Life as an Independent Space Hauler

Jason Hill - 2021
    Everything was taken from him and he was pressed into military service as a fighter pilot. A few years later, Jace has gotten out of military service and worked on a corporate freighter. He has grown to love space and plans to never return to earth. Dissatisfied with the corporate life, Jace finds the necessary backing to go independent. Thus, he begins the life of an independent freight hauler. This story is inspired by Nathan Lowell's Golden Age of the Solar Clipper series, Firefly, and some anime.

American Apocalypse

Nova - 2009
    One casualty of the fallout finds himself homeless in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and faces new challenges at every turn just trying to survive. As he changes and adapts he learns hard lessons, makes new friends and ultimately becomes a formidable force of harsh justice in a lawless land. An unrelenting coming of age story set in the backdrop of a once proud America spiraling downward into third world squalor and violence.

Bad Times Coming

Jerry D. Young - 2012
    YOUNG ROGER KNEW WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO SCRAPE BY. Things had been lean for quite a while and he had been forced to sell off a lot of his family’s things to make ends meet. He even came close to having to sell the land that had been in his family for three generations but fortunately was able to avoid that. Now finally with steady work coming in, he was getting back on his feet and slowly but surely rebuilding his family’s finances. He felt that by living simply and working hard they could position themselves to live a self-sufficient life on the old property and for once, it seemed that his timing couldn’t have been better. There were bad times coming and he would need every bit of time he could get to prepare for what was ahead. ABOUT AUTHOR JERRY D. YOUNG Author Jerry D. Young has been a fixture in the survival and prepping communities for more than twenty years. The author of more than 100 novels and short stories, Jerry’s writing has been a staple for men and women of all ages and from all walks of life that are interested in prepping, survival, and all-around self-sufficiency. Jerry’s books are written with the goal of educating as well as entertaining and generally enjoyed by all who seek to expand their knowledge of prepping and survival topics while enjoying a good book or short story. As daunting as the end of the world, nuclear fallout, World War III, Civil unrest, economic collapse, solar flares, EMP attacks, and other apocalyptic scenarios may be, society has always been interested in the “What If?” of a Post-Apocalyptic World. Jerry’s stories provide interesting and practical perspectives of heroes and villains navigating Post-Apocalyptic scenarios including everything from Mad Max type of events to more relevant plot lines that seem as if they could have come from the headlines of the modern world. Find more about Jerry D. Young at

We Fight for Freedom (Starship Freedom Book 3)

Daniel Arenson - 2021


Jonathan P. Brazee - 2017
    Humanity is involved in a limited war with the alien Klethos, where gladitorial combat decides the fate of worlds, but that doesn’t affect the common Marine or sailor. His career has been training hard but never seeing actual combat. All of that changes when a new enemy invades the galaxy, one that threatens both humanity and Klethos. Mankind hasn’t fought an all-out war in centuries, but they’re about to. McKeever is assigned to a special task force with the mission to find out what makes this new enemy tick, and, if possible, stop them in their tracks before humanity is eliminated like so much insignificant vermin.

Destiny: Union Station

E.M. Foner - 2021
    Joe McAllister is a reluctant mercenary who's looking for a way out and family-friendly place to start a business and raise an orphaned boy. Will the choices they make in the next few months shape the rest of their lives, or is free will just an illusion in a galaxy managed by ancient artificial intelligence? Destiny: Union Station takes place two years before the start of the nineteen book EarthCent Ambassador series.

Apocalypse Orphan (The Fractured Earth Saga Book 1)

Tim Allen - 2016
     With no way to stop the impending doomsday, the world descends into panic and anarchy. Massive transport ships are built to colonize the moon, and evacuation of a chosen few begins. After a shuttle mission to study the approaching comet goes awry, Wolf is forced into cryogenic deep sleep, and the onboard computer assumes control of the ship. Wolf awakens 50,000 years later to a wildly different earth. Endowed with incredible strength, he finds himself caught in a war between primitive tribes, and his survival depends on Syn, an advanced computer intelligence who has fallen in love with him. Will Wolf be able to help restore Earth to its past glory or is civilization doomed to fail?

Darkling Smiles: Tales of Brightness Darkled

Michaelbrent Collings - 2019
    Tales of lives bright, lives dim. Stories of a universe fallen, where every happiness has its opposite, and every smile will be inevitably darkled... Amazon readers rave: "A fantastic collection" - Heather Escobedo"A Must-Have Book for Michaelbrent Collings fans" - D. Hilton"I was blown away by this collection of stories.""I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves surprise endings and twisted tales." - Jeffrey C."Stories that will haunt your dreams." - Kimberly A"I couldn't put it down." - Shirley"If you enjoy horror, you'll love this book." - Jason"You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll scream! What more can you want?" - E. Taylor

