Book picks similar to
The Lights by M. Starks


Tales of the Apocalypse Volume 1: A Duck & Cover Collection

Benjamin Wallace - 2016
    From the pages of the best-selling Duck & Cover Adventures comes thirteen stories of those who survived the apocalypse. Some would go on to be heroes, others villains, some were dogs and will stay dogs, but they all must contend with the horrors of the new world and find a way to survive in the wasteland that was America. HOW TO HOST AN INTERVENTION Long before he was a knight in the apocalypse, Tommy was preparing for the end of the world. His friends grew concerned for his well-being and planned to intervene. It wasn’t so much that he was preparing, it was what he was preparing for. GONE TO THE DOGS Fidget and Sasquatch were loyal companions to the end. Now that the end has arrived, they must say goodbye to the only home they’ve ever known. If they can figure out how to open the door. BUNKED UP They took refuge in a homemade bomb shelter when the end of the world began. There they were safe from the bombs and the fallout. But they were never safe from each other. PACK HUNTERS Fidget and Sasquatch are on their own, a situation neither of them are really comfortable with. They decide to join a pack for safety, for food and for friends. Now all they have to do is find one. ANIMAL’S CALLING Before the world ended, Jackson drifted from job to job, never settling on anything that could be called a career path. But with the new world comes new opportunities. This is what he was born to do. LAST BAND OF THE APOCALYPSE Caught between county fair gigs during the apocalypse, the members of a cover band find themselves the last band left in the world. Getting gigs should be easy. Should be. PRISONER’S DILEMMA The Librarian has seen his fair share of “wasteland justice.” Now he’s chained to the floor of a grocery store with a man he must face in court. In a battle to the death. Naturally. ALPHA DOG Sergeant Satan was genetically enhanced to be the world’s best military scout. He was designed to be smarter, faster and more than a match for any dog this side of the apocalypse. Of course, his creators had never met Fidget. THE TRIAL OF HARMEGGEDON They’ve got a new name. They’ve got a new act. And they are ready to rock your face off. Now all the last band in the world needs is a gig. WILLIE AND COY RIDE AGAIN Willie and Coy aren’t the brightest. Or the best looking. Or very likeable. No one would ever accuse them of being hard workers. But the pair have found a way to make an honest living in the apocalypse. If they can get enough people to watch. IN A PERSON PACK Tired of looking for a pack to join, Sasquatch and Fidget reminisce about the joys and delights of life in a people pack. NO QUARTER Deep in the swamp of New Orleans awaits a terror many refuse to believe exists. It’s a monster of myth and rumor so horrible that it could not possibly be real. On the trail of a kidnapped woman, The Librarian must seek out and confront this monster of myth. EVE OF THE APOCALYPSE Man is the true monster. Unless there is a man who is a monster that also makes monsters. Then he’s the truest monster and only a post-apocalyptic nomadic warrior can bring this monster’s monster-making to an end.

The New World

Patrick Ness - 2010
    - Patrick Ness


C.J. Williams - 2019
    But with Enforcers in hot pursuit, Special Agent EAFY584 can only escape by crashing her stolen starship out of hyperspace into an uncharted solar system. Fortunately for her, the planet called Earth has a human population. Unfortunately for them, standard Enforcer procedure is to sterilize any planet where a spy might be hiding. WHAT CAN YOU DO WHEN DISASTER IS COMING AND NOBODY CARES? To outward appearances, Effie is a typical human teenager. She claims it's part of her undercover work on another world. Whether that's true or not, the disguise works. When she tries to warn the government the world is in danger, no one takes her seriously. The only person who will listen is a lonely old cowboy and he’s already at death’s door. Maybe if she plays her cards just right, his help will be enough. HONESTY MAY NOT BE THE BEST POLICY Effie knows that the Enforcers will arrive sooner or later, so she does everything in her power to be up front with the government. She admits she's an alien, she admits she's from outer space, and tells everyone she wants to help. But who listens to a young woman about a potential alien invasion? JUST BECAUSE PEOPLE WON'T LISTEN DOESN'T MEAN THE THREAT ISN'T REAL. Effie has no choice, she must prepare for battle. She goes into the global marketplace and sells her technology, a little here, a little there. She'll get ready for the bad guys on her own. But that is just step one. Step two means taking the fight to the Enforcers' home system. After all, if you are going to stand up to a bully, you better be ready to finish the job. And if that means dragging Earth into an interplanetary war, they'll have to get used to it.

