The Metabolic Storm: The Science of Your Metabolism and Why It's Making You FAT and possibly INFERTILE

Emily Cooper - 2013
    It’s a book about the pure science behind why diets don’t work for the majority of people. Forget everything you have ever heard about dieting and being overweight! The Metabolic Storm addresses the science that obliterates those myths about diets and weight gain.As a doctor board certified in Obesity Medicine, Family Medicine, and Sports Medicine, Emily Cooper sees hundreds of patients who attempt every conceivable diet and spend a huge amount of time and effort exercising, yet find that their excess weight doesn’t stay off and their overall health doesn’t improve long-term. The Metabolic Storm is the result of Dr. Cooper’s 25 years of working with those patients and researching the existing science about metabolism. Cooper wants readers to understand that while everyone’s metabolism is slightly different, if you face weight issues, you might simply have been “dealt a bad hand” metabolically. It’s not your fault that you can’t lose weight or keep it off.The Metabolic Storm explains why weight and metabolic issues are not the result of laziness, lack of commitment, or absence of willpower. It introduces the breakthroughs and answers discovered, but never properly disseminated, through more than 100 years of scientific research. Once you understand the intricate systems of metabolism and hormones, you will never want to diet again. And from there begins the journey of letting go of the guilt and shame too often associated with weight issues.

A Long Bright Future

Laura L. Carstensen - 2009
    Supersized life spans are going to radically alter society, and present an unprecedented opportunity to change our approach not only to old age but to all of life’s stages. The ramifications are just beginning to dawn on us.... yet in the meantime, we keep thinking about, and planning for, life as it used to be lived. In A Long Bright Future, longevity and aging expert Laura Carstensen guides us into the new possibilities offered by a longer life. She debunks the myths and misconceptions about aging that stop us from adequately preparing for the future both as individuals and as a society: that growing older is associated with loneliness and unhappiness, and that only the genetically blessed live well and long. She then focuses on other important components of a long life, including finances, health, social relationships, Medicare and Social Security, challenging our preconceived notions of “old age” every step of the way.

Selfish or Selfless: Which One Are You?

Eric Watterson - 2011
    Every act can be categorized as either a selfish act or a selfless act. “Selfish or Selfless: Which One Are You?,” discusses how you can discover whether or not you are doing things that are selfish (about your own wants, your own need, and your own desires) or whether you are doing things that are selfless (things that are about other people’s wants, other people’s needs and you do things that benefit others). Do you know which one you are? Have you thought about why you do what you do and how it impacts the people around you? Learn how to discover whether you are selfish or selfless and how to change sides if you need to.

American Women Didn't Get Fat in the 1950s

Averyl Hill - 2013
    If you were fat your doc said: "You eat too much." Calorie consumption hit an all-time low. A 25” waist was a clothing size 10. High fructose corn syrup consumed: None.Today: Women of all ages are, on average, overweight. Obesity is now a “disease.” Calorie consumption is at an all-time high. A 25” waist is closer to a clothing size “zero." High fructose corn syrup consumed: 76% of corn sweeteners.Is it really true that American women didn’t get fat in the 1950s? Detailed gender-specific data wasn’t published during the 50s, but an early 1960s government sponsored survey revealed that women aged 20 - 29 were, on average, a little over thirty-four pounds lighter than women in the same age bracket today! Women aged 30 - 39 were about thirty pounds lighter! It's true that women are taller today than the 50s, but not enough to explain the gain. In 1960 the average American woman was 63.1." Today she is 63.8."What did women know or practice back then that kept them immune from an obesity epidemic? Could it be a matter of simply not consuming high fructose corn syrup or fast food? Not so fast. The root of the problem is far more expansive!In this ebook you will be given access to many of the 50s slimming secrets women knew. It reveals pre-BMI medical metrics for healthy weight and eating which were far more stringent and based upon medical studies instead of comparing people to a norm. Also included are vintage US government food recommendations and an examination of the psychological climate and marketing practices to women in the 50s. You’ll find suggestions for integrating “outdated” healthy practices and attitudes into your diet to combat and replace the toxic practices and processed foods prevalent today often mistaken for “progress.” This heavily researched ebook contains over seventy linked citations and scans of vintage source materials."Diet" literally means "the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats," and by applying the 1950s diet to her own life author Averyl Hill lost sixteen pounds and four inches around her waist and has kept it off years later. She didn’t join a gym or spend money on branded, pre-packaged diet foods or pills, nor did she start wearing a string of pearls and heels while dusting her home. Going backwards can mean forward thinking!Please note that this book does not contain recipes, nor is it a specific, prescribed diet plan. It gives you tools to help facilitate healthy choices about how you eat, move and think about food, weight-loss and overall fitness. Unlike fad weight loss diets today that haven't made us any slimmer, the 1950s diet worked for millions of American women-- a decade of hard evidence is hard to dispute-- and we can learn to adopt it again today!

