Abstract Algebra
David S. Dummit - 1900
This book is designed to give the reader insight into the power and beauty that accrues from a rich interplay between different areas of mathematics. The book carefully develops the theory of different algebraic structures, beginning from basic definitions to some in-depth results, using numerous examples and exercises to aid the reader's understanding. In this way, readers gain an appreciation for how mathematical structures and their interplay lead to powerful results and insights in a number of different settings. * The emphasis throughout has been to motivate the introduction and development of important algebraic concepts using as many examples as possible.
Harmonograph: A Visual Guide to the Mathematics of Music
Anthony Ashton - 1999
Harmonograph is an introduction to the evolution of simple harmonic theory, from the discoveries of Pythagoras to diatonic tuning and equal temperament. Beautiful drawings show the octave as triangle, the fifth as pentagram; diagrams show the principles of harmonics, overtones, and the monochord. Anthony Ashton examines the phenomenon of resonance in Chladni patterns, describes how to build a harmonograph of your own, and provides tables of world tuning systems. This inspiring book will appeal to musicians, mathematicians, designers, and artists alike.
Geometry, Relativity and the Fourth Dimension
Rudolf Rucker - 1977
A remarkable pictorial discussion of the curved space-time we call home, it achieves even greater impact through the use of 141 excellent illustrations. This is the first sustained visual account of many important topics in relativity theory that up till now have only been treated separately.Finding a perfect analogy in the situation of the geometrical characters in Flatland, Professor Rucker continues the adventures of the two-dimensional world visited by a three-dimensional being to explain our three-dimensional world in terms of the fourth dimension. Following this adventure into the fourth dimension, the author discusses non-Euclidean geometry, curved space, time as a higher dimension, special relativity, time travel, and the shape of space-time. The mathematics is sound throughout, but the casual reader may skip those few sections that seem too purely mathematical and still follow the line of argument. Readable and interesting in itself, the annotated bibliography is a valuable guide to further study.Professor Rucker teaches mathematics at the State University of New York in Geneseo. Students and laymen will find his discussion to be unusually stimulating. Experienced mathematicians and physicists will find a great deal of original material here and many unexpected novelties. Annotated bibliography. 44 problems.
Thinking Mathematically
John Mason - 1982
It demonstrates how to encourage, develop, and foster the processes which seem to come naturally to mathematicians.
All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference
Larry Wasserman - 2003
But in spirit, the title is apt, as the book does cover a much broader range of topics than a typical introductory book on mathematical statistics. This book is for people who want to learn probability and statistics quickly. It is suitable for graduate or advanced undergraduate students in computer science, mathematics, statistics, and related disciplines. The book includes modern topics like nonparametric curve estimation, bootstrapping, and clas- sification, topics that are usually relegated to follow-up courses. The reader is presumed to know calculus and a little linear algebra. No previous knowledge of probability and statistics is required. Statistics, data mining, and machine learning are all concerned with collecting and analyzing data. For some time, statistics research was con- ducted in statistics departments while data mining and machine learning re- search was conducted in computer science departments. Statisticians thought that computer scientists were reinventing the wheel. Computer scientists thought that statistical theory didn't apply to their problems. Things are changing. Statisticians now recognize that computer scientists are making novel contributions while computer scientists now recognize the generality of statistical theory and methodology. Clever data mining algo- rithms are more scalable than statisticians ever thought possible. Formal sta- tistical theory is more pervasive than computer scientists had realized.
Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide
K.F. Riley - 1998
As well as lucid descriptions of all the topics and many worked examples, it contains over 800 exercises. New stand-alone chapters give a systematic account of the 'special functions' of physical science, cover an extended range of practical applications of complex variables, and give an introduction to quantum operators. Further tabulations, of relevance in statistics and numerical integration, have been added. In this edition, half of the exercises are provided with hints and answers and, in a separate manual available to both students and their teachers, complete worked solutions. The remaining exercises have no hints, answers or worked solutions and can be used for unaided homework; full solutions are available to instructors on a password-protected web site, www.cambridge.org/9780521679718.
Pharmacology for Nursing Care
Richard A. Lehne - 1990
It provides the background needed to understand related drugs currently on the market, as well as drugs yet to be released. In simplifying a complex subject, this text focuses on the essentials of pharmacology. Large print is used to show need-to-know information, and small print is used for nice to know material. At the end of each chapter, a summary of major nursing implications helps in applying the material to real-world situations. This edition includes a new companion CD-ROM featuring NCLEX(R) examination-style review questions, a variety of electronic calculators, and animations depicting drug mechanisms and effects.Uses a prototype drug approach that places a strong emphasis on understanding over memorization - equipping students with the knowledge to learn not only about related drugs currently on the market, but also about those drugs that will be released once the student begins practice.Summaries of Major Nursing Implications at the end of each chapter provide an in-depth look at assessment, implementation, and ongoing evaluations.Utilizes large print for essential information and small print for nice-to-know information to help both faculty and students focus their limited classroom and study time on understanding the essentials.Concise drug summary tables present detailed information on individual drugs, including class, generic and trade names, dosages, routes, and indications.Key Points at the end of each chapter summarize content in a bulleted format to help students review important concepts.Prototype drug discussions employ a clear and consistent format with separate headings for Mechanism of Action; Pharmacologic Effects; Pharmacokinetics; Therapeutic Uses; Adverse Effects; Drug Interactions; and Preparations, Dosage, and Administration.An attractive full-color design adds visual interest, highlights key information, and facilitates student learning.Drugs for Multiple Sclerosis and Drugs for Hemophilia chapters.Drugs for Erectile Dysfunction and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia chapter covers newsworthy drugs such as Viagra and Levitra.Special Interest Topics boxes on current issues in pharmacology, such as Medication-Overuse Headache: Too Much of a Good Thing and Face Time with Botox.Adult Immunization appendix summarizes the latest information on immunizations.Numerous new illustrations show drug mechanisms and effects, and depict topics such as histologic changes in Alzheimer's disease and the movement of drugs following GI absorption.