The Watcher Wars

T.C. Edge - 2016
    *** His parents are legends. He craves adventure. He may just get more than he bargained for… Theo Kane has lived in the shadows his entire life. Son to two legendary parents, all he’s ever wanted is to follow in their footsteps and have adventures of his own. When they were 16, they were taking on and defeating evil in the shape of High Chancellor Augustus Knight. Theo, at the same age, finds himself stuck in the quiet wooded region of Lignum, a fire raging inside him that yearns to be unleashed. Because Theo isn’t just any young man. Along with his best friend, Ajax, son to great heroes himself, he has a power locked deep down inside, one that both of them have been trying to set free. But with their parents warning against it, they’ve had to act in secret, sneaking off into the woods at night to hunt the beasts that prowl there. Night after night, they test themselves against the worst threats they can find. But none compare to what’s brewing in the darkness. One evening, however, their quiet world erupts into life. When heroes start falling around the country, Theo and Ajax find themselves on a path neither of them could have predicted. Someone is taking out those involved in the war 20 years ago, and the two young men are about to find themselves right in the centre of the action. Soon enough, their desire for adventure will be realised. Only, they might just have bitten off more than they can chew. And in time, maybe they’ll start to understand what their parents have always told them: that their power isn’t a gift, it’s a curse. One that will change their lives forever. This is Book One in the Seekers Trilogy, sequel to the Watchers Trilogy. If you haven't already, it's best to read the Watchers Trilogy first, starting with The Watchers of Eden, which you can download for free here on the Kindle store. Previous books in the Watchers Trilogy: The Watchers of Eden (Book One) City of Stone (Book Two) War at the Wall (Book Three)

If You Don't Like The Weather

Jerry D. Young - 2012
    YOUNG Brian Lanigan, the owner of a TV news station, gets a bad feeling when his meteorologists shows him the satellite image of a growing storm. The feeling only gets worse when no one wants to talk about the meteorological freight train heading toward the US and he's threatened to keep the information out of the weather reports. Brian acts on his instincts and quickly prepares to stock up and bug out. ABOUT AUTHOR JERRY D. YOUNG Author Jerry D. Young has been a fixture in the survival and prepping communities for more than twenty years. The author of more than 100 novels and short stories, Jerry’s writing has been a staple for men and women of all ages and from all walks of life that are interested in prepping, survival, and all-around self-sufficiency. Jerry’s books are written with the goal of educating as well as entertaining and generally enjoyed by all who seek to expand their knowledge of prepping and survival topics while enjoying a good book or short story. As daunting as the end of the world, nuclear fallout, World War III, Civil unrest, economic collapse, solar flares, EMP attacks, and other apocalyptic scenarios may be, society has always been interested in the “What If?” of a Post-Apocalyptic World. Jerry’s stories provide interesting and practical perspectives of heroes and villains navigating Post-Apocalyptic scenarios including everything from Mad Max type of events to more relevant plot lines that seem as if they could have come from the headlines of the modern world. Find more about Jerry D. Young at

