Alternatives to a Frozen Mouse

A.J. Mouse - 2017
    It wasn’t my body either.I inherited both, and more, from Mouse.Mouse created me. She had created another life when she was four so she knew how. That’s what people with Dissociative Identity Disorder do.You see, terrible things happened to Mouse when she was very young, so she decided to simply stop growing up when she was eight. Her body aged but she didn’t. At eleven, when something even more despicable happened, Mouse froze herself in time, leaving her life, body, and name to me. Mouse remains an afraid and damaged young girl, living in The Deep inside of us. But don’t worry, she isn’t alone.My name is Jade and I am an alternate personality – the main personality but an alternate nonetheless. I live in this body with Mouse and the other alters: Peter, Neil, Jane, Zen, Nancy, Ray, and Lucy. For over twenty years there had been no more splitting, no one new. Then Anne came along, making alter number ten. This book is the first part of our journey integrating Anne into her new life. It was her idea to write about it and both our ideas to dedicate this book to Mouse …Our Frozen Mouse – the author of us all.

Devil's Bait

Debbie Boek - 2017
    The supernatural occurrences in the old house begin on the very first day, but the reality of the situation takes time for Emma to understand and accept. Her sanity is challenged when she cannot convince her husband that these eerie happenings are actually taking place and Emma even begins to doubt them herself, until the danger becomes very real and her children's lives are now at stake.Emma's love and loyalty are tested as her relationship with her husband continues to disintegrate and she is left to handle the dangerous situation on her own.Even more trouble comes her way when two brothers arrive to help her get rid of the dangerous entities that have taken over her home.Emma must find the courage and resolve within herself to join them as they do battle with the ghosts and demons. But, if they succeed in surviving the evil residing in the house and are able to make it safe once again, will Emma be able to disregard the feelings she now has for one of the brothers and put her children first, giving up her own happiness in return?

Western Song

Leigh Podgorski - 2017
    The day after the accident, while going through Cod’s papers, lawyer Wynona Vasquez discovers that he had been secretly engaged to a Thai immigrant who is arriving by train that evening. Elected by unanimous decision to be the welcoming committee, Weston arrives at the train station prepared for anything but the lovely forlorn creature he finds waiting in the rain. Though appearing waif-like, Song Phan-Rang is anything but fragile. Her mettle quickly rises to the surface in her determination to remain in Y-oh-ming. Forced together by their circumstances, Weston and Song are explosive. Used to solitude, Weston is driven crazy by the obliging Song. But as Song shows her prowess not only as a housekeeper and cook, but as a rider and rancher as well, Weston discovers that against his best efforts (and damned if he'll ever admit it) -- he's falling in love. The morning after the Christmas Cotillion, where cowboys by the dozen lined up for a dance with the exotic Song, and Weston wrangled the last one, she discovers her visa has expired. Pledging her Uncle Thieu's farm in Thailand as a dowry, Song asks Weston to marry her. Swearing that this is not a good idea at all -- he does. Song blossoms in America. Weston's sister Olive, a schoolteacher, helps Song with her English, and introduces her to the ideas of the Founding Fathers, most notably Tom Paine. Firebrand and activist Wynona employs Song in her office. Her first assignment is working with Shoshone shaman MAD BULL and Bull's young assistant, Jack Deerstalker as they fight a referendum that would allow gambling on their reservation. As winter melts into spring, Song and Weston continue to profess their marriage is simply one of convenience, though it is obvious to everybody that the two are in love. Obvious to everyone that is, but Jack Deerstalker who has fallen for her himself. One night as Weston returns earlier than expected from a rodeo, he finds Jack in his living room, alone with Song. Enraged, Weston explodes, throwing Jack out of the house. That night a fierce winter storm blows. The creek rises and floods, endangering thirty head of cattle caught on the other side. Song springs into action, riding side by side with Weston. When a baby calf slips into the icy creek, Song plunges in after it. Together, Weston and Song pull the animal free. Weston is knocked speechless by her bravery. Later, as he warms her by a roaring fire, Song and Weston make love for the first time. A few days later, Wynona and Song are introduced to the case of illegal immigrant Thai workers, forced to toil as slaves in the garment industry in El Segundo, California. Song becomes deeply involved with the workers and their plight – the search for a desperate promise of freedom. With her work, she discovers the power true freedom holds. But her work and growing sense of the true power of freedom begins to tear at the budding love between Weston and Song. Meanwhile, the referendum Jack, Wynona, and Song fought so hard against has been defeated. There will be no gambling on the reservation. Jack organizes a rodeo to raise money for an investment deal for the reservation. Weston agrees to ride – on one condition. Jack gets the bull, Baby Face that killed Cody.The night before the rodeo, Weston finds a letter Song has written to the garment workers she is helping. “We are, every one of us, entitled to a life with dignity. To life with honor. There are those who would attempt to steal our dignity, to seize our honor. But it is only when we allow this deepest core of our being to be ripped from us that we become enslaved. Remember, you, too, have been touched by God.”The next morning, Weston leaves for the rodeo without her. At the rodeo, in an eerie replay of Cody’s accident, the bull throws Weston. Song nurses Weston back to health, but still torn between freedom's power and her growing love, Song knows she must ultimately choose. Several weeks later, with Weston well on his way to mending, Song and Olive host a dinner party at Snowy Moon to celebrate Weston’s recovery. Along with Zeb, Jack Deerstalker and Mad Bull are there to join in the festivities. But in the middle of the revelry, the phone rings: it’s Jenny Chang and it’s about the case of the immigrant workers.Song knows she must go.The next day, Weston drives her to the train station.Returning to the ranch, Weston, still suffering from his injuries, limps painfully to the corral, and saddles up his horse. He rides across the rolling plains to the waterfall where he and Song had spent so much time in happier times now long gone by. Watching the water tumble by like his lost hope, suddenly, Weston picks up a stone, and fires it into the tumultuous fall. He whistles for his horse, and throws himself into the saddle.Across the plains, the train continues to roll. Inside, an uproar arises among the passengers. Song forces her way to the window. Outside, riding like hell, is Weston.Song’s heart begins to pound.And suddenly, she knows….Finally, she knows.Song grabs her suitcase, and elbows her way through the crowd.Before the train fully stops, she is bounding from the platform…and rushing into Weston’s arms.

