Tidy the F*ck Up: The American Art of Organizing Your Sh*t

Messie Condo - 2019
    Tossing all your junk in a closet doesn’t make it any less of a clusterf*ck, but approaching it little by little and making use of some helpful hints can do a world of wonders for all your sh*t, the comfort of your space, and your general sanity. With this hilarious guide, you’ll learn how to: Become a decision-making bad*ss Get rid of the sh*t you don’t need and keep the sh*t you do Live life after a clusterf*ck! And more! With a lighthearted tone that the finest sailors would admire, Tidy the F*ck Up will help you make your house a f*cking home.

Healthy and Delicious Low Carb Cooking

Stacy Michaels - 2014
    Are you happy with what you see? Or are you a part of the nutritional statistic that estimates that 68.8 percent of American adults are overweight or obese. Sadly, 16 percent of our children under age 19 are considered overweight. Many kids today are destined for a lifetime of struggling with their weight and serious health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. There's a lot of national debate about how so many of us got this way, but most experts agree we're sitting at our desks or on the couch too much and not moving our bodies enough. And yes, there is just too much good food (and bad food) everywhere, including on our dinner plates. This serious public health issue continues to build, and it is estimated that 73 percent of American adults will be overweight or obese. We are long overdue in reversing this trend! So let me congratulate you on taking the first step in managing your weight with the purchase of this cookbook. I hope that this collection of recipes will help you make smart food choices every day. These low-carb recipes - from the Mediterranean Beef Kabobs to the Crab Chowder - taste really good, and I have trimmed fat and calories to make each recipe better for you and your family. The benefits of smart eating and maintaining a healthy weight are tremendous - including that feel-good feeling every time you look in the mirror.

Unclutter Your Life in One Week

Erin Rooney Doland - 2009
    Simple living isn't about depriving; it's about enriching. But while scribbling "Be more organized" on a list of New Year's resolutions doesn't take much effort, actually "becoming" more organized requires real change.Are you constantly late to the office because you have trouble getting out the door in the morning? Is your house in such disarray that you can't have friends over for dinner? It's easy to feel stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed when your surroundings, schedule, and thoughts are chaotic. The solution? "Unclutter Your Life in One Week" with organization expert and Editor-in-Chief of Unclutterer.com Erin Rooney Doland. This essential manual is a simple, day-by-day plan for purging your life of clutter, becoming more efficient and productive, and creating a symbiotic relationship between your work and personal life.There is no one-size-fits-all answer for organization. Erin offers useful and innovative suggestions for tackling the physical, mental, and systemic distractions in different areas of your home and office each day. Her down-to-earth approach will help you part with sentimental clutter, organize your closet based on how you process information, build an effective and personalized filing system, avoid the procrastination that often hinders the process, and much more. Once you cure the clutter, she shares practical advice for maintaining your harmonious home and work environments with minimal daily effort.

Hard Core Poor - a book on extreme thrift

Kelly Sangree - 2014
    I hope it helps you too!

The Sentimental Person's Guide to Decluttering

Claire Middleton - 2017
    and none of the mess you live with now. Declutter Your Home and Let Go of Your Stuff Without Losing Your Nostalgic Memories In this book, Claire shares tips that will help you give up the bulk of your sentimental clutter while keeping your most precious treasures to use and display. Learn how to shrink your collections of nostalgic items such as: Your children's baby clothes and toys Mementos from your own youth Clothes you've kept for decades Heirlooms you inherited Books you've kept for years Gifts you don't want (but feel you have to keep) Holiday decorations And everything else that brings back happy memories. Claire will teach you the art of discarding items that trigger your memories without actually losing those memories. If you've been hoarding too much stuff because you fear losing the memories along with the stuff, you need this book. This Decluttering Guide is Packed with Advice Whether you're downsizing the family home or you simply need to learn how to declutter in a way that honors your memories, this book is for you. If your adult children are moving out, or you're faced with going through the belongings of a beloved parent or other loved one, this will be one of your books that you refer to again and again, as it lists categories of sentimental items, and how to deal with each. Yes, You Can Declutter Without Losing Your Treasured Memories You don't have to live with overflowing closets, an attic full of boxes and a basement packed with more of the same, just because it's so hard for you to sort through and give up belongings linked to your past. The truth is, you CAN finally free yourself of clutter while keeping your most treasured belongings. There are many decluttering books and downsizing books, but this one is written by someone with personal experience. Claire and her family gave up more than half their possessions when they downsized from their large family home to a much smaller house. She let go of things she'd been carrying around for most of her life, as well as treasured mementos from many years of raising her large family to adulthood. In this book, she spells out the steps a sentimental person can take to reduce their clutter while keeping their memories intact. Read The Sentimental Person's Guide to Decluttering now, and start on the path to conquering clutter without giving up happy memories.

