SUMMARY 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos

James Harvard - 2018
    Peterson ATTENTION: You can now buy the paper back version of this book at the current reduced price of $6.99 and get the kindle version at a discounted price of $0.99 instead of $2.99 using our Kindle Matchbook program cheers! Jordan B. Peterson's "12 Rules for Life" is quite the thought-provoking read. The Canadian clinical psychologist puts forth his ideas about personality, being, existence; the interconnectedness of order and chaos, two forces evident in all of life; the gender roles assignment discourse; the source of the world's greatest evils, and many other controversial topics. It is refreshing, and sometimes confusing, how he weaves biblical accounts and characters into the telling of his stories. But what might raise the hairs of most are his views on political correctness regarding postmodernism, white-privilege, cultural appropriation and everything in between. One thing is clear about Peterson. He is a man unapologetic of his views, which are largely unpopular, closely conservative, and politically incorrect.This book contains a comprehensive, well detailed summary and key takeaways of the original book by Jordan B. Peterson. It summarizes the book in detail, to help people effectively understand, articulate and imbibe the original work by Peterson. This book is not meant to replace the original book but to serve as a companion to itContained is anExecutive Summary of the original book Key Points of each chapter and Brief chapter-by-chapter summariesTo get this book, Scroll Up Now and Click on the "Buy now with 1-Click" Button to Download your Copy Right Away!Disclaimer: This is a summary, review of the book 12 Rules For Life and not the original book.

EATING ONE MEAL A DAY: THE INTERMITTANT FASTING REVOLUTION FOR BEGINNERS: Lose weight, beat disease and fight ageing! (OMAD Diet Series - One Meal A Day)

Eric Blackburn - 2014
    It was the diet plan which empowered people to lose weight quickly. The Daily Mail called it “The biggest diet revolution since the Atkins” and their parent paper, the Mail on Sunday said it’s “The only diet plans you'll ever need”. For the Radio Times it was simply “The diet that works”. The Guardian noted that 5:2 is "A modern sometimes seems as if every other person you meet is following [it]" The 5:2 diet was lauded by the media as the final answer to the western world’s dietary challenges and obesity epidemics. It was the diet to end all diets. Simple, part-time, flexible, hugely healthy and massively effective. But what if there is a way to upgrade the diet which received such plaudits? What if there is a way to make it work better?What if there was a way to ratchet up the health benefits, the anti-aging benefits, the weight loss benefits and the overall effectiveness of the diet? In this book, Eric Blackburn introduces the revolutionary eating protocol which is set to be the breakout diet of 2015. In this short guide, you’ll learn Why the 5:2 and other Intermittent Fasting techniques are not actually fasting at all – and why the benefits are thus overplayed How eating one large meal a day better mimics how our ancestors lived Learn why OMAD has been ‘secretly’ used by Hollywood diet gurus, cover models and athletes as a weapon for getting in shape fast Learn the 7 principals to make the OMAD diet effortlessly work for you Why you don’t need to count calories or macro nutrients on the OMAD diet – making it a simple lifestyle choice Vs. a yoyo diet plan The myth of ‘three meals a day’ and how it was cooked up by marketing men to sell you breakfast cereal Learn how OMAD can help you reduce aging, by down regulating ‘bad’ cell proliferation Learn how OMAD can help you avoid or beat some of the biggest ‘killer’ diseases in the western world Learn how OMAD helps boost your mental clarity

