How To Sell Fiction On Kindle. Marketing Your Ebook In Amazon's Ecosystem: A Guide For Kindle Publishing Authors.

Michael Alvear - 2013
     I’m going to show you examples, rock solid proof, that unknown authors used the keyword phrases in this book to rank higher than superstar authors like J.A. Konrath or Barry Eisler. You can start getting visibility today because...This Book Marketing Guide Answers The Most Critical Question You Face As A Fiction Writer:What keyword phrases should I use for my novel? I’m not going to show you how to find them. I’m going to tell you what they are. This Kindle selling book is quite literally an encyclopedia of keyword phrases that buyers type into Amazon’s search engine when they try to find books in your genre. It’s your biggest challenge answered: Discoverability.Writing a Young Adult novel? Click on the “Young Adult” link in this Kindle selling book and it’ll take you to a list of keyword phrases people use to find YA books. Writing a thriller? A romance? Same thing. My team of researchers pulled the keyword phrases directly out of Amazon’s “Leading Indicators.” Special Bonus! They include Amazon’s “Relative Importance” ranking, which shows you which keyword phrases are more likely to lead to a sale. Get excited! This is your ticket to huge sales! Inside This Kindle Publishing Guide You Will Find The Most Effective Keyword Phrases For Books In: • Romance- Christian- Contemporary- Fantasy & Futuristic- Historical Romance- Paranormal- Romantic Suspense- Time Travel- Vampires- Westerns • Fantasy- Alternative History- Contemporary- Dark Fantasy- Epic- Historical- Paranormal- Urban • Mystery & Thrillers- Crime- Mystery- Police Procedurals- Thrillers• Horror- Dark Fantasies- Occult- Ghosts• And...- Science Fiction- Action Adventure- Contemporary Fiction- Erotica- Literary Fiction- Historical Fiction- Christian Fiction- Gay & Lesbian- Medical- Men’s Adventure- Sea Adventures- Sports- War How To Sell More Books On Amazon, Part Two. Every book buyer goes through nine decision points on their way to a purchase. Will they click on your cover? Read your book description? Click on “Look Inside? Wince at your price? Read your reviews? I’m going to show you how you can influence each of the nine decision points so they result in a sale. This includes how to:• Come up with clever, must-click titles.• Create mesmerizing covers.• Write a book description that ignites click lust. • Use HTML to format your book description.• Use the “look inside!” Feature to clinch the sale.• Set the right price for your book.• Get reviews that jump-starts sales.About Michael AlvearWhen I published my first books on Kindle, I’d check my anemic sales and let out a string of cuss words that made my dog blush. Then I developed my Attract•Engage•Convert strategy and sales took off.

We Use Coupons, You Should Too! How Couponing Saved My Life

Nathan Engels - 2012
    Coupon as he takes you on a journey that can save you thousands annually and set your family on a path to financial freedom. Nathan Engels, Mr. Coupon, is no stranger to debt. The realization that something drastic needed to be done to change the trajectory of his life led to his discovery and passion for couponing.The biggest "A Ha!" moment of your life will be after reading this book. If you are a skeptic, you will learn the true powers of a piece of paper. With basic couponing techniques, a little Grocery Psychology and a sound methodology, you too can confidently go shopping with coupons in hand and the knowledge that you are saving more than ever before.Mr. Coupon started with over $80,000 in debt, not including the mortgage! Even in a struggling economy, coupons helped Nathan to control his grocery bill and start saving. Today, Nathan and his family are nearly debt free.Are you ready to take flight? Then let's begin, it all starts here!

The Divinity Code to Understanding Your Dreams and Visions

Adam F. Thompson - 2011
       An important dictionary of names and places.   A critical chapter on counterfeit interpretations by the occult.   101 interpreted dreams providing credible evidence.   A fascinating metaphor dictionary. Embrace your supernatural communications with God and go deeper into the things of the Spirit—today!

Hard Core Poor - a book on extreme thrift

Kelly Sangree - 2014
    I hope it helps you too!

