A Celtic Miscellany: Translations from the Celtic Literatures

Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson - 1951
    It is a literature dominated by a deep sense of wonder, wild inventiveness and a profound sense of the uncanny, in which the natural world and the power of the individual spirit are celebrated with astonishing imaginative force. Skifully arranged by theme, from the hero-tales of Cú Chulainn, Bardic poetry and elegies, to the sensitive and intimate writings of early Celtic Christianity, this anthology provides a fascinating insight into a deeply creative literary tradition.

The Kalevala: Tales of Magic and Adventure

Kirsti Mäkinen - 2002
    It was originally compiled by Elias Lonnröt in the 19th century from ancient oral poetry. Since then, it has been translated into over 45 languages. This English translation captures the magic and beauty for children and adults alike. Beginning with the world's creation, it follows the stories of Väinämöinen, a shamanistic hero of song and story; his young rival, Joukahainen; and the handsome but arrogant Lemminkäinen. Their quests for love, revenge, truth, and the mysterious Sampo, the ultimate source of prosperity, have thrilled and inspired generations of readers. This vibrant translation, with shimmering illustrations by Pirkko-liisa Surojegin, is sure to attract even more fans.

Tales From The Upanishads

Dev Nadkarni - 2011
    Perhaps, what brought the two still closer were the stories the Guru narrated. These stories provided a meaningful context for the topics under discussion. They also demonstrate that in those days knowledge was not the monopoly of any select group. Thus Janashruti, the ruler of the land, approaches the cart driver Raikva, with humility, to seek the highest truth.

Parsival Or A Knight's Tale

Richard Monaco - 1977
    Horror and bloodshed mingle with a soft, imaginative romanticism making an instant classic. --Salisbury Times, Britain

A Handful of Men: The Complete Series

Dave Duncan - 2017
    In these four epic novels of sword and sorcery, discord rages throughout the land of Pandemia and the rightful rulers fight an unjust imperor.  The Cutting Edge: For fifteen years, Queen Inos and King Rap have ruled Krasnegar peacefully, but now darkness encroaches. When a royal family grows tyrannical and armies wage war along the Impire’s borderlands, Rap ignores them—until he learns the Protocol, a treaty controlling the use of magic, is in danger of being destroyed.  Upland Outlaws: The mad dwarf, Xinixo, rules as the imperor, enchanting his subjects and enemies to believe he is Shandie, the rightful ruler. Wielding the combined power of all the sorcerers under his control, he destroys or enslaves any who oppose him. But his greatest enemies, King Rap and the true Shandie, will stop at nothing to end his reign.  The Stricken Field: The sorcerer Xinixo still rules the Impire, but King Rap and Shandie continue to resist his reign, enlisting the help of the remaining free sorcerers of the world to destroy him. Their chances of victory remain slim . . . until a young pixie girl decides to join their cause.  The Living God: The imposter Xinixo continues to rule as war wages in the Impire. The troll sorcerers have joined the resistance and Rap is rallying the elves to his cause. His wife, Queen Inos, and Shandie negotiate with gnomes while the sorcerers of Thume and the pixie girl secretly organize a resistance to Xinixo’s rule. But the odds are against them as the prophesied Longday draws nearer.

Golden Blood

Melissa Pearl - 2011
    Her toes start tingling and she has a few minutes to find a secret haven where she can disintegrate and appear in another time and place. While “across the line,” her training and skills are put to the test as she completes a mission that will change history for the lucky few her father has selected. Gemma's parents are adamant that secrecy is paramount to her family’s safety. If people knew what they were capable of, they could be "used and abused", as her mother always says. Afraid she might accidentally utter the truth and break the ancient oath of her people, Gemma spends her school days as a loner. Only one thing can throw her sheltered life askew... Harrison Granger.Harrison never expected to talk to the strange Hart girl, but after a brief encounter he can't stop thinking about her. He begins a campaign to chisel away her icy veneer and is met with unexpected consequences. As he slowly wins this girl over, he enters a surreal world that has him fighting to keep his newfound love and his life.

Fire and the Rain

Girish Karnad - 1998
    This play by one of India's foremost playwrights and actors is based on a story from the Mahabharata which tellingly illuminates universal themes - alienation, loneliness, love, family, hatred - through the daily lives and concerns of a whole community of individuals.

