Bhagavad Gita for Dummies

Vishnuvarthanan Moorthy - 2013
    The Human (Arjuna) had lot of Questions to Supreme God (Krishna) and he got answers from God for all those. Most of the time to understand those complex words, people giving explanations and interpretation with someone’s life. We are also very comfortable to listen them and read them, but the moment we are back to our normal life, we forget everything. This book is written for you! Considering a common man life like yours! And how to live our life as per the Supreme God’s wordings! What it offers to you:>> All the 18 Chapters of Gita in Plain English>> Interpretations with our Common life examples>> You have funny and logical questions to god; it’s there inside this book>> Guides you to self evaluate, are you ready for it?>> How far you are from your God? Check hereRecommended:>> For the one, who wants to practice and experience Bhagavad Gita in Life>> For the one, who wants to understand Gita in its real essence>> For the one, who wants to understand Hinduism in true meaningYou too have these Views, then Read this Book:>> There can’t be multiple gods in one world>> If my birth is given by god, then why am i not part of God>> Science is a language to explain his creations and not a mode to reach>> Belief and honesty can take me to my Supreme Power>>Why don’t new Living beings born as per Darwin>>How to see others grow in life>>The Richest and Poorest all have Equanimity with happiness and sadnessAnd So on.•Order Bhagavad Gita here for practicing and experiencing it in your life

New View Over Atlantis: The Essential Guide to Megalithic Science, Earth Mysteries, and Sacred Geometry

John Michell - 1983
    This unrivaled introduction to megalithic science, earth mysteries, and sacred geometry was expanded and updated in The New View Over Atlantis in 1983. Now available in a fresh new package this classic, seminal work offers an impressive body of evidence and arguments to support the theory that at one time, many thousands of years ago, there was a worldwide, highly sophisticated civilization that Plato referred to as Atlantis. Michell, one of the premier esoteric writers of the 20th century, reveals that ancient stone monuments and earthworks found around the globe are not randomly strewn, but are a well-executed system of psychic centers connected worldwide and used by the people of Atlantis. Michell also demonstrates the significant modern discovery of "leys," a mysterious network of straight lines that link the ancient places around the world. He carefully and thoroughly documents the research that points to these ancient sites as places of high magic.

777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley - 1973
    Edited and introduced by Dr. Israel Regardie, the three texts included are Gematria, 777, and Sepher Sephiroth.Gematria, reprinted from "The Temple of Solomon the King," The Equinox, Vol. 1, No. 5. It provides essential explanations of theoretical and practice Qabalistic number analysis and philosophy. "An Essay ion Number," also included, provides invaluable insights into key numbers as well as techniques and safeguards for practical magical work.777 itself contains, in concise tabulated form, an overview of the symbolism of the major world religions, as well as the system of correspondence of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In short, it is a complete magical and philosophical dictionary—a key to all religion and practical occultism—an amazing work whose value has been recognized through many edition since its first appearance in 1909 and subsequent enlargement in 1955.The thrid text is Sepher Sephiroth, a unique dictionary listing hundreds of Hebrew words arranged by numerical value. It was compiled jointly by Crowley and Allan Bennett and first appeared in The Equinox, Vol. 1, No. 8.

Trusting God When Bad Things Happen

Shelley Hitz - 2012
    Everything in my life seemed to be falling family, my finances, our Church. And I asked God the simple question, "Why?" This book is the result of my own search for answers. In the end, God gave me illustrations that I will share with you and brought healing to my heart and my distorted view of Him. I was able to trust Him again, even though my circumstances had not changed.I pray that God uses this short eBook to deeply impact you as well. I have included questions for reflection for you to go through individually or as a group."In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I (Jesus) have overcome the world!" - John 16:33

The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians: A Lost Classic by Magus Incognito

William Walker Atkinson - 1949
    In the 1600s they issued a set of manifestos calling for an enlightened revolution that would reshape society into a more democratic ideal. Even the American Founding Fathers were influenced by these manifestos.Writing as Magus Incognito, William Walker Atkinson reintroduces a new generation of readers to the Rosicrucian ideals, as well as to a myriad of connections between occult concepts as varied as alchemy, reincarnation, the astral plane, auras, Eastern and Western mysticism, and the "evolution of mankind" among seven esoteric versions of planets in our solar system.There are more than two dozen organizations of Rosicrucians, with local groups in nearly every state--more than 100 in all--and half a million or more followers. Interest continues to be high in this group.

