

Names for the Messiah

Walter Brueggemann - 2016
    "Names for the Messiah" ponders each title and how the people understood it then, how Jesus did or did not fulfill the title, and how Christians interpret Jesus as representative of that title.Christians have claimed from the beginning that Jesus was the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament. In this study, best-selling author Walter Brueggemann tackles the questions: What were these expectations? and Did Jesus fulfill them? "

You Are My Hiding Place

David Hazard - 1991
    from the men and women who walked with Him through the ages ... guiding into a deeper friendship with the "Father of Lights."Can I trust God in every circumstance? Can I rely on His promises--of protection, security, safety, provision, comfort--when I most need them? Is God always there for me? So many struggle to find confidence in God. Amy Carmichael stepped faithfully into the darkness surrounding her, and found the greatest "refuge" of all--the sheltering love of God, who is with us in all things.When Amy Carmichael (1867-1951) arrived in India, she had no idea the dangerous work ahead--to save young girls from cult prostitution in Hindu temples. Nor could she imagine the times of material need, physical danger, pain and debilitating illness, disappointment and attack by friends. From this crucible, she writes of her uplifting times with God--who calls us all to find safety in Him, to live honestly before Him, and to receive peace as we live in His presence.

Ajaya: Duryodhana's Mahabharata - Collector's Edition

Anand Neelakantan - 2018
    Every Indian has grown up conditioned to the view that the Pandavas were virtuous and wronged; and the Kauravas were manipulative and evil. On a visit to Malanada Temple, Kerala, national bestselling author of ASURA, Anand Neelakantan, discovered the temple deity to be none other than Duryodhanan, the ostensible 'villain' of the Mahabharata. This astonishing discovery prompted him to delve deep into the narrative of the defeated Crown Prince of Hastinapura, and the Kaurava clan. Ajaya challenges established views and compels us to think again. The book is all about the power of perception. It retells with compelling credibility, the epic events from Duryodhan's (given name: Suryodhana), point of view. While Jaya is the story of the Pandavas, told from the perspective of the victors of Kurukshetra; Ajaya is the narrative of the 'unconquerable' Kauravas, who were decimated to the last man. At the heart of India's most powerful empire, a revolution is brewing. Bhishma, the noble patriarch of Hastinapura, is struggling to maintain the unity of his empire. On the throne sits Dhritarashtra, the blind King, and his foreign-born Queen – Gandhari. In the shadow of the throne stands Kunti, the Dowager-Queen, burning with ambition to see her firstborn become the ruler, acknowledged by all. Amidst the chaos, Prince Suyodhana, heir of Hastinapura, stands tall, determined to claim his birthright and act according to his conscience. He is the maker of his own destiny – or so he believes. While in the corridors of the Hastinapura palace, a foreign Prince plots to destroy India. About the Author : Anand Neelakantan says: Ajaya is an attempt to revisit our mythologies with a modern view and see what the same events look like when observed from the side of the defeated. Were these people branded villains because they were far ahead of their times? There are many books about the Pandavas, about Karna, Draupadi, Kuniti and the other dramatis personae of the Mahabharata. But who speaks for Duryodhana? Growing up in a Kerala village with more temples than necessary, it was small wonder that mythology fascinated Anand early on. Ironically, he was drawn to the anti-heroes. But life called and he went on to become an engineer; joined the Indian Oil Corporation; moved to Bangalore; married Aparna; and welcomed a daughter and a son. But the voices of yore refused to be silenced in his head and he felt impelled to narrate the stories of the vanquished and the dammed; to give life to those silent heroes we have long overlooked in our uncritical acceptance of the conventional renderings of our epics. Ajaya follows the outstanding success of his #1 bestseller, Asura: Tale Of The Vanquished.

منتهى العشق

أحمد أبو هيبة - 2015
    This novel changed the life of many, could it change yours as well?

Medicine Wheel

Ron Schwab - 2016
    A murder trial would normally be of little interest to Thad Locke, who escaped the "family disease" of law wrangling, but two women--one the accused murderess, the other a member of her defense team--have intertwined themselves with both Thad and his lawyering family.Will Kirsten Cavelle be the first woman sent to the gallows in the state of Kansas? As some members of the community seek to take the law into their own hands, will she even live to see the end of the trial? As the trial unfolds, secrets from the past are revealed, lives are changed forever, and a little known piece of land grows to have resonance far beyond its size.Set amongst the Kansas Flint Hills and the growing city of Manhattan in the 1880s, Medicine Wheel further explores the stories of the Locke family, first introduced in the author's novel, Last Will.

From Here to Anywhere: 16 Days, 16 Countries, 16 Budget Flights: The Story of One Cheapskate and Zero Frills

Jason Smart - 2016
    The only proviso is that each new destination must be to a different country. From Here to Anywhere takes him on a madcap adventure through 16 European nations in just sixteen days. Along the way, he visits a place called Moss in Norway and sees the 'most depressing street in Europe' in Belgium. He wanders through a Syrian refugee camp in Belgrade, crosses a UN-protected border in Cyprus, smashes a bottle of beer in a Hungarian church and drinks some Guinness in Dublin, all the while battling airport queues, cheap coffee and his fellow passengers. Jason Smart is the published author of nine other travel books: The Red Quest Flashpacking through Africa The Balkan Odyssey Temples, Tuk-tuks and Fried Fish Lips Panama City to Rio de Janeiro Bite Size Travel in North America Crowds, Chaos, ColourRapid Fire Europe Meeting the Middle East

Most Moved Mover: A Theology of God's Openness

Clark H. Pinnock - 2001
    It has become a major subject of debate within the Evangelical Theological Society, and Christianity Today has called for ongoing study of the subject by both classical theists and openness theologians. Now Pinnock, in an effort to continue ongoing conversation, returns with Most Moved Mover to defend the open view of God against criticism.Most Moved Mover, the most passionate and articulate defense of openness theology to date, begins with an analysis of the heated debate sparked by the publication of The Openness of God. Pinnock then clears up misconceptions about openness theology, points out areas of agreement between classical and openness theologians, and lays the groundwork for future discussions.From an insider's perspective, Pinnock takes readers deep into the openness debate that is shaking the evangelical movement, detailing reactions and replies from thinkers as diverse as Millard Erickson, Greg Boyd, and John Polkinghorne.Most Moved Mover is sure to inform all evangelicals, regardless of their viewpoint, of the latest developments concerning the open view of God movement. It will be required reading in the academy and for church leaders who want to keep current with the ongoing evangelical debate about God's nature and attributes.