Living for God's Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism

Joel R. Beeke - 2008
    But as Dr. Joel R. Beeke argues in this important new book, this image could not be further from the truth. Beeke, a pastor, educator, editor, and prolific author, shows instead that Calvinism is a theology that is firmly rooted in Scripture and works its way out into every area of the believer’s life. He aims to “cover the intellectual and spiritual emphases of Calvinism, the way it influences the church and everyday living, and its ethical and cultural implications.”In this comprehensive survey of Reformed Christianity, Dr. Beeke and eight fellow contributors offer twenty–eight chapters that trace the history of Calvinism; explore its key doctrinal tenets, such as the so–called five points of Calvinism and the solas of the Protestant Reformation; reveal how Calvinists have sought to live in devotion to God; and survey Calvinism’s influence in the church and in the world at large. In the end, the book asserts that the overriding goal of Calvinism is the glory of God. Saturated with Scripture citations and sprinkled with quotations from wise giants of church history, this book presents Calvinism in a winsome and wondrous fashion.

The Doctrines That Divide: A Fresh Look at the Historic Doctrines That Separate Christians

Erwin W. Lutzer - 1998
    Lutzer examines various controversies that exist within the broad spectrum of Christianity, presenting the historical background of the issue and the biblical understanding of the doctrine. Chapters include "Predestination or Free Will?" "Justification by Faith."

The Mystery of Providence

John Flavel - 1678
    First published in 1678, this little work well illustrates and explains the purpose of God for his people.

Jesus on Every Page: 10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Christ in the Old Testament

David P. Murray - 2013
    What biblical event does this bring to mind? Is it Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22, or Christ's passion in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? The kinship between these two stories is deeper than mere coincidence. Christ is present in the story of Abraham and Isaac. In fact, he is present on every page of the Old Testament.Christians seem to have forgotten that the Old Testament has everything to do with Jesus Christ. In Jesus on Every Page, David Murray guides the reader down his own Road to Emmaus, describing how the Scriptures were opened to him, revealing Jesus from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. Dr. Murray's ten simple ways to seek and find Christ in the Old Testament unveil the face of Christ in the creation, the law, the psalms, the prophets, and the proverbs.Recognizing Jesus in the full breadth of Scripture is important for every Christian. Whether you are preaching Jesus through Old Testament readings or just beginning to discover the reality of Christ in the Old Testament, Jesus on Every Page provides an accessible guide to the increasingly popular subject of Jesus in the Old Testament books. Have your own Road to Emmaus experience and know the Old Testament for what it truly is: full of Jesus.Endorsements:With deceptive ease Dr. David Murray brings his readers on to the Road to Emmaus for a few hours of conversation about Jesus and the Old Testament. With an enviable grace and simplicity he teaches us how to read the Old Testament as Christians. --Sinclair B. Ferguson, Redeemer Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas.This is not a small book, it is a game-changer. I read it with a notepad in one hand and at times tears on every page. This profound work shows that Jesus is on every page of God's love story. This is a book I will read over and over. I highly recommend it! --Sheila Walsh, Singer, Author, Speaker with Women of Faith ConferencesIf you have always struggled to understand the Old Testament, this is the book for you. Dr. Murray has provided us with a refreshingly simple guide to seeing the glory of Jesus our Messiah throughout the Old Testament. --Burk Parsons, Editor, Tabletalk, Pastor, St Andrews, Orlando, Florida.There's no one I'd rather have serve as my guide for a journey down the Emmaus road than David Murray. Jesus on Every Page provides solid, understandable categories and tools for retraining ourselves on how to read and understand the Old Testament. --Nancy Guthrie, Author of the Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bible study seriesWith contagious delight, David Murray not only opens up the Old Testament beautifully, he draws you to marvel at the One it is all about. This is a moving, rich book that can hardly fail to help readers enjoy Jesus more in his word. --Michael Reeves, Head of Theology, Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship, Author of Delighting in the TrinityIf you are like me and have longed for a readable book on seeing and savoring Jesus in the Old Testament this book is the resource for you. It is biblical, practical, and preachable. I will recommend it to everyone! --Anthony Carter, Pastor of East Point Church, Georgia, Author of Blood Work and On Being Black and Reformed: A New Perspective on the African American Christian ExperienceThere have been strident voices urging us to see "Christ in the Old Testament" in recent years - among them, Greidanus, Goldsworthy, Clowney, and Chapell. Now comes David Murray's Jesus on Every Page - a bang-on target, concise summary of this urgently needed, hermeneutical adjustment. --Derek W. H. Thomas, Professor of Systematic Theology, RTS Atlanta, Minister of Preaching and Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC.There could scarcely be a more worthy pursuit than seeking to learn of Jesus in the pages of Scripture....It would be difficult indeed to find a more accessible, concise, practically helpful, warm-hearted guide than David Murray's Jesus On Every Page. --Fred G. Zaspel, Reformed Baptist Church, Franconia, PA, Calvary Baptist Seminary, Lansdale, PACertainly one of the most helpful and most needed new books that I have seen for a long while...This book is more than a devotional read. It leads us to understand more accurately why Jesus could say of the scriptures, 'they testify of me'. What could be more important? --Iain H Murray, Pastor, Author, and Editorial Director of the Banner of Truth Publishers.His aim throughout is to remind New Testament Christians that they are whole Bible believers, and to give them a key to reading the Old Testament biblically. The key to his own book is simple enough: it is that the gospel interprets the Old Testament. --Dr. Iain D. Campbell, Author, Adjunct Professor at Westminster Seminary, and Pastor of Point Free Church of Scotland.

