Book picks similar to
Esoteric Secrets of Meditation and Magic - Volume 2: The Early Writings by Paul Foster Case
Pagan Portals: Hedge Witchcraft
Harmonia Saille - 2012
It only has a little about hedge riding as this book has too small a scope to include it. Please read the accompanying book in the Pagan Portal series, Hedge Riding.
Zen Druidry: Living a Natural Life, with Full Awareness
Joanna van der Hoeven - 2013
Looking at ourselves and at the natural world around us, we realise that everything is in constant change and flux - like waves on the ocean, they are all part of one thing that is made up of everything. Even after the wave has crashed upon the shore, the ocean is still there, the wave is still there - it has merely changed its form. The aim of this text is to show how Zen teachings and Druidry can combine to create a peaceful life path that is completely and utterly dedicated to the here and now, to the earth and her rhythms, and to the flow that is life itself.
Witch's Qabalah
Ellen Cannon Reed - 1997
With this book, Ellen Cannon Reed a High Priestess of the Isian tradition brings the symbolism of the Qabala into a new light so pagans can see its value and use it to enhance the Great Work.Reed explains the Tree of Life the primary symbol used to represent the universal energies as "revealed" by the Qabala and how its spheres and paths correspond to elements in the pagan tradition. Teachers can use the Qabala to understand the growth of students and their problems, using the Vices and Virtues to recognize stages of growth. Reed also provides exercises, meditations, and encouragement to students who are studying without a teacher. She discusses the Qabala as it appears in everyday life, which spheres of the Tree of Life to use for specific workings, and details two rituals using the Tree: a Dedication to the Journey, and the Rite of mending Love. Reed's command of the material allows teachers and students alike to gain powerful insight into their own search for spirituality. First published in 1983 as Witches Qabala Book 1: The Goddess and the Tree, this revised and updated edition is enhanced with Reed's thirteen additional years of experience.
Diary of a Witchcraft Shop
Trevor Jones - 2011
Trevor ran a witchcraft shop. Liz’s life would never be the same again…“When you find yourself on a London platform shouting into your mobile, ‘We haven’t got enough demons! Do you want me to order some more?’ as folk quietly edge away from you – you know you’re running a witchcraft shop.”Full of amusing anecdotes and witty observations, Diary of a Witchcraft Shop is a delight, and Trevor Jones and Liz Williams the most congenial of hosts. If Bill Bryson ever decided to settle down embrace paganism and open a witchcraft shop, this is surely the sort of book that would result.On taking tea:“A young woman has just bounced (and I mean BOUNCED, like Tigger) into the shop and announced that she is part of a Christian youth camp and could she bless me by buying me a tea? Why certainly! They have apparently been sent out to do good in the community, and if this means buying teas for knackered hard-working witches, then well and good. I offered her a bag of rose petals in return blessing but she was unsure and declined.”Yet Diary of a Witchcraft Shop is far more than just an amusing romp. The book offers a glimpse into the pagan world, one that isn’t sensationalist or melodramatic but is instead considered and intelligent, while providing insight into the unique community that is Glastonbury. The narrative is bursting with surprise, delight and humour, but also has its darker moments, as we share twelve months in the company of Liz and Trevor, complete with visits to the Houses of Parliament, Ireland, and Brittany, not to mention Shetland ponies interrupting druidic ritual and a TARDIS manifesting in the most unlikely of places… No, this isn’t fiction, honestly.
A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook
Janet Farrar - 1987
This collection includes two books in one volume, Eight Sabbats for Witches and The Witches' Way and is the most comprehensive and revealing work on the principles, rituals and beliefs of modern witchcraft.
The Complete Grimoire: Magickal Practices and Spells for Awakening Your Inner Witch
Lidia Pradas - 2020
Written by Lidia Pradas, the creator of the beloved Instagram handle Wiccan Tips, The Complete Grimoire is a magickal beginner's guide to witchcraft practices and knowledge. Elegantly designed, featuring a gold foil–embossed cover and beautiful illustrations, and written in Wiccan Tips' trademark concise and practical style, The Complete Grimoire presents the key pillars of witchcraft, including:Procuring the proper tools and setting up an altarHarnessing your spells and magickSabbats and the Wheel of the YearHow to safely work with deities and spiritsYou'll also learn fundamental spells and rituals, such as casting a circle, creating a sigil, and making moon water. Lidia is a reassuring and trusted guide on your witchcraft journey, addressing key questions and debunking common misconceptions. The Complete Grimoire is an informative, accurate resource the newly initiated and experienced witch alike can use in their daily craft.
How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides
Ted Andrews - 1997
Spirit guides serve many roles and take many forms of expression within our lives. They inspire creativity and insight, help open us to abundance, protect us, and serve as our companions.In How To Meet and Work with Spirit Guides, popular author Ted Andrews teaches you simple and effective techniques for establishing rapport with your angels and guides. Explore meditation, divination, fragrance, crystals, and other ways to connect with spirit helpers, and enjoy the many gifts and learning opportunities gained by working with:Guardian angels Spirit guides Loved ones in spirit Animal totems Nature spirits Fairies
Backwoods Witchcraft: Conjure Folk Magic from Appalachia
Jake Richards - 2019
This "grounded approach" will be of keen interest to witches and conjure folk regardless of where they live. Readers will be guided in how to build relationships with the spirits and other beings that dwell around them and how to use the materials and tools that are readily available on the land where one lives.This book also provides instructions on how to create a working space and altar and make conjure oils and powders. A wide array of tried-and-true formulas are also offered for creating wealth, protecting one from gossip, spiritual cleansing, and more.