A First Course in String Theory
Barton Zwiebach - 2004
The first part deals with basic ideas, reviewing special relativity and electromagnetism while introducing the concept of extra dimensions. D-branes and the classical dynamics of relativistic strings are discussed next, and the quantization of open and closed bosonic strings in the light-cone gauge, along with a brief introduction to superstrings. The second part begins with a detailed study of D-branes followed by string thermodynamics. It discusses possible physical applications, and covers T-duality of open and closed strings, electromagnetic fields on D-branes, Born/Infeld electrodynamics, covariant string quantization and string interactions. Primarily aimed as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate courses, it will also be ideal for a wide range of scientists and mathematicians who are curious about string theory.
Gametek: The Math and Science of Gaming
Geoffrey Engelstein - 2018
Connecting games to math, science, and psychology, GameTek has grown to be one of the most popular parts of the show.This volume commemorates the anniversary with a collection of over seventy of the best segments, many with annotations and illustrations.With chapters on everything from Rock, Paper, Scissors to the Prisoner’s Dilemma to Player Engagement to Quasicrystals to Buddha’s Forbidden Games, GameTek is sure to delight not just game designers and players, but anyone who wants to learn about the world from a new perspective.Sections:• Game Theory• Math• Psychology• Science• Game Mechanics• Psychology Games• HistoryFrom the first time I heard it, the GameTek segment in The Dice Tower podcast became my favorite part of the show. Listening to Geoff is like going to your favorite lesson with your favorite teacher. He teaches about games (yay!) and does it in a very interesting way with lots of examples. He does amazing stuff. He knows about the construction of games, he knows the theory, he knows all that stuff behind the scenes that we gamers do not see when just playing a game and having fun.Ignacy Trzewiczek, Portal GamesThere are many hobby game 'experts' out there, dying to give you their opinion on how the industry works, how games work, what types of games are best, and so on. Geoff Engelstein is the expert that requires your attention. He is a scholar of games, and his research on games and other principles that apply to gaming is matched by none.Stephen Buonocore, Stronghold GamesOver the years, I’ve listened to a lot of people talk about board games, yet the short snippets that Geoff puts out are the ones that I find myself thinking about in the quiet of the night. His are the segments that you laugh at and say, “I have NO idea what you are talking about” — but later on use to show people just how intellectual you are.Tom Vasel, The Dice Tower
The Immune System
Peter Parham - 2004
This class-tested and successful textbook synthesizes the established facts of immunology into a comprehensible, coherent, and up-to-date account of how the immune system works, rather than presenting immunology as a chronology of experiments and discoveries. Emphasizing the human immune system the text has been designed to break down the barriers which often divide basic and clinical immunology. The reader-friendly text, section and chapter summaries, and full-color illustrations make the book accessible and easily understandable to students. The Immune System is adapted from Immunobiology by Janeway, Travers & Walport.
Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach
Allan G. Bluman - 1992
The book is non-theoretical, explaining concepts intuitively and teaching problem solving through worked examples and step-by-step instructions. This edition places more emphasis on conceptual understanding and understanding results. This edition also features increased emphasis on Excel, MINITAB, and the TI-83 Plus and TI 84-Plus graphing calculators, computing technologies commonly used in such courses.
Course of Theoretical Physics: Vol. 1, Mechanics
L.D. Landau - 1969
The exposition is simple and leads to the most complete direct means of solving problems in mechanics. The final sections on adiabatic invariants have been revised and augmented. In addition a short biography of L D Landau has been inserted.
Linear Algebra
Georgi E. Shilov - 1971
Shilov, Professor of Mathematics at the Moscow State University, covers determinants, linear spaces, systems of linear equations, linear functions of a vector argument, coordinate transformations, the canonical form of the matrix of a linear operator, bilinear and quadratic forms, Euclidean spaces, unitary spaces, quadratic forms in Euclidean and unitary spaces, finite-dimensional algebras and their representations, with an appendix on categories of finite-dimensional spaces.The author begins with elementary material and goes easily into the advanced areas, covering all the standard topics of an advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate course. The material is presented in a consistently clear style. Problems are included, with a full section of hints and answers in the back.Keeping in mind the unity of algebra, geometry and analysis in his approach, and writing practically for the student who needs to learn techniques, Professor Shilov has produced one of the best expositions on the subject. Because it contains an abundance of problems and examples, the book will be useful for self-study as well as for the classroom.
Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science
Heinz-Otto Peitgen - 1992
At the time we were hoping that our approach of writing a book which would be both accessible without mathematical sophistication and portray these exiting new fields in an authentic manner would find an audience. Now we know it did. We know from many reviews and personal letters that the book is used in a wide range of ways: researchers use it to acquaint themselves, teachers use it in college and university courses, students use it for background reading, and there is also a substantial audience of lay people who just want to know what chaos and fractals are about. Every book that is somewhat technical in nature is likely to have a number of misprints and errors in its first edition. Some of these were caught and brought to our attention by our readers. One of them, Hermann Flaschka, deserves to be thanked in particular for his suggestions and improvements. This second edition has several changes. We have taken out the two appendices from the firstedition. At the time of the first edition Yuval Fishers contribution, which we published as an appendix was probably the first complete expository account on fractal image compression. Meanwhile, Yuvals book Fractal Image Compression: Theory and Application appeared and is now the publication to refer to.