The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life

Bruce H. Wilkinson - 2000
    Bruce Wilkinson, president of Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, takes readers to 1 Chronicles 4:10 to discover how they can release God's miraculous power and experience the blessings God longs to give each of us. The life of Jabez, one of the Bible's most overlooked heroes of the faith, bursts from unbroken pages of genealogies in an audacious, four-part prayer that brings him an extraordinary measure of divine favor, anointing, and protection. Readers who commit to offering the same prayer on a regular basis will find themselves extravagantly blessed by God, and agents of His miraculous power, in everyday life. About the Author: Dr. Bruce H. Wilkinson is the founder and president of Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, an international organization dedicated to providing the finest biblical teaching, tools, and training. His books include Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs, 30 Days to Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs, The Prayer of Jabez and many other books. Bruce and his wife, Darlene, live in Atlanta, Georgia, and have three children.

Uniformity with God's Will

Alfonso María de Liguori - 1758
    An easy way to become not only holy but enjoy serenity in this life. This is a little book to keep people from despair; will bring consolation to anyone having trouble accepting his lot in life. A real gem.

The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth

Scott Hahn - 1999
    With its unchanging prayers, the Mass fits Catholics like their favorite clothes. Yet most Catholics sitting in the pews on Sundays fail to see the powerful supernatural drama that enfolds them. Pope John Paul II described the Mass as Heaven on Earth, explaining that what we celebrate on Earth is a mysterious participation in the heavenly liturgy.The Lamb's Supper reveals a long-lost secret of the Church: The early Christians' key to understanding the mysteries of the Mass was the New Testament Book of Revelation. With its bizarre imagery, its mystic visions of heaven, and its end-of-time prophecies, Revelation mirrors the sacrifice and celebration of the Eucharist.Beautifully written, in clear direct language, bestselling Catholic author Scott Hahn's new book will help readers see the Mass with new eyes, pray the liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully, enthusiastically, intelligently, and powerfully than ever before.

Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God, Workbook

Henry T. Blackaby - 1976
    For more than 15 years, God has used Experiencing God in His work, showing believers how to know Him intimately while encouraging them to

Prayers for a Privileged People

Walter Brueggemann - 2008
    The privileged face, on the one hand, the seduction of denial or, on the other, the temptation of despair. These prayers of wisdom and prophetic power remind us that when things go wrong, when we are afraid, and when we feel prodded by those who lack voice, there is a conversation we can have--a conversation situated amid the promises and commands of God.From the Circuit Rider review: This is a beautiful collection of poetic and prophetic prayers, words to be prayed with, mulled over, pondered, savored--and challenged by. For in this little text, we glimpse a side of Brueggemann we may not have known through his rich Scripture studies alone. Here, he draws on not only his extensive years of study and teaching of the Psalms and the prophets, but his own faith immersion in the church year and in the liturgies of the church. (Click here to read the entire review.)

The World's First Love: Mary, Mother of God

Fulton J. Sheen - 1952
    Combining profound spirituality, history, and theology, Mary's whole life is lovingly portrayed in this never failing source of information, consolation and inspiration.

The Way of Perfection

Teresa de Jesús
    Written at the height of the controversy surrounding the reforms Teresa instituted in the Carmelite order, it instructed the nuns in the practice of prayer. Teresa discusses the three essentials of a prayer-filled life -- fraternal love, detachment from material things, and true humility. Her counsels on these are the fruit of her practical experience. The book develops these ideas and takes up directly the matters of prayer and contemplation. Teresa gives various maxims for the practice of prayer and concludes the book with her masterful and impassioned version of the Lord's Prayer. "How is it that Thou canst give us so much with Thy first word?" she says of the "Our" at the beginning of that prayer. The simple and practical nature of this mystical classic will appeal to all who seek a life of wholeness.

C. S. Lewis's Case for Christ: Insights from Reason, Imagination and Faith

Art Lindsley - 2005
    As Art Lindsley says, "Lewis knew what it was like not to believe. He struggled with many doubts along the way to faith. Since he was an ardent atheist until age thirty-one, Lewis's experience and education prepared him to understand firsthand the most common arguments against Christianity." As a scholar and teacher of literature at Oxford, Lewis confronted many questions:Aren't all religions just humanly invented myths?Doesn't evil in the world indicate an absence of any personal or loving God?Why should what is true for one person be true for me, especially when it comes to religion?How can anyone claim that one religion is right?Why follow Jesus if he was just another good moral teacher?This book provides a readable introduction to Lewis's reflections on these and other objections to belief in Jesus Christ and the compelling reasons why Lewis came to affirm the truth of Christianity. Art Lindsley is a helpful and reliable guide to the voluminous and sometimes challenging writings of Lewis for both seekers and those who want to grasp their own faith more deeply.

