Real Church: Does It Exist? Can I Find It?

Larry Crabb - 2009
    I don't much like going. So, what now?"What's happening to the Church? Why are so many people who for decades have been faithful, steady churchgoers (and others who want to start going to church but can't seem to find one that meets their needs) losing interest in even attending church, let alone getting involved? What is fundamentally wrong with the "types" of churches (Seeker, Bible, Emergent, Liberal, Evangelical) that dot the religious landscape? Larry Crabb believes it is time to rethink the entire foundation and focus of what we know today as church -- everything we're doing and are wanting to see happen. In his most honest and vulnerable book to date, the author reveals his own struggles in this area and then offers a compelling vision of why God designed us to live in community with Him and others, and what the church he wants to be a part of looks like."

Convergence: Spiritual Journeys of a Charismatic Calvinist

Sam Storms - 2005
    In this book he demonstrates from his own life and preeminently from Scripture itself how one can embrace both the centrality of the written Word and the charismatic power of the Holy Spirit.

For Calvinism

Michael S. Horton - 2011
    The system of theology known as Calvinism has been immensely influential for the past five hundred years, but it's often encountered negatively as a fatalistic belief system that confines human freedom and renders human action and choice irrelevant.Taking us beyond the caricatures and typical reactions, For Calvinism:Explores the historical roots of Reformed thought.Delivers the essence of Calvinism, examining its distinctive characteristics, such as election, atonement, effectual calling, and perseverance.Encourages us to consider its rich resources for faith and practice in the present age.As a companion to Roger Olson's Against Calvinism critique and response, readers will be able to compare contrasting perspectives and form their own opinions on the merits and weaknesses of Calvinism.

Developing A Healthy Prayer Life: 31 Meditations On Communing With God

James W. Beeke - 2010
    In this book, you will find thoughtful meditations on prayer in the life of the believer, as well as ample encouragement to cultivate this spiritual discipline in your own life. If you want to be more devoted to prayer, or simply want to assess the health of your prayer life, read this book. It provides both a helpful examination and a needed tonic for those concerned about growing in godliness. Table of Contents: 1. Who Should Pray? 2. Pray in Christ's Name 3. Pray Believingly 4. Pray Privately 5. Pray Submissively 6. Pray Humbly 7. Pray Boldly 8. Pray Waiting upon God 9. Pray Intercedingly 10. Pray Perseveringly 11. Pray Thankfully 12. Wrestling in Prayer 13. Waiting for Answers to Prayer 14. Pray with Appetite 15. Pray for Laborers 16. Pray Watchfully 17. Pray Sincerely 18. Pray by the Spirit 19. Pray and Work 20. Pray Reverently 21. Pray Fervently 22. Pray Constantly 23. Pray Dependently 24. Unfulfilled Prayer 25. Lust-Driven Prayer 26. Pray Openly and Unworthily 27. Pray against besetting Sins 28. Pray for Contentment 29. Pray with Scripture 30. Pray Thoughtfully 31. To Those Who Cannot Pray Appendix: 31 Marks of True Prayer

Great Doctrines of the Bible: Volume I God the Father, God the Son/Volume II God the Holy Spirit/Volume III the Church and the Last Things