Healthy and Free: A Journey to Wellness for Your Body, Soul, and Spirit

Beni Johnson - 2015
    Beni Johnson received a life-changing revelation about how anyone can start walking in holistic health—including you! Jesus died for your spirit, soul, and body. This means you can experience His resurrection life in all three areas! Christians should be the healthiest people on Earth because they understand God has made their bodies His temple. Unfortunately, many people focus on one area of health while neglecting another. This can lead to spiritual disconnection, bad eating habits, depression, poor rest, and lack of exercise. In Healthy and Free, Beni shows you how to:Find your why: Learn the motivating secret to pursuing a healthy lifestyle as your new normal.Unlock the connection: Discover the many ways your spirit, soul and body are interconnected and how health in one areas directly effects another.Start simple: Receive practical and easy-to-implement steps to begin walking in health right now.The Great Physician desires you to walk in Heaven’s health. Get aligned with God’s divine design today and experience freedom—body, soul and spirit!

Dr. Lani's No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide: The Truth About Density Testing, Osteoporosis Drugs, and Building Bone Quality at Any Age

Lani Simpson - 2014

The New Glucose Revolution Guide to Living Well with PCOS: Lose Weight, Boost Fertility and Gain Control Over Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome with the Glycemic Index

Jennie Brand-Miller - 2004
    No two women have the same symptoms, making it a difficult condition to diagnose. In addition, many women don't know they have it until they try to become pregnant. This breakthrough book contains the latest research that reveals how eating a healthy diet in conjunction with a basic exercise plan is a win-win situation for women with PCOS. The book includes a complete, up-to-date table of GI and glycemic load values for more than eight hundred foods and beverages, provides a clear, concise diet and lifestyle plan, and thirty recipes.

The Big Fat Truth: The Behind-the-scenes Secret to Weight Loss

J.D. Roth - 2016
    Who could help it? Here was a young woman who, just a few months earlier, had weighed in at 340 pounds on the hit ABC show Extreme Weight Loss. Now for all the world to see—and merely part way into her one-year effort to pare down—she’d (literally) gone further than she’d ever expected. From barely being able to walk up the stairs to running 26.2 miles in practically no time? The body is an amazing thing. And yet … it’s no match for the brain. It wasn’t the strength of Meredith’s body propelling her across the Niagara Falls finish line—it was the power of her mind.               No one knows that better than JD Roth, who as the number one producer of TV weight loss shows has helped countless overweight people change their bodies—and lives—for the better. Viewers of Extreme Weight Loss, The Biggest Loser, The Revolution and other transformational shows have seen the “technicians”—the trainers, the nutritionists, the doctors, and other health pros who appear on-screen—but they’ve never seen the heart and soul behind these amazing makeovers. That would be JD, whose production company not only created weight loss television, but who has produced more episodes in the genre than all other producers combined. He’s the behind-the-scenes wizard who gets inside the heads of the shows’ participants, encouraging, persuading, prodding, and inspiring them to succeed. Intimately involved in casting the shows’ contestants, then seeing them through the weight loss process, he’s the guy whose picture they tape onto their elliptical trainers and angrily scream at each night—then hug out of gratitude the next morning. He’s the guy who holds them when they cry and the one who tells them they need to get back on the treadmill even though they’re crying. JD is the shows’ tough-love dad—love being the operative word. Because it’s not just TV to JD; he’s on a mission to change people’s lives. Every fat person (yes, “fat person”—there’ll be no sugarcoating here) knows that you need to move more and eat less to shed pounds. Not exactly rocket science. Yet that simple formula doesn’t get to the root of what makes someone top out at 500 pounds, or sometimes just carry an extra fifty. The missing link in transformative weight loss is mental and emotional fortitude. Mining the same problem-solving and motivational skills JD has used so successfully with reality show contestants, The Big Fat Truth gets readers to address the real reasons they’re overweight (and nobody gets away with saying it’s because they love food). With his combination of enthusiasm, empathy, no-holds-barred style, and master story-telling abilities, JD helps them unearth and tackle the unresolved issues they’ve buried under the French fries and chocolate chip cookie. Presented in three parts, The Big Fat Truth includes short straight-to-the-point chapters that help readers identify their real issues, create their own reality show, and then shake up their lives to do the impossible. Included throughout are inspiring stories, advice, and before-and-after photos from people JD has helped to lose weight (both on camera and off), along with quick tips for how to stay accountable and a 30-day plan for putting this advice into action.