Finding Calcutta: What Mother Teresa Taught Me about Meaningful Work and Service

Mary Poplin - 2008
    . . . You can find Calcutta all over the world, if you have the eyes to see. --Mother Teresa Lifelong educator Mary Poplin, after experiencing a newfound awakening to faith, sent a letter to Calcutta asking if she could visit Mother Teresa and volunteer with the Missionaries of Charity. She received a response saying, You are welcome to share in our works of love for the poorest of the poor. So in the spring of 1996, Poplin spent two months in Calcutta as a volunteer. There she observed Mother Teresa's life of work and service to the poor, participating in the community's commitments to simplicity and mercy. Mother Teresa's unabashedly religious work stands in countercultural contrast to the limitations of our secular age. Poplin's journey gives us an inside glimpse into one of the most influential lives of the twentieth century and the lessons Mother Teresa continues to offer. Upon Poplin's return, she soon discovered that God was calling her to serve the university world with the same kind of holistic service with which Mother Teresa served Calcutta. Not everyone can go to Calcutta. But all of us can find our own meaningful work and service. Come and answer the call to find your Calcutta!

The Goodness of God: Assurance of Purpose in the Midst of Suffering

Randy Alcorn - 2010
    In this specially focused condensation of Alcorn’s If God Is Good…: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil, we’re continually guided into a deeper glimpse of God’s loving ways and higher purposes—the very things we’re often most blinded to whenever we battle pain and anguish.Alcorn avoids superficial or sentimental responses, and instead presses forward boldly to explore all the troubling doubts and questions that agitate within us when we confront suffering and evil.The issues are far from simple, the answers far from easy—but Alcorn shows how the way of suffering—a path that Jesus himself followed more than anyone else—can ultimately become a journey into wholeness and even logic-defying joy.

Dwell: Life with God for the World

Barry D. Jones - 2014
    Many are looking to spirituality as a means of disengaging from this life--to experience the transcendent or discover personal wholeness. On the other hand, much of popular Christian thought seems to be about avoiding the corruption of the world by being pious and following the rules. But Jesus offers a radical model for living. As the Incarnate One who dwelt among us to accomplish the mission of God, he teaches us how to dwell in the world for the sake of the world. If we are to become like him, we must learn what it means to live out this missional spirituality in the places we dwell. What does a Christian life deeply rooted in the logic of the Incarnation look like? Missional teacher and pastor Barry Jones shares his vision for authentic Christian spirituality focused on becoming more like Jesus. We dwell in a specific place and time in history, with unique bodies and in a world for which God has great purposes of redemption. This presence in the world should lead us to pattern our lives after the life of Jesus who was a boundary breaker, a shalom-maker, a people-keeper, and a wounded-healer. Jesus' life shows us what it looks like to be fully human, to be whole and holy . . . to be in the world and not of the world, to live passionately for the world and not protectively withdrawn from it, says Jones. Allowing the logic of the Incarnation to inform our vision of the spiritual life corrects the tendency toward a self-oriented pursuit of transcendence or a negative spirituality of behavior modification and disengagement from the world. Including practical suggestions for real-life application and questions for discussion, Jones describes living a missional life from a place of deep connection with and dependence on God. Not only must we have a clear and compelling vision of the life we want to live, but we must also cultivate the spiritual disciplines necessary to live out our vision in the specific contexts of day-to-day life. We need a renewed vision of Christian spirituality that leads us to be conformed into the image of Christ who dwelt with us for us.