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 2003
    For that reason Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave a series of lectures at Westminster Chapel to help ordinary people understand and apply theology to their own lives. This book is the fruit of those lectures.Previously published in three separate volumes, they are now combined into one work-a complete systematic Christian theology. Among others, the book covers Christian beliefs about Scripture, the attributes of God, the life and work of Jesus, the Fall, redemption, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the nature of the church, and last things. The book is written in clear language and contains guidance for application. Anyone who wishes to learn more about the great doctrines of the Bible but doesn't want to wade through lengthy academic works should read this book. God the Father, God the SonThis volume focuses on the very character of God and the life and work of his Son, including his eternal decrees, his attributes, original sin, redemption, the covenant of grace, and the Incarnation. God the Father, God the Son will help you to truly know God and his Word better. And in that pursuit, you can never go wrong. Because someday, somewhere, you will need to know-and share-the Truth with someone else. God the Holy SpiritThis volume explores in detail the person and vital work of the Holy Spirit. He is a divine and mighty power who is active in conversion, redemption, regeneration, sanctification, and the assurance of salvation. Martyn Lloyd-Jones also considers within these pages Pentecost, baptism of the Spirit, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit-all to give you a better understanding of this least-known member of the Trinity. The Church and the Last ThingsThis volume explores in detail two doctrines that bear great impact on your today and all your tomorrows: the nature of the church, and the doctrine of the last things. Here is perspective on the Bible's various references to the church, plus a study of unity, baptism, church government, and the sacraments-all according to Scripture. Martyn Lloyd-Jones also carefully considers the various views regarding Christ's second coming, what God's Word communicates about the last days, and the meaning of Jesus' return for ourselves as well as the world. It's important reading, not just for admirers of this great preacher, but for Christians everywhere.

The Augsburg Confession

Philipp Melanchthon
    The Augsburg Confession was written in both German and Latin and was presented by a number of German rulers and free-cities at the Diet of Augsburg on 25 June 1530. The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V had called on the Princes and Free Territories in Germany to explain their religious convictions in an attempt to restore religious and political unity in the Holy Roman Empire and rally support against the Turkish invasion. It is the fourth document contained in the Lutheran Book of Concord.

Apostolic Church Planting: Birthing New Churches from New Believers

J.D. Payne - 2015
    In the book of Acts, church plants begin with sharing the gospel. Planting churches flows naturally out of making disciples. Pastor J. D. Payne explains the process and stages of church planting, with biblical foundations and practical steps for planting teams. He provides a pathway for the multiplication of disciples, leaders and churches. Here are church planting strategies and activities that are simple, highly reproducible and can be implemented by ordinary team members, not just by charismatic leaders. This guide can be used for planting in contexts among any given people group, domestically or internationally. It is an ideal resource for teams to work through together as they follow God's call in their community.

Faith Speaking Understanding: Performing the Drama of Doctrine

Kevin J. Vanhoozer - 2013
    Vanhoozer argues that theology is not merely a set of cognitive beliefs, but is also something we "do" that involves speech and action alike. He uses a theatrical model to explain the ways in which doctrine shapes Christian understanding and forms disciples. The church, Vanhoozer posits, is the preeminent theater where the gospel is "performed," with doctrine directing this performance. Doctrines are not simply truths to be stored, shelved, and stacked, but indications and directions to be followed, practiced, and enacted. In "performing" doctrine, Christians are shaped into active disciples of Jesus Christ. He goes on to examine the state of the church in today's world and explores how disciples can do or perform doctrine. Written in an accessible and engaging style, Faith Speaking Understanding sets forth a compelling vision of what the church is and what it should be doing, and demonstrates the importance of Christian doctrine for this mission.Disciples who want to follow Christ in all situations need doctrinal direction as they walk onto the social stage in the great theater of the world. The Christian faith is about acknowledging, and participating in, the great thing God is doing in our world: making all things new in Christ through the Holy Spirit. Doctrine ministers understanding: of God, of the drama of redemption, of the church as a company of faithful players, and of individual actors, all of whom have important roles to play. In an age where things fall apart and centers fail to hold, doctrine centers us in Jesus Christ, in whom all things hold together.

The Lost Message of Paul

Steve Chalke - 2019
    We need to begin with the ideas that informed Paul’s worldview and culture. Our goal is simple – to see things the way he saw them rather than the way we see them.· What if the whole idea of ‘original sin’ was never part of Paul’s thinking at all? · What if the idea that we are saved by faith in Christ, as Luther so strongly argued, was based on a mistranslation of Paul’s words, and even more seriously on a misunderstanding of Paul’s thinking? Was Luther – and Calvin who followed him – simply terribly wrong?‘The tragedy,’ writes Steve Chalke, ‘is that over the centuries the Church has time and again failed to communicate, or even to understand, the core of Paul’s message. Although Paul has often been presented as the champion of exclusion, he was the very opposite. He was the great includer; a revolutionary who saw a new inclusive world dawning and gave his life to help bring it in.’ Steve Chalke MBE is a Baptist minister, founder and leader of the Oasis Charitable Trust, and author of more than 50 books.