The Iliad

Pauline Francis - 2014
    It has inspired readers and listeners for millennia. The story tells of the Trojan War, fought between the Trojans, led by King Priam, and the Greeks, led by King Agamemnon. At its center is Achilles, the greatest warrior-champion of the Greeks, and his refusal to fight after being humiliated by his leader Agamemnon. But when the Trojan Hector kills Achilles' close friend Patroclus, he storms back into battle to take revenge—even though he knows this will ensure his own untimely death. This retelling has been shortened and illustrated for younger readers.

Master of Middle-Earth: The Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien

Paul H. Kocher - 1972
    R. R. Tolkien's masterpieces generously repay close attention and study. In this thoroughly entertaining and perceptive volume, winner of the prestigious Mythopoeic Society Scholarship Award, Professor Kocher examines the sources that Tolkien drew upon in fashioning Middle-earth and its inhabitants—and provides valuable insights into the author's aims and methods. Ranging from The Hobbit to The Lord of the Rings to The Silmarillion and beyond, Master of Middle-earth opens the door to a deeper and richer appreciation of Tolkien's magnificent achievement. Inside you will discover• Why Aragorn is the most misunderstood character in The Lord of the Rings . . . and its true hero.• The origin of Sauron—and the nature of evil in Tolkien's universe. • The opposing forces of destiny and free will in Frodo's quest.• The Cosmology of Middle-earth—is it our world at an earlier time, or does it exist in a fantastic Elsewhere?• How Tolkien's ideas of morality, religion, and social order underlie every aspect of his life's work.Plus a fascinating look at such lesser-known works of Tolkien's as "Leaf by Niggle," "Smith of Wootton Major," and many others!

The Paris Collaborator

A.W. Hammond - 2021
    In German-occupied Paris, former schoolteacher Auguste Duchene has stumbled upon an unusual way to survive: he finds missing people. When he’s approached by the French Resistance to locate a missing priest – and a cache of stolen weapons – Duchene initially refuses. But the Resistance offer him no choice. Within hours, he’s also blackmailed by a powerful Nazi into searching for a German soldier who’s suspected of deserting.To fail at either task will have deadly consequences for Duchene – and for his daughter Marienne.So begins a frantic race against time. As forces close in on Paris, Duchene has only 48 hours to locate the missing priest and soldier, or lose the only person he loves…

I Think My Mom's a Superhero

Bolaji O. - 2014
    This early reader superhero fiction all starts when Madison is forced to stand up to a bully, when she hears her mother's voice giving her a talking-to about not standing up for herself. There is no one behind Madison. But she does what her "Mom's voice" tells her to do, anyway. She stands up for herself. Back home, things go from weird to weirder. Either Madison is going cuckoo, or her Mom has X-Ray vision, Octo-arms, a stretchy neck, super speed, telepathy, and more! This is a loving tribute to the amazing women everywhere that nurture their households... and the kids that look up to them. If you and your kids love movies like "The Incredibles", and enjoy stories about strong female characters, you'll LOVE "I Think My Mom's a Superhero"! This read along picture book for children is full of belly laughs and warm family moments that you and your little one will cherish. --- Here's what people are saying about our Brave Little Heroes adventures: Colorado Living says: "Bolaji has found a great way to help, inspire and teach... Thanks for tackling this subject for the benefit of kids! :)" Shannon Bynes says: "I read this book to my 4 year old daughter tonight and she smiled or giggled all the way through it. That’s a winner!" I Am A Very Lucky Man says: "I really loved this book; your child will ask you to read it again and again. The graphics are eye popping. It’s easy to read, and great for your child’s self-esteem. I love the imaginative aspect of the book!" Mike Young says: "This is a humorous, short children’s book that is great for bedtime! I am especially fond of the great artwork and the message behind the story. Definitely a keeper for me." Chedy Abboud (Amsterdam) says: "Bolaji has done a good job presenting children the better side of what we humans are. A story without the usual violence is what kids need to hear today. Keeping them away from horrible things on TV. I recommend this to all parents as a nice book for their children." --- Here's what to do next, Moms: 1. Scroll up, 2. Click the buy button, and 3. Watch as you and your kids giggle and cheer through this hilariously wacky adventure! --- Paul Coleman said: "In the world today I think we need all the positive stuff we can get. I love the "can-do" attitude of this book. We can make our lives and the lives of others better. We simply need to decide to do it, be brave, and take action." --- Here's what to do next, Moms: 1. Scroll up, 2. Click the buy button, and 3. Watch as you and your kids giggle and cheer through this hilariously wacky adventure! Thank you for the privilege of being a small part of your child's favorite memories with you. We cherish that role, here at Brave Little Heroes. And we won't let either of you down. Bolaji O. Chief Storyteller at Brave Little Heroes