Being Mortal by Atul Gawande - A 20-minute Summary: Medicine and What Matters in the End

Instaread Summaries - 2014
    Being Mortal by Atul Gawande - A 20-minute Summary Inside this Instaread Summary: • Overview of the entire book• Introduction to the important people in the book• Summary and analysis of all the chapters in the book• Key Takeaways of the book• A Reader's Perspective Preview of this summary: Chapter 1 Gawande grew up in Ohio. His parents were immigrants from India and both were doctors. His grandparents stayed in India, and there were few older people in his neighborhood, so he had little experience with aging or death until he met his wife’s grandmother, Alice Hobson. Hobson was seventy-seven and living on her own in Virginia. She was a spirited widow who fixed her own plumbing and volunteered with Meals On Wheels. However, Hobson was losing strength and height steadily each year as her arthritis worsened.Gawande’s father enthusiastically adopted the customs of his new country, but he could not understand the way in which seniors were treated in the US. In India, the elderly were treated with great respect and lived out their lives with family.In the United States, Sitaram Gawande, Gawande’s grandfather, likely would have been sent to a nursing home like most of the elderly who cannot handle the basics of daily living by themselves. However, in India, Sitaram Gawande was able to live in his own home and manage his own affairs, with family constantly around him. He died at the age of one hundred and ten when he fell off a bus during a business trip.Until recently, most elderly people stayed with their families. Even as the nuclear family unit became predominant, replacing the multi-generational family unit, people cared for their elderly relatives. Families were large and one child, usually a daughter, would not marry in order to take care of the parents.This has changed in much of the world, where elderly people end up struggling to live alone, like Hobson, rather than living with dignity amid family, like Sitaram Gawande.One cause of this change can be found in the nature of knowledge. When few people lived to be very old, elders were honored. Their store of knowledge was greatly useful. People often portrayed themselves as older to command respect. Modern society’s emphasis on youth is a complete reversal of this attitude. Technological advances are perceived as the territory of the young, and everyone wants to be younger. High-tech job opportunities are all over the world, and young people do not hesitate to leave their parents behind to pursue them.In developed countries, parents embrace the concept of a retirement filled with leisure activities. Parents are happy to begin living for themselves once children are grown. However, this system only works for young, healthy retirees, but not for those who cannot continue to be independent. Hobson, for example, was falling frequently and suffering memory lapses. Her doctor did tests and wrote prescriptions, but did not know what to do about her deteriorating condition. Neither did her family… About the Author With Instaread Summaries, you can get the summary of a book in 30 minutes or less. We read every chapter, summarize and analyze it for your convenience.

At Last a Life and Beyond

Paul David - 2015
    This latest title is packed with information on how to overcome anxiety and what keeps people in the loop. The book will cut out all the jargon and give you a clear perspective on how to overcome all of your anxiety and panic issues. In this book you won’t find a list of techniques, rules or methods, as you don’t need them. I am sure you have tried enough of these and still found little relief. Techniques, rules and methods usually take effort and are mostly built on suppression of feelings, which is the complete wrong approach. Anxiety is your mind and body’s way of telling you that you are already overdoing it with effort, both mentally and physically, so the last thing you want is to add more effort. If you want to free yourself from the prison you currently find yourself in and rediscover the true you, then this book will finally give you all the answers you need. Contents:Chapter 1: You are not broken 12 Chapter 2: Letting go of crutches 23 Chapter 3: Anxiety backpack 29 Chapter 4: What is the need for fear and anxiety 41 Chapter 5: Struggling with thoughts 48 Chapter 6: The inner critic 61 Chapter 7: Overworking the mind 67Chapter 8: Avoiding anxiety 78 Chapter 9: Resistance only increases suffering 83Chapter 10: Our obsession with worry 88 Chapter 10: Setbacks 92 Chapter 11: Other people’s success stories 98 Chapter 12: Q & A section 126 Chapter 11: Social anxiety 138 Chapter 12: Anxiety loop 143Chapter 13: Living without stress 148Chapter 14: Summing up 151

The 3 Things That Will Change Your Destiny Today!

