Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take Five Minutes or Less

S.J. Scott - 2014
    Odds are, these ideas will only take a few minutes apiece to complete. The problem? You might feel like there's not enough time to do all of them. One solution can be found using the power of "habit stacking." One Routine + Multiple Habits = Habit Stacking We all know it's not easy to add dozens of new habits to your day. But what you might not realize is it's fairly easy to build a single new routine. The essence of habit stacking is to take a series of small changes (like eating a piece of fruit or sending a loving text message to your significant other) and build a ritual that you follow on a daily basis. Habit stacking works because you eliminate the stress of trying to change too many things at once. Your goal is to simply focus on a single routine that only takes about 15 to 30 minutes to complete. Within this routine is a series of actions (or small changes). All you have to do is to create a checklist and follow it every single day. That's the essence of habit stacking. LEARN: 97 Small Habits that Can Change Your Life In the book "Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take Five Minutes Or Less," you will discover 97 quick habits that can instantly improve your life. Plus you'll discover how to create a simple routine (managed by a checklist) that you repeat on a daily basis. Even better, you'll discover a few tools that will keep you motivated and consistent. So even if you're completely stressed out, you'll still find the time and energy to complete these actions on a consistent basis. By completing dozens of small habits on a daily basis, you'll be able to make giant leaps forward in your business, strengthen your personal relationships, stay on top of your finances, get organized and improve your health.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Personal Workbook

Stephen R. Covey - 2003
    Covey presents a personal hands-on companion to the landmark The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People , which has become a touchstone for individuals, families, and businesses around the world. The overwhelming success of Stephen R. Covey's principle-centered philosophy is a testament to the millions who have benefited from his lessons, and now, with The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Personal Workbook , they can further explore and understand this tried-and-true approach. With the same clarity and assurance Covey's fans have come to appreciate, this individualized workbook teaches readers to fully internalize the 7 Habits through private and thought-provoking exercises, whether they are already familiar with the principles or not.

Making Habits, Breaking Habits: Why We Do Things, Why We Don't, and How to Make Any Change Stick

Jeremy Dean - 2012
    How long should it take before you stop having to force it and start doing it automatically?The surprising answers are found in Making Habits, Breaking Habits, a psychologist's popular examination of one of the most powerful and under-appreciated processes in the mind. Although people like to think that they are in control, much of human behavior occurs without any decision-making or conscious thought.Drawing on hundreds of fascinating studies, psychologist Jeremy Dean busts the myths to finally explain why seemingly easy habits, like eating an apple a day, can be surprisingly difficult to form, and how to take charge of your brain's natural “autopilot” to make any change stick.Witty and intriguing, Making Habits, Breaking Habits shows how behavior is more than just a product of what you think. It is possible to bend your habits to your will—and be happier, more creative, and more productive.

1% Success Habits: 10 Daily Habits to Crush Your Day

Brandon Nankivell - 2019
    They developed habits so that their good behaviours became automatic. In this book, founder of the educational organization and YouTube channel OnePercentBetter—Brandon Nankivell shares his top ten success habits. He also shares 10 principles to ingrain habits for a life-time. many of which are based on science, best-selling books, and the top habits of the top 1% of successful people in the world.

The Most Powerful Goal Achievement System in the World ™: The Hidden Secret to Getting Everything You Want

Mike Pettigrew - 2017
    Many years ago, author Mike Pettigrew started a quest to find answers to these three questions: 1. Why do some people achieve their goals far more quickly than others, and are able to create extraordinary lives? 2. Of those who manage to succeed, why are some miserable while others are consistently happy? 3. What key factors can allow anyone to create a life of deep meaning and purpose? After decades of studying human consciousness, creating successful businesses, and achieving huge personal and business goals, Mike Pettigrew found the answers he was seeking. It turns out that there are just seven steps that allow you to achieve any goal more quickly. Anyone can follow these simple steps, and when they do amazing things start happening in their careers, relationships and personal lives. To achieve your goals faster you must know exactly what you want, charge your goals with powerful emotion, set specific goal deadlines, program your subconscious mind, plan effectively, use the same habits as the world's highest performers, and overcome your limiting beliefs. Whether you want to achieve your life's biggest goals, get more done, eliminate stress and burnout, or dramatically increase your sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment, this book can help you to achieve it faster and more simply than you may have ever thought possible. Each of the seven steps are easy to understand and put into practice. They are also supported by background material that helps you appreciate the importance of each step, as well as six "magnifiers" you can use to greatly speed up your results. If you've ever wanted a practical easy to use guide that allows you to achieve a far happier and more successful life, then this book contains everything you need. A link to free training that helps you to put the seven steps into action is included in the book, and it demonstrates some of the new skills you will discover in these pages. You Will Learn: * Why you absolutely must set goals * Secret habits of successful people * How to set goals the most effective way * How to achieve your goals ten times faster * Amazing new ways to program your mind for success * How to finally discover your life's true purpose * Ways that guarantee you succeed where others normally fail * What you must do to create deep happiness and fulfillment * How to use your subconscious mind to get anything you want * A simple way to boost creativity and generate amazing new ideas * The most powerful goal achievement system in the world Forget S.M.A.R.T. Goals! The popular s-m-a-r-t goals system is too limited to achieve anything substantial, and if you set smart goals, you are probably holding yourself back. You can achieve your life goals far more easily when you charge them with powerful emotions. This allows you to start achieving goals that are truly life changing. Even if goal setting has never worked for you before, then with this simple effective system, you will be able to achieve all your future goals. In the same vein as popular success books like The Success Principles, Think and Grow Rich, and Goals! this is one of those few books that can truly change your life. Mike Pettigrew is an entrepreneur and bestselling author.