The Official Pocket Guide to Diabetic Exchanges: Choose Your Foods

American Diabetes Association - 1997
    By grouping similar foods into exchangeable portion sizes, people with diabetes can instantly create entire meals, specifically designed to help them control their blood glucose and lose weight. This proven system is the most popular approach to diabetes meal planning and has been used by dietitians, diabetes educators, and millions of people with diabetes for over 40 years.This portable, pocket-sized version of the Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes Meal Planning takes all of the information from the original and packages it in a format that's perfect for trips to the grocery store or a meal at a restaurant. Updates to this new, third edition, includes new foods—especially combination foods and fast foods, such as burritos, hamburgers, and other popular meals—revised portions, and updated meal planning tips and techniques. Also included is a new section on alcohol, including tips for working it into meal plans and information on consuming it safely and moderately within a diabetes meal plan.This new edition has also been redesigned to make finding particular foods and food groups even easier. Plus, the expanded index makes finding individual foods even easier than before.With more foods, revised portion sizes, and the combined knowledge of the American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association, this handy guide is the ultimate meal planning tool for everyone with diabetes.

The Carry-On Traveller: The Ultimate Guide to Packing Light

Erin McNeaney - 2016
    You struggle to fit everything in your bag, you get stressed lugging it around, and you pay a fortune in airline luggage fees.The Carry-On Traveller will teach you not only how to lighten your load, but how to pack everything you need into a single carry-on-size bag. You can apply these strategies to any trip, whether you are travelling for a week or a year, to hot or cold climates, alone or with kids.By travelling carry-on only, you’ll save time at airports, avoid wasting money on checked luggage fees (which are increasingly common), and reduce the stress of hauling bulky bags.It’s not an all or nothing approach. Packing light is a learning process, and you might want to take it gradually. Even if you don’t travel carry-on only on your next trip, this book will help you pack lighter.

The Bank On Yourself Revolution: Fire Your Banker, Bypass Wall Street, and Take Control of Your Own Financial Future

Pamela Yellen - 2014
    Wall Street lost more than 49% of the typical investor's money—twice—since the year 2000. And studies show that because they followed the conventional wisdom, almost half of all Boomers won't have enough money to cover even basic living expenses during their retirement years. Now the financial gurus whose advice got you into this mess in the first place are telling you to "take more risk," "work till you drop," and "plan on spending less in retirement." Don't let them fool you again!In The Bank On Yourself Revolution, financial security expert Pamela Yellen details how hundreds of thousands of people of all ages and incomes have bucked the system to secure their families' financial futures without gambling in the Wall Street Casino or taking any unnecessary risks. You'll discover a proven step-by-step plan for growing your wealth safely, predictably, and guaranteed every single year—even when the markets are tumbling. And you'll learn how to bypass banks, credit card and financing companies to become your own source of financing for cars, vacations, a college education, business expenses and other major purchases.The Bank On Yourself Revolution isn't a "get-rich-quick" scheme; it's about having real wealth and financial security for as long as you live. You can finally know how much money you'll have next year, in 10, 20 or 30 years—and at every point along the way. Join the Revolution and take control of your own financial future!

Love Will Find You: 9 Magnets to Bring You and Your Soulmate Together

Kathryn Alice - 2006
    Love Will Find You is a true antidote to all the strict rules-oriented dating books out there, explaining why every one of the 110 million single Americans have reason to celebrate: Nothing will keep love from you Even if you never leave the house, your soulmate will find you You are never too old, too fat, or too poor for love There is no such thing as rejection, only the wrong fit Hate going out? Does every singles' event feel like a convention of desperation? Are you stuck in a past "crazy love" relationship you can't shake? Using the nine love magnets, Kathryn Alice has helped thousands of people to discard their old notions of dating, teaching practical steps to get love, including: healing your perceived "fatal flaws"; decluttering your heart and releasing old loves; sending out a soul call; and banishing the idea that you need to kiss 100 frogs to find your prince(ss).

10 Things Every Woman Needs to Know About Men: Understand His Mind And Capture His Heart

Sabrina Alexis - 2015
     For as far back as humanity goes, women have struggled to understand why men behave the way they do. Does he like me? Why won’t he commit? Why doesn’t he text back? Does he mean what he says? Why is he withdrawing? How does he really feel? These are just a few examples of questions that women all over the world are desperate to know the answers to… and now they can, once and for all. This book takes a look at the most common relationship scenarios—the ones that cause the most confusion—and explains everything. It provides a breakdown of the male psyche, as well as honest confessions from the authors and men who were brave enough to share their stories. 10 Things Every Woman Needs to Know About Men will free you from all your doubts and confusion and give you the gift of clarity. You will never again feel the need to try to figure him out… instead you can bask in the joy of just understanding exactly why he does what he does.

