Book picks similar to
Win the Heart of A Woman of Your Dreams by Sahara Sanders
10 Things Every Woman Needs to Know About Men: Understand His Mind And Capture His Heart
Sabrina Alexis - 2015
For as far back as humanity goes, women have struggled to understand why men behave the way they do. Does he like me? Why won’t he commit? Why doesn’t he text back? Does he mean what he says? Why is he withdrawing? How does he really feel? These are just a few examples of questions that women all over the world are desperate to know the answers to… and now they can, once and for all. This book takes a look at the most common relationship scenarios—the ones that cause the most confusion—and explains everything. It provides a breakdown of the male psyche, as well as honest confessions from the authors and men who were brave enough to share their stories. 10 Things Every Woman Needs to Know About Men will free you from all your doubts and confusion and give you the gift of clarity. You will never again feel the need to try to figure him out… instead you can bask in the joy of just understanding exactly why he does what he does.
How to Text a Girl: A Girls Chase Guide (Girls Chase Guides Book 1)
Chase Amante - 2016
If you're tired of "spin your wheels" texting advice, buy this book. Its approach draws from 18 cutting edge scientific studies on texting… And it's written by the founder of the highest traffic men's dating advice website on the Internet, What you will learn inside: Who the 4 kinds of texters are (plus: which one YOU are) - pg. 2 How to text a girl you like (use the powerful JGIG texting system) - pg.10 Exactly what to text girls: what topics to text and which to AVOID - pg. 62 The 4 BIG reasons most guys struggle to turn phone numbers into dates (these are so easy to correct) - pg. 74 How to tell if a girl likes you over text… Do this ONE thing, and you will know, with certainty, if she like you or not - pg. 67 How to "break the ice" with a girl over text in a way that kills awkwardness and gets her to text you - pg. 52 How to get a girl to LIKE you over text (hint: no clueless questions or long-winded text jousts!) - pg. 15 What to do when a girl doesn't text back - apply these 2 dos and 2 don'ts, and you'll get her texting today, 4 times out of 5 - pg. 72 How to flirt with a girl over text and make her EXCITED to meet up with you - you'll learn why "less" is "more", and just how much to actually do - pg. 31 An easy way to make sure girls almost never cancel the dates you plan with them over text. To do this, you'll use a simple, powerful trick called the "pre-meeting text" - pg. 68 What to do if a girl flakes on you (the good news: handle this well, and her attraction for you goes through the ROOF) - pg. 85 How to make a phone call to a girl that "resets" her interest in you (this works like magic at times when nothing else does) - pg. 92 The single most EFFECTIVE way to resume texting a girl you haven't talked to in weeks or months - pg. 112 How to start a conversation with a girl over text message; to do this right, you MUST use one of the two (2) patented "text objectives" - pg. 28 An example text conversation, start to finish, that ties EVERYTHING in the book together (this lets you see how all the pieces work, end to end) - pg. 134 … plus tons more examples, scientific study findings, and rules to texting women most men NEVER unearth… no matter how many texts they send. As a FREE bonus, only for book buyers, you'll receive the GC URL to a 93-minute bonus podcast on texting with girls.
The Unchained Man - The Alpha Male 2.0
Caleb Jones - 2014
The Break Up Manual For Men: How To Recover From A Serious Break Up, Become Stronger and Get Back Into Life
Andrew Ferebee - 2015
Guys, let’s face it a serious breakup can suck! There is no one that is IMMUNE to experiencing a broken relationship. It literally feels as though your heart has been torn out of your chest. You can’t stop thinking about her, what you could, should or would do if you had another chance — even if the breakup occurred last week, or ten years ago. But the truth is… it’s OVER and she’s moved on! So what can YOU do about it? The Breakup Manual For Men was born out of real heartbreak, and an urgent necessity to get over the loss and pain of a serious breakup. In this powerful book, relationship coach for men, Andrew Ferebee has distilled the essentials of his own success and life-changing work with men who have been blindsided by breakups into an easy-to-follow strategy that you can devour in as little as a day. This is no ordinary relationship advice book. You will leave behind all confusion, pain and heartbreak as he leads you through how to truly “Overcome and Recover” so you can become stronger, attract new women and have the confidence to start living again in the shortest time possible. Andrew leaves no stone unturned. Everything has been tested and proven to work! The result — one easy-to-read book for men that reveals what you absolutely need to know. * Keys to experiencing acceptance of the breakup in a matter of weeks instead of months * Proven method to avoid the pain of seeing her move on and speed up the recovery process * How to trick your mind into ending the fantasy of you getting back together with her * 3 simple steps to regain your power so you no longer feel empty inside * The surprising truth behind why you would have lost her either way * Detailed strategies to handle social media after a breakup * Exactly how and what to do to accept the loss and release the pain * How the 5 stages of grief can help you cope with your emotions and accept where you are * The hard-science behind breakups and why you are going to thrive after the breakup * The real reason why you should wait before jumping back into another relationship * Demystifying the truth about why your ex has moved on and appears happy * Unique and overlooked ways to control your anger over your ex moving on * Life-changing secrets of getting clear about your breakup * The facts on how long it takes to get over a breakup and when to start dating again * Breakthrough solutions for suicidal thoughts and why you matter even without her * Andrew’s 5 “can’t miss” non-negotiable rules to avoid slipping back into old self-destructive thoughts and behaviours * A powerful 10 step weekly plan you can follow to see incredible things happen in your life again * Little known techniques for channelling your anger so you no longer feel like a victim * 6 ways to rebuild your life and improve it far beyond what it is now * Clear and straight-forward advice that will instantly help you re-discover your purpose * Fastest known way to recovery and how you know you are ready for a new relationship Ask yourself: Where will you be a week, a month or a year from now? Think about it.