18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done

Peter Bregman - 2011
    Based upon a series of short bite-sized chapters, his approach allows us to safely navigate through the constant chatter of emails, text messages, phone calls, and endless meetings that prevent us from focusing our time on those things that are truly important to us. Mixing first-person insights along with unique case studies, Bregman sprinkles his charming book with pathways which help guide us -- pathways that can get us on the right trail in 18 minutes or less.

Self-Disciplined Producer: Develop a Powerful Work Ethic, Improve Your Focus, and Produce Better Results

Martin Meadows - 2018
    To the Point. To Help High Performers Become Even More Productive Results are what matter the most to you. You want to be a reliable producer of value in your chosen domain: whether it’s your career, business, sports, studies, non-profit endeavors, or any other undertaking requiring intense focus. You’d like to learn how to become more productive, but your time is precious, and you don’t have time for a five-hundred-page book only to discover that you can summarize it with two sentences. If that’s you, Self-Disciplined Producer is for you. Written with high performers in mind, it’s a concise guide covering the most effective techniques to build self-control, improve your productivity and deliver consistent results day in, and day out. In about an hour and a half of reading you’ll discover: - a confusingly simple strategy of an American novelist and screenwriter that can help you overcome one habit that is most harming your productivity, - how distractions can make you more eager to get to work, - three strategies to ensure that you always finish what you started instead of leaving all your projects half-finished, - five strategies to embrace delayed gratification and become more patient with the process so that you won’t give up prematurely, - a fun mental exercise to help you identify the most important task and reduce time spent on less meaningful activities, - a principle developed in the 14th century by an English philosopher that can help you simplify your workday and become more productive, - a law humorously invented by a British naval historian that can help you perform your most important tasks in half the time usually needed to get them done, - six methods to recharge for higher productivity—because without a proper rest protocol you’ll be unlikely to ever operate at an optimal level. The author of Self-Disciplined Producer has been using these techniques to help him publish sixteen books, create four video courses with over 25,000 enrolled students in total, and translate his books into ten languages—all in the span of two years and a half. If you’re eager to learn how to double, triple, or even quadruple your productivity, don’t hesitate any longer. Invest an amount equivalent to what you pay for a cup of coffee, apply the teachings from this book to your workday and reap the benefits that might lead to thousandfold or higher returns.

Daily Habit Makeover: Beat Procrastination, Get More Productive, Focus Better, and Become Healthier in Body and Mind (Daily Habit Series Book 1)

Zoe McKey - 2019
    Learn to identify, prioritize, and focus on your most important tasks and get them done. Unlearn bad habits and build powerful, helpful ones. - Learn various ways to increase productivity in your life, - Easily learnable and executable solutions that will make your day more organized and focused, - Why is willpower your enemy when it comes to changes, - Two valuable philosophies to help you maintain your habit changes for the long haul. Living as our best selves depends on our day-to-day habits; the small everyday activities we aren’t always conscious about. Daily Habit Makeover will teach you how to adopt tailor made habits to your lifestyle. Optimize your life: become more productive and less stressed. - Acknowledge and start acting against procrastination, - Learn 5+ scientifically proven ways to increase focus, - Quick methods to rank the importance of your tasks, - Why multitasking sabotages you and better alternatives. Control your habits, own your life. - Finish what you start – every time, - The best habits of three world leaders to enhance motivation, - 15+ signs that help you prevent procrastination, - 50 small, quickly applicable strategies to build a better life today, - The best apps and programs that help you stay productive. Daily Habit Makeover helps you reach your maximal productivity and greatest potential by teaching you how to think in a system that excludes procrastination. Know how to identify your most important tasks following a simple mathematical formula and stay disciplined to build productivity habits. Never feel the numbing pressure of unfinished tasks and threatening deadlines again. Don’t sweat over calling your boss to ask deadline extension. Never again be the excuse maker who can’t divide his time well. Be the most productive version of yourself.