Attack Your Day!: Before It Attacks You

Mark Woods - 2011
    Now, it's your turn! Attack Your Day's five crucial "activity management" skills and 101 productivity strategies can help you achieve unprecedented levels of effectiveness, as you move relentlessly towards achieving your most important goals in life. You'll learn how to dramatically improve the way you choose and prioritize your activities… organize your day so it's inherently more productive… make sure the most important tasks get done… overcome procrastination once and for all… know how and when to "turn on a dime" in response to events, without sacrificing focus or efficiency… learn how and when to say NO to interruptions. You're always doing "something": make sure you're doing the right things at the right times the right way, and you can transform your life!

CK-12 Basic Physics

CK-12 Foundation - 2012
    Objects in harmonic motion have the ability to transfer some of their energy over large distances. Light Nature: This chapter covers the nature of light, polarization, and color.

Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life: Train Your Brain to Get More Done in Less Time

Paul Hammerness - 2011
    Dr. Paul Hammerness, a Harvard Medical School psychiatrist, describes the latest neuroscience research on the brain's extraordinary built-in system of organization. Margaret Moore, an executive wellness coach and codirector of the Institute of Coaching, translates the science into solutions.This remarkable team shows you how to use the innate organizational power of your brain to make your life less stressful, more productive and rewarding. You'll learn how to:—Regain control of your frenzy—Embrace effective uni-tasking (because multitasking doesn't work)—Fluidly shift from one task to another—Use your creativity to connect the dotsThis groundbreaking guide is complete with stories of people who have learned to stop feeling powerless against multiplying distractions and start organizing their lives by organizing their minds.

The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter

Margareta Magnusson - 2017
    In The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, artist Margareta Magnusson, with Scandinavian humor and wisdom, instructs readers to embrace minimalism. Her radical and joyous method for putting things in order helps families broach sensitive conversations, and makes the process uplifting rather than overwhelming.Margareta suggests which possessions you can easily get rid of (unworn clothes, unwanted presents, more plates than you’d ever use) and which you might want to keep (photographs, love letters, a few of your children’s art projects). Digging into her late husband’s tool shed, and her own secret drawer of vices, Margareta introduces an element of fun to a potentially daunting task. Along the way readers get a glimpse into her life in Sweden, and also become more comfortable with the idea of letting go.

Unstuff Your Life!: Kick the Clutter Habit and Completely Organize Your Life for Good

Andrew Mellen - 2010
    Mellen has created unique, lasting techniques for streamlined living, bringing order out of chaos for the chronically overwhelmed everywhere. Acknowledging that it's often the "stuff behind the stuff" that holds people back, Mellen offers a surprisingly simple, yet effective solution in his step-by-step guide, guaranteed to help achieve organizational bliss for everyone from perpetual key misplacers to hard-core hoarders.From basement to bedroom, kitchen to car, and into every corner of life, Mellen’s system yields lasting results. Discover how to:Never lose your keys or wallet again Stop mail, magazine, and paper pileups for good Feel empowered to tackle bills and budgets Reclaim space and time once dominated by clutter Built on the principle that we must distinguish ourselves from our possessions, Unstuff Your Life! starts with truly achievable goals and works toward the nightmare projects everyone tries hard to avoid. With humor, honesty, tough love, and foolproof advice, Mellen makes it easy to finally let go and embrace the decluttered life.

The Power Of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential

Leo Babauta - 2008
    The Power of Less demonstrates how to streamline your life by identifying the essential and eliminating the unnecessary freeing you from everyday clutter and allowing you to focus on accomplishing the goals that can change your life for the better.The Power of Less will show you how to: Break any goal down into manageable tasksFocus on only a few tasks at a timeCreate new and productive habitsHone your focusIncrease your efficiency By setting limits for yourself and making the most of the resources you already have, youll finally be able work less, work smarter, and focus on living the life that you deserve.

How To Conquer Clutter And Organize Your Home: A Room-By-Room Blueprint For Stress-Free Organization

Puja Shah - 2015
    and freeing up space to enjoy what you have. How to Conquer Clutter and Organize Your Home takes you room-by-room through your home with simple and encouraging instructions on how to organize your:Living RoomMaster BedroomDining RoomBathroomsLaundry RoomLinen ClosetOfficeGarageAnd much more!You'll also learn how to ​keep ​your newly-organized home clean, so you can keep enjoying the time-savings and reduced stress that an organized home brings.Stop letting your home remain disorganized and download How To Conquer Clutter And Organize Your Home today!