My Life: An Ex-Quarterback's Adventures In The Galactic Empire

Colin Alexander - 2015
    "Engines are out. Our course is whatever it was when we were hit, but I can't figure it out because the computer and the instruments are smashed. We have enough power and control to keep a minimal shield up and keep the lights on in here. Most of the lifts are out because there has been too much structural twisting. I will leave weapons to Fire Control." "None worth mentioning," Ruoni put in. "What do you want to do, Command?" It reminded me of the line I would hear on third and thirty-four when the coach asked me what I wanted to call. This is the story of Danny Troy, a has-been pro quarterback in desperate need of a fresh start. So, when he gets a bizarre job offer to be a space pirate, he takes it. A chance brawl on the ship leads him to a damsel in distress. He rescues her only to find she is a lot more than he bargained for. Danny’s idea is to see her safely home and collect a (big) reward. However, the damsel, Jaenna by name, has other ideas. The pair careen across the spiral arm from one adventure to the next, while Danny’s “career” grows to pirate captain and finally to a warlord who holds the fate of galactic civilization in his hands. What decision is Danny going to make? And what is he going to do about the girl? This is an action-packed, space opera, with a dash of American football added to the mix.

Runs in the Family

Kevin Ikenberry - 2014
    With little hope of leaving the outer rim of the Milky Way, Mairin agrees to participate in a classified experiment offering her genetic perfection and a chance to see the galaxy. Now, armed with her great-grandfather's military knowledge and combat-refined instincts, Mairin is tasked with leading inexperienced troops in a war against a shadowy enemy using hauntingly familiar tactics. But the first rule of the military is "hurry up and wait," and Mairin learns this firsthand. Without transport to the fight, Mairin spends the downtime on a lush paradise world, getting to know her new body, her imprint, and her heart. Mairin meets Tallenaara, a beautiful Styrahi architect whose mission and past will come to challenge them both. Faced with the most difficult choice of her young life, Mairin Shields can only watch as her world spins out of control.

The Clockwork Chimera Series

Scott Baron - 2019
    Big trouble. And she was going to clean it off if it was the last thing she'd do... which it was looking like it very well might be. Daisy had a simple rule for space travel. Don't blow up. So far she'd been managing to abide by that, but something was very much not right. With the powerful AI supercomputer guiding the craft beginning to show some disconcerting quirks of its own, and its unsettling cyborg assistant nosing into her affairs, Daisy’s unease was rapidly growing, as was her bigotry toward artificially intelligent beings. Add to the mix a crew of mechanically-enhanced humans, any one of whom she suspected might not be what they seemed, and Daisy found herself with a sense of pending dread tickling the periphery of her mind. Something was very much not right––she could feel it in her bones. The tricky part now was going to be overcoming her biases and figuring out what the threat was, before it could manifest from a mere sinking feeling in her gut into a potentially deadly reality. Only things were far different and far worse than she could ever have imagined, forcing her to repeatedly adjust and overcome a reality that turned out to be far from what it had originally seemed. The complete series set of all five of the Clockwork Chimera books: 1. Daisy's Run 2. Pushing Daisy 3. Daisy's Gambit 4. Chasing Daisy 5. Daisy's War A space opera adventure featuring damaged spaceships, rogue artificial intelligence, homicidal cyborgs, mechanically-enhanced humans, genetic engineering, nanotech, and, of course, bloodthirsty aliens.

Crimson Worlds Successors: The Complete Trilogy

Jay Allan - 2018
    But humanity survives, out on the frontier, growing and looking boldly to the future. But man has never been able to live in peace, and even Earth’s sad fate has failed to slow the call to war. Lacking the resources to sustain their own armies and navies, the worlds look to the mercenaries of the Great Companies for aid, futuristic condottiere who contract themselves to the highest bidder. Darius Cain is the leader of the Black Eagles, the most renowned of the Companies. The Eagles command the highest rates of any of the Companies, and leaders bankrupt worlds to pay their price. But there are signs of a force working in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to launch a final war to reduce all mankind to slavery. As Cain slowly uncovers the truth, he must forge an alliance among old enemies, the other Companies his soldiers have fought for years…and the twin brother he hasn’t seen in a decade. The Crimson Worlds are about to explode into a war that may be mankind’s last. The Prisoner of Eldaron (Successors 2) Darius Cain’s veteran warriors have fought dozens of battles, and they have never met their equals. But there is another power, The Triumvirate. For decades, it has operated in the shadows, interfering secretly in the affairs of the colonies while steadily building an invincible war machine. The Triumvirate fears the Black Eagles, and the decision has been made. Darius Cain’s private army must be destroyed before the final invasion of human space can begin. A message reaches the Eagles’ base, word that the father he’d thought long dead might still be alive, a captive of the shadowy enemy. Darius Cain is skeptical, but he didn’t build the greatest military force in human space by being cautious or timid…and even the slightest chance his father was alive compelled his course of action, and leads him to a highly-developed planet called Eldaron, ruled by a dictator who calls himself the Tyrant. Darius knows he is walking into a trap, but he has no choice. He will free the prisoner of Eldaron…or he will extract a vengeance beyond the imaginings of dark nightmares. The Black Flag (Successors 3) The Triumvirate. Three clones of Gavin Stark who survived their evil master’s destruction. Now they have cheated death again, downloading their minds into an alien intelligence, a relic of the First Imperium. Vali, a secret planet, a hidden and haunted world covered entirely with factories and fortifications, worked by legions of slaves, the kidnapped and forgotten of a thousand worlds, working in darkness, building the tools of war for their masters. Erik Cain, the legendary hero of the Marines Corps, the man who killed the real Stark. For years he was a prisoner, held in brutal captivity on a dark world. Now he is free, and ready for the final struggle. Darius Cain, Erik’s son, and the commander of the feared Black Eagles, the greatest of the mercenary Companies. Darius freed his father, and now he is ready to rally the free forces of human space. Augustus Garret, the legendary admiral. He is old, but the same heart beats within his chest, and he will stand with the Cains, fight alongside his old allies one last time. From the barren ruins of shattered Earth to the farthest reaches of human habitation, the final battle has begun.