Rhythms of Rest: Finding the Spirit of Sabbath in a Busy World

Shelly Miller - 2016
    Shelly Miller, a sought-after mentor on Sabbath-keeping, shows how even busy people can implement a rhythm of rest into their lives--from small windows of time to a whole morning or day. With encouraging stories from people in different stages in life, Miller shares practical advice for not only finding physical refreshment but also restoring your soul. You will learn:· Simple ways to be intentional about rest· Ideas for tuning out distractions and tuning in to God· How meals and other times with friends and family can be Sabbath experiencesSabbath is a gift from God to be embraced, not a spiritual hoop to jump through. Discover how genuine rest is possible today.Praise for Rhythms of Rest:"Into our culture of chronic tiredness comes a fresh voice in Shelly Miller. This book breaks all your preconceived notions about Sabbath. She makes rest not only obtainable but also the option you'll pick first from a full agenda."-Mark Batterson, New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker and lead pastor of National Community Church"Shelly Miller writes from her soul--one that has been seeking rest in the midst of heavy transition and the busyness of life. She shares with honesty and beauty what she has discovered. What you learn will help you love God more deeply."-Margaret Feinberg, author of Live Loved and Fight Back With Joy"I didn't realize how thirsty my soul was for rest until I read this stunning book. Shelly Miller has found a secret door that leads to true rest--a door discovered right in plain sight--and with exquisite prose, she invites you to walk inside. Don't miss this book."-Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of The Happiness Dare and Love Idol"Learning to practice Sabbath has been transformational in my life. It has led me out of striving and simply surviving into deeper grace, joy, and peace. Shelly Miller is extending an invitation straight from the heart of God himself that we all need more than ever in our busy world."-Holley Gerth, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of You're Already Amazing"For a generation fatigued by the abuse of hurry, Shelly Miller casts a hopeful vision of what life could look like if we learned to receive Sabbath as a gift rather than a rule. Rhythms of Rest offers a relieved exhale for the weary, worn-out soul. I'm deeply grateful for this message."-Emily P. Freeman, author of Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World"This book is a labor of love and a gift to all who desire deeper engagement with God's blessing of rest through Sabbath. Weaving personal story with scriptural insight, Shelly writes with a rhythm that gently guides your soul to slow down . . . notice . . . breathe . . . be. Through the years, Shelly has cultivated an online community of faithful friends who practice Sabbath with intentionality. This book brings that community to you and invites you in, with arms wide open."-Deidra Riggs, author of Every Little Thing and One: Unity in a Divided World"Set aside your to-do list. Put off the errands. Ignore the pile of laundry and the dusty mantel. Shelly Miller's Rhythms of Rest offers both a delightful respite and life-transforming wisdom you can't afford to miss. Awaken to the gift of Sabbath--God's invitation to rest in him. Let Rhythms of Rest be your first step in answering yes."-Michelle DeRusha, author of Spiritual Misfit and 50 Women Every Christian Should Know"In Rhythms of Rest, Shelly Miller invites us into more than a Sabbath. She invites us into Jesus' heart. She reminds us that rest is really a state of being: of belonging, of knowing we are loved. In a culture wearied by the rat race, Miller's poetic voice is a much-needed breath of life."-Emily T. Wierenga, founder of The Lulu Tree, a nonprofit based on radical rest, and author of Atlas Girl and Making It Home"Shelly Miller is the rest mentor you didn't even realize you were looking for."-Myquillyn Smith, author of The Nesting Place and co-founder of Hope Writers"Rhythms of Rest is a lyrical, beautiful invitation to experience the peace of heart so many of us desperately crave but can't seem to find. I thought a book on the subject of Sabbath might be a sleeper, but Miller manages to captivate the reader in refreshing and surprising ways. I loved this book!"-Heather Kopp, author of Sober Mercies: How Love Caught Up With a Christian Drunk

Fire Within: Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross and the Gospel - On Prayer

Thomas Dubay - 1989
    Dubay's many years of study and experience in spiritual direction and in it he synthesizes the teachings on prayer of the two great doctors of the Church on prayer--St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila--and the teaching of Sacred Scripture.But the teaching that Fr. Dubay synthesized is not collected from Teresa and John for contemplatives alone. It is meant for every Christian and is based on the Gospel imperative of personal prayer and the call to holiness. All the major elements of these great teachers are ordered, commented on and put in the context of their scriptural foundations. Here is an outstanding book on prayer and the spiritual life written by one of the best spiritual directors and retreat masters of our time, and based on the writings of the Church's two greatest mystical doctors.

Armchair Mystic: Easing Into Contemplative Prayer

Mark E. Thibodeaux - 2001
    Armchair Mystic begins with the necessary details of time and place to pray, then presents the maturation of the prayer life in four stages: Talking at God, Talking to God, Listening to God and Being With God. Each chapter begins with an Orientation and ends with a concluding summary. Step-by-step exercises throughout the book provide concrete examples of how to use the concepts discussed. Armchair Mystic will prove invaluable to individuals and small groups who are new to contemplative prayer, or who wish to deepen their experience of it.The audio edition of this book can be downloaded via Audible.

May I Have This Dance?

Joyce Rupp - 1992
    Explores twelve major themes, each one followed by prayer suggestions, guided meditations, ideas for reflection, and journal keeping.