How to Find Peace: A Guide for Facilitating Spiritual Evolution & Discovering Happiness That Lasts

Beau Norton - 2015
    Perhaps you have some spiritual knowledge, but how often do you experience PEACE? CONTENTMENT? JOY? BLISS? ECSTASY? You've probably been searching for these higher states for some time now, but what has all your searching brought you? Are you still unsatisfied and unfulfilled? Is it really possible to find lasting peace of mind and happiness in this hectic world, or is it all just a fairy tale? I think you'll be relieved to discover that the TRUTH is right in front of you, just waiting to be realized. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT TO FEEL AT PEACE! It is available to you this very instant, however, you may have some blocks that need to be removed before you can come to KNOW Peace rather than just 'know about' Peace. This book is dedicated to helping you evolve mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, by facilitating your understanding of basic (yet profoundly life-altering) spiritual concepts, thus allowing you to effortlessly transcend the obstacles on the path to peace of mind and happiness that lasts.Join me on the inside and let us take the journey together. May we both awaken to our true nature. May we never be the same again...

The Buddha in Me, The Buddha in You: A Handbook for Happiness

David Hare - 2016
    The Buddha in Me, the Buddha in You combines the tried-and-tested wisdom of Nichiren Buddhism with the best of popular psychology and personal development, making this a brilliant guide to how life works, and how to get the most from it.Nichiren Buddhism differs from other Buddhist schools in its focus on the here-and-now, and places great importance on individual growth as the starting point for a better world. This, combined with powerful techniques such as NLP, mindfulness, journalling and coaching, makes The Buddha in Me, the Buddha in You the quintessential handbook for happiness.'Buddha' simply means someone who is awakened - yet while Nichiren Buddhists will find fascinating insights into their practice, there is no need to follow a spiritual path to benefit from this book. Through his experience as an internationally acclaimed life coach and practising Buddhist, author David Hare shows us how to wake up to our own potential and that of those around us – to discover everyday enlightenment.

The Course in Manifesting 3 Book Box Set: (Becoming Magic, Doing Magic & Advanced Magic)

Genevieve Davis - 2015
    In this course, I outline the exact steps that enabled me to move my own life from one of poverty and drudgery, to one of previously unimaginable wealth, purpose, abundance and joy. ‘But Magic? I do hope you are joking!’ That’s what I would have said, five or ten years ago. I once despised all things ‘New-Age’, all these spiritual types and their airy-fairy views, their bad science and their irrational beliefs. I read all the New Thought and Law of Attraction greats, Wallace Wattles, Anthony Robbins, Rhonda Byrne, Napoleon Hill, Esther Hicks and Wayne Dyer. But no matter how many books I read, or how closely I followed their instructions for manifesting money or love, I couldn’t make it work. It was only when I recognized, accepted and finally embraced that what I was doing was actually some kind of Magic that suddenly things began to fall into place. Once I realized that the power came from within me, it was as if the light had suddenly been switched on and my manifestations began to work. I learned how to manifest money and love, but I also learned how to be happy, truly happy. If you’re jaded by New Age spirituality and the whole Law of Attraction idea, or have become bored by its failure to deliver… these books are for you. It is my intention to lead you by the hand through a marvellous journey of wonder and adventure. BECOMING MAGIC (Book 1) Part one of this course, Becoming Magic, lays the groundwork for becoming a magical person, reawakening the power that lies within you. From here, the plan is to build your knowledge slowly, gradually, building on what has gone before, moving on to more complex techniques only once the basics are mastered. DOING MAGIC (Book 2) Book two, Doing Magic, offers concrete techniques and instructions for bringing wonderful things into your life. So many people fail with Magic and the Law of Attraction because they rush headlong into using techniques, trying to create enormous manifestations, making very simple but crucial mistakes. When they are disappointed, they imagine they have been duped. The sceptics are right. This is all a load of scammy nonsense. And they give up, declaring it just doesn’t work. I am telling you that it does work. And you can make it work. And this book will show you how. ADVANCED MAGIC (Book 3) And finally, we complete the journey with Advanced Magic. It’s time to think a little deeper, feel a little keener, experience a little more intensely, and so consolidate and strengthen your knowledge. This book is designed to increase the fledgling power that you discovered from the first two books of the course. We now need to build on what has gone before, boosting your success, increasing your Magical power and making your manifestations more reliable… and more spectacular. Be warned: if you want a quick fix of positive thinking, to be told that using Magic and the Law of Attraction is fast and simple, and anyone can master it with ease, I suggest you buy a different book.

