The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Manly P. Hall - 1928
    Hall's legendary The Secret Teachings of All Ages is a codex to the ancient occult and esoteric traditions of the world. Students of hidden wisdom, ancient symbols, and arcane practices treasure Hall's magnum opus above all other works.While many thousands of copies have sold since its initial publication in 1928, The Secret Teachings of All Ages has previously been available only in oversized, expensive editions. For the first time, Hall's celebrated classic is now published in an affordable trade paperback volume. Literally hundreds of entries shine a rare light on some of the most fascinating and closely held aspects of myth, religion, and philosophy from throughout the centuries.More than one hundred line drawings and a sixteen-page color insert reproduce some of the finest illustrations of the original book, while reset and reformatted text makes this edition of The Secret Teachings of All Ages newly accessible to readers everywhere.

The Great Pain Deception: Faulty Medical Advice Is Making Us Worse

Steven Ray Ozanich - 2011
    The Great Pain Deception was awarded Runner-Up Finalist in "Best New Health Book" of 2012 and also honored as Finalist in "Health: Alternative Medicine."Back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, hand and foot pain, rarely come from herniated discs and joint failures. Pain, such as fibromyalgia, is a deception of the mind created by the brain to keep dark, threatening, and sad emotions from entering consciousness. The vast majority of pains and symptoms emanate from a mindbody process stemming from a personality of perfectionism. However, pain is not "in the mind" of the sufferer--and is often misrepresented as such by people who reject a mindbody process for reasons of ego and monetary gain.Symptoms inside and outside of the body are primarily the result of emotional conflict hidden within the body and outside of awareness. We live in a world of medical marvels. However, those marvels have become a double-edged sword, often creating more problems than they resolve. John Sarno, MD, at the NYU School of Medicine discovered in the 1970s that back pain was not coming from the things seen on the imaging, such as herniated discs, arthritis, stenosis, scoliosis, etc. Pain was coming from oxygen reduction through the autonomic nervous system due to elevated tension levels, but had been errantly linked to the "normal abnormalities" seen on MRIs and X-rays.Most physicians refused to believe his findings even though his success rate in healing the most troublesome of pain-cases was well above theirs. Dr. Sarno labeled the disorder TMS, or tension myoneural syndrome, currently being called The Mindbody Syndrome. Inside The Great Pain Deception Steve tells his compelling story of a 30-year battle with pain and ultimate healing after discovering Dr. Sarno's work. After Steve healed he began receiving hundreds of emails, calls, and letters, asking for his help--too many to respond to, so he decided to write his experience down in a book. After 10 years of research, Steve has conveyed an amazing testimonial of triumph over tragedy, an inspiring story of healing that is a must read if you suffer from any ailment from mild to severe. The only thing standing between good health, and healing, is ego. Pain and unpleasant symptoms serve a purpose. Disease is the report card of how happy we are; feedback of a life not lived. Symptoms are anger flowing over into the physical realm, signs of internal conflict. Pain and illness are the virtual language of the unconscious mind. When we are untrue to ourselves and needs, living by the codes and wishes of others, denying our deepest desires--symptoms then form to reveal the deeper conflict.Modern medicine is pointing us toward our bodies in the attempt to cure us through engineering the human system. These high-tech processes are often making us worse by ignoring the message that the body is trying to convey through such things as colitis, irritable bladder, fibromyalgia, skin disorders and an infinite variety of other symptoms, including cancer. This book does an excellent job of exploring the realm of mind within body--and ultimate healing.

The Wahls Protocol : How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine

Terry Wahls - 2014
    Terry Wahls focused on treating her patients’ ailments with drugs or surgical procedures—until she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2000. Within three years, her back and stomach muscles had weakened to the point where she needed a tilt-recline wheelchair. Conventional medical treatments were failing her, and she feared that she would be bedridden for the rest of her life. Dr. Wahls began studying the latest research on autoimmune disease and brain biology, and decided to get her vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids from the food she ate rather than pills and supplements. Dr. Wahl’s adopted the nutrient-rich paleo diet, gradually refining and integrating it into a regimen of neuromuscular stimulation. First, she walked slowly, then steadily, and then she biked eighteen miles in a single day. In November 2011, Dr. Wahls shared her remarkable recovery in a TEDx talk that immediately went viral. Now, in The Wahls Protocol, she shares the details of the protocol that allowed her to reverse many of her symptoms, get back to her life, and embark on a new mission: to share the Wahls Protocol with others suffering from the ravages of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune conditions.

