Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework

Adam Freeman - 2011
    It provides a high-productivity programming model that promotes cleaner code architecture, test-driven development, and powerful extensibility, combined with all the benefits of ASP.NET 4-->--> In this third edition, the core model-view-controller (MVC) architectural concepts are not simply explained or discussed in isolation, but are demonstrated in action. You'll work through an extended tutorial to create a working e-commerce web application that combines ASP.NET MVC with the latest C# language features and unit-testing best practices. By gaining this invaluable, practical experience, you'll discover MVC's strengths and weaknesses for yourselfand put your best-learned theory into practice.-->--> The book's authors -->Steve Sanderson--> and -->Adam Freeman--> have both watched the growth of ASP.NET MVC since its first release. Steve is a well-known blogger on the MVC Framework and a member of the Microsoft Web Platform and Tools team. Adam started designing and building web applications 15 years ago and has been responsible for some of the world's largest and most ambitious projects. You can be sure you are in safe hands. -->What you'll learn-->Gain a solid architectural understanding of ASP.NET MVC 3, including basic MVC Explore the entire ASP.NET MVC Framework See how MVC and test-driven development work in action Capitalize on your existing knowledge quickly and easily through comparison of features in classic ASP.NET to those in ASP.NET MVC Learn about the latest security and deployment issues, including those related to IIS 7 -->Who this book is for-->This book is for web developers with a basic knowledge of ASP.NET and C# who want (or need) to start using the new ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework. -->Table of Contents-->Part 1--> 1. The Big Idea--> 2. Getting Ready --> 3. Your First MVC Application--> 4. The MVC Pattern--> 5. Essential Language Features--> 6. Essential Tools for MVC--> 7. SportsStore I A Real Application--> 8. SportsStore II Navigation & Cart--> 9. SportsStore III - Administration-->--> Part 2--> 10. Overview of MVC projects--> 11. URLs, Routing & Areas--> 12. Controllers & Actions--> 13. Filters--> 14. Controller Extensibility--> 15. Views--> 16. Model Templates--> 17. Model Binding--> 18. Model Validation--> 19. Unobtrusive Ajax--> 20. jQuery -->--> Part 3.--> 21. Security --> 22. Authentication & Authorization--> 23. Deployment

Email Etiquette: Netiquette in the Information Age

David Tuffley - 2011
    While there have been attempts to establish one standard or another as the default, there is no common agreement. So beware people telling you there is one right way, they are assuming too much. As a general rule though, netiquette involves the same principles as plain old etiquette -- basic courtesy, respect and ethics. Treat people the way you would want to be treated yourself. By following the principles outlined below, the recipient of your email will be more likely to read and act, if not be favorably impressed by your message:Subject line to summarise the message. Make the Subject line summarise the body of the e-mail. Ask yourself, 'will the recipient(s) know what this e-mail is about'. For example, Instead of Subject: Exam, say Subject: Location of 1508INT Exam, 23 July 2011.Don't assume the recipient knows the background. Include enough contextual information at the beginning of the e-mail for the recipient to know what the matter is about. If in doubt, put background information in. For example, don't say can I have an extension for my assignment?, instead say I refer to the CIT3622 assignment 1 that I handed in late. I was ill and have a doctor's certificate. May I ask for an extension on the basis that I was too ill to do it on time?Keep it concise. Keep messages brief and to the point, but not so brief that it causes the problem outlined in the previous point. This includes deleting any irrelevant text when an email has been back and forth several times. No-one wants to scroll down through pages of text in order to reach the message they want to read. If the sense of the email will be lost by deleting that text, however, leave it in.Reply within 24 hours. Try to reply within 24 hours, less if possible. In fact, get in the habit of replying immediately -- it is the polite thing to do, and the recipient will appreciate a prompt reply. It also makes you look efficient. The longer you leave it to reply, the more likely you will forget or have too big a log-jam of unanswered email.Allow time for a reply. E-mail messages are not usually required to be answered immediately, though it is good practice if you do. Before sending a reminder, allow some time for a response, some times even a few days. Not everyone is online 24 hours a day.Use the BCC field when sending bulk email. If you're sending email to a whole list of people, put their email addresses in the BCC field. That way, the privacy of the recipient is respected, and spammers cannot harvest the email addresses for their dastardly purposes.

