The Quantum Doctor: A Physicist's Guide to Health and Healing

Amit Goswami - 2004
    This new science has a spectacular ability to integrate conventional science, spirituality, and healing. If any field needs integration, says Goswami, it is medicine and healing.The Quantum Doctor boldly reinterprets the leading methods of alternative medicine--homeopathy, Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and Ayurveda--and of conventional medicine from the viewpoint of quantum physics. He shows that these seemingly different models can be integrated into a new multi-tiered system based on the new "science within consciousness."At the heart of all illness and healing is consciousness, Goswami says. And The Quantum Doctor gives physicians, practitioners, and patients a whole new way of applying medicine, with a greater likelihood of healing. Goswami calls it integral medicine, and it's based on an integration of the underlying metaphysics of all medicine models. "This is a very new approach. This can be the legitimate basis for a paradigm shift in medicine."

The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry

Rupert Sheldrake - 2012
    The fundamental questions are answered, leaving only the details to be filled in. In this book, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world's most innovative scientists, shows that science is being constricted by assumptions that have hardened into dogmas. The 'scientific worldview' has become a belief system. All reality is material or physical. The world is a machine, made up of dead matter. Nature is purposeless. Consciousness is nothing but the physical activity of the brain. Free will is an illusion. God exists only as an idea in human minds, imprisoned within our skulls. Sheldrake examines these dogmas scientifically, and shows persuasively that science would be better off without them: freer, more interesting, and more fun.In The God Delusion Richard Dawkins used science to bash God, but here Rupert Sheldrake shows that Dawkins' understanding of what science can do is old-fashioned and itself a delusion.

A Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine: Energy Healing and Spiritual Transformation

Richard Gerber - 2001
    A growing number of pioneering researchers embrace a new view of healing—one expounded by Dr. Richard Gerber in his groundbreaking bestseller, Vibrational Medicine.Now he shows how to put this new way of thinking into practical use, describing the role of consciousness and "thought forms," as well as the benefits of homeopathy, acupuncture, color and light healing, magneto biology, and other therapies. A traditionally trained physician, Dr. Gerber combines scientific evidence with traditional methods from the East and West to unlock our potential for healing ourselves.

WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source

Alisa Vitti - 2013
    Relieved and reborn, she made it her mission to empower other women to be able to do the same.Whether you are suffering from irregular periods, fertility issues, depression, or lack of sex drive, Alisa Vitti says that meds and anti-depressants aren’t the only solutions. Groundbreaking and informative, WomanCode educates women about hormone health in a way that’s relevant and easy to understand. And the five-step protocol can markedly improve health and overall quality of life.Bestselling author and women’s health expert Christiane Northrup, who has called WomanCode the "Our Bodies, Ourselves" of this generation, provides an insightful foreword.

Cell-Level Healing: The Bridge from Soul to Cell

Joyce Whiteley Hawkes - 2006
    Spiritual resources can positively influence the wizardry of our natural cell science that repairs and renews the body. Cell-Level Healing: The Spiritual Bridge From Soul to Cell provides instruction at the interface of biology and spirit.While Masaru Emoto shows us that our thoughts change the structure of water, Dr. Hawkes shows that our thoughts change the functioning of our cells. Profoundly effective, yet simple to understand and use, the principles of appreciation, clearing, flow, and cell-level healing described and illustrated in Cell-Level Healing promote vibrant health. The book embarks on the premise that healing is a basic part of human nature, and provides a guide for the reader to tap their innate healing abilities. Introducing the concept of cell-level healing, the book leads the reader through exercises for health and healing. Illustrated with stories, electron microscope photography, and other inspiring pictures by the author, the book shows how simple tenets of spiritual healing can be applied to individual situations. 1. Appreciation of the physical body is described through the eyes of a cell biologist with spiritual insight. Attributes of the universe that apply to healing include mystery, creativity, balance, and resiliency. 2. The principle of clearing addresses emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects. 3. A chapter on flow examines the nature of soul language or vibrational uniqueness, rate, and direction of energy movement. 4. Deepening the conscious reach of healing to the cellular level gives this book its unique place among the collection of books on healing.

The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

Valerie Ann Worwood - 1993
    A necessary resource for anyone interested in alternative approaches to healing, this book contains more than 600 easy-to-follow recipes for essential oil treatments and aromatherapy.

Mind to Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality

Dawson Church - 2018
    It’s held as a firm proposition in metaphysics, and some spiritual teachers ascribe infinite powers to the mind. But are these claims scientifically accurate? What does the scientific evidence tell us about the scope of the human mind to transform thoughts into reality?New research and new discoveries in epigenetics, neuroscience, electromagnetism, psychology, cymatics (the study of wave phenomena), public health, and quantum physics are demonstrating that thoughts can indeed be profoundly creative. In Mind to Matter, award-winning author Dawson Church examines the scientific facts and reviews the studies that show, step by step, exactly how our minds create material form. As each piece of the puzzle falls into place, the science turns out to be even more astonishing than the metaphysics.Throughout the book, Church shares illuminating case histories—up-close, authentic personal accounts of people who had an experience of turning mind into matter. Drawn from the worlds of medicine, sports, business, healing, art, and scientific discovery, these stories run the gamut from profound to inspiring to heart-wrenching. Meticulously researched evidence is presented in highly relatable form, using engaging, understandable, nontechnical analogies. Photos and illustrations enrich the text.As we discover how the universe operates synchronistically, we come to understand that while we have individual local minds, we also participate in universal nonlocal mind. Mind to Matter shows us that as we take charge of our individual power to create, we have the potential, as a species, to catalyze a transformation of our whole world.