Spiritually Sassy: 8 Radical Steps to Activate Your Innate Superpowers

Sah D'Simone - 2020
    Stop trying to put yourself into a box of what spirituality “should” look like—because, honey, being yourself is spiritual.This is what Sah D’Simone shares in Spiritually Sassy, a guide for a generation that celebrates diversity, authenticity, and freedom both in life and on the spiritual path. A queer, brown, flamboyant, immigrant spiritual seeker, Sah is a voice for anyone who wants to grow in creative ways. To be of service and make an impact on the world. To embrace their fierce, funny, and fabulous selves—even the parts they might feel ashamed of or figure just aren’t “spiritual” enough. With Spiritually Sassy, Sah distills the art of living well in our modern world into eight radical yet totally attainable steps. By incorporating scientifically backed principles of modern psychology with time-tested Buddhist techniques—and a heavy dose of sassy sauce—Sah will help you unblock your heart, befriend your mind, and live your truth out loud. In other words, he’ll help you find your sass. Highlights include:- Clear out old ways of thinking to make room for a new story that reflects your fabulous heart—and quiets your inner critic- Overcome imposter syndrome and know you are worthy of love, abundance, and joy- Get out of your own way in a big way- Uncover your true self to become spiritual—and sassy—AF- Get real about your dreams and goals, and learn powerful manifestation practices to help make them happen- Embrace your superpowers—the gifts and talents that help you live your purpose- The importance of looking beyond yourself to your community, your tribe, and how you give back- Plus—tons of practices for meditation, breath work, mantra, movement, journaling, working with your mind, and more“It is my mission in life to help you find your sass, whatever that means for you,” writes Sah, “so it can radiate out and touch everything you do.” Spiritually Sassy isn’t a quick fix, spiritual bypassing, or entitlement. It’s a life-embracing path to awakening in modern times. Dive in to uncover your most radically authentic and spiritual self—and get sassy AF.

Light is the New Black: A Guide to Answering Your Soul's Callings and Working Your Light

Rebecca Campbell - 2015
    These women are modern day lightworkers, who agreed at soul level to be here at this time in history, to bring us into the Age of Light (lead by spirit and the divine feminine).   At the Peace Conference in Canada in 2009, when the Dalai Lama said ‘The world will be saved by the western woman’, it was a call to action for women throughout the West. Light Is The New Black is a response to that call. It guides these women to come back home to who they are at soul level, and embrace their uniqueness so they can light up the world in a way that only they can. Gone are the days of following someone else’s well-trodden path. In order to succeed in this new age, everything must be an authentic expression of who we truly are. A down-to-earth, relatable mix of one girl’s journey, channeled messages from The Universe, practical tools, and metaphysical marketing for this new social age, this book will reconnect you to the core of your being, so that you can use it to change the world.

Walking in the Garden of Souls

George Anderson - 2001
    Now Anderson shares this wisdom-and offers an incomparable perspective on the questions faced in day-to-day life.

The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs

Stephen S. Ilardi - 2009
    Alongside this lifestyle, depression rates have skyrocketed: approximately 1 in 4 Americans will suffer from major depression at some point in their lives. Where have we gone wrong? Dr. Stephen Ilardi sheds light on our current predicament and reminds us: our bodies were never designed for the sleep-deprived, poorly nourished, frenzied pace of twenty-first century life. In fact, our genes have changed very little since the days of our hunter-gatherer ancestors and are still building, in effect, Stone Age bodies. Herein lies the key to breaking the cycle of depression.Inspired by the extraordinary resilience of aboriginal groups like the Kaluli of Papua New Guinea (who rarely suffer from depression), Dr. Ilardi prescribes an easy-to-follow, clinically proven program that harks back to what our bodies were originally made for-and need. Here you can find the road back to lasting health by integrating the following 6 elements into your life: an omega-3 rich diet; exercise; plenty of natural sunlight; ample sleep; social connections; and participation in meaningful tasks that leave little time for negative thoughts-all things that our ancestors had in abundance.Already, The Depression Cure program has delivered dramatic results, helping even those who have failed to respond to traditional medications. Interweaving the stories of many who have fought-and won-the battle against this debilitating illness, this groundbreaking book can illuminate the path to lifting the fog once and for all for you or a loved one.

The 7 Healing Chakras: Unlocking Your Body's Energy Centers

Brenda Davies - 2000
    Introducing the chakras, vortices of energy that connect the physical body with the spiritual, Dr. Brenda Davies follows a clear path through the seven power centers - each characterized by a different color - from the red-colored root chakra near the base of the spine to the white crown chakra at the top of the head.Exploring the significance of each chakra, the author offers personal guidance and leads the reader in a series of exercises and meditations to unblock each energy channel and clear the psychological, emotional, and spiritual debris of the past. She combines her training as a psychiatrist with ancient methods of healing to provide the tools needed to take charge of mental and physical well-being.

