Best of
The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth
Scott Hahn - 1999
With its unchanging prayers, the Mass fits Catholics like their favorite clothes. Yet most Catholics sitting in the pews on Sundays fail to see the powerful supernatural drama that enfolds them. Pope John Paul II described the Mass as Heaven on Earth, explaining that what we celebrate on Earth is a mysterious participation in the heavenly liturgy.The Lamb's Supper reveals a long-lost secret of the Church: The early Christians' key to understanding the mysteries of the Mass was the New Testament Book of Revelation. With its bizarre imagery, its mystic visions of heaven, and its end-of-time prophecies, Revelation mirrors the sacrifice and celebration of the Eucharist.Beautifully written, in clear direct language, bestselling Catholic author Scott Hahn's new book will help readers see the Mass with new eyes, pray the liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully, enthusiastically, intelligently, and powerfully than ever before.
Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II
George Weigel - 1999
With unprecedented cooperation from John Paul II and the people who knew and worked with him throughout his life, George Weigel offers a groundbreaking portrait of the Pope as a man, a thinker, and a leader whose religious convictions defined a new approach to world politics—and changed the course of history. As even his critics concede, John Paul II occupied a unique place on the world stage and put down intellectual markers that no one could ignore or avoid as humanity entered a new millennium fraught with possibility and danger.The Pope was a man of prodigious energy who played a crucial, yet insufficiently explored, role in some of the most momentous events of our time, including the collapse of European communism, the quest for peace in the Middle East, and the democratic transformation of Latin America. With an updated preface, this edition of Witness to Hope explains how this “man from a far country” did all of that, and much more—and what both his accomplishments and the unfinished business of his pontificate mean for the future of the Church and the world.
The Hidden Power of Kindness: A Practical Handbook for Souls Who Dare to Transform the World, One Deed at a Time
Lawrence G. Lovasik - 1999
That's why this book is such a godsend.Fr. Lawrence Lovasik brings you simple directions for how to overcome unkind habits that can creep -- undetected -- into your behavior. If you want to make progress in the spiritual life, don't miss these insights: they'll give you years of solid help to grow in charity and truly transform your corner of the world!
The Navarre Bible: The Pentateuch
University of Navarra - 1999
It contains the full English and Latin texts of these books, along with extensive and faithfully Catholic commentaries. Like other volumes in the world-renowned Navarre Bible series, these commentaries draw on Church documents, the exegesis of Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and the works of contemporary spiritual writers, in particularly St. Josemaria Escriva, who initiated the Navarre Bible project, scriptural text and its implications for everyday life. The commentaries draw on a rich variety of sources - Church documents, the writings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and the work of prominent spiritual writers, particularly Saint Josemaria Escriva, who initiated the Navarre Bible project. The commentary appears on the same page as the Bible text, which is the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition. Each volume is self-contained with extensive introductions and notes to Old Testament prophecies. The Navarre Bible commentary is considered by many to be the best Catholic commentary on the Bible available today.
Bernadette Speaks
René Laurentin - 1999
The culmination of his work is contained within this masterpiece factual account that reads like a novel. Translated from French to English for the first time, this fascinating biography covers the entire life of the visionary and messenger of the Immaculate Conception, accompanied by over 100 photographs.
Literary Converts: Spiritual Inspiration in an Age of Unbelief
Joseph Pearce - 1999
While church attendance has declined, the lives of many of the more salient figures of our times have been influenced and inspired by Christianity. Literary Converts is a biographical exploration into the spiritual lives of some of those figures. It takes us on a journey into the deepest beliefs of some of the great writers in the English language - from G.K. Chesterton to Evelyn Waugh, Edith Sitwell to Siegfried Sassoon. Many will be intrigued to know more about what inspired their literary heroes; others will find the association of such names with Christian belief controversial. Whatever our viewpoint, Literary Converts touches on some of the more important questions of the twentieth century, making it a fascinating read.
Where is That in the Bible?
Patrick Madrid - 1999
You'll have a definitive answer about what the Bible teaches.
Consecration to Mary
Helmuts Libietis - 1999
All the readings in one place. Includes Scripture, The Imitation of Christ, True Devotion to Mary, The Love of Eternal Wisdom, The Secret of the Rosary, The Secret of Mary, Letter to the Friends of the Cross and more! Youll use it for prayer & meditation over and over.