My Soul Belongs to You (Soul Mates Book 2)

C.L. Hunter - 2016
    But this pain from her past has made Kate a use 'em and leave 'em kind of girl, bypassing love and commitment to protect herself. And this system has worked----until she meets DEACON O'MALLERY, a sweet, sexy, striving Irish businessman. Deacon is known as a jammy, a lucky bastard. As second in command at the largest intel company in Europe, he has the world by the balls, leaving the orphaned boy who grew up with nothing--and everyone else--behind. Then Katlyn Reynolds walks into his life and he's smitten. Kate is his maité Sol, his soul mate; he just knows it; even his wanker can't stop thinking about her. And, for the first time, after hearing Kate's story of brutality and loss, he wants to find his birth mother, the woman who abandoned him.Kate's feelings for Deacon are confusing. She cares enough to reveal her past, but insists he find love somewhere else.Now this stubborn bloke has two missions: to find his mother and to make the girl across the ocean stand by his side forever. Ádh mór ort, Kate! Good luck, he thinks. She's going to need it to fight him off, for he has more than good looks, charm, tenacity, and money on his side. Deacon has Thomas and Calista: spirits he unwittingly beckons into his life.In the second book in the Soul Mate series the cross-continental frolics continue with Kate and Deacon. Drama blends with desire and an off-the-charts plot, creating the heavyweight champion of page-turners in this sensual romance.

Prince William (at Olympics 2012)

Mike Scantlebury - 2012
    Prince William is asked by The Queen to go to northern England and represent her at these events. The Security Services provide him with a local bodyguard, in the shapely form of Special Agent Amelia Hartliss, (or 'Heartless', as she is sometimes known). The two young people become very close, as the Prince is threatened by terrorists and local troublemakers. He is lonely. His wife has been forced by ill health to stay in London, and he becomes increasing reliant on the beautiful bodyguard, both for his well-being and his morale. They make a good team, fighting off the foes and celebrating the Games. Melia even manages to unmask a spy in the camp, as well as defeat one of her oldest adversaries, the evil Emil Gorange. He escapes, as does the Prince, back to London and his other responsibilities, taking her heart with him.

Fisher's Autism Trilogy

Paul C. Nelson - 2016
    (Through Fisher's Eyes, Dark Spectrum & A Problem With the Moon) Fisher is a 17-year-old autistic boy. He and his autistic friends learn that they have amazing super powers. They use them in many adventures as they encounter bullies, ghosts, demons and aliens. Great reading for all ages, but especially for teens and young adults! If you like Harry Potter, give Fisher's Autism Trilogy a try.Through Fisher's Eyes: (book 1) An adventure story unlike any other. Fisher tells this story from his point of view. With the help of his mysterious friend, Michael, Fisher and his friends learn to use their amazing mind powers to fight a gang of bullies. Dark Spectrum: (book 2) This book takes place several years later. Fisher and his friends reunite to fight a demon named Belial at Gettysburg. Great battles, featuring Civil War ghosts, demons and of course, Fisher and his friends.A Problem With the Moon: (book 3) Fisher and his dad adopt an oddball alien named Robert. It turns out that Robert is an essential part of a plan to save Earth and bring humans into a global community.