Get Inside Her: Dirty Dating Tips & Secrets from a Woman on How to Attract, Seduce and Get Any Female You Want
Marni Kinrys - 2013
You see, these emails were not the typical online dating messages. They weren't asking me out on dates, or vying for desire or attention. They were sent from great guys, who no matter what they tried, always seemed to find that beautiful women ended up dating jerks and never calling them back.Now, you might be wondering what all these guys are doing emailing me their questions, but as a professional Wing Girl, it's my duty to be the girl who gives it to guys straight of the dating community. I'm always brutally honest and have been told I have a gift for seeing things from both sides of the dating lines, but it took me a few glasses of wine and some seriously deep thinking to try to piece the puzzle together.What was going on?I knew all my gorgeous girlfriends were looking for these types of men. Men who were exciting, fun, good, honest and who had their life together...So as they were they emailing me, detailing their failed attempts, I tried to find the one common factor that was holding these great guys back. I spoke with them at length about their dating history, trying to figure out if they were doing something wrong, and then it struck me.It wasn't them; it was "The Game" they had been told to play.They had the best intentions, but they were going about attracting and dating beautiful women in all the wrong ways. They were dating from the male perspective and in a way that seemed right to other guys; but this wasn't communicated clearly to women!As I started to reply to each email, instead of telling them what I thought they wanted to hear or what I thought male Pick Up Artists might tell them, I started to lay it all out on the line. Later on, when I asked my girlfriends for their opinion, they couldn't believe what I had written.I was revealing all secrets women would never tell men. I was putting it out there in a way that would give guys what my girlfriends called the upper hand, but I defended my actions. These were genuinely great guys! I was tired of hearing how women could never find what they were looking for. Now, when I was gave the men a road map to go out and find them, they freaked out!That's when I knew I had something worth sharing. Something that would turn the dating world on its head; finally, I thought, "It's time to shake things up!"If you have ever wondered why you aren't on the calendars of beautiful women, why they never seem to call back, or always end up with the jerks of the world, then you have to hear what I have to say.You need to accept that it's not your fault and face the facts. Men and women are different. We act, think, and date differently. If you want to find success, you have to see things from a different perspective. You have to gain the world's first (and best) awarded female Pick Up Artists perspective!Now when I go out, meet with clients, call, or email these great guys back, I get something in return. I get to see them finally date the women they have always wanted and deserved. They tell me how easy and simple it has become, and how they cannot believe they didn't think of it first.
The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships
Neil Strauss - 2015
The book jump-started the international “seduction community,” and made Strauss a household name—revered or notorious—among single men and women alike.But the experience of writing The Game also transformed Strauss into a man who could have what every man wants: the ability to date or have casual sex with almost every woman he met. The results were heady, to be sure. But they also conditioned him to view the world as a kind of constant parade of women, sex, and opportunity—with intimacy and long-term commitment taking a back seat. That is, until he met the woman who forced him to choose between herself and the parade. The choice was not only difficult, it was wrenching. It forced him deep into his past, to confront not only the moral dimensions of his pickup lifestyle, but also a wrenching mystery in his childhood that shaped the man that he became. It sent him into extremes of behavior that exposed just how conflicted his life had become. And it made him question everything he knew about himself, and about the way men and women live with and without each other.He would never be the same again.Searingly honest, compulsively readable, this book may have the same effect on you.