Coconut Oil Breakthrough: Boost Your Brain, Burn The Fat, Build Your Hair

B.J. Richards - 2016
     The first thing to go is our waistline. Then our skin starts to become dry, cracked and wrinkled, with less elasticity. Eventually, even our hair will become thin, dry, dull and lifeless. Looking at ourselves in the mirror each morning becomes more and more painful, especially when we compare what we have become to what we once were. Then our memory begins to slip, and we start to forget the little things in life. There was once a time when our memory was sharp as a tack, but now we makes jokes about those things we have forgotten. We joke to alleviate the pain of growing old and realizing that one day, we might not even be able to remember the important people in our lives. We make do by leaving notes for ourselves in the form of little sticky notes placed all around the house. Age, it seems, is going to leave us all as a shell of the human beings we once were. I know how you feel. I was once in the same position myself. For years, I struggled with my weight and the fat that just wouldn't leave my body, no matter how healthy I tried to eat and how much exercise I did to knock off the unwanted pounds. No matter how well I ate or what shampoos I used, my hair was breaking and the weight just stared back at me. Learning about the health benefits of coconut oil was a game-changer for me, and it could be for you too. I've been involved in natural healing for over 30 years, in my personal life, as a researcher and a practitioner. But, even with all of the advanced knowledge I had on the subject, I was unable to escape the symptoms I described previously. When I started hearing stories about the traditional health benefits of this wonder fruit, I dug in and started doing all of the necessary research to understand how adding the coconut to my daily regimen could change my life in a very positive way. You might just be surprised at how powerful this plant really is in addressing the health problems you might be facing in your daily life. There are literally more than 30 ways we can use the coconut to improve the quality of our lives. You can use coconut oil, milk and water to: • Rehydrate your skin, and make your skin look and feel healthy again. • Reduce bad breath, plaque and gingivitis to improve your oral health and your social life. • Burn off the fat and the unwanted pounds, so that you can fit in your skinny jeans again, and perhaps even turn a few heads your way.Triple your metabolism, providing you the energy levels of someone half your age. • Enhance your memory and sharpen your mind, so that you won't have to worry again about forgetting those important details in your life. Kate recommended, “I, personally, have experienced the benefit to my skin that this book teaches, and have found that coconut oil has become a staple in my home in many of the ways that BJ recommends in her book. If you are looking for that one stop resource on all things coconut oil, then this is the book to buy!!” Agi added more to the story of this book. “I am a Personal Trainer and a Functional Nutrition Practitioner and I have been using and recommending coconut oil for some time and researched a lot of its uses, but learned more from reading this book. I will recommend this book to my clients.” The bottom line is that coconut oil, milk and water – used in the right ways – can be very beneficial to one's health.

Ten Golden Exercises: (As chosen by a 20 year Physical Therapist)

Daniel Philpot - 2018
    Learn not just what to do, but why it matters- and in simple terms. Presented here is the exercise foundation to preventing the most common biomechanical dysfunctions that we all may face. Whether young or old or somewhere in between- the information in this book will help you physically function better now and throughout your life.

Return of the Kettlebell: Explosive Kettlebell Training for Explosive Muscle Gains

Pavel Tsatsouline - 2010
    Several champions made astonishing, almost mysterious, strength and muscle gains--at least two broke new powerlifting world records—thanks to kettlebell training. Pavel decided to reverse engineer this "What the Hell" effect experienced by the champions—so all others could benefit from their success. Return of the Kettlebell presents the final fruit of Pavel's research—combining the very best of ancient lifting wisdom with modern day scientific breakthroughs. Central to Pavel's new program for explosive muscle gain is the skillful use of double kettlebells. Discover smokers like the Double Clean, classic strength builders like the Double Snatch and Double Press and enjoy the supreme intensity of the Double Clean and Jerk. Like the Breakfast of Champions, consume what's on the Return of the Kettlebell menu and watch yourself grow—and grow! Chapter 1: The Science of Big Heresy, but it works! Maverick superstar Vasily Alexeevev snuck this renegade method past the apparatchiks' noses—and packed serious pounds of beef on his grateful students in record time… Page 2 Why the Russian kettlebell beats all comers as the ideal tool for repetition quick lifts… Page 3 Why "fast eccentrics" are now all the rage among serious hypertrophy experts Understand how to manipulate Z-band streaming for faster muscle growth… Page 4 Shoot from both barrels! How a double whammy of "quick wacks" and "slow squeezes" will leave no muscle untrashed in your quest for explosive growth… Page 5 3 styles of Russian kettlebell training—which one is right for you?… Pages 6–8 Chapter 2: Explode and Grow This "Smokers' Delight" will jack your heart rate through the roof… Page 11 The best starting position for more powerful—and safer—shoulder contractions… Page 13 The ladies' way to trouble-free Double Cleans… Page 17 Yes, this will build monstrous biceps—but you'll be risking a serious injury… Page 19 Bad idea! Why "scooping" can only hurt your future strength development… Page 20 The difference between anatomical and biomechanical breathing—and which to choose for greater strength development… Page 21 The essential prerequisites for a powerful Double Snatch… Page 22 You MUST employ this secret in the Double Snatch—or risk your back and face… Page 24 Could this method be the best ever upper back and shoulder builder?... Page 26 Employ this little-known method for the ultimate in lateral deltoid development… Page 28 How to correctly perform the Viking Push Press—for way more powerful quads and tris… Page30 The 2 biggest problems a beginner faces with the Push Press—and the perfect solution to both. The correct grip for optimal explosiveness in the Snatch… Page 33 The essential prerequisite for maximal force transmission in the arms and legs… Page 34 The correct neck position for a truly effective Push Press—and a great way to save your back… Page 36 The 4 major keys to efficient and painless shock absorption 3 important reasons NEVER to raise your heels when push pressing… Page 40 Why it's best to stay "light" with the Viking Push Press… Page 43 Risk being accused of steroid abuse—when you gain like crazy from this ultimate kettlebell lift… Page 46 How to optimize your Clean and Jerk—for inhuman results 4 superb Russian drills to i