Dancing with The Field: Bringing Joy, Passion and Play into Everyday Life

Kris Kelkar - 2019
    It can happen anywhere and to anyone, if you are caught in a cycle where you simply exist, react to life and never really ‘feel’ life’s amazing vibrancy.In this book, Dancing with The Field: Bringing Joy, Passion and Play into Everyday Life, a new concept is explored around the conscious field that responds to us as we interact with it, with chapters that examine: - The relational field - Creating with this field - Seeing our bodies as doorways to the field - The field in relationships - And much more…Through practical spirituality and firm underpinnings in science and personal experience, Dancing with The Field introduces a framework for life to help people recognize when they are in a state of connection and play with this field and when they are not.If you are on a spiritual path and feel like you need some additional guidance to bring more joy into your life, then this is the book you simply must read now!

To Dream the Blackbane

Richard J. O'Brien
    Scientists referred to the event as The Anomaly. A byproduct of The Anomaly was the advent of hybrid beings—people who became mixed with whatever animal or object was closest to them the moment the event occurred. Humans, or pedigrees, soon relegated fairy refugees and hybrids into ghetto zones in large cities.Seventy years later, Wolfgang Rex, a second-generation hybrid—part human, part Rhodesian Ridgeback—is a retired police detective who runs a private investigation business in Chicago’s Southside. It’s a one-hybrid show; though Rex couldn’t survive without his assistant, the faerie Sally Sandweb.One night, two vampires visit Rex and offer him a substantial reward for the recovery of a stolen scroll. Later that same evening, Charlotte Sweeney-Jarhadill, a pedigree woman from Louisiana, visits Rex and hires him to exorcize the headless ghost of a Confederate soldier from her home.To complicate matters, the private detective ends up falling for Charlotte. Meanwhile, the vampires demand results in the search for the missing scroll. When Rex’s assistant Sally goes missing, he must stay alive long enough to find her. Charlotte and the vampires, however, have other plans for Rex.

I Am Funny Like That: A Funny Look At Life

Helen C. Escott - 2016
    There are no granny panties in this drawer!He picks up a pair of my NASA engineered favourites and insisted, "These are granny panties."No they are not!" I protested, "Granny panties are cotton, with flowers all over them and come up to your armpits." I grabbed my daily favourites out of his hand, "These are a modern-day wonder! They hide years of not doing sit-ups every day, cellulite dimples, Big Macs with extra sauce and muffin belly! My grandmother never had panties like this!"Call them what you want. They are modern-day granny panties" he informs me.Putting them back in the drawer I thought, "I would have to join a gym if I ever gave these beauties up."Anyway it got me to thinking. So I made a visit to a lingerie store. Maybe my underwear drawer did need some updating.The walls of the store were lined with massive posters of girls who don't eat so they can wear lace without tummy control panels. Looking at their photo-shopped abs didn't inspire me to drop to the floor and do a hundred sit-ups it just made me want to hold them down and force feed them hamburgers.The 20 something sales girl came over with her size 0 figure and asked if I needed help. "I am looking to update my underwear drawer" I tell her, "I am looking for something that is comfortable but... sexy." I know in her head she's thinking "Sex at her age! Wow good for her!"First she shows me the wall of underwear designed to turn on perverts. "No, that's not what I am looking for" and we move along to the "School girl" underwear to turn on pedophiles. "That's not me either" I tell her. Then she shows me the "new" line just in that week with the red or black fur around the waistband. "Doesn't that show through your dress pants?" I ask her. "Oh, you don't wear anything over these ones." That ought to make my work day more interesting I thought to myself.Then she brings out the most dreaded, torturous devise knows to woman... the G-String!I tried a pair once and I looked like a summo wrestler. Even I laughed when I looked in the mirror. It brought back a memory to me. I was doing a two-day course at university. Before the course started the students were standing around the back of the class chatting and getting to know one another. I met this lovely lady who told me she was 60-years-old and was doing the course out of interest. When it was time to sit down, she sat in front of me and to my horror she was wearing low-cut jeans that revealed a tattooed pair of eyes above her butt cheeks but the worst part, she was wearing a silver thong.It was like a car crash, I couldn't look away. For seven hours the droopy eyes on her butt watched me, staring at me, scarring me for life. Every time she put up her hand to ask a question her hips shifted and her butt winked at me. The sliver G-string thread around her waist looked like a disco Hippie headband. I would never be able to look at a G-string without thinking of her butt eye balling me."I don't do fanny-floss" I told her. I need something comfortable. "Maybe you should go to Walmart" she says. "Maybe you should go to hell" I thought in my head.With her sales commission still in my wallet, I left and called hubby from my cell phone in the car."Ok I am willing to compromise. Wh