A Field Guide for the Hero's Journey

Jeff Sandefer - 2012
    Perhaps you’re afraid that if you try, you’ll fail. The startling truth is this: Just about anyone can do great things, can live a life that’s remarkable, purposeful, excellent, and yes, even heroic. If you want to be a hero, you can be. How? That’s what this book is all about. Will you choose to do it? Will you decide to journey heroically, instead of spending your life merely marking time? If so, this is the book for you. Welcome to your heroic journey.

Sea Kayaker's Deep Trouble: True Stories and Their Lessons from Sea Kayaker Magazine ROM Sea Kayaker Magazine

George Gronseth - 1997
    This riveting book offers 20 harrowing, real-life tales of sea kayaking accidents that will not only keep readers on the edge of their seats, but also instruct them with potentially life-saving lessons.

Leptin Diet

Byron J. Richards - 2006
    Mastering the fat hormone leptin is the single most important factor in preventing obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The Leptin Diet contains five simple lifestyle guidelines to get the hormone leptin into balance for permanent weight loss, increased energy, and optimum health. What is Leptin? Fat cells produce the powerful hormone leptin, a primary force instructing metabolism, weight loss, and hormone balance. Leptin communicates directly to your brain, telling the brain how much fat is in storage. It controls appetite, energy, and metabolic rate. Leptin problems are the primary reason for food cravings, overeating, faulty metabolism, the obsession with food, and heart disease. Read The Leptin Diet and notice the difference!

The Cruise Control Diet: The 28-Day Plan for Automatic Weight Loss and Forever Fat-Burning

Jorge Cruise - 2019
    Or, as #1 New York Times bestselling author and celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise explains: When we eat is as important as what we eat. Building on the scientifically proven but hard-to-sustain day-on, day-off technique known as "intermittent fasting," Cruise simplifies your calendar by dividing every day into two easy-to-remember nutritional zones: a 16-hour evening and overnight "burn zone" (semi-fasting) followed by an 8-hour "boost zone" (eating). To help you crush cravings throughout, he ingeniously introduces foods that can be consumed in either zone to keep you burning fat all around the clock. You'll never be hungry if you don't really ever have to fully fast! Putting the body on weight-loss autopilot, The Cruise Control Diet includes: * 50 recipes for deliciously unexpected boost-zone foods, such as Margherita pizza, spaghetti squash lasagna, and turmeric shrimp;* 15 high-fat, no-sugar burn-zone recipes for craving-quenching foods like chocolate coconut mousse and caramel chai latte;* Weekly menus and handy grocery lists to take guessing out of the equation;* Candid testimonials and amazing weight loss results from Cruise's clients;* An optional burn-zone exercise program with instructional photos.

Building Wealth for Building the Kingdom: A Financial Planning Guide for Latter-day Saint Families

Devin D. Thorpe - 2012
    The book provides simple answers to questions like:How much should I be saving each month for my son's mission?How much should I be saving each month for my children's college education?How can I save enough to be able to retire while I'm healthy enough to serve a mission?Avoiding tips on pinching pennies, the book focuses on opportunities to save thousands or tens of thousands of dollars by making smart moves with big decisions, like home and car purchases. Mormon families will appreciate the gospel-centered, scripture-based focus on putting tithing at the center of a financial plan. Building Wealth for Building the Kingdom will help prepare families to enjoy the benefits of their labor while simultaneously contributing to the growth of Church.About the Author:Devin D. Thorpe brings a broad perspective to financial planning, having owned and operated an investment-banking firm, which included an investment advisory business, a mortgage brokerage and having served in a variety of corporate finance positions. Presently, Devin serves as a business professor at South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, China on behalf of Brigham Young University’s Kennedy Center China Teachers program. Previously, he served as the Chief Financial Officer for the multinational company MonaVie, listed in Inc. Magazine’s 2009 Inc. 500 as the 18th fastest growing company in America and, at $834 million in revenue, the third largest company on the list. Prior experience includes two years working on the staff of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee during Utah Senator Jake Garn’s tenure. He also served briefly in Utah State Government, working at USTAR under Governor Jon Huntsman.He earned an MBA with focus in Finance and Accounting from Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management. He completed his undergraduate degree in finance at the University of Utah, where he later worked as an adjunct professor of finance. In 2006, Devin was recognized by the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah as a Distinguished Alum.

Voices of Recovery

Overeaters Anonymous - 2002
    This daily reader contains inspirational quotations from Overeaters Anonymous literature along with the experience, strength and hope of Overeaters Anonymous members.