Experience the Now: How to Increase Your Level of Consciousness

Sullins Stuart - 2012
    “Experience the Now” is a lecture delivered by spiritual teacher Sullins Stuart, author of the Amazon Top 100 spiritual best seller "Living in Conscious Harmony: A Spiritual Guide to Being in the Now."Stuart begins by briefly sharing how he met his spiritual teacher, and then addresses two key elements to experiencing the Now: understanding the different levels of consciousness andexplaining tools and techniques you can utilize to raise your level of consciousness and awareness."Experience the Now" is an invaluable resource for anyone desiring to live in the Now.

Buddhism for Mothers of Schoolchildren: Finding Calm in the Chaos of the School Years

Sarah Napthali - 2009
    With children at school, life is both easier and harder and there are very different challenges on the horizon—mothers are often thinking of going back to work, or juggling work–life balance issues. They are questioning what they want out of life, how they want to interact with the world, and creating new definitions for themselves. Children are more demanding too, asking questions, testing boundaries, and beginning to define themselves as separate from their parents. Sarah Napthali explores the distinct issues arising from this phase of motherhood and how Buddhism can play a role in providing answers and direction, in her usual warm, wise, inclusive, and accessible style.

Only Love Is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited

Brian L. Weiss - 1996
    In a hypnotic trance, Dr. Weiss's young patient summoned memories of many past lifetimes, demonstrated an astonishing ability to transmit transcendental messages, and turned the life of a respectable psychiatrist upside down.CAN YOU FIND YOUR SOULMATE AGAIN?Now Dr. Weiss takes his research one breathtaking step further. He portrays two strangers, Elizabeth and Pedro, who are unaware that they have been lovers throughout the long centuries -- until fate brings them together again. He shows how each and every one of us has a soulmate whom we have loved in past incarnations and who waits to reunite with us now. And he opens up entirely new worlds for all of us everywhere, based on a single, powerful truth...

Wicca Covens: A Beginner's Guide to Covens, Circles, Solitary Practitioners, Eclectic Witches, and the Main Wiccan Traditions

Lisa Chamberlain - 2015
    But what is it that has made these people turn their back on the formal, structured religions that encompass the majority of the Western world? In our modern, high-pressured world, many of us fail to take notice the sheer beauty of the natural world surrounding us. In many ways, this is a travesty: the world we live in today seems so completely distant from the one our ancestors lived in, a world where humans and nature were at one, their existence intertwined in the natural cycles of life. Wicca is a new way of life, a religion that takes you back to a more simple time, before the invention of the high-tech gadgetry we see all around us. You will learn to live and appreciate the natural world that surrounds you, celebrating the intricate changes in the seasons and everything they bring — from the bounties of the Summer harvest, to the cold and darkness of the Winter months, as Mother Nature rests in preparation for the next explosive cycle of life that Spring brings. Wicca is a re-incarnation of the very earliest religions, long pre-dating Christianity. Wiccans celebrate and share many of the same beliefs that these early people held, and try to embrace their way of life, all while remaining fully-functional in today's modern world. Getting Started as a Wiccan If you’re sold on this new, exciting, peaceful way of life, that’s great! Good to have you on-board. Unfortunately, and despite this commitment, this is where many people get stumped. One of the biggest questions I hear would-be Wiccans ask: “how do I start practicing Wicca?” The truth is, there is no right answer. If you endeavour to learn as much as possible about this religion, follow the core principals (for example, the Threefold Law), and revere the natural world surrounding you, as far as I’m concerned, you’re a Wiccan. If you’re just starting out, I’m sure this vague answer is of little help to you! That’s why I set out to write this mini-series of books, titled Practicing the Craft. In this particular book, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Wicca traditions – including covens, circles, solitary practitioners, and eclectic witches. Wicca Covens and Other Traditions Practicing magic isn’t compulsory for Wiccans, however many people are inevitably attracted to the religion by the potential to positively change their lives for the better. As such, spellwork is one of the most discussed parts of being Wiccan. If you want to start practicing magic, it can help to join like-minded individuals – also known as a coven. Covens allow you to be a part of a small Wiccan community. They meet regularly to perform rituals, especially on important Wiccan dates – notably the sabbats and esbats. As well as a sense of community, covens are also one of the best places to accelerate your learning. In this book, we’ll be looking at everything you need to know about covens – including the history of covens, their structures, and how to join one. Don’t worry, though – not everyone wants to be part of a coven, and that’s perfectly fine, too. In this book, we’ll be discussing all of your options, including circles and the solitary path. We'll also look at the main Wiccan traditions: Gardnerian, Alexandrian, and Dianic, as well as a handful of less common traditions.

God, the Evolver: A Secular Approach to the Divine

Faiz King - 2018
    Ever since we stepped out of the dark ages and modern science started taking its first baby steps, people have been debating the connection between metaphysics and physics. And human evolution is one of the most controversial issues. Until now. This eye- opening book will offer you an in-depth understanding of evolution from a religio-scientific point of view. God The Evolver - Bridging The Gap Between Metaphysics & Science! If you are a serious free thinker without any religious or scientific prejudices, then this book is for you. If you are not afraid to step into spiritual no-man's land and test your knowledge, then this book will offer you a game-changing perspective. By combining religion, philosophy and science, author Faiz King has created a comprehensive guide to the struggle of religion and science. What Makes The Human Mind So Special? Back To Metaphysics. By the end of this book you will be able to understand the debate and realize that higher-order religious processes (e.g. Metaphysics) are necessary to realize the full extent of the rational and abstract properties of our human mind. And that's exactly what sets us apart from the rest of the creatures that live on this planet. God's Plan - How To Understand Centuries Of Evolution. After over 20 years of meticulous research, Faiz King has created the definitive successor to Charles Darwin's "The Origin Of Species" that is not afraid to take on this science giant and prove that Metaphysics (and subsequently God) is behind the development of modern science as we know it. Are You Ready To Embark On A Unique Spiritual Adventure Through Human Evolution?