The Flinch

Julien Smith - 2011
    Julien Smith has delivered a surprise, a confrontation, a book that will push you, scare you and possibly stick with you for years to come. The idea is simple: your flinch mechanism can save your life. It shortcircuits the conscious mind and allows you to pull back and avoid danger faster than you can even imagine it’s there. But what if danger is exactly what you need? What if facing the flinch is the one best way to get what you want? Here’s a chance to read the book everyone will be talking about, before they do. What are you afraid of? Here's how to find out.

Ego Is the Enemy

Ryan Holiday - 2016
    In fact, the most common enemy lies within: our ego. Early in our careers, it impedes learning and the cultivation of talent. With success, it can blind us to our faults and sow future problems. In failure, it magnifies each blow and makes recovery more difficult. At every stage, ego holds us back.The Ego is the Enemy draws on a vast array of stories and examples, from literature to philosophy to history. We meet fascinating figures like Howard Hughes, Katharine Graham, Bill Belichick, and Eleanor Roosevelt, all of whom reached the highest levels of power and success by conquering their own egos. Their strategies and tactics can be ours as well.But why should we bother fighting ego in an era that glorifies social media, reality TV, and other forms of shameless self-promotion?  Armed with the lessons in this book, as Holiday writes, “you will be less invested in the story you tell about your own specialness, and as a result, you will be liberated to accomplish the world-changing work you’ve set out to achieve.”

3 Things Successful People Do: The Road Map That Will Change Your Life

John C. Maxwell - 2016
    Life is not a winner-take-all championship game, but a an excruciatingly long season with multiple chances every day to learn from losses, grow from successes, and make the appropriate changes along the way.In 3 Things Successful People Do, New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker John C. Maxwell provides insight into what it means to truly be on the journey to success. No matter where you are on your journey, this invaluable resource will help you discover your personal road map and equip you with what you will need to change course, if necessary, and keep growing.After reading this book, you will learn:Skills we can buy or hireAttitudes we cultivate through mentoring and experienceValues we instill in ourselvesWhen you surrender superficial notions of “arrival” and realize that the daily process is what makes your goals real, you haven’t just changed the game of success . . . you’ve become a success already.

59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot

Richard Wiseman - 2009
    From mood to memory, persuasion to procrastination, and resilience to relationships, Wiseman outlines the research supporting this new science of rapid change, and describes how these quick and quirky techniques can be incorporated into everyday life. Think a little, change a lot."Discover why even thinking about going to the gym can help you keep in shape ""Learn how pot plants make you more creative ""Find out why putting a pencil between your teeth instantly makes you happier "" "'At last, a self-help guide that is based on proper research. Perfect for busy, curious, smart people' Simon Singh, author of Fermat's Last Theorem'A triumph of scientifically proven advice over misleading myths of self-help. Challenging, uplifting and long overdue' Derren Brown

Rock Bottom to Rock Star: Lessons from the Business School of Hard Knocks

Ryan Blair - 2016
    In his first book, Nothing to Lose, Blair shared the brutally honest story of how he went from being an at-risk youth, sleeping on a mattress on the floor of a shack, to a self made multi-millionaire by his early twenties. As both the book and his story became a national sensation, Blair realized it was time to share the next piece of the puzzle--a detailed road map on how you can reach financial freedom yourself. Blair has battled extreme obstacles--growing fame, bad press, outrageous lawsuits, making and losing tens of millions of dollars (sometimes all in one day)--and still came out on top every time, and continued his mission to positively impact the lives of millions of people. Now he reveals how he did it; his personal formula for going from rock bottom to "rock star," and being the absolute best at what you do. If you're serious about making the most of your life and you're ready to become the "rock star next door," instead of just looking up to them, this may be the most rewarding book you'll ever read.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Dale Carnegie - 1944
    Also, the golden rule for conquering worry, keeping your energy & spirits high.The book consists of some True Stories which will help the readers in conquering worry to lead you to success in life.The book is full of similar incidences and narrations which will make our readers to understand the situation in an easy way and lead a happy life. A must read book for everyone.

How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

Arnold Bennett - 1908
    Out of it you have to spin health, pleasure, money, content, respect, and the evolution of your immortal soul. This timeless classic is one of the first self-help books ever written and was a best-seller in both England and America. It remains as useful today as when it was written, and offers fresh and practical advice on how to make the most of the daily miracle of life.