No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering

Thich Nhat Hanh - 2014
    In No Mud, No Lotus, Thich Nhat Hanh offers practices and inspiration for transforming suffering and finding true joy. Thich Nhat Hanh acknowledges that because suffering can feel so bad, we try to run away from it or cover it up by consuming. We find something to eat or turn on the television. But unless we’re able to face our suffering, we can’t be present and available to life, and happiness will continue to elude us. Nhat Hanh shares how the practices of stopping, mindful breathing, and deep concentration can generate the energy of mindfulness within our daily lives. With that energy, we can embrace pain and calm it down, instantly bringing a measure of freedom and a clearer mind. No Mud, No Lotus introduces ways to be in touch with suffering without being overwhelmed by it. With his signature clarity and sense of joy, Thich Nhat Hanh helps us recognize the wonders inside us and around us that we tend to take for granted and teaches us the art of happiness.

Energy Speaks: Messages from Spirit on Living, Loving, and Awakening

Lee Harris - 2012
    It provides practical guidance and inspiration on the things that matter most to us — including love, sex, money, personal power, self-expression and purpose, emotional healing and well-being, and how to have peace with our families — as well as more esoteric topics, such as how to invoke the help of our spirit guides and angels. This empowering book is the work of a great emerging spiritual teacher. It is filled with tools that you can use to break free of limitations and transform your life.

On Death and Dying

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross - 1969
    Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's famous interdisciplinary seminar on death, life, and transition. In this remarkable book, Dr. Kübler-Ross first explored the now-famous five stages of death: denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Through sample interviews and conversations, she gives the reader a better understanding of how imminent death affects the patient, the professionals who serve that patient, and the patient's family, bringing hope to all who are involved.

Discover Your Psychic Type: Developing and Using Your Natural Intuition

Sherrie Dillard - 2008
    This groundbreaking guide offers a personalized approach to spiritual development, introducing four different psychic types and revealing how to develop the unique talents of each. Designed for both beginning intuitives and advanced psychics, this book presents a simple, step-by-step plan:Take the insightful quiz to learn whether you are a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual intuitive Discover more about each type's nature, personality, strengths, and potential challenges Develop your psychic abilities with the meditations and exercises designed for your specific intuitive style Throughout the book, Dillard shares remarkable stories from her professional practice to illustrate the incredible power of intuition and its connection to the spirit world, inner wisdom, and your higher self.

Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval

Alberto Villoldo - 2005
    It shows how to enter the timeless now to heal events that occurred in the past, and to correct the course of destiny. Dr. Villoldo discusses ways in which you can heal yourself and your loved ones by employing intention through practices used by shamans of the Americas--which, until now, have been inaccessible to most of the world. The shamans of old called this journeying. In this book, you'll discover that you have a four-chambered heart in the same way you have a four-chambered soul. In the first chamber, you store away the memory of a wound that derailed your destiny. In the second, you keep the limiting beliefs and soul contracts that you entered into at the time of your loss. In the third, you recover the grace and trust that will make you whole again; and in the fourth, you remember the calling and mission that you choose to unfold in this lifetime. "While everyone has a future," Villoldo says, "only certain people have a destiny." This book shows you how to find and manifest yours.

Intuitive Self-Healing: Achieve Balance and Wellness Through the Body's Energy Centers

Marie Manuchehri - 2012
    "We intuitively perceive what we need for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing," teaches Marie Manuchehri. "The biggest challenge for most of us is learning to trust our inner guidance." With Intuitive Self-Healing, this registered nurse and renowned energy healer provides accessible instruction for helping you tune into your health at a deeper level. Offering a compendium of illuminating case studies and practical self-care techniques, Marie invites you to learn more about: The chakra system-how to access and activate seven energy centers that hold the key to our wholeness and intuitive gifts A chakra-by-chakra examination of specific health and emotional issues, with easy self-assessment quizzes Energetic preventative care-detecting and addressing potential health problems before they physically manifest Hands-on tools for accessing intuition, including one-minute exercises to ground and balance your energy-anywhere Your intuitive style-how to discover your unique strengths for reading and working with subtle energyThrough her popular radio show and workshops, Marie Manuchehri has provided invaluable guidance for those seeking to take a more active role in their own well-being. "Everyone has the power to create a vital, fulfilling, and healthy life," teaches Manuchehri-and with Intuitive Self-Healing, she offers key insights for awakening your own life-changing gifts.

Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self

Robert Waggoner - 2008
    In the process, he stumbles upon the Inner Self.