You Don't Know JS: Up & Going

Kyle Simpson - 2015
    With the "You Don’t Know JS" book series, you’ll get a more complete understanding of JavaScript, including trickier parts of the language that many experienced JavaScript programmers simply avoid.The series’ first book, Up & Going, provides the necessary background for those of you with limited programming experience. By learning the basic building blocks of programming, as well as JavaScript’s core mechanisms, you’ll be prepared to dive into the other, more in-depth books in the series—and be well on your way toward true JavaScript.With this book you will: Learn the essential programming building blocks, including operators, types, variables, conditionals, loops, and functions Become familiar with JavaScript's core mechanisms such as values, function closures, this, and prototypes Get an overview of other books in the series—and learn why it’s important to understand all parts of JavaScript

Head First Networking

Al Anderson - 2009
    You'll learn the concepts by tying them to on-the-job tasks, blending practice and theory in a way that only Head First can. With this book, you'll learn skills through a variety of genuine scenarios, from fixing a malfunctioning office network to planning a network for a high-technology haunted house. You'll learn exactly what you need to know, rather than a laundry list of acronyms and diagrams. This book will help you:Master the functionality, protocols, and packets that make up real-world networking Learn networking concepts through examples in the field Tackle tasks such as planning and diagramming networks, running cables, and configuring network devices such as routers and switches Monitor networks for performance and problems, and learn troubleshooting techniques Practice what you've learned with nearly one hundred exercises, questions, sample problems, and projects Head First's popular format is proven to stimulate learning and retention by engaging you with images, puzzles, stories, and more. Whether you're a network professional with a CCNA/CCNP or a student taking your first college networking course, Head First Networking will help you become a network guru.

Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World

Bruce Schneier - 2000
    Identity Theft. Corporate Espionage. National secrets compromised. Can anyone promise security in our digital world?The man who introduced cryptography to the boardroom says no. But in this fascinating read, he shows us how to come closer by developing security measures in terms of context, tools, and strategy. Security is a process, not a product – one that system administrators and corporate executives alike must understand to survive.This edition updated with new information about post-9/11 security.

Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor's Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond

Chris Burniske - 2017
    Bitcoin was the first cryptoasset, but today there are over 800 and counting, including ether, ripple, litecoin, monero, and more. This clear, concise, and accessible guide from two industry insiders shows you how to navigate this brave new blockchain world—and how to invest in these emerging assets to secure your financial future. Cryptoassets gives you all the tools you need: * An actionable framework for investigating and valuing cryptoassets * Portfolio management techniques to maximize returns while managing risk * Historical context and tips to navigate inevitable bubbles and manias * Practical guides to exchanges, wallets, capital market vehicles, and ICOs * Predictions on how blockchain technology may disrupt current portfolios In addition to offering smart investment strategies, this authoritative resource will help you understand how these assets were created, how they work, and how they are evolving amid the blockchain revolution. The authors define a clear and original cryptoasset taxonomy, composed of cryptocurrencies, cryptocommodities, and cryptotokens, with insights into how each subset is blending technology and markets. You’ll find a variety of methods to invest in these assets, whether through global exchanges trading 24/7 or initial cryptoasset offerings (ICOs). By sequentially building on the concepts of each prior chapter, the book will provide you with a full understanding of the cryptoasset economy and the opportunities that await the innovative investor . Cryptoassets represent the future of money and markets. This book is your guide to that future.

BPMN Method & Style with BPMN Implementer's Guide

Bruce Silver - 2012
    The meaning of the business process diagram is the same, regardless of the tool used to create it. But creating models that are correct, complete, and clear demands more than a dictionary of BPMN shapes and symbols. It also requires a methodology for translating process logic consistently into the diagram. And it requires a measure of modeling style as well, conventions that ensure that the process logic is unambiguous from the diagram by itself. In short, "good BPMN" requires a disciplined approach called "method and style."In this book, Bruce Silver explains which BPMN elements process modelers need to understand, in two levels, including exactly where and how to use each element. Level 1 (the Descriptive modeling subclass of BPMN 2.0) is a palette of shapes and symbols largely carried over from traditional flowcharting. Level 2 (the Analytic subclass) expands the palette to be able to describe event-triggered behavior, critical to modeling exception handling.The book explains the real meaning of BPMN's most basic concepts - like activity, process, and end state - essential to using the language correctly, and provides a step-by-step methodology for going from a blank page to a complete end-to-end BPMN model, developed from the top down in a hierarchical structure. From the top-level diagram you can see on a single page exactly how the process starts, its possible end states, what the instance represents, and communications with the Customer, service providers, and other processes. From there you can drill down to see the details of any part of the process. Thie popular first edition of this book was published in 2009 based on the draft BPMN 2.0 specification. This second edition is based on the final BPMN 2.0 specification. Although the diagram elements have changed little since the first edition, both the methodology and style sections have been completely rewritten.The second half of the book, the BPMN Implementer's Guide, is completely new. It puts the focus on the XML serialization of the diagram, for both non-executable and executable process models. It details the BPMN 2.0 metamodel and XML Schema, and describes the BPMN-I Profile, a set of serialization rules that facilitate interchange of BPMN models in the Analytic subclass between tools. It also explains how BPMN 2.0 describes execution-related details, such as process data and data mapping, services, messages, and human task assignment, illustrated with an example executable process created in Bonita Open Solution. It concludes with guidelines for implementers on how to align executable design with business-oriented top-down process modeling.The book is lavishly illustrated with over 100 BPMN diagrams, and the BPMN Implementer's Guide section contains many XML examples as well.Bruce Silver is the leading provider of BPMN training and certification. He has been providing BPMN training since early 2007 and is regarded as an authority in the field.

Ejb 3 in Action

Debu Panda - 2007
    This book builds on the contributions and strengths of seminal technologies like Spring, Hibernate, and TopLink.EJB 3 is the most important innovation introduced in Java EE 5.0. EJB 3 simplifies enterprise development, abandoning the complex EJB 2.x model in favor of a lightweight POJO framework. The new API represents a fresh perspective on EJB without sacrificing the mission of enabling business application developers to create robust, scalable, standards-based solutions.EJB 3 in Action is a fast-paced tutorial, geared toward helping you learn EJB 3 and the Java Persistence API quickly and easily. For newcomers to EJB, this book provides a solid foundation in EJB. For the developer moving to EJB 3 from EJB 2, this book addresses the changes both in the EJB API and in the way the developer should approach EJB and persistence.

Node: Up and Running: Scalable Server-Side Code with JavaScript

Tom Hughes-Croucher - 2011
    You'll learn hands-on how Node makes life easier for experienced JavaScript developers: not only can you work on the front end and back end in the same language, you'll also have more flexibility in choosing how to divide application logic between client and server.Written by a core contributor to the framework, Node: Up and Running shows you how Node scales up to support large numbers of simultaneous connections across multiple servers, and scales down to let you create quick one-off applications with minimal infrastructure. Built on the V8 JavaScript engine that runs Google Chrome, Node is already winning the hearts and minds of many companies, including Google and Yahoo! This book shows you why.Understand Node's event-loop architecture, non-blocking I/O, and event-driven programmingDiscover how Node supports a variety of database and data storage toolsLearn best practices for writing easy-to-maintain code for NodeGet concrete examples of how to use the various Node APIs in practiceTake advantage of the book’s complete API reference

Journey to Mars: What Our Journey To the Red Planet Might Look Like ?

Peter Thiel - 2019
    Putting people into places and situations unprecedented in history is stirred the imagination while the human experience was expanding and redefining. Yet, space exploration compels humans to confront a hostile environment of cosmic radiations, radical changes in the gravity and magnetic fields, as well as social isolation. Therefore, any space traveller is submitted to relevant health-related threats. In the twenty-first century, human space flight is poised to continue, but it will enjoy the ongoing developments in science and technology. It will become more networked, more global, and more oriented toward primary goals. A novel international human space flight policy could help achieve these objectives by clarifying the rationale, the ethics of acceptable risk, the role of remote presence, and the need for balance between funding and ambition to justify the risk of human lives. In order to address such a challenge, a preliminary careful survey of the available scientific data is mandatory to set forth adequate countermeasures. Envisaged solutions should provide a sound and technically feasible approach for counteracting microgravity and cosmic rays effects, which represent the main health risk for space crews. This objective must necessarily be sustained by national/international space agencies, which would coordinate their common efforts into a defined international spaceflight program.

The Algorithm Design Manual

Steven S. Skiena - 1997
    Drawing heavily on the author's own real-world experiences, the book stresses design and analysis. Coverage is divided into two parts, the first being a general guide to techniques for the design and analysis of computer algorithms. The second is a reference section, which includes a catalog of the 75 most important algorithmic problems. By browsing this catalog, readers can quickly identify what the problem they have encountered is called, what is known about it, and how they should proceed if they need to solve it. This book is ideal for the working professional who uses algorithms on a daily basis and has need for a handy reference. This work can also readily be used in an upper-division course or as a student reference guide. THE ALGORITHM DESIGN MANUAL comes with a CD-ROM that contains: * a complete hypertext version of the full printed book. * the source code and URLs for all cited implementations. * over 30 hours of audio lectures on the design and analysis of algorithms are provided, all keyed to on-line lecture notes.

Android Phones for Dummies

Dan Gookin - 2012
    Veteran world-renowned author Dan Gookin walks you through everything from getting started with setup and configuration to making the most of your phone's potential with texting, e-mailing, accessing the Internet and social networking sites, using the camera, synching with a PC, downloading apps, and more.Covers all the details of the operating system that applies to every Android phone, including Motorola Droids, HTC devices, Samsung Galaxy S phones, to name a few Walks you through basic phone operations while also encouraging you to explore your phone's full potential Serves as an ideal guide to an inexperienced Android newbie who is enthusiastic about getting a handle on everything an Android phone can do Android Phones For Dummies helps you get smarter with your Android smartphone.

Why Software Sucks...and What You Can Do about It

David S. Platt - 2006
    . . . Put this one on your must-have list if you have software, love software, hate programmers, or even ARE a programmer, because Mr. Platt (who teaches programming) has set out to puncture the bloated egos of all those who think that just because they can write a program, they can make it easy to use. . . . This book is funny, but it is also an important wake-up call for software companies that want to reduce the size of their customer support bills. If you were ever stuck for an answer to the question, 'Why do good programmers make such awful software?' this book holds the answer."--John McCormick, Locksmith columnist, "I must say first, I don't get many computing manuscripts that make me laugh out loud. Between the laughs, Dave Platt delivers some very interesting insight and perspective, all in a lucid and engaging style. I don't get much of that either!"--Henry Leitner, assistant dean for information technology andsenior lecturer on computer science, Harvard University "A riotous book for all of us downtrodden computer users, written in language that we understand."--Stacy Baratelli, author's barber "David's unique take on the problems that bedevil software creation made me think about the process in new ways. If you care about the quality of the software you create or use, read this book."--Dave Chappell, principal, Chappell & Associates "I began to read it in my office but stopped before I reached the bottom of the first page. I couldn't keep a grin off my face! I'll enjoy it after I go back home and find a safe place to read."--Tsukasa Makino, IT manager "David explains, in terms that my mother-in-law can understand, why the software we use today can be so frustrating, even dangerous at times, and gives us some real ideas on what we can do about it."--Jim Brosseau, Clarrus Consulting Group, Inc. A Book for Anyone Who Uses a Computer Today...and Just Wants to Scream! Today's software sucks. There's no other good way to say it. It's unsafe, allowing criminal programs to creep through the Internet wires into our very bedrooms. It's unreliable, crashing when we need it most, wiping out hours or days of work with no way to get it back. And it's hard to use, requiring large amounts of head-banging to figure out the simplest operations.It's no secret that software sucks. You know that from personal experience, whether you use computers for work or personal tasks. In this book, programming insider David Platt explains why that's the case and, more importantly, why it doesn't have to be that way. And he explains it in plain, jargon-free English that's a joy to read, using real-world examples with which you're already familiar. In the end, he suggests what you, as a typical user, without a technical background, can do about this sad state of our software--how you, as an informed consumer, don't have to take the abuse that bad software dishes out.As you might expect from the book's title, Dave's expose is laced with humor--sometimes outrageous, but always dead on. You'll laugh out loud as you recall incidents with your own software that made you cry. You'll slap your thigh with the same hand that so often pounded your computer desk and wished it was a bad programmer's face. But Dave hasn't written this book just for laughs. He's written it to give long-overdue voice to your own discovery--that software does, indeed, suck, but it shouldn't.

More Effective C#: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C#

Bill Wagner - 2008
    If you are serious about developing with the C# language, you need this book." -Bill Craun, Principal Consultant, Ambassador Solutions, Inc. "More Effective C# is an opportunity to work beside Bill Wagner. Bill leverages his knowledge of C# and distills his expertise down to some very real advice about programming and designing applications that every serious Visual C# user should know. More Effective C# is one of those rare books that doesn't just regurgitate syntax, but teaches you how to use the C# language." -Peter Ritchie, Microsoft MVP: Visual C# "More Effective C# is a great follow-up to Bill Wagner's previous book. The extensive C# 3.0 and LINQ coverage is extremely timely!" -Tomas Restrepo, Microsoft MVP: Visual C++, .NET, and Biztalk Server "As one of the current designers of C#, it is rare that I learn something new about the language by reading a book. More Effective C# is a notable exception. Gently blending concrete code and deep insights, Bill Wagner frequently makes me look at C# in a fresh light-one that really makes it shine. More Effective C# is at the surface a collection of very useful guidelines. Look again. As you read through it, you'll find that you acquire more than just the individual pieces of advice; gradually you'll pick up on an approach to programming in C# that is thoughtful, beautiful, and deeply pleasant. While you can make your way willy-nilly through the individual guidelines, I do recommend reading the whole book-or at least not skipping over the chapter introductions before you dive into specific nuggets of advice. There's perspective and insight to be found there that in itself can be an important guide and inspiration for your future adventures in C#." -Mads Torgersen, Program Manager, Visual C#, Microsoft "Bill Wagner has written an excellent book outlining the best practices for developers who work with the C# language. By authoring More Effective C#, he has again established himself as one of the most important voices in the C# community. Many of us already know how to use C#. What we need is advice on how to hone our skills so that we can become wiser programmers. There is no more sophisticated source of information on how to become a first-class C# developer than Bill Wagner's book. Bill is intelligent, thoughtful, experienced, and skillful. By applying the lessons from this book to your own code, you will find many ways to polish and improve the work that you produce." -Charlie Calvert, Community Program Manager, Visual C#, Microsoft In More Effective C#, Microsoft C# MVP and Regional Director Bill Wagner introduces fifty brand-new ways to write more efficient and more robust software. This all-new book follows the same format as Wagner's best-selling Effective C# (Addison-Wesley, 2005), providing clear, practical explanations, expert tips, and plenty of realistic code examples. Wagner shows how to make the most of powerful innovations built into Microsoft's new C# 3.0 and .NET Framework 3.5, as well as advanced C# language capabilities not covered in his previous book. Drawing on his unsurpassed C# experience, the author reveals new best practices for working with LINQ, generics, metaprogramming, and many other features. He also uncovers practices that compromise performance or reliability and shows exactly how to avoid them. More Effective C# shows how to Use generics to express your design intent more effectively Master advanced generics techniques, such as constraints, method constraints, and generic specialization Use the multithreaded techniques you'll need to work with the .NET framework every day Express modern design idioms using the rich palette of C# language features Successfully mix object oriented and functional programming constructs Create composable interfaces and avoid confusion in public interfaces Use extension methods to separate contracts from implementation Program successfully with C# closures and anonymous types Write more effective LINQ queries Make the most of LINQ Lazy Evaluation Queries and Lambda Expressions Distinguish and convert between delegates and expression trees Efficiently utilize nullable types and partial classes Use implicit properties for mutable, nonserializable data You're already a successful C# programmer-this book can help you become an outstanding one.

Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming

Luciano Ramalho - 2015
    With this hands-on guide, you'll learn how to write effective, idiomatic Python code by leveraging its best and possibly most neglected features. Author Luciano Ramalho takes you through Python's core language features and libraries, and shows you how to make your code shorter, faster, and more readable at the same time.Many experienced programmers try to bend Python to fit patterns they learned from other languages, and never discover Python features outside of their experience. With this book, those Python programmers will thoroughly learn how to become proficient in Python 3.This book covers:Python data model: understand how special methods are the key to the consistent behavior of objectsData structures: take full advantage of built-in types, and understand the text vs bytes duality in the Unicode ageFunctions as objects: view Python functions as first-class objects, and understand how this affects popular design patternsObject-oriented idioms: build classes by learning about references, mutability, interfaces, operator overloading, and multiple inheritanceControl flow: leverage context managers, generators, coroutines, and concurrency with the concurrent.futures and asyncio packagesMetaprogramming: understand how properties, attribute descriptors, class decorators, and metaclasses work"