The Evidential Power of Beauty: Science and Theology Meet
Thomas Dubay - 1999
Dubay explores the reasons why all of the most eminent physicists of the twentieth century agree that beauty is the primary standard for scientific truth. Likewise, the best of contemporary theologians are also exploring with renewed vigor the aesthetic dimensions of divine revelation. Honest searchers after truth can hardly fail to be impressed that these two disciplines, science and theology, so different in methods, approaches and aims, are yet meeting in this and other surprising and gratifying ways.This book relates these developments to nature, music, academe and our unquenchable human thirst for unending beauty, truth and ecstasy, a thirst quenched only at the summit of contemplative prayer here below, and in the consummation of the beatific vision hereafter.
Padre Pio's Words of Hope
Eileen Dunn Bertanzetti - 1999
The result is like having a conversation with Padre Pio himself.
Unabridged Christianity
Mario P. Romero - 1999
Romero to share some of the scriptural and historical "evidence" that the contemporary Roman Catholic Church and the Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ circa 30 A. D. are one and the same. Using some of the commonly-heard misconceptions about the Catholic Faith as points of departure, Fr. Romero examines various key passages from Scripture, looks at historical documentation found in secular sources and, at the end of each chapter, presents quotes from the writings of the first generations of Christians to show that modern-day Catholic beliefs and practices have solid precedence in the beliefs and practices of the early Church.
The Popes Against Modern Errors: 16 Papal Documents
Pope Leo XIII - 1999
Yet most of these errors have spread and today have filtered down to the common man... with the result that most people now take for granted many fundamental assumptions that are positively false! But almost from the beginning of these errors, the Popes spoke out as with one voice, inveighing against them. Today, as we see these errors bearing evil fruit, many thoughtful Catholics are returning to those Papal documents which condemned these modern errors, to examine what the Popes have said all along about them. Here, in one handy volume, are the best and most famous of those papal denunciations: • On Liberalism (Mirari Vos). Gregory XVI. 1832. • On Current Errors (Quanta Cura). Pius IX. 1864. • The Syllabus of Errors. Pius IX. 1864. • On Government Authority (Diuturnum Illud). Leo XIII. 1881. • On Freemasonry and Naturalism (Humanum Genus). Leo XIII. 1884. • On the Nature of True Liberty (Libertas Praestantissimum). Leo XIII. 1888. • On the Condition of the Working Classes (Rerum Novarum). Leo XIII. 1891. • On Christian Democracy (Graves de Communi Re). Leo XIII. 1901. • Syllabus Condemning the Errors of the Modernists (Lamentabili Sane). St. Pius X. 1907. • On Modernism (Pascendi Dominici Gregis). St. Pius X. 1907. • Our Apostolic Mandate (On the "Sillon"). St. Pius X. 1910. • The Oath Against Modernism. St. Pius X. 1910. • On the Feast of Christ the King (Quas Primas). Pius XI. 1925. • On Fostering True Religious Unity (Mortalium Animos). Pius XI. 1928. • On Atheistic Communism (Divini Redemptoris). Pius XI. 1937. • On Certain False Opinions (Humani Generis). Pius XII. 1950. After this book, the reader will be forced to conclude: "The Popes were right all along!" Only by heeding the advice and counsel of these enlightened Roman Pontiffs will the world be able to cast off its yoke of error and enjoy once more the true freedom Our Lord spoke of when He said, "If you continue in my word, you shall be my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31-32).
The Catholic Book of Character & Success
Edward F. Garesché - 1999
In it, Fr. Edward Garesch explains how to find the the success that transcends money, fame, and pleasure. He shows how believers can accept criticism gracefully and use it prudently, how to discipline the imagination, the critical difference between pleasure and happiness, and more.
To Quell the Terror: The Mystery of the Vocation of the Sixteen Carmelites of Compiegne Guillotined July 17, 1794
William Bush - 1999
Recounts the dramatic true story of the Discalced Carmelite nuns of Compiegne, martyred during the French Revolution's 'Great Terror' and known to the world through their fictional representation in Gertrud von Le Fort's Song at the Scaffold and Francis Poulenc's Dialogues of the Carmelites. Includes index and 15 photos. At the height of the French Revolution's 'Great Terror' a community of sixteen Carmelite nuns from Compiegne offered their lives to restore peace to the church and to France. Ten days after their deaths by the guillotine, Robespierre fell, and with his exectuion on the same scaffold the Reign of Terror effectively ended. Had God thus accepted and used the Carmelites' generous self-gift? Through Gertrud von Le Fort's modern novella, Song at the Scaffold, and Francis Poulenc's famed opera, Dialogues of the Carmelites, (with its libretto by Georges Bernanos), modern audiences around the world have become captivated by the mysterious destiny of these Compiegne martyrs, Blessed Teresa of St. Augustine and her companions. Now, for the first time in English, William Bush explores at length the facts behind the fictional representations, and reflects on their spiritual significance. Based on years of research, this book recounts in lively detail virtually all that is known of the life and background of each of the martyrs, as well as the troubled times in which they lived. The Compiegne Carmelites, sustained by their remarkable prioress, emerge as distinct individuals, struggling as Christians to understand and respond to an awesome calling, relying not on their own strength but on the mercy of God and the guiding hand of Providence.