Paul and His Letters

John B. Polhill - 1999
    And yet his remarkable life remains shrouded in mystery. In this probing new book, John B. Polhill scrapes away the myths about this great man and uncovers the truth of his life and thought.Using Acts, the Pauline epistles, and reliable traditions from non-canonical sources, Polhill weaves together the remarkable story of Paul's transformation from persecutor to persecuted, producing a dynamic account of his entire ministry. By placing each of Paul's letters in its proper historical context, Polhill brings new light to these foundation stones of the Christian faith. He follows Paul from his early years in Tarsus and Jerusalem to his imprisonment and eventual martyrdom, painting a detailed, comprehensive portrait of Paul that will serve as an indispensable resource for students, teachers, and pastors alike.

Origins of Modern Witchcraft: The Evolution of a World Religion

Ann Moura - 2000
    Judaism began a few thousand years before that. Religion in Egypt and Sumer go maybe a few thousand years before that. But what came before? Most people don't know that civilization began at Sind, a fertile area in modern Pakistan. Their ancient religion, the worship of Shiva and Shakti, is the oldest religion known. It spread throughout the world and it, reactions to it, or a combination of the two are the basis for all religion in the world today. Does this sound surprising? Historian and former history teacher Ann Moura has been able to trace civilization and religion into the past by over 100,000 years! She presents this information in "Origins of Modern Witchcraft. "The author reveals that virtually every aspect of modern Witchcraft can be traced back to the ancient Sind religion. Much of the same can be found in modern Hinduism, but Hinduism has had many Vedic ideas – including orthodoxy and caste – added to the original faith. Even so, the notion of the triple goddess (a Maiden, Mother, and Crone) comes straight from the older religion. The idea of the God being horned is derived from an image of Shiva. Many of the mythic images we associate with Greece and Rome originally came from the Sind religion. But this goes beyond Wicca to other religions. You'll see that Christ was a version of Krishna and "original sin" was a development of those who hated the original religion. It means that something was evil because it originally came from Sind. Controversial? You bet! This book is destined to be one of the most controversial books published this or any other year! But the author has listed all of her sources. Now is your chance to read the evidence for yourself and discover the real ancient sources for your beliefs. Get your copy today!

The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order

Israel Regardie - 1971
    The original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which started in the late 1800s, borrowed from a wide variety of occult traditions ó Kabalah, Tarot, Geomancy, Enochian Magic, Theosophy, Freemasonry, Paganism, Astrology, and many more ó and created a unique and viable system of magic that is still being practiced today. Almost every contemporary occult writer and modern group has been influenced, directly or indirectly, by the Order or its members, making The Golden Dawn one of the most influential occult books of the past 100 years. The book is divided into several basic sections. First are the knowledge lectures, where you will learn the basics of the Kabalah, symbolism, meditation, geomancy and more. This is followed by the rituals of the Outer Order, consisting of five initiation rituals into the degrees of the Golden Dawn. The next section covers the rituals of the Inner Order including two initiation rituals, equinox ceremonies, and more. Then you will learn the basic rituals of magic and the construction, consecration, and means of using the magical tools. Once you have these you can go on to evocation rituals, talismans, and invocations. The book gives explanations for how to design talismans, do skrying and travel on the astral plane. You will also learn geomancy, the Tarot, and Enochian magic. Filled with numerous illustrations, lists, and tables, The Golden Dawn provides guidance for a lifetime of magic and life-changing transformation. Get your copy today.

The Orphic Hymns

    He felt that achieving purity by avoiding meat and refraining from committing harm further promoted the pursuit of a peaceful life. Elements of the worship of Dionysus, such as shape-shifting and ritualistic ecstasy, were fused with Orphic beliefs to produce a powerful and illuminating new religion that found expression in the mystery cults. Practitioners of this new religion composed a great body of poetry, much of which is translated in The Orphic Hymns.The hymns presented in this book were anonymously composed somewhere in Asia Minor, most likely in the middle of the third century AD. At this turbulent time, the Hellenic past was fighting for its survival, while the new Christian faith was spreading everywhere. The Orphic Hymns thus reflect a pious spirituality in the form of traditional literary conventions. The hymns themselves are devoted to specific divinities as well as to cosmic elements. Prefaced with offerings, strings of epithets invoke the various attributes of the divinity and prayers ask for peace and health to the initiate. Apostolos N. Athanassakis and Benjamin M. Wolkow have produced an accurate and elegant translation accompanied by rich commentary.