Run Yourself Skinny: Lose Weight Fast Without Dieting!

Michael Thomas - 2012

Vitamin K2: Understanding How a Little Known Vitamin Impacts Your Health

Kristie Leong - 2014
    A number of studies show a link between vitamin K2, bone health and heart health. Is vitamin K2 a nutrient you need more of in your diet? As physicians, we feel everyone needs to be aware of the role this vitamin plays in health and wellness. This concise ebook explores the link between vitamin K2 and how it may protect against some of the most common diseases you’re at risk for as you age. Here are some of the questions this book will answer: The Role of Vitamin K in Your Body How Vitamin K2 Differs from Vitamin K1 and Why Most People Don’t Get Enough of It The Various Isoforms of Vitamin K2 and Which Ones Are Most Important for Health The Role Vitamin K2 Plays in Bone Health and Osteoporosis Prevention Vitamin K2 and Heart Disease: Can It Lower Your Risk or Even Reverse Atherosclerosis? Do You Need a Vitamin K2 Supplement? Vitamin K2 and Cancer: Is There a Link? The Role Vitamin K2 Plays in Dental Health Are You at Risk for Vitamin K Deficiency? Can You Get Enough Vitamin K2 Through Diet Alone? The Best Dietary Source of Vitamin K2 Why You Must Have Vitamin K2 if You Take a Vitamin D Supplement Are There Risks to Taking a Vitamin K2 Supplement? One Type of Vitamin K2 Supplement Source You Should Avoid You should have a better understanding of the health benefits of vitamin K2 once you finish.

The MD Emperor Has No Clothes: Everybody Is Sick and I Know Why

Peter Glidden - 2012
    Glidden is one of the very few to realize the sobering truths that MD directed medicine consistently fails to cure disease, and that it causes massive amounts of harm in the process. Furthermore, he understands that people around the world who continue to hold onto their cultural home remedies live longer and healthier than those that buy into modern medical methods! In America, Hispanics outlive whites by 2.5 years and blacks by 8 years - and it has nothing to do with genetics! Few physicians understand how and why this happens. Few physicians have hands-on experience delivering non-drug treatments that actually help people to recover their health. Dr. Glidden does.The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, by reconciling the ancient methods of Wholistic medicine with the urgent health needs of our modern world, offers a key to the very survival of America herself. God-speed Dr. Glidden!"- Joel Wallach BS, DVM, ND

Compassion Amidst the Chaos: Tales told by an ER Doc

Christopher Davis, MD - 2020
    You meet one when life doesn't go as planned. Survival requires immediate dependence and trust in a stranger in a white coat. As soon as the imminent danger has passed— they are off to the next case. Many patients don't realize that their stories stay with those that served them. Patients have the most to teach about humility and humanity."Compassion Amidst the Chaos" is brimming with the tension, anguish, exhaustion, relief, gratitude, and compassion that are all part of a typical day at work in the ER. Travel with Dr. Chris Davis through the cases he remembers most from his 35-year career as an emergency medicine doctor.