Vodou Visions: An Encounter with Divine Mystery
Sallie Ann Glassman - 2000
It describes the tools and techniques for developing the magical mind and honoring the soul, while revealing how Vodou can release creative spirituality and open doors to self-awareness. Comprehensive and inviting, this book introduces readers to Vodou's rich history, powerful ancestors, and vibrant spirits, known as Lwa. With more than one hundred breathtaking illustrations, Vodou Visions reveals how to honor and invoke the Lwa with specific ceremonial offerings and litanies. Using methods drawn from more than twenty years of practice, Vodou priestess Sallie Ann Glassman shares purification and empowerment rituals for individuals, communities, homes, and spiritual spaces. For more advanced practitioners, Glassman describes ways to deepen communication with the Lwa and to give thanks for an ongoing spiritual relationship. The visions of the Lwa bring a living experience of the Spirit into daily life. Glassman welcomes readers to a community of faith and--above all--to a journey toward a creative spirituality that will enrich and affirm their lives.
Sons of the Goddess: A Young Man's Guide to Wicca
Christopher Penczak - 2005
Yet young men may have trouble identifying their place in this seemingly female-dominated religion. Without many male role models, how can one become empowered as a son of the Goddess?hristopher Penczak, who learned about Witchcraft and magick in his late teens, offers guidance to all the young men out there who are curious about Wicca. This much-needed masculine perspective on the Craft discusses divine masculinity found in ancient myths, male energies, and rites of passage. Penczak also describes the fundamentals of Wicca, including the rule of three, the Wiccan Rede, spellcraft, rituals, holidays, and Witchcraft ethics.
Witch: A Magikal Journey- A Hip Guide to Modern Witchcraft
Fiona Horne - 2001
In Witch: Magickal Journey, Fiona Horne reveals the intimate secrets and know-how of her spiritual calling, including rituals, spells and incantations; festivals and sacred sites; details about Goddesses, Gods and familiars; cyber-witchcraft; interviews with other witches and much more. Fiona also reveals all about the daily business of being a modern Witch at home, work and play.
Kabbalah Revealed: The Ordinary Person's Guide to a More Peaceful Life
Michael Laitman - 2007
It contains chapters which focus on different aspects of the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah. It helps readers learn how they can use their spirits to build a personally peaceful life in harmony with all of Creation.
Embracing the Now: Finding Peace and Happiness in What Is
Gina Lake - 2008
Embracing the Now by Gina Lake is a collection of essays about the Now, which can serve as daily reminders of the deepest truths. Full of clear insight and wisdom, it explains how the mind keeps us from being in the Now, how to move into the Now and stay there, and what living from the Now is like. It also explains how to overcome stumbling blocks to being in the Now, such as fears, doubts, judgments, misunderstandings, distrust of life, desires, and other conditioned ideas that are behind human suffering.From Embracing the Now: "You don't have control over what arises in any moment, but you can control where your attention goes, and that will determine how you experience the moment. Any moment can be an experience of peace and contentment or an experience of upset and dissatisfaction, depending on where you put your attention. If you put it on thoughts and emotions and identify with them, you won't experience peace and contentment, but if you put it on your senses or on what is arising from Essence, you will be content and happy. Attention is the secret to happiness!"
Goldmining the Shadows
Pixie Lighthorse - 2019
We have grown socially accustomed to looking for a magic pill to mask it, and all other symptoms of deeper unrest. Yet becoming intimate with pain, but not possessed by it, enables us to feel, sense, and hear the wise teachings held within it. Emotional, physical, mental, sexual, and psychic pain, as well as collective pain carried for Earth during this time of great transition, contains valuable wisdom.Shadow is a term for the discarded within ourselves that informs our lives. It offers the potential to reveal what we previously thought was unsuitable, so unsuitable that we imprisoned it and forgot it. The aim is to know the shadow well, appreciate it, seek to integrate it—not leave it neglected to rot in a cell beneath the surface, where it is inevitably clanging its tin cup against the bars asking for acknowledgement and honoring—to make a place for it as part of your life story, but not let it be the operating manual.In this book, we'll explore:The keys to working with your shadowsHow to engage your shadow to heal generational patternsThe acts of liberation for individuals and all members of society and cultureWhat it would look like to break the repetitive loop of sufferingLanguage prompts to help navigate the shadowsShadow work is one of many keys to breaking the cycles of suffering. It prioritizes healing and offers empathy for one another.
Portable Magic: Tarot Is the Only Tool You Need
Donald Tyson - 2006
Donald Tyson presents a new, easy way to perform ritual magic with only one tool: tarot. From manipulating elemental forces of nature to making potent charms, all ceremonial rituals can be performed with a standard 78-card deck. Tyson's efficient system of tarot magic is based on the Golden Dawn tradition, which corresponds with tarot imagery. He teaches how to work magic on the astral level by projecting one's awareness into the ritual tarot layout. Learn how to set up an astral temple, build an altar, cast a magic circle, and create a triangle through which to actualize your purpose. This innovative guide to tarot magic also includes rituals related to unions, business, banishing, and evoking elementals.