Solar Crash Box Set: The Complete Solar Crash Series - Books 1-6

E.S. Richards - 2019
    How prepared are you? An enormous coronal mass ejection engulfs the world, destroying electrical grids and causing secondary fires to break out in every major city. Millions die in the first few hours, and even those who are most prepared are caught unawares. Trapped in the firestorm raging across Chicago, Leonard will stop at nothing to find his family while his wife and son struggle to stay alive in the chaos. When a CME that dwarfs the Carrington Event engulfs the world, Len - a businessman with next to zero survival training and experience - sets off to find his wife and child. Emerging out of the heart of Chicago, he will face dangers of all types and experience both the heights and depths of humanity. His survival depends solely on his ability to learn on the fly in this twisted new hellscape of a world. From the #1 best-selling post-apocalyptic author Mike Kraus and author E.S. Richards comes a fresh new take on the EMP/CME story. With characters that are learning how to survive as they go - and finding some unlikely teachers along the way - they represent the true "everyday person" who isn't a hardcore prepper or survivalist, something unique and exciting in this genre. This box set combines all six books from the Solar Crash series into one complete package, perfect for readers new to Richards or Kraus, or the post-apocalyptic thriller genre in general.

Dusty's Winter

Maeve Binchy - 2016
    Soon, Dusty is able to accomplish a great deal: she works long hours and is made senior partner at her firm, she keeps her own flat, and she falls hopelessly and irresponsibly in love with a married man. But, when her father telephones to report some disturbing news, Dusty must return home for the winter. There, heartbroken but still dutiful, Dusty finally reunites with her oldest friends.         First published in the US as part of her encouraging book of missives to aspiring writers, The Maeve Binchy Writers’ Club, “Dusty’s Winter” is essential Maeve. Inspiring and down-to-earth, her stories are full of the stuff of everyday life. Ireland’s “best-loved writer of her generation,” Maeve Binchy often wrote about ordinary life in small-town Ireland, and she is fondly remembered for the warmth and generosity of her prose.   Maeve Binchy has received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the British Book Awards in 1999 and the Irish PEN/A.T. Cross Award in 2007 and is the author of many bestselling books including Maeve’s Times, Chestnut Street, and A Week in Winter.   An eBook short.


Stephen Knight - 2015
     The world had less than seven hours to prepare. When it hit, the coronal mass ejection from the sun rolled back hundreds of years of technological innovation. Airplanes fell from the skies. Power grids crashed. Even electrical cabling was turned to slag. No internet. No cable TV. No electricity. No modern day conveniences of any kind, from fancy European sedans to smart phones to clean, running water. The entire world is plunged back into the Dark Ages in less than a second, courtesy of the most powerful Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) event in recorded history. Television development exec Tony Vincenzo has always lived a high-society life, first in Los Angeles, now in Manhattan. As New York City tears itself apart in an orgy of violence, Vincenzo has to leave his high-floor luxury condominium on Central Park South's Billionaire's Row in order to return to his wife and young son in the Hollywood Hills overlooking LA. But the only way to get there is to walk, and Vincenzo is no Joe Survivalist—he's the kind of guy used to the trappings of the good life. While society unravels all around him, he has to not only make it out of New York alive, but across the entirety of a nation descending into feral madness. His journey becomes more complex when he commits a truly selfless deed, and winds up with two young charges: seven-year-old Daniel, an autistic boy ill-equipped for a life of hardship, and his sassy four-year-old sister, Gabriella. Together, the trio will need every stroke of luck they can find to persevere in the lawless lands that lie ahead of them…and survive the brutality of the serial killer Roth who pursues them.

Bon Bon Beauty: (Plus Size Romance Series)

Lynn Cooper - 2015
    Now a strong, independent woman and owner of the Bon Bon Beauty Parlor, she is determined to live her life alone. Having spent years constructing a steel cage around her heart, she vows to never let any man get too close. Her mama made that mistake, and it ended in tragedy. Saffron isn’t about to let the same thing happen to her. She is content to bury herself in romance novels, dreaming of the swaggering, shirtless heroes on the covers. That is enough for her until the morning her eyes flutter open to find the sexiest man she has ever seen hovering over her. He is tending to her, protecting her and, before she can blink, he is trying to steal her heart. Parker Sloan grew up in the lap of luxury. He has every advantage but little freedom. From the day he was born, his parents have had his entire life mapped out. His domineering father—Dr. Nate Sloan—insists his son attend medical school, pursue a career in cardiology and get engaged to a self-centered socialite. But, Parker has other plans. Against his parents’ wishes, he becomes a paramedic. One fateful morning he takes an emergency call that lands him smack in the middle of a beauty parlor. It is there he meets the sweet and beautiful Saffron Butler. From the moment he looks into her big brown eyes, he is a goner. In their dark, chocolatey depths, he can clearly see their future—a lifetime of love and happiness spent in each other’s arms. Wooing Saffron won’t be an easy task. But it is one he is determined to accomplish. Failure isn’t an option. He will do whatever it takes to gain her trust and win her affections. Bon Bon Beauty is part of the Plus Size Romance Series. Each book is a standalone with no overlapping characters, storylines or cliffhangers. This series is a perfect combination of romance, steamy love scenes and humor. The stories are sensual and romantic, uplifting and lighthearted. Feel-good reads that leave you feeling great!


Jack Croxall - 2013
    Seems like the perfect time to start a diary.Shacked up in a farmhouse cellar, a doomed survivor calling herself 'X' starts a diary to document her final few days. Much less than a few days if the uglies manage to get in.

Zenith Part 1

Sasha Alsberg - 2016
    Most know Androma Racella as the Bloody Baroness: a powerful mercenary whose reign of terror stretches across the Mirabel Galaxy. To those aboard her fearsome glass starship the Maurader, she’s just Andi, their captain and protector. When a routine mission goes awry, the all-girl crew’s resilience is tested as they find themselves in a most unfamiliar place: at the mercy of a sadistic bounty hunter connected to Andi’s past and a harrowing betrayal. Meanwhile, on the far side of the galaxy, a ruthless ruler waits in the shadows of the planet Xen Ptera, biding her time to exact revenge for the destruction of her people. The final pieces of her deadly plan are about to fall into place, unleashing a plot that will tear Mirabel in two. Andi and her crew embark on a dangerous, soul-testing journey that could restore order to their ship—or just as easily start a war that will devour worlds. As the Marauder hurtles towards the unknown, and Mirabel hangs in the balance, the only thing certain is that in a galaxy run on lies and illusion, no one can be trusted. From internet sensation Sasha Alsberg and author Lindsay Cummings comes a new serialized space opera, full of action, fantastical intrigue, and steamy star-crossed romance. ​ For fans of popular sci-fi books and fantasy books for teens such as Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, Wool by Hugh Howey, Truthwitch by Susan Dennard, and A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas.

This Night So Dark

Amie Kaufman - 2014
    Now he and Lilac reconcile his memories of that night with the truth uncovered after the crash. Short connects first two novels. Includes preview chapter from This Shattered World.


Kai Holloway - 2014
     Finding out the day you're going die and how it will happen doesn’t sound like much of a birthday present to Rae. But it’s been that way for everyone since the cryptograph was introduced. A complex biological algorithm developed by award-winning scientists, the system can determine with precise accuracy the expiry date of every human being on the planet. Everyone is tested at sixteen, but Rae decides to opt out while she still can. Death is inevitable and despite what everyone thinks, when or how shouldn’t matter. It’s not right to label or categorize people according to their longevity - like Transients who have less than ten years left to live and are thus considered useless to society, Interims who are grudgingly tolerated, or Constants who are automatically considered elite. But when Rae’s intentions to avoid the test are impeded and she is determined Transient, she, aided by a hacker known as Apollo, sets out to thwart the cryptograph and prove to the world that the system is rigged.

Nightmare Soup: Tales That Will Turn Your Stomach

Jake Tri - 2017
    Each story is accompanied by a ghastly illustration from the mind of Andy Sciazko... the kind of illustrations that will disturb you in the best way possible.

Hare Moon

Carrie Ryan - 2011
    And when she sneaks out, past the gates and down the path into the Forest of Hands and Teeth, she meets a boy who teaches her heart things she never knew. But love in a world surrounded by so much death doesn’t come without its sacrifices, and Tabitha gradually realizes just how much she’ll have to give up to live among the Unconsecrated. From New York Times bestselling author Carrie Ryan comes an original story of love after the Return.