Book picks similar to
Your Faith Becometh Unshaken Building Your Testimony Pyramid by S. Michael Wilcox
Beyond the Shade of the Mango Tree: Reflections on What God Sees in Us
Edward Dube - 2021
One Candle
Gale Sears - 2011
One of them, Lorenzo Snow, is sent to Italy. He is led to the valleys of the Piedmont, where the Waldenese, followers of the reformer Peter Waldo, have been exiled and persecuted. There, Elder Snow and his two companions find both success and challenges. Hiking into the alpine mountains near the town of Torre Pellice, they are recognized by Madeleine Cardon, who had seen a vision of them bringing the gospel years earlier. Her family and others soon welcome the missionaries into their lives.Madeleine's best friend, Albertina Guy, faces her own challenges as her heart is drawn to this new faith. Her family is Catholic; her great-uncle is a priest in the local monastery. Joining the Mormons could mean being expelled from her family. When Elder Snow heals her dying young brother with a priesthood blessing, Albertina and her family must reassess their feelings for these Mormon missionaries and the doctrine they preach.Based on the true story of the first LDS missionaries in Italy, One Candle shows the gospel of Jesus Christ changing lives and rolling forward boldly, nobly, and independent in the early days of the Restoration.
I Like Me Anyway: Embracing Imperfection, Connection & Christ
Brooke Romney - 2020
Wherever you are on your perfectly imperfect journey, Brook Romney lovingly designed this book to make a difference in your daily life. Relatable real-life stories on every page will remind you of your worth, your power, and the overflowing grace you can access right now. Simple exercises at the end of each chapter give practical ideas for increasing your personal peace. If you have ever felt overwhelmed, underprepared, or out of your league in life, I can't recommend this book enough." -Emily Orton, Author of Seven at Sea
Real vs. Rumor
Keith A. Erekson - 2021
Rumor explores Church history myths, rumors, and false quotes to demonstrate how to think effectively about the information that swirls around us in our day. Each chapter brims with illuminating examples from scripture, history, and popular culture. By thoughtfully combining study and faith, you will be strengthened as you deepen your discipleship, avoid deception, understand tough topics, and see the hand of God in history and in your own life.
The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball
Edward L. Kimball - 1982
Kimball influenced millions of Church members throughout his ministry. He observed, "I do not claim to be a scholar. In all my sermons, my objective is to get people doing things, the good things, and the right things. Knowledge is of no value unless used."President Kimball's sermons and writings showed men and women how to follow the Lord's commandments. The quotations in this book have been selected from seven hundred sources- books, articles, letters, and sermons delivered in many settings. They provide instruction and inspiration on a wide range of gospel topics, including recurring themes about our dependency on the Savior, our responsibility to keep his commandments, our need to pursue perfection by "lengthing our stride," and our hope of a marvelous joy now and in eternity. This timeless book is an indispensable resource for every Latter-day Saint home.Paperback Published: January 2003 Pages: 688
Discourses of President Gordon B. Hinckley, Vol. 2: 2000-2004
Gordon B. Hinckley - 2005
Hinckley became the fifteenth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Beloved for his sound counsel, his far-reaching vision, his ease with the media, and his sense of humor, President Hinckley has traveled the world over, addressing huge audiences and small congregations. This volume gathers a marvelous sampling of those addresses, including all his general conference addresses from the second five years of his ministry as prophet, many additional talks selected from his travels, and speeches delivered to the general public. This landmark collection takes readers from Manhattan to Madrid, from Guam to Ghana, and also features talks from several historic satellite broadcasts, including the 175th anniversary of the restoration of the priesthood and the 125th anniversary of the Primary. Particularly poignant are the addresses given on September 11 and 14, 2001, when the United States was reeling from the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Truly, in such troubled times, the greatest comfort comes from knowing we are led by a prophet of God!
The Gospel at 30,000 Feet
Dieter F. Uchtdorf - 2017
In this colorful, inviting format, more than 20 of his best-loved stories come together under five major themes: Principles of Flight, Lift, Guidance on the Journey, Weathering the Turbulence, and Our Eternal Destination.
The Second Comforter: : Conversing with the Lord Through the Veil
Denver Carlos Snuffer Jr. - 2006
It is an Odyssey through the greatest principles, ordinances and meanings of the Latter-day Saint faith in a comprehensive narrative. It will change the way you think of yourself, and of your life.
Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers
Maria Covey Cole - 2009
And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.” —D&C 64:33Caring for small children or keeping track of teenagers often leaves many women struggling to find contentment in their calling as mothers. In this inspirational text, Maria Covey Cole discusses the importance of gaining perspective on motherhood, shunning comparisons with others, and allowing our natures to be changed through the grace of Christ.This beautiful book provides a valuable perspective on the trials and joys of raising a family and the noble calling of motherhood by intertwining heartwarming stories, quotes from prophets and Apostles, and numerous scripture verses.
In the Strength of the Lord: The Life and Teachings of James E. Faust
James P. Bell - 1999
Unlike most of our conversations, which deal with family updates and the like, he began this call with a rather firm declaration. "I know what your next book should be," he said. I had recently completed a book with two dear friends, the late Rex E. Lee and his wife, Janet-and I responded that I did not have plans to write another book. He continued, undeterred, "No, you need to write a biography of James E. Faust." Though still half asleep, I knew immediately that he was right, but I asked him anyway why he would make this suggestion. His answer was simple: "Because he's a good man, and the members of the Church don't know enough about him." Not knowing President Faust, but feeling a need to act on my father's suggestion, I passed the idea along to Sheri Dew, who is the vice-president of publishing at Deseret Book and a long-time friend. She, in turn, discussed it with Ron Millett, president of Deseret Book, and the two of them arranged to meet with President Faust and discuss the idea with him. He listened politely and said he would consider their proposal and then let them know of his decision. Having read, some months later, his journal entry for that day, I know that his initial reaction was a preference that such a book not be done. But after several weeks of discussion with his wife, family members, and a few close associates, he informed Ron and Sheri that he would agree to have a book done-but with two conditions: First, that the biography be brief; and, second, that a selection of his teachings be included in the same volume.
What Da Vinci Didn't Know: An LDS Perspective
Richard Neitzel Holzapfel - 2004
Set amid the museums and cathedrals of Europe, the book purports to identify the Holy Grail and describes mysterious rituals and secret religious beliefs that have been kept hidden from the world by an ancient conspiracy. The most sensational claim made in the book is that Jesus was married and that his bloodline has been perpetuated in a princely line of unidentified descendents. That premise has captured the imagination of readers of all faiths and caused Latter-day Saints to wonder how much of the book is factual and how much is the product of the author's imagination. In this lively conversation, three Latter-day Saint scholars discuss The Da Vinci Code, examining the plausibility of the "facts" presented by the author and comparing those to the teachings of the scriptures. Whether you have read the book or just been caught up in the world's current fascination with Christ, you'll find these informed opinions both interesting and faith promoting.
To Mothers: Carrying the Torch of Faith and Family
Jeffrey R. Holland - 2016
Wildly Optimistic
Al Carraway - 2019
But in her book, Wildly Optimistic, she explains that being optimistic doesn't mean you're happy all the time or that bad days don't come! It means that even on hard days, you know that it won't last, and better ones are coming. It means you're proactive in your moments of crumbling and look for lessons and opportunities and light. With her trademark honesty, optimism, and love for the Lord, Al shares how we can be hopeful even when He is silent, when too much time passes, when it's not what we wanted, when things don't work out, and when we want to give up. When we remember that we have the most powerful Being in existence on our side, even during our struggles, we can have peace. It turns out, with God, we have every reason to be wildly optimistic!
Courtships of the Prophets
Mary Jane Woodger - 2015
Nowhere is this timeless tale more beautifully depicted than in the lives of the Presidents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Courtships of the Prophets allows readers a captivating look into some of the most cherished memories of the prophets the earliest moments of romances that endured a lifetime. From the sweet recollections of first encounters to the tender love letters of youth, this volume portrays the histories of some of our latter-day prophets as never before in a heartwarming collection of reminiscences that truly evokes the magic of happy endings.
How to Hug a Teenage Porcupine
John Lewis Lund - 2004
John Lund likes to remind people that they either married their biggest test in life or they gave birth to it! This all-new, three-part seminar is designed to help parents get past the test of raising teenagers. Dr. Lund draws on his extensive background as a marriage and family mediator, as well as his experience of surviving his own eight teenagers, to deliver practical information and real solutions. And of course, he uses humor to drive home his message. For example, he reminds parents that nagging teenagers is much like trying to teach a pig how to sing—it doesn’t work and it irritates the pig!