Good-Bye Def Leppard: I'll Miss Those Jeans

Stef Kramer - 2008
    After returning home from a hectic day at work, Amy greets her children and carves out a few minutes to listen to her daughter sing. A delicate, silky melody fills the air, and Amy's mind drifts back more than twenty years to a time when everything changed for her…It's 1992. Grunge is on the rise. “Hair bands” are fading. Amy graduates from college and despite a talent for music, she's determined to chase the corporate ladder. Returning to rural Iowa for the summer to live at home with her parents, all her plans shift when Amy meets a local farmer named Nick. A romance blossoms and suddenly the previously banal landscape becomes beautiful. But settling into a life with Nick is far more complicated than she expected, and she is faced with decisions that will alter her life forever.For fans of Emily Giffin and Sophie Kinsella, Goodbye Def Leppard (I'll Miss Those Jeans) is a lighthearted yet poignant tale about life, fate, and the difficult choices we make.


A.F. Knott - 2016
    Within a balance of terror and innocence, he bears silent witness to ghosts of the dead and the cruelties of a teenage killer while local justice plays out in a community carved from legacies of coal mining and religion.

The Grey Woods

J. Carson Rose - 2016
    Here, the powerful Lady Atya of the Majae draws Fin Goldvale into this spiritual realm to witness past events that hold the key to his future. But Fin is caught between his cousin Madros’ present turmoil and his past love for the enchanting Eamìn of the Majae. In order to ensure their very survival, Fin must navigate Lord Madros’ growing madness by understanding the heroic deeds of his past.Madros was forced to send his beloved Eamìn to a remote city where his cousin Gareth is king. Fin was sent with her to protect her from the dark forces ever searching for her power, but more importantly, from Gareth himself. But Fin is accused of an affair with Eamìn, who has been forced to marry Gareth while in hiding, and he escapes to Madros’ city with the heartbreaking news that she is no longer safe there. But pulling her out of the hidden city will expose her again to the Lord of the Dream Realm, who Madros is ultimately protecting her from.Madros must decide if leaving Eamìn in Gareth’s clutches is the lesser of two evils, or will the guilt of how she suffers in Gareth’s hands drive him to choose another option so deadly, in an attempt to rid both threats to her.Time is an infinite loop, expanding, contracting and repeating again, and this tale weaves itself through a series of parallel events happening three years apart. In the end Fin finds himself standing between Madros and Eamìn, two people he’s sworn to love and protect, and deciding which to serve.

Across the Ocean

Hawa L Crickmore - 2017
    It happened so quickly that the matter is now one of life and death; he has twenty-four weeks to live. Martin needs a relative for a donor, but his parents died in a car crash and he has no siblings or other close relatives. A mixed-raced man he casually met at Nandos, who later became a friend, volunteers to go for the test and is found to be a match. Though it is possible that someone from the general public can be a match, Leroy feels there is more to his relationship with Martin than just friendship. He begins his journey to unveil the power of DNA testing in light of today's medical science, tracing back to two hundred years ago and the slave trade. The result is shocking the whole world, showing that the stranger who crosses your path can possibly be related to you!This story is based on partly true events.

Crash Lane News - 2015
     Crash Lane News, book party and tour started at the Book Expo of America in the Author Hub, May 2014, and the New Title Showcase in 2015. Crash Lane News, was also advertised at the Texas Book Festival in Austin, Texas. Crash Lane News, book party tour ended at the Boston Book Festival, October 2015, where the book was displayed and available to buy at the Independent Publishers of New England Booth. For more information about the book visit

The Truth Behind the Lies: One Man's Journey Through Wwiii

Jaeson D. Rau - 2018
    Years later, free from his prison and on a mission to find his beloved wife, he finds refuge and an empty journal. While writing about what he thinks caused World War III, he makes the grim realization it was not up to the governments or military to make sure that mankind was peaceful. It was up to each of us.