Human Givens

Joe Griffin - 2004
    This is a fresh edition containing a wealth of new material that will enhance its already considerable reputation.

STOP! 10 Things Good Poker Players Don't Do

Ed Miller - 2015
    They use plays that are outdated, they make the same mistakes over and over, and they leave heaps of money on the table. This book was written to help you STOP! making those same mistakes. STOP! making the same mistakes as your opponents. STOP! getting crushed in your game. STOP! leaving stacks of chips on the table.

The Dark Side Of The Moon (Volume 1)

Shubham Arora - 2019
    Volume 1 includes three fast paced stories which are bound to keep you hooked - THE LAST SKYPE: What do you do when you are thousands of miles away from the person you love? You Skype.But what if what you see isn't what it actually is?IN MY HEAD: All killers have a motive. People don’t kill out of necessity; people kill because they want to kill. Would a mother murdering her own child have a motive too? He has seven days to find out.THE RITUAL:It's been 33 years. The comet is returning. His god is returning. The time is right for The Ritual. Will his god come home?

Psychic Development for Beginners: A Clear and Concise Guide on How to Allow and Naturally Develop Your Intuition and Psychic Abilities

Natalie Nolan - 2015
     The truth is that every person has psychic potential hidden deep inside. However, most people don't know how to develop these natural abilities. There are many psychic abilities a person can experience and this book is going to show you what these different abilities are. But more importantly, this book is going to show you some easy techniques that you can use every day to awaken your own innate psychic abilities. Here is a preview of what you will learn in this book. What it means to be psychic. Exploring the Different Types of Psychic Ability. The Science Supporting Psychic Phenomenon. Modern-Day Examples of Psychic Experiences. Clairaudience: Working with Clear-Hearing. Meditation: Your Main Tool for Psychic Ability. Discerning Ear Exercise. Hear the World Around You. Meditating on a Sounds. Clairvoyance: Working with Clear-Seeing Abilities. Improving Your Physical Well-Being Tapping into Your Intuition Learning to Trust Exercise Working with the Symbolic Mind. Using Zener Cards. Using Dreamwork to Improve Clairvoyance. Clairsentience & Claircognizance. Working with a Partner. Working with the Crown Chakra Exercise. Using Affirmations to Hone Your Abilities. Speak to the Divine. White Light Exercise. Clairolfactory & Clairgustance. Psychometry. Opening Your Third Eye. Antiques and the Help of Others. Summary and Conclusion.

Silent Child

Toni Maguire - 2020
    There are some memories labelled 'Look at', and others 'Leave well alone'...Emily Smith was held in a prison of fear for ten years. When she was four, her father left and a new man was brought into her life. He loved her, he kept telling her so, but the emotional and physical abuse she suffered at his hands were a daily nightmare. Until one day, after he crept into her bedroom, her life became unbearable.Emily found she was different in another way as her autism became more noticeable and punishments for her 'abnormal' behaviour more severe. Astonishingly, she managed to escape her home of hell, where she was abused right in front of her mother. Emily determinedly gained a university place and emerged triumphant with a new life and family in Ireland, desperate to treat her daughter, so similar to her, to a different life.Heartbreakingly true, Silent Child is a testament to Emily's strength as she sheds light on rampant abuse still happening today. Powerful and shocking, sharing her story means she finally has a voice to say: enough.

Ditch Your Job: Time Management Strategies To Start A Business Even If You Are Crazy Busy (Time Mangement)

Sandra León - 2016
    What if you don’t have to pick? What if you could manage your time so effectively you could keep your job while you grow the business of your dreams? What I discovered is that in order to maximize time, you need more than just time management strategies. In addition, you will need to focus on these three elements. First is to shift your mindset around time. The beliefs you hold about time could be wrong.Second is to become aware of destructive thought patterns that occur before you indulge in time-wasting activities.Lastly is to discard the terrible habits that are robbing you of your productivity and replace them with better habits that will increase your output. This book expands on those 3 components combined with time management strategies and delivers a super effective way to eliminate the detrimental behavior that is holding you back from your true potential.  I am a full-time mother of four wonderful children, a part-time entrepreneur, a corporate employee, and a writer. As you can imagine, my hands are always full. However, I refuse to give up my dream of creating a business revolving around my passion. At the same time I make certain I am not sacrificing my health and, more importantly, the time spent with my family. The same can be true for you, too. You can keep your job while you build a business so that eventually you can ditch your job and enjoy your life. Don’t let another year go by without starting the business you have always dreamt about. Grab your copy of this book today and learn: •         What time really is and how to use it to your advantage. •         The formula to figure out the exact monetary value of your time. •         How to make sure you are always using your time for what’s important. •         How to “edit” your life and free up time. •         The most powerful way to keep you accountable for the way you spend your time. •         How to strengthen your decision muscle. •         How habits develop. •         How to switch out bad habits with productive habits. •         The 2 types of energies and how to increase them. •         How to avoid the killer of all dreams and progress. •         Lies we tell ourselves about time and how to bypass them.