Welcome to a Reformed Church: A Guide for Pilgrims

Daniel R. Hyde - 2010
    Hyde posed to his father when he first encountered Reformed believers. With their unique beliefs and practices, these Christians didn t fit any of the categories in his mind. Not so many years later, Hyde is now Rev. Daniel R. Hyde, a pastor of a Reformed church. Recognizing that many are on the outside looking in, just as he once was, he wrote Welcome to a Reformed Church: A Guide for Pilgrims to explain what Reformed churches believe and why they structure their life and worship as they do. In layman s terms, Rev. Hyde sketches the historical roots of the Reformed churches, their scriptural and confessional basis, their key beliefs, and the ways in which those beliefs are put into practice. The result is a roadmap for those encountering the Reformed world for the first time and a primer for those who want to know more about their Reformed heritage.

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Jonathan Edwards - 1741
    Many have said it is the most famous sermon ever preached. The sermon was first delivered in Enfield, MA on July 8, 1741. The sermon had an amazing impact on the audience.

Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Volume 1

Ken Ham - 2010
    Many people also simply accept without question the claim by others that the Bible is full of contradictions. Even more disturbing is that a growing number of Christians are unable to respond when presented with an apparent inconsistency in the Bible. Now in a bold defense for the accuracy of Scripture, Ken Ham leads a powerful team of contributors in providing core biblical truths to help refute claims regarding the inaccuracy of God s Holy Word. Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions: Addresses over 40 issues of contention in the Old and New Testaments including Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Matthew, John, Acts, and Revelation Contains vital and relevant context by Steve Fazekas, Bodie Hodge, Roger Patterson, Stacia McKeever, Gary Vaterlaus, Dr. Jason Lisle, Paul F. Taylor, John Upchurch, and Dr. Georgia Purdom Equips you to accurately defend your faith while challenging secular or humanistic agendas With nearly two-thirds of young people leaving the Church when they move from home, there has never been a more important time to have a reasoned response for those who desire only to undermine your faith. This book is a great starting point in teaching you how to think and then respond to false claims regarding the Bible. It is imperative that believers are able to stand firm in their faith, and have answers to the culture s attacks on the Bible."