Covenanted Happiness: Love and Commitment in Marriage
Cormac Burke - 1999
Cormac Burke candidly and charitably discusses sexual identity in marriage and family life, "family planning," divorce, contraception, the value of children, the family in today's society, and more. He clarifies and defends Church teachings, showing that only following the Church's guidance saves married couples from misery and brings them true happiness. Ideal as a gift for newlyweds and for marriage preparation courses.
Understanding Scrupulosity: Questions, Helps, and Encouragement
Thomas M. Santa - 1999
But a large segment of the population, many of them Catholic, are so afraid of sin that their lives are marked with anxiety and fear. These people suffer from an affliction called scrupulosity. Rather than experiencing faith as a source of peace, scrupulous individuals can't seem to shake their feelings of impending doom, disappointment, and eventual condemnation. Based on thirty-five years of questions and answers to the Scrupulous Anonymous newsletter, this book provides specific answers to questions and concerns related to sin, confession, self-worth, sexuality, prayer, God's forgiveness, thoughts, dreams, fantasies, and other issues. It offers words of encouragement and helpful suggestions to those who suffer from this affliction and for those who counsel them. Paperback
Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times
Marian Therese Horvat - 1999
She also promised her miraculous intercession and triumph. A revelation approved by the Church since the 17th century. This little book has made a great impact. Already in its second edition, the story has inspired many readers who report that Our Lady of Good Success is answering their prayers and changing their lives.
Benedict XVI: Way of the Cross
Benedict XVI - 1999
Curiosity regarding Benedict's spiritual writings has sparked worldwide interest in these meditations and prayers that highlight the new pope's personal prayer life, as well as his vision for the future of the Church.
Making Senses Out of Scripture: Reading the Bible as the First Christians Did
Mark P. Shea - 1999
Shea takes us on a “fly-over” of the biblical story from Genesis to Revelation. He shows you how to explore the literal, allegorical, moral, and anagogical sense of Scripture.Whether you have been studying Scripture for years, or are encountering it for the very first time,Making Senses Out of Scripture is an invaluable tool that it will help you see biblical revelation afresh, as Christians have done for 2000 years.
Thirsting for God: A Yearbook of Meditations
Mother Teresa - 1999
In Thirsting for God, you will encounter in each of these 365 daily readings the woman who yearned to know God above all else and whose words point the way for those who long to quench that same thirst.
The Ordinary Path to Holiness: The treasure of Catholic spirituality re-presented for our times
R. Thomas Richard - 1999
I just today received the first print copies, and I am well-pleased with the quality and quick delivery. "Publishing" has now been redefined. The first edition/version of The Ordinary Path to Holiness was printed/published in 1999. In these 19 years, I see the need only being magnified as time progresses, the need to publish the great "secret" treasure of Catholic spirituality of the "three stages" or "ages" of spiritual life, and of the Dark Nights that must come. So many Catholics have never heard of this holy work by which God calls us toward and into His holiness! There are so many confused opinions about how one really grows in the interior life - erroneous opinions and ideas, or just plain ignorance. Thus my subtitle in this new 3rd Edition, to make the matter explicit, this book offers "The treasure of Catholic spirituality, re-presented for our times."
Prodigal Daughters: Catholic Women Come Home to the Church
Donna Steichen - 1999
Each left the Catholic Church to seek autonomy and fulfillment on the major cultural battlegrounds of this era. Each eventually turned homeward to find, like her prodigal brother in the best-loved of Christ's parables, that her Heavenly Father had been calling her throughout her absence, watching and yearning for her return.Feminists in the bureaucratic networks of Catholic dissent continually predict that women will abandon the Church en masse unless they are soon admitted to the hierarchy. The women who recount their experiences in this timely and important book prove the dissenters wrong. They are representative of a growing stream of "reverts" who have recognized and repented of their errors when they rediscovered the living heart of Christ at the center of the Church.Today, when virtually all faithful Catholics wait and pray for the return of some family member or friend who has strayed from the Church, these accounts of faith reborn offer hope and direction to lift the heart of every reader.