How to Make Someone Love You Forever!: In 90 Minutes or Less
Nicholas Boothman - 2004
Time to stop being too shy to meet someone, wondering why a promising first date wound up going nowhere, or realizing too late that it happened with the wrong person anyway. Nicholas Boothman has a much better way. Drawing on his expertise in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Boothman charts a three-step plan that will help anyone find the love of his or her life. Step one: get ready--come to know who "you" are through honest self-assessment, and then to know what type of person is your matched opposite--i.e., the person who completes you. Step two, the heart of the program, is working seriously on interpersonal skills--how to be charming, not alarming; flirt with confidence; synchronize body and voice to create trust and chemistry; keep enthusiasm high; even how to cast a wide social net and dress for a first meeting. Step three is about accelerating the kind of intimacy that leads to love, by finding "Me too!" triggers and mastering the art of incidental touch. You'll learn to tap into key emotions through low-, medium-, and high-risk disclosures--and how to intensify the nonverbal signals that turn sparks into a flame. All the while you'll establish a solid romantic foundation to convert this magic 90 minutes into a lifetime of love and commitment.
Magic Bullets
Nick Savoy - 2009
It's a simple step-by-step system that teaches you how to engage sexy women in fun and natural conversations, get their phone numbers, right through to how you can increase intimacy, romance and more. It will show you how to develop a passionate and sexual relationship with the girl of your dreams (plus importantly you will learn exactly how, where, and when you can meet her). It's got the proven ways to get women to initiate “accidental” dates that are pressure-free… AND the 6 best places to consistently meet a huge range of desirable women (plus four specific ways to immediately improve your “game”).
How to Be a 3% Man, Winning the Heart of the Woman of Your Dreams
Corey Wayne - 2006
It covers both the dating world and long term relationships. You will learn how to meet and date the type of women you've always dreamed of. The best part is you can do this while remaining who you truly are inside. The book teaches you how to create sexual attraction in women & get women to chase & pursue you! It takes you step by step with easy to follow instructions. You will be able to meet women anytime, anyplace, & anywhere...this will give you choice with women. Whether you are single & searching or already with your dream lady, my book has the secrets most men will never know about women. Learn more at
As You Are: Ignite Your Charisma, Reclaim Your Confidence, Unleash Your Masculinity
Nick Sparks - 2015
Around the women who intimidate you most you struggle to think of what to say, sabotage yourself in ways you don't fully understand, and feel confused about when and how to express your sexuality. You worry that you'll have to settle for someone who you're not all that excited to be with (if you're lucky enough to find anyone) and/or face a messy divorce when it inevitably doesn't work out. That's why I wrote this book. I've coached men on improving their social and dating lives for over a decade, charging thousands of dollars for a weekend program, appearing on national news outlets, and amassing millions of views on youtube. I have a success rate with my clients that puts the rest of the industry to shame, and this book represents the very best of what I teach. I want to make this knowledge available now because I know what it's like to feel as though you'll have to settle for whatever comes along... like the women you really want to be with are speaking a different language. I wrote this book because I wish I had it back in middle school. This isn't a collection of pickup lines or tricks. Let's face it - if those worked, you wouldn't be reading this right now. Simply put, this book teaches you to be that person you are when you're "in the zone" all the time. It's about stripping away all the things that are keeping you from being naturally attractive. You've always known that, "just be yourself," was good advice, otherwise it wouldn't be repeated so often. This is the book that finally explains how to do it. In this book you're going to learn: - How to eliminate "rejection" - Why the words you say don't really matter - The action to take that will always get you "in the zone" - How to identify the women that really want you to approach them - Understanding what flirting means, and how to become a master at it - What to text if she doesn't respond - How to know exactly when she wants you to make the move - What to say to start a conversation in any situation - How to make conversations with people who intimidate you flow as smoothly as chats with your best friends - How to get her to contribute equally to the conversation so you don't do most of the talking and run out of things to say - How to easily overcome awkward silences - The secret to being funny - How to move an interaction forward sexually without ever worrying about being called "inappropriate" or "creepy" - How to get a phone number that turns into a date 90% of the time - How to ensure your dates are charged with sexual tension rather than ending in an awkward kiss attempt - The way sexual attraction actually works, and why the lessons you've learned your entire life are wrong - How to turn a friendship into something more - How to build a social circle so you'll always have a "wingman" or someone to hang out with - How to always look great, even if you're shopping on a budget - How to scream confidence with your body language instead of insecurity - The difference between "He was ok" and "He's awesome" - How to develop yourself into the man who naturally attracts the woman (or women) you really want Don't expect anything overly-complicated.