The Good News We Almost Forgot: Rediscovering the Gospel in a 16th Century Catechism

Kevin DeYoung - 2010
    The Heidelberg is largely a commentary on the Apostle's Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer, and deals with man's guilt, God's grace, and believers' gratitude. This book is a clear-headed, warm-hearted exploration of the faith, simple enough for young believers and deep enough for mature believers. DeYoung writes, "The gospel summarized in the Heidelberg Catechism is glorious, its Christ gracious, its comfort rich, its Spirit strong, its God Sovereign, and its truth timeless." Come and see how your soul can be warmed by the elegantly and logically stated doctrine that matters most: We are great sinners and Christ is a greater Savior!

Easy Chairs, Hard Words

Douglas Wilson - 1991
    You will say to me then, "Why still find fault? For who has resisted His will?" But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? (Romans 9:18 20a) Hard words, indeed. But they remain, for all our explanations, God's words. Easy Chairs, Hard Words offers an honest look at many such difficult passages in Scripture. Presented as a series of fictional conversations between a curious young Christian and a seasoned pastor, these dialogues speak with clarity to those new to the Reformed faith. They begin with the question, "Can salvation be lost?" and from there wrestle with other hard-to-swallow doctrines, including the freedom of the will, election, and original sin. Hard words, and yet the understanding given these passages is thoughtful and gentle. For our God the God of hard words is a merciful and loving Father, slow to wrath and quick to pardon, a triune God who graciously rescues men from death and brings them into everlasting life."

Words From the Fire: Hearing the Voice of God in the 10 Commandments

R. Albert Mohler Jr. - 2009
    Mohler is a respected voice on the state of our culture (and the church) today. The Ten Commandments speak to current issues today such as the exclusivity of the Christian God, the essence of worship, capital punishment, just war, business ethics and the postmodern definition of truth.

The Five Dilemmas of Calvinsim

Craig R. Brown - 2007
    The author then attempts to demonstrate that these problems are largely misunderstandings of Calvinism. Written in a winsome and engaging style, Brown's work is an excellent primer on Calvinism and some of the critiques that have been leveled against it. As such, the book provides both apologetic help for Calvinists and answers for Arminians with honest questions.

What's So Great about the Doctrines of Grace?

Richard D. Phillips - 2008
    Richard D. “Rick” Phillips shows that “the doctrines of grace,” those theological tenets more popularly known as “the five points of Calvinism, are comforting, faith-strengthening, and humbling teachings. In six short chapters, Rev. Phillips demonstrates conclusively from Scripture that this view of salvation exalts God and makes plain His great love for man, which drove Him to do all that was necessary to redeem a people for Himself.

Great Exchange: My Sin for His Righteousness

Jerry Bridges - 2007
    Beginning with the Old Testament sacrifices and the prophecies that foreshadowed Christ, authors Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington guide believers through the biblical overview of Christ's atonement. The Great Exchange helps believers see how the Old Testament practices tie in with the New Testament discussion of Christ's great work of salvation.As believers work through these principles, they will begin to recognize that even though we deserve condemnation and punishment from a holy God, he has given us the opportunity to experience his great riches through his Son, Jesus Christ. The clear gospel message presented throughout the entire book offers a great appreciation of Christ for believers and an opportunity for salvation for unbelievers.

Jesus, the One and Only

Beth Moore - 2002
    In Jesus, the One and Only, Beth introduces them to an intimate Savior as they get a close-up and personal portrait of the life of Jesus the Messiah.But this is far more than just a work on the life of Christ. As He has done in the past, God uses Beth’s words to woo the reader into a romance with the One and Only. The reader comes to know Christ personally, watching and listening as He breaks up a funeral by raising the dead, confronts conniving religious leaders of His day, teaches on a Galilean hillside, or walks on the waves and calms the storm.

The Glory of Christ

John Owen - 1683
    J. K. Law, we have the great Puritan pastor and theologian John Owen at his richest and most mature.