Treat Your Own Rotator Cuff

Jim Johnson - 2007
    The rotator cuff, a group of four, flat tendons that connect to the critical muscles that stabilize your shoulder, can cause a lot more problems than you might think. Consider a few of these statistics from the published literature: .It's simply just a matter of time until the majority of shoulders get a rotator cuff tear. According to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans, approximately 4% of people under forty years of age have a torn rotator cuff. After age sixty, however, 54% of people have one (Sher 1995). .Once the rotator cuff gets torn, it doesn't look good either. One study followed a group of patients with tears in their rotator cuffs and found that 80% of the them went on to either enlarge or turn into full thickness tears-in less than a two-year period (Yamanaka 1994). As you can tell, rotator cuff problems aren't just for elite athletes. Seriously consider investing just a few minutes a week doing the simple exercises in this book if you: .have been diagnosed with either a partial or full thickness rotator cuff tear (yes, many studies show that even full thickness tears can be helped with exercise!) .experience shoulder pain .do upper body weight lifting .have a job or play a sport where you do a lot of work with your arms above shoulder level .have been diagnosed with "impingement syndrome" .want a healthy and properly functioning rotator cuff So whether you already suffer from a rotator cuff problem, or simply want to prevent one, Treat Your Own Rotator Cuff will guide you step-by-step through an evidence-based program that can iron-plate your shoulders in just minutes a week. Jim Johnson, P.T., is a physical therapist who has spent over fifteen years treating both inpatients and outpatients with a wide range of pain and mobility problems. He has written many books based completely on published research and controlled trials including The Multifidus Back Pain Solution, Treat Your Own Knees, The No-Beach, No-Zone, No-Nonsense Weight Loss Plan: A Pocket Guide to What Works, and The Sixty-Second Motivator. His books have been translated into other languages and thousands of copies have been sold worldwide. Besides working full-time as a clinician in a large teaching hospital and writing books, Jim Johnson is a certified Clinical Instructor by the American Physical Therapy Association and enjoys teaching physical therapy students from all over the United States.

100 No-Equipment Workouts Vol. 1: Fitness Routines You Can Do Anywhere, Any Time

Neila Rey - 2013
    The 100 Workouts Book is for everyone who wants to stay active, get fit, build muscle tone and/or shed extra weight in the home environment without acquiring any extra equipment. Be in complete control of your fitness. No more worrying about the right equipment, the right attire, finding a gym, or finding the space or time to exercise. The 100 no-equipment fitness routines in this jumbo A4-size workout book will let you:Exercise on your terms Get fit with the time you have Have fun while getting fitter Stop worrying about the gym culture Find a routine to do whether you are an absolute beginner or someone already fit Different workouts will ensure that your muscles don't get used to the same regime, giving you more in return, and also help you stay active and not get bored with the same routine. Some of the workouts are more challenging and some are easier than others so you will never get bored. All have three different levels you can try them at, so there is always something to aim for.Easy-to-follow visual routines guide you through the workout, as you go from one exercise to the next, in an easier fashion than in a video. Just follow the routine and have fun! You don't have to work through the entire book; you can pick the workouts you like most or randomly select one and make it a workout of the day. Ideally you want to do 3-4 workouts per week.

True to Form: How to Use Foundation Training for Sustained Pain Relief and Everyday Fitness

Eric Goodman - 2016
    Eric Goodman’s visionary approach to mindful movement corrects the complacent adaptations that lead to back and joint pain, and teaches us to harness the body’s natural movement patterns into daily activities to make us fit, healthy, and pain free.Our sedentary lifestyle has led to an epidemic of chronic pain. By adapting to posture and movement that have us out of balance—including sitting all day at a keyboard, tilting our heads forward to look at our phones—we consistently compromise our joints, give our organs less room to function, and weaken our muscles. How we hold and live in our bodies is fundamental to our overall health, and the good news is that we all hold the key to a healthier body.Dr. Goodman has spent years studying human physiology and movement. He has trained world-class athletes for better performance, and has healed people of all ages and occupations of lifelong debilitating pain. His theory of self-healing is now available to everyone. His practical program trains the posterior muscle chain—shoulders, back, butt, and legs—shifting the burden of support away from joints and putting it back where it belongs: into large muscle groups.Filled with helpful diagrams and sixty color photographs, True to Form shows readers how to successfully integrate these powerful movements into everyday life—from playing with the kids to washing dishes to long hours in the office—transforming ordinary physical actions into active and mindful movements that help to eliminate pain, up your game, or simply feel more energetic. True to Form shows you how to move better, breathe better, and get back to using your body the way nature intended.