Perseus Gate Season 1 - Episodes 4-6: The Trail Through the Stars

M.D. Cooper - 2017
    Going around will take years, but there is rumor of a path through. A path known only to those who live at Star CityBut Star City is interdicted, its outer reaches patrolled by Orion ships. Though Misha knows of a hidden FTL route that can get a ship close enough to the city, using it assumes the city’s inhabitants are friendly.Jessica and Trevor risk the pathway, travelling to Star City where they find something far more amazing than they ever expected—only to learn they must make a sacrifice unlike any they had ever dreamed.The Toll Road Between the StarsNo one ever said that travelling ten thousand light years would be easy...Sabrina and her crew are nearly through the Stillwater Nebula. But before they pass through into the open space beyond, they have to get through the Perry Strait. A stretch of space where no FTL is possible, with the Perry System at its center.There they learn that an old enemy has leapfrogged them and laid a trap. A trap they're going to have to spring if they want to get through to the other side.The Final Stroll on Perseus's ArmAn old foe from Finaeus's past reveals a secret that will save the crew.It has been eight long years since the crew of Sabrina passed beyond the Stillwater Nebula. They are now deep within the Orion Freedom Alliance, taking a short respite on the planet Ferra, roughly five-hundred light years from the inner edge of Orion space--only a year from the relative safety of the Inner Stars.But when Cheeky is abducted, everything is turned on its head once more, and the crew learns of secrets the Orion government had tried to keep under wraps for millennia.Now they're in a race to save Cheeky, and take advantage of an opportunity they thought never to see again.

The Mystic Saga

Scott McElhaney - 2012
    Here you’ll find Indentured, Legacy, and Violation in a single affordable edition. Indentured introduces you to the crew of the USS Pioneer – the world’s first superluminal spacecraft. It eventually leaves you with a question as to what happened to the majority of the crew of that ship when it became stranded in the Beta Hydri system.Legacy brings you the tale of those descendants of the original Pioneer colony in the Beta Hydri System, introducing for the first time, the Mystics. When Legacy is invaded by a fleet of spacecraft, the primitive colony, nine-hundred years in the making, reacts in the only way it knows how. When it comes to the Mystics, this reaction could be quite deadly.Violation finishes up the overall “introduction” to the true Mystic Saga, bringing you the tale of about a dozen USSC assassins sent to a 1940’s Earth. Their sole purpose is to slip in, kill their list of targets, and slip out as quietly as possible. Unfortunately, a disgruntled soldier and a vengeful Mystic raise a significant amount of ruckus along the way.

Judge Dredd Year One: City Fathers

Matthew Smith - 2012
    2080 AD“I think we can rule out suicide.”“How so?”“You’re standing on his pancreas.”It is Joe Dredd’s first year as a full-eagle Judge.He may have been created from the genes of Eustace Fargo, the ‘Father of Justice’, and thus part of an illustrious lineage, but right now Dredd is not long graduated from the Academy, and yet to establish himself as the metropolis’s toughest, greatest cop.His reputation will be moulded in the years ahead, but at the moment he’s a young lawman, fresh on the streets.The brutal murder of a Justice Department-sanctioned spy sparks an investigation that will see Dredd trawl the criminal underworld in the hunt for the killer – and he will discover that all is not what it seems in the sector’s murky black market. Something new has entered the system, and unless Dredd can stop it, chaos will be unleashed...Written by Matthew Smith, editor in chief of 2000 AD, this is the first in a new series of Judge Dredd: Year One titles and goes back to the beginning of Dredd’s life on the streets, explores his earliest cases and charts the development of the man who would go on to become the most famous of all the Judges.Smith has previously written the novels Judge Dredd: The Final Cut, and Tomes of the Dead: The Words of Their Roaring.