John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine & Doxology

Burk ParsonsEric J. Alexander - 2008
    In the minds of many, he is perceived as an ivory-tower theologian who was harsh and unreasonable, the driving force behind a dangerous theological system. In this volume, Burk Parsons and eighteen other leading Reformed pastors and scholars authoritatively reveal the truth about Calvin and his teaching - that he was humble, caring, pious, Scripture-saturated, and, above all, passionate about upholding the glory of God. Published in conjunction with the five-hundredth anniversary of Calvin's birth (2009), John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, and Doxology offers a highly readable partrait of a man whose example and teaching remain vitally relevant even in the twenty-first century.

Sola Scriptura!: The Protestant Position on the Bible

Don Kistler - 1997
    Yet this doctrine is under assault today as never before, both from outside and and inside the church. In manifold ways, both blatant and subtle, the idea is being put forth that the Bible is inadequate for the needs of modern man. Such suggestions represent an attack on the very foundations of the Christian faith. In this book, several leading Reformed pastors and scholars, including Joel Beeke, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Ray Lanning, John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, Derek W. H. Thomas, and James White, unpack the meaning of the doctrine of Sola Scriptura ("Scripture alone"). They also explain where the attacks on the Bible are coming from and show how those who accept the Bible as God's inspired Word should respond. Sola Scriptura: The Protestant Position on the Bible is a treasure trove of information and a comfort to those who grieve to see the twenty-first-century church wandering away from the safe harbor of the Bible.

Who Wrote the Bible? : a Book for the People

Washington Gladden - 1891
    You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

Gravity True For You But Not For Me

Michael Edwards - 2011
    There are many contradictory beliefs about God that claim to be the truth. But since truth never contradicts itself, who really has the truth? Utilizing objective evidence like a detective does in an investigation, the facts point to the one belief that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. One truth that applies to everyone if they believe it or not. Follow the evidence and see for yourself.Setting feelings and what others believe aside for a moment learn why objective evidence is the best way to find truth in any investigation, including the truth about God. See for yourself exactly why Christianity is the most reasonable belief available based on the facts and why it applies to everyone, everywhere even if they do not believe it. Learn the two things we all encounter daily that the Bible states is absolute proof of God's existence and leave every person without excuse, even those who have never read the Bible. Learn why trying to be a good person is not good enough.Weigh the objective evidence for yourself and make a reasonable decision about God and then pass the evidence on to others so they can discover the truth. Everyone deserves the opportunity to examine the evidence for themselves.Perfect for the seeker and the believer who want to eliminate doubts and have a reasonable assurance that their faith is actually placed in the truth.If you are a believer you have an obligation to share the truth. Let this book show your friends and family the sound foundation your belief rests upon. It's not about religion, it's about truth.

How Sermons Work

David P. Murray - 2011
    He demonstrates that behind the thirty to forty-five minutes we see and hear on a Sunday morning are many hours of mental, spiritual and practical labour. Like all pastoral labour, it involves head, heart and hand.Murray breaks up the sermon preparation process into a clear and simple stepby-step method, covering topics such as how to choose a text, how to introduce a sermon, how to explain a text, and how to apply it. It will provide an excellent refresher for experienced preachers and a reliable guide for those just starting out. It will also be extremely helpful to Bible class teachers, Bible Study leaders, or anyone who has to prepare a Bible message.Above all, however, it is the author s desire that this book will also be read by those who do not preach. He wants to give non-preachers an insider s look at sermon preparation. By taking readers behind the scenes and asking, How do they do that? Murray wants to supply answers that will increase respect for pastors and their preaching.

Strike the Original Match

Charles R. Swindoll - 1980
    Chuck Swindoll draws on the best marriage-survival guide—the Bible—and his many years of marriage to show couples how to survive, flex, grow, forgive, and keep romance alive in their marriage.