Waking Up in Time: Finding Inner Peace in Times of Accelerating Change

Peter Russell - 1998
    Which forces will prevail in this race to Omega? How will we cope with the awesome dangers and opportunities we must face? In this thoroughly rewritten, newly illustrated edition of his classic work 'The White Hole In Time', Russell shows how this unprecedented acceleration of our daily lives has come about, and how to find inner tranquility during these turbulent times. Here is an extraordinary and innovative vision of humanity, one that integrates science and technology with humanity's eternal quest for harmony and inner peace.

Raja-Vidya: The King of Knowledge

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda - 1973
    C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, "but if asked what we are, we are not able to say. Everyone is under the conception that the body is the self, but we learn from Vedic sources that this is not so. Only after realizing that we are not these bodies can we enter into real knowledge and understand what we actually are.

Little Girls in Church

Kathleen Norris - 1995
    Although Kathleen Norris’s best-selling Dakota: A Spiritual Geography has brought her to the attention of many thousands of readers, she is first and last a poet.  Like Robert Frost, another poet identified with a particular landscape, she can reveal the miraculous in the ordinary, and she writes with clarity, humor, and deep sympathy for her subjects.

Pebbles Of Wisdom

Sadhguru - 2008
    The selection of gems by Sadhguru is something every reader will want to return to time and again.

Kabbalah on Love

Yehuda Berg - 2005
    Buried by layers of ego, fear, shame, doubt, low self-esteem, and other limitations, love can only be activated by sharing and serving unconditionally. Only then will the layers fall away and the essence of love reveal itself. Berg makes the distinction between love and need — which is a selfish product of ego — and reminds readers that only after connecting with the love within, and learning to love themselves, can they truly love someone else. This charming book, published just in time for Valentine’s Day, is also a thoughtful gift for any day of the year.


Peter Adams - 2011
    Unlike other books on the law of attraction, the Author has successfully used the VisualFestation System to manifest miracles in his own life, and he shares them with you in VisualFestation. When you are finished with this book, you will have all the tools you need to create miracles in your life through practicing the VisualFestation System.

The Fourth Watch: Receiving Divine Help When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered

S. Michael Wilcox - 2004
    In this talk on CD, Michael Wilcox compares this with our won experiences in challenging times. When our trials go on indefinitely, we should not assume that God does not hear our prayers, or that He does not care, or that we are unworthy. Perhaps we have not yet reached the "fourth watch." This comforting message increases our faith and patience, offers profound hope and solace, and explains how the Lord often works with us.Talk on 1 compact disc. Approx. running time: 74 min. About the Author S. Michael Wilcox received his Ph.D. at the University of Colorado and is an institute instructor at the University of Utah. He has also taught institute classes in Alberta, Canada, and Arizona, and has guided tours to the Holy Land and LDS Church history sites. He received the Orton Literary Award in 1996 for his book House of Glory. In addition he has published several other books and talks, including Don't Leap With the Sheep and Who Shall be Able to Stand?: Finding Personal Meaning in the Book of Revelation. He and his wife, Laura, have five children and live in Draper, Utah.

The Class Meeting: Reclaiming a Forgotten (and Essential) Small Group Experience

Kevin Watson - 2013
    Kevin Watson has written a fresh new guide to the theory and practice of the Wesley class meeting, an essential element of truly Wesleyan spirituality. This book is for clergy and congregations who are looking for ways to develop deeper discipleship. The class meeting is made workable without losing its essential dynmic as a gospel-based accountable community. Watson has resurrected the class meeting and given it new meaning, showing its relevance for the church today and how it may be a perfect means for church renewal.

All About the Angels

Paul O'Sullivan - 1945
    Catholic Tradition teaches that God has given each of us a special Guardian Angel from the moment of our birth. In this book Fr. O’Sullivan explains that this Angel’s great love for us can only be compared to that of a mother. Further, he shows how, with all their power and magnificence, the Angels are also immensely kind, faithful and generous and actually even grateful for our own poor love, repaying us many times over for our little acts of love toward them. With their superior intelligence and power, they are willing and able to prevent accidents, to comfort us, to defend us from the attacks of the devil and to help us in our spiritual and temporal affairs.In this fascinating little book, Fr. O’Sullivan tells stories about St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael, plus stories of the Angels and St. Gemma, St. Agnes, St. Frances of Rome, St. Dominic, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Rose of Lima, St. Vincent Ferrer, St. Isidore the Farmer, St. Francis of Assisi, the children of Fatima, and many others, both famous and obscure, plus the wonderful story of St. John Bosco’s mysterious dog.All About the Angels is a book uniquely conceived to open our eyes to the invisible world of the blessed spirits all around us, our powerful, holy friends who love us and humbly desire to guide us and assist us daily in countless ways—if we will only acknowledge their presence and call upon them for assistance.

The History of Joseph Smith by His Mother

Lucy Mack Smith
    It was originally titled Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and His Progenitors for Many Generations and was published by Orson Pratt in Liverpool in 1853.Shortly following the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, and into 1845, Lucy Mack Smith dictated her recollections and family story to Nauvoo schoolteacher Martha Jane Coray. Coray worked with her husband to compile these books of notes and other sources into a manuscript, which was then copied.