The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights

James Knowles - 1860
    The details of Arthur's story are mainly composed of folklore and literary invention, and his historical existence is debated and disputed by modern historians. The sparse historical background of Arthur is gleaned from various sources, including the Annales Cambriae, the Historia Brittonum, and the writings of Gildas. Arthur's name also occurs in early poetic sources such as Y Gododdin. The legendary Arthur developed as a figure of international interest largely through the popularity of Geoffrey of Monmouth's fanciful and imaginative 12th-century Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain). However, some Welsh and Breton tales and poems relating the story of Arthur date from earlier than this work; in these works, Arthur appears either as a great warrior defending Britain from human and supernatural enemies or as a magical figure of folklore, sometimes associated with the Welsh Otherworld, Annwn. How much of Geoffrey's Historia (completed in 1138) was adapted from such earlier sources, rather than invented by Geoffrey himself, is unknown. Although the themes, events and characters of the Arthurian legend varied widely from text to text, and there is no one canonical version, Geoffrey's version of events often served as the starting point for later stories. Geoffrey depicted Arthur as a king of Britain who defeated the Saxons and established an empire over Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Norway and Gaul. In fact, many elements and incidents that are now an integral part of the Arthurian story appear in Geoffrey's Historia, including Arthur's father Uther Pendragon, the wizard Merlin, the sword Excalibur, Arthur's birth at Tintagel, his final battle against Mordred at Camlann and final rest in Avalon. The 12th-century French writer Chretien de Troyes, who added Lancelot and the Holy Grail to the story, began the genre of Arthurian romance that became a significant strand of medieval literature. In these French stories, the narrative focus often shifts from King Arthur himself to other characters, such as various Knights of the Round Table. Arthurian literature thrived during the Middle Ages but waned in the centuries that followed until it experienced a major resurgence in the 19th century. In the 21st century, the legend lives on, not only in literature but also in adaptations for theatre, film, television, comics and other media. The Sir James Knowles version of King Arthur is considered as the most accurate and well known original story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

Andha Yug

Dharamvir Bharati - 1954
    Written immediately after the partition of the Indian subcontinent, the play is a profound meditation on the politics of violence and aggressive selfhood. The moral burden of the play is that every act of violence inevitably debases society as a whole. Alok Bhalla's translation captures the essential tension between the nightmare of self-enchantment, which the story of the Kauravas represents, and the ever-present possibility of finding a way out of the cycle of revenge into a redemptive ethicality.

The Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom: A Celtic Shaman's Sourcebook

Caitlín Matthews - 1994
    This superb sourcebook contains many new translations of seminal Celtic texts, including stories, poems, and prose pieces, some dating from as far back as the seventh century. Key ingredients in this rich cauldron of ancient lore include sections on: . Shamanic Memory, including chapters on: The Memory of the Earth--The Memory of the Trees--The Memory of Animals--and The Memory of Ancestors . Vision Poets, Druids, and Shamanic Guardians, including chapters on: Initiations--ShapeshiftingóDru . . . and Vision Poets . The Bright Knowledge, including chapters on: Prophecy and Divination--Healing and Soul Restoration-Dreams and Visions . Otherworldly Journeys, including chapters on: The Journey Quest--The House of the Sidhe. These ancient tales are accompanied by detailed commentaries, comprehensive background material, and practical shamanic insights. This wide-ranging sourcebook contains new translations of seminal texts, and is a must-have for any devotee of one the world's richest religious traditions.

Moby Dick Junior Classics for Young Readers

W.T. Robinson - 2013
    A tale of daring, devils, & death, Moby Dick is one whale of a story! Come aboard the good ship Pequod, hoist the anchor, & ride the written waves of one of America's greatest novels.