The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health: A Complete Guide to Preventing and Relieving More Than 200 Chronic Conditions and Disorders Naturally

Michio Kushi - 2003
    . . . Food transmutes directly into body, mind, and spirit . . . creates our day-to-day health and happiness.”—from The Macrobiotic Path to Total HealthEven in medical schools, alternative medicine is blossoming. Two thirds of them now offer courses in complementary healing practices, including nutrition. At the heart of this revolution is macrobiotics, a simple, elegant, and delicious way of eating whose health benefits are being confirmed at an impressive rate by researchers around the world.Macrobiotics is based on the laws of yin and yang—the complementary energies that flow throughout the universe and quicken every cell of our bodies and every morsel of the food we eat. Michio Kushi and Alex Jack, distinguished educators of the macrobiotic way, believe that almost every human ailment from the common cold to cancer can be helped, and often cured, by balancing the flow of energy (the ki) inside us. The most effective way to do this is to eat the right foods, according to our individual day-to-day needs. Now in this marvelous guide, they give us the basics of macrobiotic eating and living, and explain how to use this powerful source of healing to become healthier and happier, to prevent or relieve more than two hundred ailments, conditions, or disorders—both physical and psychological. This encyclopedic compendium of macrobiotic fundamentals, remedies, menus, and recipes takes into account the newest thinking and evolving practices within the macrobiotic community. The authors integrate all the information into a remarkable A to Z guide to macrobiotic healing—from AIDS, allergies, and arthritis, to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. They also clearly explain what we need to know to start eating a true macrobiotic diet that will provide us with a complete balance of energy and nutrients. Living as we all do in environmental and climactic circumstances that are largely outside our personal control, it is vital that we follow a healthy lifestyle, including a flexible diet that we can adjust to meet our own individual needs. The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health gives us precisely the tools and the understanding we need to achieve this goal. Use it to build a strong, active body and a cheerful, resourceful mind.

Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World

Dave Braun - 2013
    Oola is a "state of awesomeness." When your life is balanced and growing in the 7 key areas of life (Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends, and Fun).Oola reads more like a collection of kick-butt anecdotes and sincere stories that just happen to have meaningful messages. Co-authors Dave Braun (The OolaSeeker) and Troy Amdahl (The OolaGuru) have been there and done that.Kurt Warner, NFL MVP, wrote the foreword. "What I have been seeking, and what I believe everyone is seeking ... in an OolaLife." Mark Victor Hansen (the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" co-author) says, "Oola is happy inspiration!" Oola has received glowing reviews from top authors, pro athletes, musicians, industry leaders, and Olympians.Need 7 more reasons to read this book:1. Learn the three simple steps to balance and grow your life in an unbalanced world.2. Uncover what blocks you from the life of your dreams and what can get you there faster.3. Find out what you can learn from a drunken Thai monkey, a black Ninja, and zebra-striped underwear.4. Why no matter what you have done or have failed to do, you deserve a better life.5. Become inspired to take the steps, reach your milestones, and achieve your OolaLife.6. Discover the 7 key areas of life you must balance and grow.7. Unlock the secrets to taking your life to the next level.

SEAL Survival Guide: Active Shooter and Survival Medicine Excerpt

Cade Courtley - 2016
    Think and act like a Navy SEAL, and you can survive anything. The world is a dangerous place. You can live scared—or be prepared. “We never thought it would happen to us.” It's difficult to imagine encountering an active shooter situation, but the reality is that modern life is unpredictable and dangerous. Don’t live in fear or rely on luck. Learn the SEAL mindset: Be prepared, feel confident, and know exactly how to escape a life-threatening situation such as a mass shooting. Former Navy SEAL and preeminent American survivalist Cade Courtley delivers step-by-step instructions anyone can master in the illustrated, user-friendly SEAL Survival Guide. Don’t be taken by surprise. Fight back, protect yourself, and beat the odds. Check out this excerpt and then purchase the essential manual no one in the twenty-first century should be without.