Masters of the Wild: A Guidebook to Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers (Dungeons & Dragons Accessory)
Mike Selinker - 2001
Masters of the Wild: A Guidebook to Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers contains strategies for creating specific types of characters, as well as advice for Dungeon Masters and players on how these types of characters could impact a campaign world. This volume contains details of skills, feats, and equipment for players who want to play a specific type of character beyond the information available in the Player's Handbook.
Song and Silence: A Guidebook to Bards and Rogues
John D. Rateliff - 2001
Packed with new ways to customize even the most artful characters this book includes: New feats, prestige classes, weapons, spells, magic items, and equipment. Complete guidelines for trapmaking, including 90 sample traps. Descriptions of a wide range of thieves' guilds and bardic colleges. Detailed rules for flanking opponents in combat. Dungeon Masters and players who want to add a new dimension to their bards and rogues will find a wealth of indispensable material within these pages. To use this accessory, a Dungeon Master also needs the "Player's Handbook," the "Dungeon Master's ""Guide," and the "Monster Manual." A player needs only the "Player's Handbook."
Tome and Blood: A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.0 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Bruce R. Cordell - 2001
It's packed with ways to customize sorcerer and wizard characters, including:New feats, spells, and magic items. New prestige classes, including the dragon disciple, fatespinner, and pale master. Information about special organizations such as the Broken Wands and the Arcane Order. Maps of a mages' guildhall and a home that a sorcerer and a wizard share. Tome and Blood is indispensable to players and Dungeon Masters who want to add a new dimension to sorcerers and wizards.To use this accessory, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual. A player needs only the Player's Handbook.
Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Fighters and Monks (Dungeons & Dragons Accessory)
Jason Carl - 2001
Contains prestige classes, feats, combat tactics, weapons, and a discussion of the role of fighters and monks in the campaign world.
Epic Level Handbook
Andy Collins - 2001
They confront mightier enemies and face deadlier challenges, using powers and abilities that rival even the gods.This supplement for the D&D game provides everything you need to transcend the first twenty levels of experience and advance characters to virtually unlimited levels of play. Along with epic magic items, epic monsters, and advice on running an epic campaign, the Epic Level Handbook also features epic NPCs from the Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk campaign settings.To use this supplement, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual. A player needs only the Player's Handbook.
Magic of Faerûn (Forgotten Realms) (Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition)
Sean K. Reynolds - 2001
This guide explores the hidden lore and secrets of magic in the Forgotten Realms game setting. From the history of magic to magical variants (including gem magic, spellfire, and the mageduel), magical creatures, locations of power, and advanced options for creating magic items, this book covers what a Dungeon Master or the player of a spellcaster in the Forgotten Realms setting needs to know. * More than 200 new spells * Almost 200 new magic items * 11 new prestige classes To use this accessroy, you also need the "Player's Handbook," the "Dungeon Master's Guide," the "Monster Manua"l, and the "Forgotten Realms"" Campaign Setting."
Savage Species: Playing Monstrous Characters (Dungeons & Dragons Supplement)
David Eckelberry - 2003
Traveling alongside other intrepid characters, these heroic creatures carve their places in legend with sword, spell, tooth, and claw.This supplement for the D&D game provides everything you need to play a monster as a character or to make the monsters your heroes fight even more formidable. Inside are over 50 all-new monster classes that show how creatures develop their characteristics and abilities as they gain levels. Along with new prestige classes and monster templates, Savage Species also features new feats, spells, magic items, and more.To use this supplement, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual. A player needs only the Player's Handbook and the Monster Manual.
Faiths and Pantheons (Forgotten Realms) (Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition)
Eric L. Boyd - 2002
Some of those divine powers inspire respect, while others elicit fear. Good or evil, all of them coexist within these pages. Complete information for key gods, along with the powers and abilities granted to their most dedicated followers, and descriptions of supporting deities combine to provide this look at all the gods of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.Over 115 gods 20 specialty priest prestige classes Maps of four temples This collection details the thirty most important gods in the Forgotten Realms setting and expands upon the profiles of the rest of the deities.To use this accessory, a Dungeon Master also needs the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual.
