Book picks similar to
Liber Falxifer: The Book of the Left-Handed Reaper by N.A-A.218
Lords Of The Left Hand Path: A History Of Spiritual Dissent
Stephen E. Flowers - 2012
Ancient paths include the Egyptian cult of Set, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, the Yezidis, Neoplatonists and the Greeks, the Germanics, the Slavs, the Assassins, Dualist sects, the Faustian path, the Hellfire Club, de Sade, Marx and the sinister aspects of Bolshevism. A whole chapter is devoted to Hitler and Himmler and the occult practices of Nazism. Other modern individuals analyzed include Blavatsky, Gurdjieff, Crowley, Spare, Gregorius and Gerald Gardner.
Luciferian Witchcraft
Michael W. Ford - 2005
Many books have been written of the so-called left hand path, very few actually were written by initiates. Beginning with a lengthy exploration of the forms of the Adversary throughout history, a foundation of ideology is given by identification with the Adversary. The reader is then led through dark and twisting corridors with Four Chapters, a complete system of the History of the Adversary and the Witchcraft associated with the Left Hand Path. What is found within Luciferian Witchcraft is a Talismanic text which presents the medieval concepts of the Black Book being a conjuration itself of the Devil, a complete initiatory system detailing High Ceremonial Magick, The lore of the Adversary and ritualistic and forbidden sex magick. Approach with caution, you may open the gates of hell within.
Daemonolatry Goetia
S. Connolly - 2010
Starts from the beginning of Goetia and discusses preparation, the creation of the circle, triangle of art, brass vessel, and sigils, discusses the invocations, then gives correspondences, Enns, Sigils, and additional insight into The Four Kings and the 72 Goetic Spirits.
Grimorium Verum
Joseph H. Peterson - 2007
People have long sought the aid of non-physical beings; the biblical king Solomon in particular had a reputation since ancient times for commanding demons. There are many texts purporting to reveal Solomon's methods, but most are extremely complicated and difficult. Grimorium Verum is one of the easier texts, but also one of the most sinister. It includes a catalog of specific demons and how to draw on their powers. This new critical edition includes a fresh translation based on all the major sources, complete French and Italian texts, and 5 other appendices.
Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic
Thomas Karlsson - 2004
The main thread of the book is the exploration of the Qliphoth and the dark mysteries which have for so long been a repressed part of western esotericism. Instead of ignoring and denying the dark side, the author reveals, step by step, how man can get to know his Shadow and, through this, reach a deeper knowledge of the Self. By exploring and not by repressing the Shadow it can be transformed from a destructive force into a creative power. The book deals with the problem of evil, the symbolism behind the fall of Lucifer and mans creation process according to Qabalistic philosophy. The theories that are presented in this book are also linked to practice. Several examples of rituals, meditations, magical exercises and occult correspondences can be found within. Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic contains more than one hundred demonic sigils and pieces of art that were created specifically for this book. A unique collection of all the sigils from the classic grimoires Lemegeton: The Lesser Key of Solomon and the infamous Grimorium Verum are also included.
The Octavo: A Sorcerer-Scientist's Grimoire
Peter J. Carroll - 2010
In this Octavo we have assembled scattered secrets for a Supreme Grimoire forRoundworld, the universe in which you're standing. To this end we have taken some inspiration from Pratchett's Discworld, and a lot from Theoretical Physics and Practical Chaos Magic. "The most original, and probably the most important, writer on Magick since Aleister Crowley." -Robert Anton Wilson, author of the Cosmic Trigger trilogy. Peter J. Carroll is one of the founders of the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT) which he led for a decade. He has spent thirty-seven years in research and experiment and is the author of three other books Liber Null & Psychonaut, Liber Kaos: the Psychonomicon, and Psybermagic, and The Apophenion.
Portable Magic: Tarot Is the Only Tool You Need
Donald Tyson - 2006
Donald Tyson presents a new, easy way to perform ritual magic with only one tool: tarot. From manipulating elemental forces of nature to making potent charms, all ceremonial rituals can be performed with a standard 78-card deck. Tyson's efficient system of tarot magic is based on the Golden Dawn tradition, which corresponds with tarot imagery. He teaches how to work magic on the astral level by projecting one's awareness into the ritual tarot layout. Learn how to set up an astral temple, build an altar, cast a magic circle, and create a triangle through which to actualize your purpose. This innovative guide to tarot magic also includes rituals related to unions, business, banishing, and evoking elementals.
Magick in Theory and Practice
Aleister Crowley - 1929
Many consider this work by Crowley to be the foremost book on ceremonial magic written in the twentieth century. It was written especially for beginners as Part 3 of Book 4 (Liber ABA). The original was privately printed in 1929 after Crowley failed to find a publisher in London.
