Anthony De Mello: Selected Writings

Anthony de Mello - 1999
    Since his death in 1987, countless readers have been challenged to encounter DeMellos message.

Steven Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: An Executive Summary (Executive Summaries by Spry Summaries Book 2)

Spry Summaries - 2014
    Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People continues to pass down knowledge thousands of years old to a modern audience. The titular 7 habits will help you become more effective in business and personal situations. This 3500+ word executive summary by Spry Summaries boils down the essential knowledge from the 10-million copy seller into a compact and easy to read package. Take the knowledge of generations with you on the go!

How I Made Over $1 Million Using The Law of Attraction: The Last Law of Attraction, How-To, Or Self-Help Book You Will Ever Need To Read

E.K. Santo - 2012
    Book after book, cd program after cd program. The workshops, the webinars...The never-ending e-mails...The PROMISES!I've read all the books...I've listened to the CD's...I've been to the workshops and seminars...And you know what? I finally got this stuff to work for me. And it turned out to be pretty easy!I figured out why people struggle with these ideas and concepts, and decided to help all the people who need it by writing an inexpensive book about what worked for me, and explaining it in the simplest way possible!Now it's your turn!It's finally time to have a truly AMAZING life! The life that you dream about having. The life that you deserve, and the things you want in that life.This book was written for YOU!It's simple.It's clear.It's what You need!And it's written by someone who used the same methods and techniques contained in the book, and became successful, healthy, and happy.I've had incredible success with the Law of Attraction and Self-Help. This book is my way to help all those people who desire wealth, health, and happiness!This book is written in a simple, no-nonsense style so that you can immediately start making changes in your life, and manifesting those dreams you've always desired.

India's Greatest Speeches

Nitin Agarwal - 2014
    Set to inspire, this book includes some of the most stirring and eloquent addresses by Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekananda, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Mother Teresa, JRD Tata, Abdul Kalam, Nardendra Modi and other influential Indian leaders.This impelling selection of expressive moments of oratory would provide the reader a fresh perspective; evoke feelings of patriotism, inspiration and unbounded motivation. Nitin Aggarwal introduces each speech with relevant information, providing valuable insight.

On Being an Introvert or Highly Sensitive Person: A guide to boundaries, joy, and meaning

Ilse Sand - 2017
    She debates whether these traits are caused by nature or nurture, and shows how someone like this can organise their life to keep them content. What she says is appropriate for people who are temporarily, or for some other reason, in a sensitive situation - for example, because of stress, trauma or burn-out.It describes the introverted personality type and the highly sensitive trait, highlighting the strengths that come with it such as good listening skills and rich imagination, and suggests ways to overcome the negatives such as the need to avoid overstimulation and over-critical thinking.Including advice from other introverts or highly sensitive people, and two self-tests for sensitive and introverted traits, this book provides a deeper understanding of introversion and high sensitivity and gives those with these personality types greater faith and courage in their own talents.

When You Can Walk On Water, Take The Boat

John Harricharan - 1986
    Like most of us, John was an ordinary man who calmly accepted the problems of his life and career without any real hope or insight. Then a miracle happened. He met a strange, wise businessman named Gideon. It was a brief encounter, filled with mystery. But for John, it was the beginning of a soul-searching journey a joyous awakening of self-understanding, inner truth and the power of universal love that lives within us all. It is a journey you can share too.

Thinking Through Refuse to Choose: 101 things every Scanner should know

Barbara Sher - 2013
    But no matter how promising a path may appear, Scanners can never give up their love of exploring. And therein lies the problem: despite their passionate engagement with the world and their love of life, Scanners are unable to decide on one path, and they're often afraid that there's something horribly wrong with them.It's usually forgotten that such people were once admired for their wide range of knowledge, even called Renaissance thinkers. Now they're often labeled as immature, lazy dilettantes by a culture that prizes specialization above all else. Until now. Refuse to Choose has been changing perceptions and showing thousands of Scanners that there's nothing wrong with them at all. Now these exceptional thinkers and learners are able to create the rich, creative and successful lives and careers they're capable of. In this book,Thinking Through Refuse to Choose, Sher distills the most essential elements of her book into 101 powerful bits of wisdom to remind Scanners every day of who they are, and how they must follow their hearts to fulfill their potential and createn the life that's right for them.

7: How Many Days of the Week Can Be Extraordinary?

Dan Zadra - 2012
    And, in the rush to make a living, we sometimes forget to live. The 7 book makes a wonderful gift because it inspires us to stop and look around with fresh eyes. To break out of our routines. To reconnect with all the things that are truly important to us. And to savor and treasure lifenot just now and then, but every day of the week. The 7 book is the fourth addition in the best-selling Life by the Numbers series, and it is easily one of the most inspiring to give or receive.

The True INTJ (The True Guides to the Personality Types)

Truity - 2014
    From Isaac Newton to Mark Zuckerberg, these visionary, determined INTJs have made an impact. But what drives these self-possessed, sometimes mysterious Masterminds? What makes them so uniquely equipped to improve the systems we live with every day?This book is for INTJs and those who live with them, work with them, or just want to know more about them. With an eye toward the INTJ's natural strengths, The True INTJ takes an in-depth look at the talents, motivations, values, and unique qualities of the INTJ. You'll discover what drives the INTJ, and how this innovative, dedicated personality type can use their gifts to change the world.

Anthony Robbins PowerTalk (Conquer the Crash)

Anthony Robbins - 1958
    In tape #1, Robbins speaks directly to the listener about turning a "foe" (problem) into a "friend". Tape #2 features a discussion with financial expert Charles Givens, author of Wealth Without Risk.

The Extra One Per Cent: How Small Changes Make Exceptional People

Rob Yeung - 2010
    Discover what these successful people do differently and find out how you too can reach outstanding levels of success.

The Life Diet: How to let in what makes you happy, and let go of everything else

Laura Jane Williams - 2019
    In a world full of options and abundance The Life Diet will equip you with the tools and motivation to make your life more centred, deeper connected, and more in control.

Mustard Seeds: Daily Thoughts to Grow with

Matthew Kelly - 1998
    This book will help you to see the person you are and the person you can become. Open your heart and mind, and your life will change gracefully.

This is Your Life, Not a Dress Rehearsal: Proven Principles for Creating the Life of Your Dreams

Jim Donovan - 1998
    My easy to use, simple ideas and techniques have become my trademark. I write easy to use books so people will read them and use the information they contain. The ideas in This Is Your Life, Not A Dress Rehearsal are not theory. They have been used by me and countless others to change our lives.

How to Find Peace: A Guide for Facilitating Spiritual Evolution & Discovering Happiness That Lasts

Beau Norton - 2015
    Perhaps you have some spiritual knowledge, but how often do you experience PEACE? CONTENTMENT? JOY? BLISS? ECSTASY? You've probably been searching for these higher states for some time now, but what has all your searching brought you? Are you still unsatisfied and unfulfilled? Is it really possible to find lasting peace of mind and happiness in this hectic world, or is it all just a fairy tale? I think you'll be relieved to discover that the TRUTH is right in front of you, just waiting to be realized. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT TO FEEL AT PEACE! It is available to you this very instant, however, you may have some blocks that need to be removed before you can come to KNOW Peace rather than just 'know about' Peace. This book is dedicated to helping you evolve mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, by facilitating your understanding of basic (yet profoundly life-altering) spiritual concepts, thus allowing you to effortlessly transcend the obstacles on the path to peace of mind and happiness that lasts.Join me on the inside and let us take the journey together. May we both awaken to our true nature. May we never be the same again...