Marianne Williamson on Relationships: Romantic Delusions and Friendship
Marianne Williamson - 1992
it provides the spiritual keys for coping with romantic delusions, and shows how friendship and all of our relationships are processes through which we grow and move toward God. Marianne Williamson tells you how to learn from the problems in your relationships and create a more peaceful and loving world for yourself and those you love.A COURSE IN MIRACLES, the revolutionary self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy contains simple yet powerful guidance for creating satisfying, fulfilling relationships. With these two lectures, recorded live, Romantic Delusions and Friendship, Marianne Williamson continues her brilliant series of interpretive lectures her brilliant series of interpretive lectures about the course.
The Science of Attraction: Flirting, Sex, and How to Engineer Chemistry and Love
Patrick King - 2017
There is a definitive science to attraction, and it turns out we’ve been doing it wrong… or doing it right for all the wrong reasons. This book is your textbook and field manual for (1) how to flirt better, (2) have better sex, and (3) plant the seeds of romantic love in whomever you want. Understand the instinctual triggers of attraction.
The Science of Attraction
is an in-depth look at human attraction and what draws people together. It dives into peer-reviewed research, combined with the insightful and straightforward observations of a renowned dating coach - Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and acclaimed speaker and coach. Together, this book is the ultimate guide to inform, diagnose, and recommend highly actionable steps to take your dating life to the next level. Find the shortcut to powerful chemistry. Too often, we rely on our own experiences with a sample size of one, or advice from friends that are perpetually single. There’s a better way – looking at the research and evidence about what we really want, not what we think we want. You’ll learn why we like who we like, and what to do about it. How will you learn to scientifically attract the opposite sex? • The three types of touching you should strategically use. • How four evolutionary types of attraction are still highly relevant. • What the chase is and how to win at it. • What your flirting style is and how to take advantage of it. Be prepared to charm every type of person. • Whether you should date someone similar or complementary to yourself. • How a focus on chemistry and love might be hurting you. • How to know exactly what you want in a partner. • The origins of kinky sex and how to have better sex. Become irresistible to the opposite sex without them understanding why they are so drawn to you. That’s the promise of
The Science of Attraction
because it’s an inevitable side effect of a deeper understanding of human beings as animals. It’s an introduction to how people think and what drives them, which makes this equally applicable to married and single people. This is how you transform your dating life and find satisfaction with yourself! Start planting the seeds of love now and scroll to the top of this page and click the BUY NOW BUTTON.
The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed
Mystery - 2007
Mystery gained mainstream attention for his role in Neil Strauss's New York Times bestselling exposé, The Game. Now he has written the definitive handbook on the art of the pickup.He developed his unique method over years of observing social dynamics and interacting with women in clubs to learn how to overcome the guard shield that many women use to deflect come-ons from "average frustrated chumps."The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed shares tips such as:*Give more attention to her less attractive friend at first, so your target will get jealous and try to win your attention.*Always approach a target within 3 seconds of noticing her. If a woman senses your hesitation, her perception of your value will be lower.*Don't be picky. Approach as many groups of people in a bar as you can and entertain them with fun conversation. As you move about the room, positive perception of you will grow. Now it's easy to meet anyone you want.*Smile. Guys who don't get laid, don't smile.
All Men Are Jerks - Until Proven Otherwise: A Woman's Guide to Understanding Men
Daylle Deanna Schwartz - 1998
Teaches women survival skills - how to protect themselves until they've established if they've found the right man, or whether they've found just another jerk.
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Robert A. Glover - 2000
Nice Guy! landed its author, a certified marriage and family therapist, on The O'Reilly Factor and the Rush Limbaugh radio show. Dr. Robert Glover has dubbed the "Nice Guy Syndrome" trying too hard to please others while neglecting one's own needs, thus causing unhappiness and resentfulness. It's no wonder that unfulfilled Nice Guys lash out in frustration at their loved ones, claims Dr. Glover. He explains how they can stop seeking approval and start getting what they want in life, by presenting the information and tools to help them ensure their needs are met, to express their emotions, to have a satisfying sex life, to embrace their masculinity and form meaningful relationships with other men, and to live up to their creative potential.