Charles De Foucauld
Jean-Jacquest Antier - 1999
Unknown during his lifetime as a solitary monk in the Sahara Desert, and assassinated by bandits in 1916, this former French playboy had a radical conversion to Christ that compelled him to live a deeply ascetical religious life that has had a great impact on the world since his death.This definitive biography by Jean-Jacques Antier, a renowned French author of more than 50 books, is the fruit of his exhaustive research on Foucauld's life, writings and correspondence. He was given access to the complete archive on the life of Foucauld from the Congregation of the Saints compiled for his beatification process. Antier also interviewed numerous witnesses resulting in a powerful, inspiring biography of this holy, 20th century figure, a "personality of fire". Illustrated."In seeking the true and the good, our contemporaries tend to prefer authentic and modest witnesses, symbols of the salvation of the human family. That was the intuition which guided Charles de Foucauld, a great man of God, who sought to show the Gospel in a hidden, laborious way, in the silence which God signifies his presence as if it were a gentle breeze."—Pope John Paul II
Upon This Rock: St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in Scripture and the Early Church
Stephen K. Ray - 1999
He tackles the tough issues in an attempt to expose how the opposition is misunderstanding the Scriptures and history. He uses many Protestant scholars and historians to support the Catholic position. This book contains the most complete compilation of Scriptural and Patristic quotations on the primacy of Peter and the Papal office of any book available. It has over 500 footnotes with supporting evidence from Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, and non-Christian authorities.
St. Jude Thaddeus: Helper in Desperate Cases
Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration - 1999
Apostle, cousin of Jesus and martyr with St. Simon in Persia, the Saint Catholics most often turn to in desperate cases. Tells how he worked miracles, defeated two magicians, converted thousands (including kings), and was martyred.
A Philadelphia Catholic in King James's Court
Martin Deporres Kennedy - 1999
In this land of tobacco farming, bluegrass music, and devout fundamentalist Christianity, he is compelled to explain and justify the Catholic faith. His only defense, the Bible.Join Michael on an Amish-style farmstead as he learns to milk a cow, harness a horse, disk a field, and harvest hay with a team instead of a tractor. Will he discover the truth about the papacy, the Eucharist, and devotion to Mary in Sacred Scripture?
Praying in the Presence of Our Lord: Prayers for Eucharistic Adoration
Benedict J. Groeschel - 1999
Prayers from the time of the Fathers to our own day.
Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum: On the Jubilee of the Immaculate Conception
Pope Pius X - 1999
Pius X issued this encyclical to encourage the whole Church to organize joyous celebrations, and to grant a Jubilee Indulgence in honor of this event. The pope ultimately hoped by doing this to gain that restoration of all things in Christ which is the motto of his pontificate. In this encyclical, he outlines the great riches and the wonderful hidden implications behind the dogma of the Immaculate Conception: Mary is the Reparatrix; Dispensatrix of all grace; our chief Mediatrix; our supreme example of sanctity. She continues to labor in Heaven in order to bring us to perfect charity of God and to eternal happiness. The pope insists on our corresponding response in faith, hope and charity—of keeping the commandments and fleeing from sin, of praying for those who are fallen away. By proclaiming the dogma we combat all the Modernist errors, proving what the Church attributes to this august Virgin, that she has exterminated all heresies in the world.
Essential Mary Handbook: A Summary of Beliefs, Devotions, and Prayers
Judith A. Bauer - 1999
This book defines Mary's role in relationship to her son Jesus, as well as to God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and collects in one place information on her titles, her appearances, and her place in the liturgy.Paperback
The Novena Book: The Power of Prayer
Barbara Calamari - 1999
But one special, long-established form of intention and affirmation has been overlooked: the novena. Perennially popular in the Catholic Church, a novena is a nine-day period of prayer for a particular grace or intention, often offered as a supplication to a saint with expertise in a particular area. Novena, a volume that will enchant the eye and touch the soul, traces its history and brings together thirty-six of the best-known novenas. Each is accompanied by a luminous image of its affiliated saint--fiercely beautiful and intensely human--adapted, with a contemporary air, from a traditional prayer card; by a brief discussion of the saint's life and particular specialty; and by instructions on when, and why, to use the novena. Novena is divided into four sections: novenas to the saints, the angels, the madonna (each revealing a different aspect of her personality), and the Divinity. An appendix cross-references specific concerns with appropriate novenas: We learn how the saints themselves transcended such problems as a turbulent youth, a difficult marriage, or abuse. The ideal gift for Easter and Mother's Day, this jewel of a book has year-round bestselling potential.
Father Hardon's Catholic Prayer Book: With Meditations
John A. Hardon - 1999