I Am the Gate

Osho - 1972
    Osho speaks on the relationship between freedom and consciousness, defines his neo-sannyas, and elaborates on the mysteries of initiation and disciplehood.

The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin, The Mage — As Delivered By Abraham The Jew Unto His Son Lamech — As A Grimoire of The 15th Century

Abraham von Worms - 1897
    From Abramelin he took his concepts of protections, purifications, evocations, vestments, and dromena down to specific details. This system of Abramelin the Mage is known from a unique 15th century manuscript persevered in the Bibliotheque de l`Arsenal in Paris. In it, Abraham of Wurzburg, a cabalist and connoisseur of magics, describes a tour that he made of the then civilized world, visiting sorcerers, magicians, and cabalists, estimating their powers and virtues. This quest is in itself as fascinating as the similar tours of Gurdjieff. The high point of Abraham`s travels was found in a small town on the banks of the Nile, where he encountered the great magician Abramelin, whose complete system Abraham thereupon sets out in detail. This amounts to a complete course in ceremonial magic (both white and black), which the student can pursue by himself. Abramelin, whose system is based mostly on Hellenistic theurgy of the Iamblichan sort, but with Jewish increments from the Cabala, explains the qualifications needed to become a magician, purifications and asceticisms to be practiced month by month, studies and activities permitted during this period, selections of place and time for working magic, equipment needed, prayers and formulas, evocation of good and evil spirits, commanding spirits, to do one`s will, overcoming rebellious spirits, an similar material. Specific instructions are offered to develop such powers as clairvoyance, divining metals and treasurers, warding off evil magic, healing illness, levitation, transportation, rendering oneself invisible, creating illusions and glamour, reading minds, placing compulsions, working black magic, and a host of other abilities. We do not guarantee that Abramelin's techniques work, not that the results are desirable...

The Bible: A Biography

Karen Armstrong - 2007
    It is also the world’s most widely distributed book, translated into over two thousand languages, and the world’s best selling book, year after year. But the Bible is a complex work with a complicated and obscure history. Made up of sixty-six “books” written by various authors and divided into two testaments, its contents have changed over the centuries. The Bible has been transformed by translation and, through interpretation, has developed manifold meanings to various religions, denominations, and sects. In this seminal account, acclaimed historian Karen Armstrong discusses the conception, gestation, and life of history’s most powerful book. Armstrong analyzes the social and political situation in which oral history turned into written scripture, how this all-pervasive scripture was collected into one work, and how it became accepted as Christianity’s sacred text. She explores how scripture came to be read for information, and how, in the nineteenth century, historical criticism of the Bible caused greater fear than Darwinism. This is a brilliant, captivating book, crucial in an age of declining faith and rising fundamentalism.

The Occult, Witchcraft and Magic: An Illustrated History

Christopher Dell - 2016
    Magic and magicians appear in early Babylonian texts, the Bible, Judaism, and Islam. Secret words, spells, and incantations lie at the heart of nearly every mythological tradition. But for every genuine magus there is an impostor.During the Middle Ages, religion, science, and magic were difficult to set apart. The Middle Ages also saw the pursuit of alchemy—the magical transformation of base materials—which led to a fascination with the occult, Freemasonry, and Rosicrucianism.The turn of the twentieth century witnessed a return to earlier magical traditions, and today, magic means many things: contemporary Wicca is practiced widely as a modern pagan religion in Europe and the US; “magic” also stretches to include the nonspiritual, rapid-fire sleight of hand performed by slick stage magicians who fill vast arenas.The Occult, Witchcraft and Magic is packed with authoritative text and a huge and inspired selection of images, some chosen from unusual sources, including some of the best-known representations of magic and the occult from around the world spanning ancient to modern times.

The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet: the Sacred Letters as a Guide to Jewish

Michael L. Munk - 1983
    This fascinating best-seller weaves these golden threads into a glorious tapestry, presenting hundreds of ideas and comments on the Aleph-Beis, including: the Aleph-Beis as the force of Creation, as a primer for Jewish living, and as a fountainhead of Torah insight and mystical meaning. The product of decades of learning, thinking, and teaching by the revered educator, lecturer, and community activist Rabbi Michael L. Munk. A treat not to be missed.

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance to the Bible: Updated Version

James Strong - 1940
    This reference work is a must for the desk of every teacher, preacher, and Bible reader. This edition includes new typeface making it more readable, updated and improved Hebrew and Greek dictionaries, maps and additional Bible study aids, the words of Christ in red, and clear edge-tab indexing for handier use. Also includes interactive CD-ROM for free.