Shopping Addiction: The Ultimate Guide for How to Overcome Compulsive Buying And Spending (Compulsive Spending, Compulsive Shopping, Retail Therapy, Shopaholic, ... Compulsive Debtors, Debtors Anonymous)

Caesar Lincoln - 2014
    Millions of people suffer from a shopping addiction and throw away their personal and professional success because of these issues. Most people realize how much of a problem this is, but are unable to change their situation, simply because it's been apart of their mindset for so long. The truth is, if you are suffering from limitations because of your shopping addiction and haven't been able to change, it's because you are lacking an effective strategy and understanding of where your addiction is coming from and why it is so hard to stop. This book goes into where shopping addictions originate, signs and symptoms of a compulsive shopper, and a step-by-step strategy that will help you free yourself from your addiction and help you take control of your life. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... Understanding Shopping Addiction Negative Effects of A Shopping Addiction The Signs And Symptoms Of An Addiction How To Overcome The Addiction Once And For All Take action right away to overcome your shopping addiction by downloading this book, "Shopping Addiction: The Ultimate Guide for How To Overcome Compulsive Buying And Spending", for a limited time discount! Download today!

Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Dave Mearns - 2005
    Focusing on the concept of 'relational depth', authors Dave Mearns and Mick Cooper describe a form of encounter in which therapist and client experience profound feelings of contact and engagement with each other and in which the client has an opportunity to explore whatever is experienced as most fundamental to her or his existence.

Inconspicuously Human

Uday Singh - 2021
    This book covers those and a slew of other questions that shed light onto what constrains people, what motivates them, and ultimately what makes them happy.

Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research

Howard S. Friedman - 1998
    This text explores classic theory from a perspective that encourages critical thinking and fosters intellectual insight with respect to human nature. For example, it shows the relevance of classic theory to topics of personality and culture, evolution, ego, gender, and person-situation interactionism. Employing the highest scientific standards, Personality also uses a wide range of unique and provocative pedagogical devices that have been shown to motivate students.Hailed as the best-written, most relevant personality textbook on the market, Friedman and Schustack's fourth edition brings the field of personality to today's diverse student body. "

Awaken Your Power Within: Let Go of Fear. Discover Your Infinite Potential. Become Your True Self.

Gerry Hussey - 2021

The Peacock Trap فخ الطاووس: دليل النجاة من حيل الخداع النرجسي

Sahar El-Nadi - 2019
    وجبة دسمة لكل من يهتم بالسلوك النرجسي ويحاول حماية نفسه من آثارهThis book (in Arabic) is a full guide on understanding the manipulation techniques of people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and Dark Triad personalities. Written in simple language by an Arab woman, it provides valuable insights into society traditions contributing to the spread of narcissism and narcissistic abuse, particularly against women. It also offers simple tips to help victims of narcissistic abuse recover and move on.

The Passions: Emotions and the Meaning of Life

Robert C. Solomon - 1976
    . . . The main lines of argument—that the emotions are ways we constitute our lives with meaning; that they are in some important sense things we do rather than things that merely happen to us; that emotions have their own sort of rationality and logic and are subject to evaluation and criticism as such; that emotions are, in some important sense, evaluative judgments—remain an important, credible contemporary view. . . . Solomon is clear, clever, and deep (also often funny).” —Owen Flanagan, Duke University

Sigmund Freud

Pamela Thurschwell - 2000
    Studied on most undergraduate literary and cultural studies courses, Sigmund Freud takes a fresh look at the work of this groundbreaking theorist, offering students a clear introduction to Freud's importance for psychoanalytic literary criticism, while tracing the scientific and cultural contexts from which he emerged. This book guides readers through Freud's terminology and key ideas and includes a detailed bibliography of his own and other relevant texts.

The Simple Guide to Child Trauma: What It Is and How to Help

Betsy De Thierry - 2016
    Emphasising the need for compassionate, relational responses to these often misunderstood young people, Betsy offers an array of practical strategies and insights to enable those responses, whilst conveying her core subject with confidence and clarity. An important, generous and timely publication.Louise Michelle Bombèr, Strategic Attachment Lead Teacher Therapist0600As a parent myself I have found this book to be such a useful tool. To have a basic understanding of how the brain works has given me greater confidence as a parent in handling my children calmly and remaining empathetic even when I don't always understand the reasons behind their behaviour. I value the comprehensible and practical tips that are listed in this book of how you can develop the connection and healing relationship with the child in your care. It's beautifully written with such profound insight that is essential for any caring person working with children.Dannii Gray, Parent0600This book is easy to read using plain, clear language - free of jargon. It has really helpful suggestions that could be used in both professional and home settings.Liz Hall, Parent and Police Child Protection Investigator and Trainer0600Simplifying and condensing the complex world of childhood trauma into tangible, easy to grasp terms, de Thierry shows her mastery of the field in this handy guide. Her conversational style translates the neuroscience of trauma into supportive, concrete steps that any helping adult can apply to the children in his or her life. Empathy for the reader and patience for these vulnerable youth are ever-present as de Thierry herself models the restorative power of relationships. Such a hopeful and comforting read!Kendra Morris-Jacobson, Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center (ORPARC)0600What this 'simple guide' does elegantly and quickly is bring a large amount of research - from psychology, social work, neuroscience, biochemistry and genetics - directly to the busy but interested professionals, parents and carers working in this field. It translates complex ideas into 'practice-rich' language for adults who need to understand the inner worlds of children, rather than simply explore their 'wishes and feelings'.From the foreword by Professor David Shemmings OBE0200Full of helpful information and advice, this is the perfect introduction to child trauma for any adult caring for or working with a child who has experienced trauma. It explains what trauma is, how it affects children and what adults can do to facilitate recovery.04001: Understanding trauma. 2: The impact of trauma. 3: Helping a child become calm. 4: Frustrating behaviour from traumatised children. 5: Key approaches to help children recover. 6: Important things to consider when offering support. 7: Getting your head around different therapies.01000301