The Twelve Powers

Charles Fillmore - 1999
    All books in the Unity Classic Library series feature hardcover binding with gold engraving, colorful endpapers, library nameplate page, author photograph, and biography. The series makes a beautiful display on a library shelf, and each book is a respected addition to any metaphysical collection.This book offers two Unity favorites in one volume: Charles Fillmore's The Twelve Powers of Man is a metaphysical look at twelve expressions of the divine inherent in each of us. Expressions such as love, faith, strength, zeal, imagination, and others are discussed. In Christ Enthroned in Man, Cora Fillmore helps the reader put the twelve powers to practical use by outlining exercises to develop faith and willpower, recognize and use intuition, and let go of unwanted conditions in the body and in life situations.

The Garden: A Parable

Michael Roach - 2000
    Through a parable in which a young man is brought into a mystical garden by a beautiful embodiment of Wisdom, Roach presents the pantheon of great Tibetan teachers. The nameless seeker lured to the garden meets the dominant historical figures who have contributed fundamental teachings to Tibetan Buddhism, such as Tsong Khapa, the first Dalai Lama, and Master Kamalashila. Unique among works of Buddhism now available, The Garden is destined to become a classic for its lucid revelation of the secrets of the Tibetan tradition and for the wisdom Geshe Michael Roach evokes.

Be Love: An Exploration of Our Deepest Desire

Zenju Earthlyn Manuel - 2012
    How can we BE LOVE instead of craving it? This simple booklet explores that question and presents Four Paths of Being Love based in Buddhist teachings. Guaranteed to make you re-think love and transform your expression of it.The greatest question of every century in which human beings have existed is "What is love?" It is our deepest desire to touch others' hearts and be touched.We want to feel love. And of course this would be our deepest desire. Once we are born, we are held in the arms of someone at least our entire first year on Earth. In BE LOVE, the author says, Peace in these times is dependent on our falling back in love with each other and all other living beings."Manuel links the Bible verse God is love to the teachings of Buddha in which the true nature of us all is love. Her presentation explores what has carried us far from ourselves given the high rates of homicide and suicide rates today.Take a look and don't forget to leave a review.

Walking the Noble Path: The Five Mindfulness Trainings: The Five Mindfulness Trainings

Thich Nhat Hanh - 2013
    Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh presents the true path to a personal and global ethic in this stand alone chapter from "Good Citizens, Creating Enlightened Society, " by Thich Nhat Hanh.

Buddhism for Pet Lovers: Supporting our closest companions through life and death

David Michie - 2017
    What is the nature of these close connections? And what if our influence on pets, both in life and especially through sickness and death, is far more powerful than we ever conceived? David Michie draws on ancient Buddhist wisdom, supported by contemporary science, to provide fascinating insights into animal consciousness. He proposes that the pets with whom we share our lives are not there by accident. Whether your animal companion has fur, feathers or fins, he offers a treasury of practical tools to enhance your relationship with them in everyday life, as well as during times of challenge. Written with humour and compassion, and including extraordinary true stories from around the world, Buddhism for Pet Lovers reveals how our animal companions may indeed be among our most precious partners. For in helping them, our own lives are incomparably enriched too. 'If you have ever deeply loved an animal, this is, without doubt, the book for you.' Gail Pope, BrightHaven 'Our pets offer us one of our greatest opportunities to add compassion to the world. This book helps direct us to a path toward the blossoming of that opportunity.' Carl Safina, author of Beyond Words, and What Animals Think and Feel

Alcoholics Anonymous

AAWS - 2018
    The author is a founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Bill W. & Dr. Bob. It is the originator of the seminal "twelve-step method" widely used to attempt to treat many addictions, from alcoholism and heroin addiction to marijuana addiction, as well as overeating, sex addiction, gambling addiction, and family members of alcoholics, with a strong spiritual and social emphasis.

The Pocket Chogyam Trungpa

Chögyam Trungpa - 2008
    Here is a treasury of 108 short teachings by Chogyam Trungpa, one of the most influential Buddhist teachers of our time. Pithy and immediate, these teachings address a range of topics, including fear and fearlessness, accepting our imperfections, developing confidence, helping others, appreciating our basic goodness, and everyday life as a spiritual path. This book is part of the Shambhala Pocket Library series. The Shambhala Pocket Library is a collection of short, portable teachings from notable figures across religious traditions and classic texts. The covers in this series are rendered by Colorado artist Robert Spellman. The books in this collection distill the wisdom and heart of the work Shambhala Publications has published over 50 years into a compact format that is collectible, reader-friendly, and applicable to everyday life.

Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques: Mastering Manifestation and Attracting What You Want Fast!