Strength Training Anatomy

Frédéric Delavier - 1998
    Strength Training Anatomy, with over 850,000 copies already sold, brings anatomy to life with more than 400 full-color illustrations. This detailed artwork showcases the muscles used during each exercise and delineates how these muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal structures. Like having an X-ray for each exercise, the information gives you a multilateral view of strength training not seen in any other resource.This bestseller also contains new information on common strength training injuries and preventive measures to help you exercise safely. Chapters are devoted to each major muscle group, with 115 total exercises for arms, shoulders, chest, back, legs, buttocks, and abdomen.

Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality

Dean Radin - 2006
    Others don't believe they exist at all. But the latest scientific research shows that these phenomena are both real and widespread, and are an unavoidable consequence of the interconnected, entangled physical reality we live in.Albert Einstein called entanglement "spooky action at a distance" -- the way two objects remain connected through time and space, without communicating in any conventional way, long after their initial interaction has taken place. Could a similar entanglement of minds explain our apparent psychic abilities? Dean Radin, senior scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, believes it might.In this illuminating book, Radin shows how we know that psychic phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis are real, based on scientific evidence from thousands of controlled lab tests. Radin surveys the origins of this research and explores, among many topics, the collective premonitions of 9/11. He reveals the physical reality behind our uncanny telepathic experiences and intuitive hunches, and he debunks the skeptical myths surrounding them. Entangled Minds sets the stage for a rational, scientific understanding of psychic experience.

The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese Medicine

Ted Kaptchuk - 1983
    Kaptchuk’s book is an invaluable resource in the field and an authoritative guide that helps readers understand both Western and Eastern healing practices. Here in the revised edition is further research into ancient Chinese practices as well as active involvement in cutting-edge scientific research.

Stem Cell Therapy: A Rising Tide: How Stem Cells Are Disrupting Medicine and Transforming Lives

Neil H. Riordan - 2017
    When there aren’t enough of them, or they aren’t working properly, chronic diseases can manifest and persist. From industry leaders, sport stars, and Hollywood icons to thousands of everyday, ordinary people, stem cell therapy has helped when standard medicine failed. Many of them had lost hope. These are their stories. Neil H Riordan, author of MSC: Clinical Evidence Leading Medicine’s Next Frontier, the definitive textbook on clinical stem cell therapy, brings you an easy-to-read book about how and why stem cells work, and why they’re the wave of the future. “Neil takes readers on a riveting journey through the past, present and future of stem cell therapy. His well-researched, educational and entertaining book could change your life. I highly recommend it.” Tony Robbins, NY Times #1 Bestselling Author 100 years old will soon become the new 60. Stem cells are a key therapeutic to enable this future. Dr. Riordan’s book is your guide to why this is true and how you will benefit. A must read for anyone who cares about extending their healthy lifespan.” Peter H. Diamandis, MD; Founder, XPRIZE & Singularity University; Co-Founder, Human Longevity, Inc.; Author of NY Times Best Sellers Abundance and Bold

Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration

Penney Peirce - 2009
    Everything is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. In Frequency, Penney Peirce shows you how to feel your personal vibration and work intentionally with energy to transform your life. By learning to find your "home frequency" -- the highest, most natural personal vibration you can attain -- you can maximize clarity, minimize struggle, and discover new talents and capacities. Awakening to the new reality that a higher frequency reveals can help you dramatically improve relationships, find upscale solutions to problems, and materialize a life that contains everything you need. Frequency shows you how to manage your energy "state" so you can stay on track with your destiny -- and reap the benefits of the life you're truly built for.

The Hungry Brain: Outsmarting the Instincts That Make Us Overeat

Stephan Guyenet - 2017
    And certainly no one wants to overeat for years, become overweight, and end up with a high risk of diabetes or heart disease--yet two thirds of Americans do precisely that. Even though we know better, we often eat too much. Why does our behavior betray our own intentions to be lean and healthy? The problem, argues obesity and neuroscience researcher Stephan J. Guyenet, is not necessarily a lack of willpower or an incorrect understanding of what to eat. Rather, our appetites and food choices are led astray by ancient, instinctive brain circuits that play by the rules of a survival game that no longer exists. And these circuits don’t care about how you look in a bathing suit next summer.To make the case, The Hungry Brain takes readers on an eye-opening journey through cutting-edge neuroscience that has never before been available to a general audience. The Hungry Brain delivers profound insights into why the brain undermines our weight goals and transforms these insights into practical guidelines for eating well and staying slim. Along the way, it explores how the human brain works, revealing how this mysterious organ makes us who we are.

Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life

David Perlmutter - 2015
    But a medical revolution is underway that can solve this problem: Astonishing new research is revealing that the health of your brain is, to an extraordinary degree, dictated by the state of your microbiome - the vast population of organisms that live in your body and outnumber your own cells ten to one. What's taking place in your intestines today is determining your risk for any number of brain-related conditions.In BRAIN MAKER, Dr. Perlmutter explains the potent interplay between intestinal microbes and the brain, describing how the microbiome develops from birth and evolves based on lifestyle choices, how it can become "sick," and how nurturing gut health through a few easy strategies can alter your brain's destiny for the better. With simple dietary recommendations and a highly practical program of six steps to improving gut ecology, BRAIN MAKER opens the door to unprecedented brain health potential.

The "God" Part of the Brain: A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God

Matthew Alper - 1999
    O. Wilson and E. Fuller Torry.Here for the first time is a reasoned, compassionate, spiritual journey into the world of science, where God is not so much an illusion as a hallmark of the very way in which we think."[E]xcellent reading." -Edward O. Wilson, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner