Drunk on the Wine of the Beloved: Poems of Hafiz

Hafez - 2001
    Known for his profound mystical wisdom combined with a sublime sensuousness, Hafiz was the supreme master of a poetic form known as the ghazal (pronounced "guzzle"), an ode or song consisting of rhymed couplets celebrating divine love. In this selection of his poems, wine and the intoxication it brings are the image that expresses this love in all its joyful abandon, painful longing, bewilderment, and surrender. Through ninety-five free-verse renditions, we gain entry into the mystical world of Hafiz's Winehouse, with its happy minstrels, its bewitching Winebringer, and its companions in drunken longing whose hearts cry out, "More wine!" Thomas Rain Crowe brings a new dimension to our growing appreciation of Hafiz and his wise drunkard's advice to the seekers of God: In this world of illusion, take nothing other than this cup of wine; In this playhouse, don't play any games but love.

Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers by Anne Lamott (30 Minute Spiritual Series)

30 Minute Spiritual Series - 2013
    Help, Thanks, Wow ...in 30 minutes is the concise guide to quickly understanding the three simple prayers outlined in Anne Lamott's best-selling book, Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers. Understand the thought-provoking ideas behind Help, Thanks, Wow:* Learn what it means to pray, and the life-opening power of prayer, independent of your faith or lack thereof.* Inspirational stories convey Lamott's personal insight and exploration of faith.* Discover how the three essential prayers help us endure difficult times and continue to move ahead. In Help, Thanks, Wow, best-selling author Anne Lamott demystifies prayer, declaring that there are no rules--a higher power can be called anything, and people can believe in any religion they'd like (or none at all) and still pray.Prayer can take countless forms, but Lamott believes that it all boils down to three essential prayers: Help, Thanks, and Wow. Help is an admission of powerlessness and a plea for assistance; Thanks is a cry of gratitude; and Wow is the experience of awe.A thought-provoking spirituality guide for people of all faiths and creeds, Help, Thanks, Wow examines the importance of the three prayers vital to enduring hardship and experiencing a transformative sense of gratitude and wonder in the world.Help, Thanks, Wow ...in 30 minutesDesigned for those whose desire to enrich their faith exceeds the time they have available, Help, Thanks, Wow ...in 30 minutes enable readers to rapidly understand the essential ideas behind critically acclaimed books. With a condensed format and chapter-by-chapter synopsis that highlights key insights, this summary helps readers easily devote time to growing their faith.

Thrift Store Graces: Finding God's Gifts in the Midst of the Mess

Jane F. Knuth - 2012
    Similar to the first book, Thrift Store Graces contains personal accounts of Knuth’s experiences serving as a once reluctant, now enthusiastic volunteer at a thrift store in Kalamazoo, Michigan. What sets Thrift Store Graces apart from her first book is that Knuth introduces us to some far more challenging personal situations that emerge as a result of her volunteer work. Additionally, she invites us to join her as she hesitantly embarks on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje in war-ravaged Bosnia. Through it all, her delightful sense of humor keeps her going, along with her conviction that some of God’s greatest gifts come disguised as difficulties.Witty, inspiring, and thought-provoking all at once, the stories in Thrift Store Graces subtly compel us to redefine what it means to volunteer and to rethink why it is that we volunteer in the first place.

Psychic Navigator

John Holland - 2004
    In Psychic Navigator, he presents practical exercises that will explain the mechanics of inner awareness. You'll find that as you use your renewed psychic senses they will assist you in your personal relationships, health, important business decisions and life in general. This book is supported by an accompanying guided meditation CD.

The Difficult Words of Jesus: A Beginner's Guide to His Most Perplexing Teachings

Amy-Jill Levine - 2021
    But sometimes Jesus spoke words that followers then and now have found difficult. He instructs disciples to hate members of their own families (Luke 14:26), to act as if they were slaves (Matthew 20:27), and to sell their belongings and give to the poor (Luke 18:22). He restricts his mission (Matthew 10:6); he speaks of damnation (Matthew 8:12); he calls Jews the devil's children (John 8:44).In The Difficult Words of Jesus, Amy-Jill Levine shows how these difficult teachings would have sounded to the people who first heard them, how have they been understood over time, and how we might interpret them in the context of the Gospel of love and reconciliation.Additional components for a six-week study include a DVD featuring Dr. Levine and a comprehensive Leader Guide.

The God Who Smokes: Scandalous Meditations on Faith

Timothy J. Stoner - 2008
    Filled with humorous insights and challenging ideas, The God Who Smokes imagines a twenty-first-century church where hope hangs with holiness, passion sits next to purity, and compassion can relate to character.

Change Your Thoughts Meditation CD: Do the Tao Now!

Wayne W. Dyer - 2007
    This classic text, called the Tao Te Ching or the Great Way, offered advice and guidance that was balanced, moral, spiritual, and always concerned with working for the good.On this CD, for the very first time, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer takes you on a compelling journey through all 81 verses of the Tao, as he offers affirmations and a unique meditation technique that you can directly apply to your life. By actually repeating the word Tao as a mantra, you will subliminally attain a level of wisdom and peace that you may have never experienced before.      Do the Tao now . . . and usher in an entirely new way of thinking!

I forgive you: why you should always (the path of forgiveness)

Eric M. Watterson - 2011
    “I Forgive You: Why You Should Always – The Path of Forgiveness Book 1” explains why it so important to forgive everyone; it’s for your own personal benefit. Without forgiveness, you are hindering your own life in ways you may not understand. This first installment of a three-book path toward complete and total forgiveness explains why no matter what happens…you should always forgive, and we will show you why and how. If you are ever going to truly forgive and release the hurt from your past, you must first understand why it’s so important to do it.

