Book picks similar to
A Study Guide to Biblical Eldership: Twelve Lessons for Mentoring Men for Eldership by Alexander Strauch
Building a Discipling Culture
Mike Breen - 2009
Many Christians may come to a worship service, join a small group or even tithe, but few have the kind of transformed lives we read about in Scripture. If we made disciples like Jesus made them, we wouldn't have a problem finding leaders or seeing new people come to faith. Building a Discipling Culture is the product of 25% years of hands-on discipleship practice — developed in a post-Christian context, tackling how to make the types of missional disciples Jesus spoke of.
Community: Taking Your Small Group off Life Support (Re:Lit)
Brad House - 2011
Attention spans are dwindling, noise levels are increasing, and we can't seem to find time for real relationships.The answer to such social fragmentation can be found in small groups, and yet the majority of small groups--at least in the traditional sense--are often not the intentional, transformational community we really want and need. Somehow we need to get our groups off life support and into authentic community.Pastor Brad House helps us to re-imagine what gospel-centered community looks like and shares from his experience leading and reproducing healthy small groups. With wisdom and candor, House challenges us to think carefully about our own groups and to take steps toward cultivating communities that are able to glorify Jesus, bless one another, and participate in the mission of God.
The Treasure Principle: Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving
Randy Alcorn - 2001
Now the revision to the compact, perennial bestseller includes a provocative new concluding chapter depicting God asking a believer questions about his stewardship over material resources.Jesus spent more time talking about money and possessions than about heaven and hell combined. But too often we've overlooked or misunderstood his most profound teaching on this topic, from his words in Matthew 6. Jesus offers us life-changing investment advice. He actually wants us to store up treasures for ourselves--just not here on earth. Instead, he urges us to store our treasure in heaven, where they will await us, and last forever. We can't take it with us--but we can send it on ahead!Readers are moved from the realms of thoughtful Bible exposition into the highly personal arena of everyday life. Because when Jesus told His followers to "lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven," He intended that they discover an astounding secret: how joyful giving brings God maximum glory and His children maximum pleasure. In The Treasure Principle, you'll unearth a radical teaching of Jesus--a secret wrapped up in giving.Once you discover this secret, life will never look the same. And you won't want it to be."Supercharged with stunning, divine truth! Lightning struck over and over as I read it." - John Piper, Senior Pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis
The Anointing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
R.T. Kendall - 1997
Kendall believes it is possible to abuse this anointing- and become yesterday's man or woman. This happens by trying to move outside your calling and capabilities, for example, or even through impatience. Drawing on the Bible, especially the lives of Saul, Samuel and David, as well as his own experience, he helps you to identify your current usefulness and urges you to seek a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit each day. God wants to give His anointing to everyone. But have you stepped into your fullness and potential? Don't let your past ruin what God has for you today. Don't be too busy to hear His voice. Learn how to wait patiently for God's perfect timing and the promotion tht will be here tomorrow. The fresh anointing is available to you...right now. "The material within this book is not only unique; it is superb. You will benefit from reading it the first time, but you will be changed by reading it more than once." Michael Youssef The Church of the Apostles, Atlanta, Georgia "R.T. Kendall takes us into, as the prophet Ezekiel says, 'waters to swim in'! Read with spiritual ears wide open; God's Spirit will speak-He really will!" Paul F. Crouch, President Trinity Broadcasting Network
The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life
Bruce H. Wilkinson - 2000
Bruce Wilkinson, president of Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, takes readers to 1 Chronicles 4:10 to discover how they can release God's miraculous power and experience the blessings God longs to give each of us. The life of Jabez, one of the Bible's most overlooked heroes of the faith, bursts from unbroken pages of genealogies in an audacious, four-part prayer that brings him an extraordinary measure of divine favor, anointing, and protection. Readers who commit to offering the same prayer on a regular basis will find themselves extravagantly blessed by God, and agents of His miraculous power, in everyday life.
About the Author:
Dr. Bruce H. Wilkinson is the founder and president of Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, an international organization dedicated to providing the finest biblical teaching, tools, and training. His books include Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs, 30 Days to Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs, The Prayer of Jabez and many other books. Bruce and his wife, Darlene, live in Atlanta, Georgia, and have three children.
Found Art: Discovering Beauty in Foreign Places
Leeana Tankersley - 2009
After a whirlwind courtship, a move across the world, and the unexpectedly difficult re-entry from a year overseas, Leeana finds her life (and her soul) has been changed forever.With an artist’s eye, Tankersley uses each chapter to piece together moments and memories from her journey—a handwritten note from Kuwait, a braid of fringe from a Persian rug, an original poem, a bit of basting thread, a swatch of black silk from a borrowed abaya, a mesquite leaf, a Navy SEAL trident, a receipt from the Russian-Georgian restaurant on Louisiana Street—to create a work of unexpected beauty.Found art emerges … a literary collage created from salvaged stories of loss, hope, and belief that just might change your soul, too.
Lazarus Awakening: Finding Your Place in the Heart of God
Joanna Weaver - 2011
As we consider our inadequacies or grieve our shattered dreams, we find it difficult to believe that God cares for us personally. In this life-giving book, Joanna Weaver shows you how to embrace the truth that Jesus loves you apart from anything you accomplish, apart from anything you bring. Just as He called Lazarus forth to new life, Jesus wants to free you to live fully in the light of His love, unbound from the graveclothes of fear, regret, and self-condemnation. Love is calling your name. Combining unforgettable real-life illustrations with unexpected biblical insights, Joanna Weaver invites you to experience a spiritual resurrection that will forever change your understanding of what it means to be the one Jesus loves. Includes 10-week Bible study (adaptable for 8 weeks) for both individual reflection and group discussion.
Gospel Eldership: Equipping a New Generation of Servant Leaders
Robert H. Thune - 2016
Most pastors want to be intentional
Wrestling with God: Finding Hope and Meaning in Our Daily Struggles to Be Human
Ronald Rolheiser - 2018
As long-held beliefs on love, faith, and God are challenged by the aggregate of changes that have overhauled our world, many of us are left feeling confused and uncertain while old norms are challenged and redefined at breakneck speed.In Wrestling with God, Ronald Rolheiser offers a steady and inspiring voice to help us avow and understand our faith in a world where nothing seems solid or permanent. Drawing from his own life experience, as well as a storehouse of literary, psychological, and theological insights, the beloved author of Sacred Fire examines the fears and doubts that challenge us. It is in these struggles to find meaning, that Rolheiser lays out a path for faith in a world struggling to find faith, but perhaps more important, he helps us find our own rhythm within which to walk that path.
How to Study the Bible Intentionally [Updated Edition]: Methods and Conditions for Effective Bible Study
R.A. Torrey - 1896
– 2 Timothy 3:16-17Nothing is more important for our own mental, moral, and spiritual development, or for our increase in usefulness, than Bible study. But, not all Bible study is equally profitable. Some Bible study is absolutely profitless. How to study the Bible so as to get the most benefit from it is a topic of immeasurable importance.The practicality and effectiveness of these Bible study methods and conditions have been tested in the classroom, and not with classes made up completely of college graduates, but largely composed of people of very simple education. The methods, however, require time and hard work. It must be remembered that the Bible contains gold, and almost anyone is willing to dig for gold, especially if it is certain that he will find it. It is certain that one will find gold in the Bible – if he digs. As you use the methods recommended in this book, you will find your ability to do the work rapidly increasing by exercise, until you can soon do more in fifteen minutes than you could do in an hour when you started.No book other than the Bible provides the opportunity for intellectual and spiritual development by its study. No other book, and no other subject, will so abundantly repay careful and sincere study. The Bible is read much, but is studied very little in comparison.Table of ContentsCh. 1: Introduction to Methods of Bible StudyCh. 2: The Study of Individual BooksCh. 3: Topical StudyCh. 4: Biographical StudyCh. 5: Study of TypesCh. 6: Study the Books of the Bible in OrderCh. 7: Studying the Bible for Practical Usefulness in Dealing with PeopleCh. 8: The Fundamental Conditions of the Most Profitable Bible StudyCh. 9: Final SuggestionsAbout the AuthorReuben Archer Torrey traveled all over the world leading evangelistic tours, preaching to the unsaved. It is believed that more than one hundred thousand were saved under his preaching. Torrey married Clara Smith in 1879, with whom he had five children. In 1908, he helped start the Montrose Bible Conference in Pennsylvania, which continues today. He became dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (now Biola University) in 1912, and was the pastor of the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles from 1915 to 1924. Torrey continued speaking all over the world and holding Bible conferences. He died in Asheville, North Carolina, on October 26, 1928.
NIV, The Woman's Study Bible, Full-Color, Ebook: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation
Dorothy Kelley Patterson - 2018
Special features designed to speak to a woman’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the Kingdom. Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds. Since the publication of the first edition of The Woman’s Study Bible under the editorial guidance of Dorothy Kelley Patterson and Rhonda Harrington Kelley, this landmark study Bible has sold over 1.5 million copies. Features Include:
Beautiful full-color design throughout
Detailed biographical portraits of over 100 biblical women
Thousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes
Over 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues
Insightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophy
Book introductions and outlines
Hundreds of full-color in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees
Quotes from godly women throughout history
Set of full-page maps of the biblical world
Topical index
10.5-point print size
Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love
Edward T. Welch - 2015
In this short book, a highly respected biblical counselor and successful author offers practical guidance for all Christians--pastors and laypeople alike--who want to develop their "helping skills" when it comes to walking alongside hurting people.Written out of the conviction that friends are the best helpers, this accessible introduction to biblical counseling will equip believers to share their burdens with one another through gentle words of wisdom and kind acts of love. This book is written for those eager to see God use ordinary relationships and conversations between ordinary Christians to work extraordinary miracles in the lives of his people.
Soulshift: The Measure of a Life Transformed
Steve Deneff - 2011
Our attempts at spiritual formation and growth are consistently sabotaged by our surface efforts that never quite get to the root of the problem. We think we know what we're supposed to do, but we're not quite sure who we're supposed to be on the other side of transformation. In SoulShift, Steve DeNeff and David Drury offer an approach to spiritual transformation that focuses less on measuring how much time we are spending on spiritual inputs--such as Bible study and prayer--and more on measuring who we are becoming in Christ.Christians at any stage of life will experience a fresh beginning in following Jesus. You will learn about seven key transformational shifts that occur in the minds, hearts, and behaviors of every true follower of Christ. And you will receive practical help for bringing about these shifts in your own life.
The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church
Alan Hirsch - 2007
And rather than relying on slightly revised solutions from the past, he sees a vision of the future growth of the church coming about by harnessing the power of the early church, which grew from as few as 25,000 adherents in AD 100 to up to 20 million in AD 310. Such incredible growth is also being experienced today in the church in China and other parts of the world. How do they do it? The Forgotten Ways explores the concept of Apostolic Genius as a way to understand what caused the church to expand at various times in history, interpreting it for use in our own time and place. From the theological underpinnings to the practical application, Hirsch takes the reader through this dynamic mixture of passion, prayer, and incarnational practice to rediscover the dormant potential of the modern church in the West.
Discerning Your Call to Ministry: How to Know For Sure and What to Do About It
Jason K. Allen - 2016
The first is taking up a calling that isn’t yours. The second is neglecting one that is. Discerning Your Call to Ministry will help you know the difference. A tool for seminary students, pastors-in-training, and even current pastors, it serves to confirm or prompt deep thought about the calling to ministry through 10 probing questions, including:Do you desire the ministry?Does your church affirm your calling?Do you love the people of God?Are you willing to surrender?Pastoral dropout rates are high, and seminary admission rates are declining—signs that many of us don’t quite know what we’re signing ourselves up for. Author Jason Allen, a former pastor and the president of North America’s fastest growing seminary, gives readers a better picture of the calling. Presenting a series of diagnostic questions informed by Scripture, church history, and his own experience, he helps those seeking ordination or ministry positions make confident decisions about their service to God, one way or the other.