Manual of the Planes
Jeff Grubb - 2001
From the depths of Hell to the heights of Mount Celestia, from the clockwork world of Mechanus to the swirling chaos of Limbo, these strange and terrifying dimensions provide new challenges to adventurers who travel there. "Manual of the Planes" is your guidebook on a tour of the multiverse. This supplement for the D&D game provides everything you need to know before you visit other planes of existence. Included are new prestige classes, spells, monsters, and magic items. Along with descriptions of dozens of new dimensions, Manual of the Planes includes rules for creating your own planes. To use this supplement, a Dungeon Master also needs the "Player's Handbook," the "Dungeon Master""'s Guide," and the "Monster Manual." A player needs only the "Player's Handbook."
Stronghold Builder's Guidebook
Matt Forbeck - 2002
This book is stocked with everything needed to design any fortified structure imaginable, including: Over 150 new magic items . More than two dozen magical augmentations for stronghold walls. Rules for magic portals, mobile strongholds, and trap creation. Five complete strongholds, including maps, ready for immediate use. Players and Dungeon Masters who want to create customized strongholds will find all the construction materials they need within these pages. To use this accessory, a player or Dungeon Master also needs the "Player's Handbook."
Oriental Adventures D20
James Wyatt - 2001
In these pages, you'll find:* 5 new races, including Hengeyokai, Nezumi, and Spirit Folk* 5 new classes, including the Samurai, the Shugenja, and the Wu Jen* Over 23 new prestige classes, including the Ninja, the Tattooed Monk, and the Yakuza.* 100 new spells* 75 new monsters* A complete campaign setting: Rokugan, the world of the Legend of the Five Rings Trading Card Game.
Races of the Wild (Dungeons & Dragons Supplement)
Skip WilliamsEmily Fiegenschuh - 2005
It explores the classic races of elves and halflings, including new rules, information for interaction, new spells, and new magic items attuned to each race. In addition to information on the two major races, a new race is introduced. There is expanded information on subraces, along with a wealth of cultural information and new prestige classes, feats, equipment, spells, and magic items.
Underdark (Dungeons & Dragons d20 Fantasy Roleplaying, Forgotten Realms Accessory)
Bruce R. CordellVance Kovacs - 2003
In addition to 25 new regional feats as well as new prestige classes, spells, monsters, and magic items, there is also background content on 60 cities and sites of interest, including extensive story content gathered from a multitude of Forgotten Realms products and articles.To help both players and dungeon masters use the book without players stumbling onto things they shouldn't, additional material for running a campaign is isolated in a single section of the book and includes adventure hooks.To use this accessory, you also need the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual.
Silver Marches (Forgotten Realms) (Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition)
Ed Greenwood - 2002
Complete information on the towns and settlements of the burgeoning Silver Marches alliance and the many hazards that threaten it highlight this detailed survey of one of the most exciting regions in the Forgotten Realms game setting.* 6 new prestige classes * Indigenous monsters * Poster map of the region To use this accessory, you also need the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual.
Arms and Equipment Guide
Eric Cagle - 2003
The well-stocked pages of this book hold an impressive inventory of merchandise to get you into and out of all manner of trouble, including:A caravanload of equipment, trade goods, alchemical items, poisons, mounts, and vehicles. Over 230 magic weapons and armors, such as the flameshroud axe, lance of the unending charge, and vampire hunter armor. Over 125 magic items, including new artifacts, such as elixir armor, rings of the hive mind, the ghost rod, and the bag of endless caltrops. Rules for vehicle combat on land, sea, and air. Within these pages, players and Dungeon Masters will find what they need to outfit their characters for nearly every contingency.To use this accessory, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook and the Dungeon Master's Guide. A player needs only the Player's Handbook.