The Experience of No-Self: A Contemplative Journey

Bernadette Roberts - 1982
    Explores the journey beyond union, beyond self and God, into the silent and still regions of the Unknown.

Love's Ripening: Rumi on the Heart's Journey

Rumi - 2008
    Love is the meaning of our existence, the raw material of transformation, the glorious way of access to Divine intimacy. This teaching infuses the lyric verse of Rumi (1207–1273), the greatest of the Sufi poets. The poems in this collection, taken from among the master's many volumes of work, focus on one of his greatest themes: how love grows and matures for those on the spiritual path. Kabir Helminski and Ahmad Rezwani have crafted a translation that remains faithful to the original Persian while giving eloquent expression to the joy of Rumi's astonishing encounter with the Divine. As our love moves on to ever more refined and exalted objects, Rumi declares, the distinction between lover and Beloved becomes irrelevant—and wonderfully so: There is no Love greater than Love with no object, For then you, yourself, have become Love itself.

The Seven Types of Spirit Guide: How to Connect and Communicate with Your Cosmic Helpers

Yamile Yemoonyah - 2020
    Starting with a quiz to discover their type of spirit guide, readers will then learn how to communicate with their spirit guides to work through any challenges--be it healing ancestral trauma, growing their business soulfully, or living a life with purpose. This is the first-ever exploration of seven different kinds of cosmic helpers that have communicated with shamans, mediums, priests, and everyday people across cultures and throughout human history. This refreshing guide reveals that the key to success lies in adapting (not appropriating) the proven techniques developed by other spirit communicators around the world. This book is unique in that it not only answers the question of what spirit guides are but helps the reader identify their very own team of guides. Best of all, it reassures the reader that they don't need to be a shaman, witch, priest, or other professional spirit worker, nor have any special abilities to connect with their guides. All they need is an open mind.

The Spiritual Awakening Process

Mateo Sol - 2016
    No matter what we do or where we go, we always seem to carry a gaping void of emptiness and isolation within us. Although we try to fill this hole with money, possessions, lovers, careers and addictions, we eventually wind up feeling desolate and alone, not knowing what to do with our lives. Suddenly, after a traumatic experience or spontaneous catalyst, it is common for us to experience a sacred rebirth of “waking up” to life. This chaotic period is known as the spiritual awakening process.The Spiritual Awakening Process is a book walks you through the beginning stages of reconnecting with the loving and eternally wise place within you known as your Soul.In these pages, you will discover:1. What is happening to you,2. Why you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening,3. The three internal spiritual worlds to explore,4. How to retrieve and integrate any fragmented pieces of your psyche,5. What spiritual “traps” you need to be mindful of, and6. How to communicate with your soul.Through the Soulwork practices of Inner Child Work, Self-Love and Shadow Work, this book helps you to personally initiate deep psychological healing. By removing the blocks and walls that surround your Soul, you will be able to access deep levels of joy, creativity, energy, courage, peace, fulfillment, freedom, and love.The Spiritual Awakening Process is a psychospiritual manual that is composed of various articles that we have published on our website in the past. We have also added extra content to help illuminate your path and guide you through this sacred time of life.

52 Ways to Live the Course in Miracles: Cultivate a Simpler, Slower, More Love-Filled Life

Karen Casey - 2016
    First introduced to ACIM during the early stages of sobriety when she hung on to Alcoholics Anonymous like her life depended on it (and, of course, it did), she yearned for something that could quiet her near constant anxiety. ACIM has done that for her, bringing her a simpler, softer, slower, and more loving life." Writing a book of essays about the course, suggesting how one can practice it for personal benefit, is so pleasurable. Every word I write is a constant reminder to me of how to cultivate greater peace in my own life. What could be better than that? Nothing comes to mind, frankly. " from the introduction"52 Ways to Live the Course In Miracles" takes readers on a journey through simple ideas and affirmations for meditation. Casey not only offers an explanation of the ideas, but also shares her own experiences with them stumbles and all offering proof of how helpful and practical they really are and showing that the goal isn t perfection, but rather progress toward creating a life of love and peace."

Welcome: A Unitarian Universalist Primer

Patricia Frevert - 2008
    Plus introductions to UU history, religious education and social justice.Praise for Welcome: A Unitarian Universalist Primer:"A thoughtful and spirit-filled introduction to our liberating and nourishing faith." Rob M. Hardies, senior minister, All Souls Church, Unitarian, Washington, DC“This Primer is precisely what a newcomer needs: a brief, lucid history; commonly used readings and prayers; and inspirational quotations that indicate something of our theological diversity and devotion to justice.” Marilyn Sewell, senior minister, First Unitarian Church, Portland, Oregon

In the Arms of Angels: True Stories of Heavenly Guardians

Joan Wester Anderson - 2004
    The book remained on the New York Times Best-Seller List for over a year.In the Arms of Angels is Anderson’s newest collection of mysterious and heart-stirring stories of heavenly guardians. From the harrowing account of a World Trade Center survivor to a miraculous rescue during the first Gulf War, these powerful stories invite us to take another look at the “coincidences” in our lives—to open our eyes to the angels who walk beside us. “In times of uncertainty, we long to be reminded that, as Joan Wester Anderson writes, ‘We are not alone.’”—Rev. Timothy Jones, author, The Art of Prayer, Workday Prayers, and Celebration of Angels “In the Arms of Angels is a true gem, a book to be treasured.”—Jessie Frees, radio host, WMTR/WWTR New Jersey