Paul McKenna - 2015
    has helped people from all walks of life and helped them to change their lives for the better. He has investigated nearly every method of therapy, coaching and personal change available, and as a result has recently created an amazing new system that could help you breakthrough in the areas of your life you truly want to!If you’re ready to . . .Have infinitely more power over the direction of your life?Uncover the secrets of luck, confidence and motivation?Feel like you are the master of your own destiny?Release your true potential?Become the person you were born to be?Then let Paul McKenna help you!He has discovered and crafted a simple set of processes that you can be guided through in a matter of hours. Paul McKenna wants to help you to clear the past of blocks or negative experiences and get in touch with the very best of who you truly are so you can live more happily in the present. Let Paul McKenna help you get in touch with what you really want and focus your mind and body with an unstoppable passion to fulfil your destiny!

Prajna: Ayurvedic Rituals For Happiness

Mira Manek - 2019
    This book extracts the essence of this Indian philosophy and provides a wealth of timeless rituals to effect positive change.Prajna offers rituals and routines for the entire day, from the moment you wake up and need the energy and positive mindset to help you start the morning, to night-time practices that allow you to wind down, relax and get the most benefit from the healing power of sleep. In between there are numerous breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, yoga stretches and simple recipes to enjoy, all to help you destress and reset, bringing you back to yourself and to lasting peace and happiness.

The Garage Gym Athlete: The Practical Guide to Training like a Pro, Unleashing Fitness Freedom, and Living the Simple Life.

Jerred Moon - 2016
     If you're not getting the best workout you can get... You're running the risk of being as far away from your ideal body as the Marianas Trench is from the surface of the Pacific Ocean. That's deep, buddy. Real deep. But here's something else to dive into, all puns aside: how many days are you going to let pass before you finally hit your fitness goals? Not those goals you see on TV. Not the goals your friends have. Your goals. The real ones that hit you at 3am and leave you staring at the ceiling in a wild mix of excitement and sheer panic. The ones that make you a little nervous to admit to anyone but your closest friends. Fitness is life. Moving faster, lifting more, and being better than pool-noodle flexible is the stuff that an optimal life is made out of if you ask me. And people have been asking me how to get the best body without necessarily putting your bank account on life support. That's when it hit me... Most People Are Hustling Backwards! Quick Test: if you want to know whether or not you're the President of the Backwards Fitness Hustlers Club, answer this: Why aren't you already working out on your terms? If your first thought was to pull an excuse out of that fine database you're calling a brain, I have bad news for you: you're not only hustling backwards, but you've voted yourself into the highest office in excuseland in the process! Become and Athlete Let's get down to business. This book is called Garage Gym Athlete: The Practical Guide to Training like a Pro, Unleashing Fitness Freedom, and Living the Simple Life, and it's exactly what it says on the tin. Instead of giving you DIY fantasies, I'm bringing DIY realities to the table. Want to save a bundle of money and still have a real reason to sell tickets to the gun show? This is your guide. Is orange your favorite color? If so, then you're in luck, because Home Depot is going to be in your future...quite often. I'm focused on turning average people into athletes, in both mind and body. That's the mission. That's the big plan. That's where my heart, soul, passion, and experience combine forces to help people go from zero to zealous, and from one to outrageously fit. When you pick up this book, you'll learn: - How to rearrange your budget and family objections so the ideal garage gym can come to life (this is way more effective than another game of Tetris, and much more fun - THE best way to build stability (without a crunch in sight!) - Exactly why you should thank the inventor of PVC (especially after you check out Chapter 13!) - A step by step guide to picking a quality barbell (hint: sporting goods get 3 things wrong, but I get you back on track quick) - A down in the trenches way to build a power rack (warning: for the bold and brazen, but you'll love it) There's plenty more coming your way in this guide. I made sure that if you check it out, you'll walk away with at least a handful of great tactics, tricks, and techniques to get the ultimate job done. Would You Like to Know More? At this point, you're at the usual buyer crossroads. Do I listen to the crazy guy, or click away? If you want to jump in headfirst to some great garage gym DIY, simply cross up and click the "Buy Now" button. That's it!

Confessions of a Menopausal Woman: Everything you want to know but are too afraid to ask…

Andrea McLean - 2018
    Typically candid, covering all you need to know, including tips and tricks on diet, exercise and even your sex life.

Ageless: A Yogi's Secrets to a Long and Healthy Life

Sharath Jois - 2018
    Fast delivery through DHL/FedEx express.