The Great Book of Riddles: 250 Magnificent Riddles, Puzzles and Brain Teasers

Peter Keyne - 2014
    There are classical logic puzzles, lateral thinking puzzles, “who am I?” riddles, mathematical brain teasers, word ladders, ditloids, and a large selection of illustrated pen and paper, coins, cups, and toothpicks puzzles (please view the preview of this book for a full listing). This is the first time a collection of such breadth has been compiled and formatted especially for Kindle devices. The puzzles have been carefully organized into 25 chapters, and each question is hyperlinked to its solution, to provide utmost ease of navigation. Alongside the world’s most famous riddles, are some lesser known gems, and some brand new puzzles, in print here for the first time. Our aim was to create a definitive compendium of riddles and puzzles to bring enjoyment to people of all ages. We hope you will enjoy unraveling them as much as we enjoyed creating and editing them. Here are a handful of sample riddles: Outside the Box Riddles: You need to divide a round birthday cake into eight pieces, so each of your guests will have something to eat. How can you do this by making only three straight cuts with a knife, and without moving any of the pieces? The king’s two bodyguards developed an ingenious method for assuring the king’s safety. With the king standing between them, they would face in opposite directions; one looking to the west and the other to the east, but at the same time, and without the use of any reflective surfaces, they would both be able to observe the king clearly. How was this possible? Pure Logic Riddles: There are two glasses. One contains water, and the other contains an equal quantity of wine. A teaspoon of water is removed and mixed into the glass of wine. A teaspoon of the wine-water mixture is then removed and mixed into the glass of water. Which of the mixtures is now purer? The sorcerer’s tower was enchanted in such a way that it was able to build itself. Bricks, slates, tiles, and panes of glass, all flew to it of their own accord and danced into position. The tower doubled in size every day until after 100 days it reached a height that provided fine views over the entire realm. How many days did the tower take to reach half its full height? Lateral Thinking Puzzles: Five men are going to church. It starts to rain, and four of the men begin to run. When they arrive at the church, the four men who ran are soaking wet, whereas the fifth man, who didn’t run, is completely dry. How is this possible? Think Twice Riddles: If you are running a race, and you overtake the person in second place, what place do you move into? Word Riddles: SOS is read the same forwards, backwards, and even upside-down. What four-letter word also shares these properties? Number Puzzlers: How many letters are there in the answer to this question? You have an opportunity to buy a hen. In fact, you have been offered a choice between two quite remarkable animals. One of the hens produces six dozen dozen eggs per month, and the other produces a half dozen dozen. Admittedly, both seem impressive. Does it matter which hen you choose? Traditional Poetic Riddles: Five creatures cross a field of snow; But leave a single track behind Whose loops and bows are soon, I know, Unravelled by the mind. Coins, Cups, and Toothpicks Illustrated Riddles: A coin is dropped into an empty bottle and a cork is then inserted in the neck of the bottle. How is it possible to remove the coin without taking out the cork, or breaking the bottle?

Lighter Living: Declutter. Organize. Simplify.

Lisa J. Shultz - 2019
    Most of us have unfinished business that might make us feel like we walk around dragging a heavy ball with a chain connected to our ankle. When you declutter and possibly downsize, you can free yourself of weighty matters that tie you down physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.Lighter Living explains why you might want to simplify your home and your life. It shows you how to declutter and then organize what you keep. Finally, you are given a vision for lifelong decluttering and how it can lead to well-being and peace of mind.

365 Best Inspirational Quotes: Daily Motivation For Your Best Year Ever

K.E. Kruse - 2014
    Read one quote a day as a vitamin of inspiration, or read them in one sitting to break through negative thinking. Free bonuses: BONUS: Access To Online Video "6 Things Successful People Do To Get & Stay Motivated" BONUS: 3 Activities To Discover Your Life's True Purpose About the author: Kevin Kruse is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author. In pursuit of the American Dream, Kevin started his first company when he was just 22 years old. He worked around the clock, living out of his one-room office and showering each day at the YMCA, before giving up a year later deeply in debt. Later, after discovering the power of Wholehearted Leadership, Kevin went on to build and sell several multimillion dollar companies, winning Inc 500 and Best Place to Work awards along the way. Download this book of inspirational quotes now: Download now for daily quotes and inspiration. Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button.