Eddie Coronado - 2015
     The fastest way to manifest your desires is by implementing a Law of Attraction Action Plan. Since everything in the Universe is energy, the necessary ingredient for manifestation is the consistent mental and emotional energy that you emit in the form of thoughts, feelings, words and actions. It’s very important to remember that the phrase "Law of Attraction" contains the word ACTION. So many people on this spiritual path get caught up reading lots of books about the Law of Attraction, but they fail to take the daily action that will translate their desires from the invisible world of thought to the visible world of manifestation. There are many books on the market that explain what the Law of Attraction is and what it does, but few that actually teach people how to use this creative power on a daily basis. As a result, this book will provide you with step-by-step instructions, proven techniques, spiritual insights, and success stories that will help you manifest your desires with the Law of Attraction. Like all my other books, this book is all substance without the unnecessary fluff and filler. It gets right to the point by explaining what you must do on a consistent basis to manifest your desires. So, if you are serious about manifesting your desires, you should read this book and then implement your Law of Attraction Action Plan today. The Table of Contents: PART 1 - THE ADVANCED LAW OF ATTRACTION TECHNIQUES: This section contains a number of metaphysical techniques that will help you manifest your desires easily and effortlessly. Within this section you will learn how to harness the tremendous power of an Intention Statement, a Belief Statement, and a Vision Board. You will also learn how to use Emotional Visualization and Mirror Work to manifest desires. This section also includes three powerful visualization scripts that you can use to manifest money, material possessions, love and romance, or anything that you can make a part of your beliefs and feelings. PART 2 - MANIFESTING DESIRES: This section includes interviews with people who have successfully manifested their desires with the Law of Attraction. You will read about their metaphysical insights and what they did to manifest financial abundance, a successful business and a lucrative career. This section also covers each interviewee’s Law of Attraction Action Plan. PART 3 - MANIFESTING LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS: This section includes detailed interviews with people who have manifested love and romance with the Law of Attraction. Once you read this section you will have no question about what you should do to manifest a soul mate. PART 4 - COMMON DENOMINATORS OF SUCCESSFUL MANIFESTATIONS: This section highlights the common denominators of all successful manifestations and explains what is required to manifest any desire. After reading this section you will have no question about the actions you must take to manifest your desires with the Law of Attraction. PART 5 - QUESTION AND ANSWER SECTION: This section addresses some of the most important questions relating to the Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques. Some of the questions covered are: Can I really manifest any desire with the Law of Attraction? How can I make my manifestation exercises easier to perform each day? How long will it take to see results with the Law of Attraction? And more. PART 6 - CREATING & IMPLEMENTING YOUR DAILY LAW OF ATTRACTION ACTION PLAN: This section explains how you can create and implement a successful Law of Attraction Action Plan.

Vitamin H

Abhishek Vipul Thakkar - 2020
    It aims to elevate the lives of people by fostering inner confidence and strengthening their faith. In a turbulent and chaotic world, people are in dire need of words of motivation and inspiration. Vitamin H provides the much needed therapy which will successfully cure the diseases such as negativity, pessimism, cynicism and envy. It will awaken the dreamer within you and help you achieve the seemingly impossible.

The Triumph of Zion: Our Personal Quest for the New Jerusalem

John Pontius - 2010
    With so much emphasis on building Zion physically on Earth, we sometimes forget that the best place to build Zion is within our own hearts. John Pontius carefully details the importance of Zion in our own lives, opening our eyes to our oft-overlooked obligations and vast privileges. With hundreds of references from the scriptures and the prophets of our dispensation, The Triumph of Zion Our Personal Quest for the New Jerusalem will guide you in obtaining the blessings of Zion for yourself and your family.

تطبيق قانون الجذب

Deanna Davis - 2008
    But what if books like that seem a little too “out there” for you? Enter Deanna Davis, whose down-to-earth approach stems from her own change of heart (it happened at the Olive Garden). In this fun, quirky, and decidedly straightforward guide, Deanna shares the science, strategy, and stories of how to create your ideal life using a universal key to success called the Law of Attraction, whether you seek health, wealth, happiness, success, or anything else, large or small. The book blends cutting-edge research, practical techniques, and a conversational, light, funny tone to make the information both meaningful and memorable. Like a talk by your favorite college professor, it provides brilliant concepts in a downto- earth manner—an uncommon blend of wisdom, creativity, inspiration, and practical strategies that work.

The Holy Ghost, Our Greatest Friend: He Who Loves Us Best

Paul O'Sullivan - 1952
    Again and again, he shows us how we are the living temples of the Holy Ghost and how our souls are God's greatest masterpiece—because they are made in His own Image and Likeness. Of the Divine Tenant we possess within us, Fr. O'Sullivan says, “The Holy Ghost does not only give His wonderful help to Apostles, to martyrs, to missionaries, but to all Christians without exception, if only they will ask Him as they should." (Page 39). The greatest tragedy, he points out, is that many Christians never pray to this Divine Guest within their souls. Therefore, it is to help us understand, at least a little, the Incomparable Treasure we Christians possess within ourselves as a result of Baptism that the author has written this book – but also to teach us how to help ourselves in the most unfailing way by praying often and fervently to the Holy Ghost for assistance in all our needs.