The History of Magic
Éliphas Lévi - 1860
Every aspect of esoteric doctrine and practice is exhaustively dealt with and every authority cited.
The Complete Picatrix: The Occult Classic of Astrological Magic Liber Atratus Edition
Maslama Al-Majriti
With all four books of the Latin Picatrix complete in one volume, translated & annotated by the noted scholars, magicians and astrologers John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock, Picatrix takes its rightful place as an essential occult text. Picatrix is an encyclopedic work with over 300 pages of Hermetic magical philosophy, ritual, talismanic and natural magic. Greer & Warnock’s complete translation is lucid and well annotated. Renaissance Astrology & Adocentyn Press have released the complete Picatrix in a variety of different editions, including the Liber Atratus and Liber Rubeus editions. All editions contain the same basic text, but add additional variant passages, either from the Arabic Picatrix or authors cited, but not found in the Latin Picatrix. The Liber Atratus edition adds a passage on poisons from Ibn Washiyya’s Book of Poisons.
The Gates of the Necronomicon
Simon - 1997
Within it lie the secrets of eternity, the forbidden knowledge of the darkunknown.Every journey into the shadows requires careful, measured steps—a proficient execution of the necessary rituals and spells, and an understanding and appreciation of the history of the world beyond.The Gates of the Necronomicon is an invaluable companion to the Mad Arab's original work. In it are essential keys to the nuance and complexities of the ancient grimoire, enabling all who dare to pass through the magical gates that separate the body, mind, and spirit; the past and future; the living and dead.The journey begins . . .
Three Books of Occult Philosophy or Magic: Natural Magic
Cornelius Agrippa
Partial List of Contents: Natural Magic; What Magic Is; Four Elements; Three-fold Consideration of Elements; Kinds of Compounds; Occult Virtues of Things; Of the Spirit of the World; How Inferior Things are Subjected to Superior Bodies; What Things are Lunary; What Things are under the power of: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury; What Things are Under the Signs; Of the Union of Mixed Things; Of Bindings; Of Sorceries; Of Perfumes or Suffumigations; Magical Rings; Of Light Colors; Of Divination; Of divers certain Animals; Of Geomancy; Of the Reviving of the Dead; Of Divination by Dreams; Of Madness; Passions of the Mind; Of Speech; Of many Words joined together; Virtue of Writing. (Note: this is the same book as The Philosphy of Natural Magic only it was originally published under both names.)
The Red Goddess
Peter Grey - 2007
The Red Goddess takes you through a tale of sex, drugs and violence.This is an ecstatic journey through the unheard history of BABALON from Revelations, back through the Ishtar Gate and forward into a living modern magickal current.This is an explicit and challenging vision of a very modern goddess coming into power.This is more than a history, it is a passionate account of living magick and the transcendent power of Love.The Red Goddess answers the fundamental questions:Who is BABALON?Why should we care?Where did She come from and where is She going?Does Revelations have anything to tell us?Is there a hidden western tradition of sacred sex?The epic sweep of the text takes us from Babylon to Jerusalem to Rome, and onwards to Apocalypse.It looks at the angelic work of renaissance mage John Dee.It delivers a devastating exegisis on the excesses of Aleister Crowley, and unlocks the secrets of Waratah Blossoms.It explains the immolation of the Californian antichrist-superstar Jack Parsons and his relationship with Scientology founder L.Ron Hubbard.There is also a full supporting cast of Solomon, Simon Magus, St John the Divine, Earl Bothwell, the Templars, Mary, the Magdalene and countless others.This is the missing history of the Holy Whore.Thirteen essays conclude the book on subjects including: roses, mirror magick, BDSM, aphrodisiac drugs, the information age, love vs lust, and the meaning of apocalypse.Those working with Ishtar, Inanna, Lilith, Kali, Sekhmet, Bast, Freya, Pomba Gira, Erzulie, witchcraft, tibetan tantra, sacred sex and transgression will find much here to intrigue and inspire them.The Red Goddess is suitable for anyone with blood in their veins, regardless of tradition, background or experience.It is a Love story.
Uncle Setnakt's Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path
Don Webb - 1999
Part philosophical treatise, part ontological stand-up comedy, and part magical practicum, this book makes clear what many other books have only hinted at. For people with wit and perseverance, this book is a training manual for super-men and women. Don Webb has been a practitioner of the Left hand path since the 1970s. He is the former High Priest of the Temple of Set, the world's largest Left Hand Path organization, and the author of the best-selling Seven Faces of Darkness.