Calculus: The Classic Edition

Earl W. Swokowski - 1991
    Groundbreaking in every way when first published, this book is a simple, straightforward, direct calculus text. It's popularity is directly due to its broad use of applications, the easy-to-understand writing style, and the wealth of examples and exercises which reinforce conceptualization of the subject matter. The author wrote this text with three objectives in mind. The first was to make the book more student-oriented by expanding discussions and providing more examples and figures to help clarify concepts. To further aid students, guidelines for solving problems were added in many sections of the text. The second objective was to stress the usefulness of calculus by means of modern applications of derivatives and integrals. The third objective, to make the text as accurate and error-free as possible, was accomplished by a careful examination of the exposition, combined with a thorough checking of each example and exercise.

Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues

Robert M. Kaplan - 1982
    Robert Kaplan and Dennis Saccuzzo provide students with a current analysis of the most widely used psychological tests in schools, professional training programs, business, industry, the military, and clinical settings. The authors offer a clear picture of how psychological tests are constructed, how they are used, and how an understanding of them can make a difference in their careers and everyday lives. Comprehensive and accurate, yet interesting and personally relevant, this book gets and keeps students' attention through the use of informal discussions and real-life examples.

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide

K.F. Riley - 1998
    As well as lucid descriptions of all the topics and many worked examples, it contains over 800 exercises. New stand-alone chapters give a systematic account of the 'special functions' of physical science, cover an extended range of practical applications of complex variables, and give an introduction to quantum operators. Further tabulations, of relevance in statistics and numerical integration, have been added. In this edition, half of the exercises are provided with hints and answers and, in a separate manual available to both students and their teachers, complete worked solutions. The remaining exercises have no hints, answers or worked solutions and can be used for unaided homework; full solutions are available to instructors on a password-protected web site,

Geometry, Relativity and the Fourth Dimension

Rudolf Rucker - 1977
    A remarkable pictorial discussion of the curved space-time we call home, it achieves even greater impact through the use of 141 excellent illustrations. This is the first sustained visual account of many important topics in relativity theory that up till now have only been treated separately.Finding a perfect analogy in the situation of the geometrical characters in Flatland, Professor Rucker continues the adventures of the two-dimensional world visited by a three-dimensional being to explain our three-dimensional world in terms of the fourth dimension. Following this adventure into the fourth dimension, the author discusses non-Euclidean geometry, curved space, time as a higher dimension, special relativity, time travel, and the shape of space-time. The mathematics is sound throughout, but the casual reader may skip those few sections that seem too purely mathematical and still follow the line of argument. Readable and interesting in itself, the annotated bibliography is a valuable guide to further study.Professor Rucker teaches mathematics at the State University of New York in Geneseo. Students and laymen will find his discussion to be unusually stimulating. Experienced mathematicians and physicists will find a great deal of original material here and many unexpected novelties. Annotated bibliography. 44 problems.

Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories

F. William Lawvere - 1997
    Written by two of the best-known names in categorical logic, Conceptual Mathematics is the first book to apply categories to the most elementary mathematics. It thus serves two purposes: first, to provide a key to mathematics for the general reader or beginning student; and second, to furnish an easy introduction to categories for computer scientists, logicians, physicists, and linguists who want to gain some familiarity with the categorical method without initially committing themselves to extended study.

Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery

Imre Lakatos - 1976
    Much of the book takes the form of a discussion between a teacher and his students. They propose various solutions to some mathematical problems and investigate the strengths and weaknesses of these solutions. Their discussion (which mirrors certain real developments in the history of mathematics) raises some philosophical problems and some problems about the nature of mathematical discovery or creativity. Imre Lakatos is concerned throughout to combat the classical picture of mathematical development as a steady accumulation of established truths. He shows that mathematics grows instead through a richer, more dramatic process of the successive improvement of creative hypotheses by attempts to 'prove' them and by criticism of these attempts: the logic of proofs and refutations.

Understanding Research: A Consumer's Guide

Vicki L. Plano Clark - 2009
    This text helps develop in readers the skills, knowledge and strategies needed to read and interpret research reports and to evaluate the quality of such reports.

Introduction to Graph Theory

Douglas B. West - 1995
    Verification that algorithms work is emphasized more than their complexity. An effective use of examples, and huge number of interesting exercises, demonstrate the topics of trees and distance, matchings and factors, connectivity and paths, graph coloring, edges and cycles, and planar graphs. For those who need to learn to make coherent arguments in the fields of mathematics and computer science.

A First Course in Abstract Algebra

John B. Fraleigh - 1967
    Focused on groups, rings and fields, this text gives students a firm foundation for more specialized work by emphasizing an understanding of the nature of algebraic structures. KEY TOPICS: Sets and Relations; GROUPS AND SUBGROUPS; Introduction and Examples; Binary Operations; Isomorphic Binary Structures; Groups; Subgroups; Cyclic Groups; Generators and Cayley Digraphs; PERMUTATIONS, COSETS, AND DIRECT PRODUCTS; Groups of Permutations; Orbits, Cycles, and the Alternating Groups; Cosets and the Theorem of Lagrange; Direct Products and Finitely Generated Abelian Groups; Plane Isometries; HOMOMORPHISMS AND FACTOR GROUPS; Homomorphisms; Factor Groups; Factor-Group Computations and Simple Groups; Group Action on a Set; Applications of G-Sets to Counting; RINGS AND FIELDS; Rings and Fields; Integral Domains; Fermat's and Euler's Theorems; The Field of Quotients of an Integral Domain; Rings of Polynomials; Factorization of Polynomials over a Field; Noncommutative Examples; Ordered Rings and Fields; IDEALS AND FACTOR RINGS; Homomorphisms and Factor Rings; Prime and Maximal Ideas; Gr�bner Bases for Ideals; EXTENSION FIELDS; Introduction to Extension Fields; Vector Spaces; Algebraic Extensions; Geometric Constructions; Finite Fields; ADVANCED GROUP THEORY; Isomorphism Theorems; Series of Groups; Sylow Theorems; Applications of the Sylow Theory; Free Abelian Groups; Free Groups; Group Presentations; GROUPS IN TOPOLOGY; Simplicial Complexes and Homology Groups; Computations of Homology Groups; More Homology Computations and Applications; Homological Algebra; Factorization; Unique Factorization Domains; Euclidean Domains; Gaussian Integers and Multiplicative Norms; AUTOMORPHISMS AND GALOIS THEORY; Automorphisms of Fields; The Isomorphism Extension Theorem; Splitting Fields; Separable Extensions; Totally Inseparable Extensions; Galois Theory; Illustrations of Galois Theory; Cyclotomic Extensions; Insolvability of the Quintic; Matrix Algebra MARKET: For all readers interested in abstract algebra.

Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow

Aurélien Géron - 2017
    Now that machine learning is thriving, even programmers who know close to nothing about this technology can use simple, efficient tools to implement programs capable of learning from data. This practical book shows you how.By using concrete examples, minimal theory, and two production-ready Python frameworks—Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow—author Aurélien Géron helps you gain an intuitive understanding of the concepts and tools for building intelligent systems. You’ll learn how to use a range of techniques, starting with simple Linear Regression and progressing to Deep Neural Networks. If you have some programming experience and you’re ready to code a machine learning project, this guide is for you.This hands-on book shows you how to use:Scikit-Learn, an accessible framework that implements many algorithms efficiently and serves as a great machine learning entry pointTensorFlow, a more complex library for distributed numerical computation, ideal for training and running very large neural networksPractical code examples that you can apply without learning excessive machine learning theory or algorithm details

Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms

David J.C. MacKay - 2002
    These topics lie at the heart of many exciting areas of contemporary science and engineering - communication, signal processing, data mining, machine learning, pattern recognition, computational neuroscience, bioinformatics, and cryptography. This textbook introduces theory in tandem with applications. Information theory is taught alongside practical communication systems, such as arithmetic coding for data compression and sparse-graph codes for error-correction. A toolbox of inference techniques, including message-passing algorithms, Monte Carlo methods, and variational approximations, are developed alongside applications of these tools to clustering, convolutional codes, independent component analysis, and neural networks. The final part of the book describes the state of the art in error-correcting codes, including low-density parity-check codes, turbo codes, and digital fountain codes -- the twenty-first century standards for satellite communications, disk drives, and data broadcast. Richly illustrated, filled with worked examples and over 400 exercises, some with detailed solutions, David MacKay's groundbreaking book is ideal for self-learning and for undergraduate or graduate courses. Interludes on crosswords, evolution, and sex provide entertainment along the way. In sum, this is a textbook on information, communication, and coding for a new generation of students, and an unparalleled entry point into these subjects for professionals in areas as diverse as computational biology, financial engineering, and machine learning.

Barron's SAT Subject Test Math Level 2

Richard Ku - 2008
    In chapters that follow, detailed topic reviews cover polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, and rational functions; coordinate and three-dimensional geometry; numbers and operations; data analysis, statistics, and probability; and graphing calculators, their operations and applications. Six full-length model tests with answers, explanations, and self-evaluation charts conclude this manual.

Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity

Sean Carroll - 2003
    With an accessible and lively writing style, it introduces modern techniques to what can often be a formal and intimidating subject. Readers are led from the physics of flat spacetime (special relativity), through the intricacies of differential geometry and Einstein's equations, and on to exciting applications such as black holes, gravitational radiation, and cosmology.

Course of Theoretical Physics: Vol. 1, Mechanics

L.D. Landau - 1969
    The exposition is simple and leads to the most complete direct means of solving problems in mechanics. The final sections on adiabatic invariants have been revised and augmented. In addition a short biography of L D Landau has been inserted.

Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur

Tom Lancaster - 2014
    Unfortunately, the subject has gained a notorious reputation for difficulty, with forbidding looking mathematics and a peculiar diagrammatic language described in an array of unforgiving, weighty textbooks aimed firmly at aspiring professionals. However, quantum field theory is too important, too beautiful, and too engaging to be restricted to the professionals. This book on quantum field theory is designed to be different. It is written by experimental physicists and aims to provide the interested amateur with a bridge from undergraduate physics to quantum field theory. The imagined reader is a gifted amateur, possessing a curious and adaptable mind, looking to be told an entertaining and intellectually stimulating story, but who will not feel patronised if a few mathematical niceties are spelled out in detail. Using numerous worked examples, diagrams, and careful physically motivated explanations, this book will smooth the path towards understanding the radically different and revolutionary view of the physical world that quantum field theory provides, and which all physicists should have the opportunity to experience.To request a copy of the Solutions Manual, visit http: //