When, Why ...If: An Ethics Workbook

Robin Wood - 1996
    A workbook to help you design your own system of ethics, written from a Wiccan perspective.

Buddhist Boot Camp

Timber Hawkeye - 2012
    Buddhism is all about training the mind, and boot camp is an ideal training method for this generation's short attention span. The chapters in this small book can be read in any order, and are simple and easy to understand. Each story, inspirational quote, and teaching offers mindfulness-enhancing techniques that anyone can relate to. You don't need to be a Buddhist to find the Buddha's teachings motivational. As the Dalai Lama says, "Don't try to use what you learn from Buddhism to be a Buddhist; use it to be a better whatever-you-already-are."So whether it's Mother Teresa's acts of charity, Gandhi's perseverance, or your aunt Betty's calm demeanor, as long as you're motivated to be better today than you were yesterday, it doesn't matter who inspires you. Regardless of religion, geographical region, race, ethnicity, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, flexibility, or vulnerability, if you do good you feel good, and if you do bad you feel bad.Buddhism isn't just about meditating. It's about rolling up your sleeves to relieve some of the suffering in the world. If you are ready to be a soldier of peace in the army of love, welcome to Buddhist Boot Camp!

DMT: The Spirit Molecule

Rick Strassman - 2000
    Rick Strassman conducted US DEA-approved clinical research at the University of New Mexico in which he injected 60 volunteers with DMT, one of the most powerful psychedelics known. His detailed account of those sessions is an inquiry into the nature of the human mind and the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. DMT, a plant-derived chemical that is also manufactured by the human brain, consistently produced near-death and mystical experiences. Many volunteers reported convincing encounters with intelligent nonhuman presences, especially "aliens." Nearly all felt that the sessions were among the most profound experiences of their lives.Strassman's research connects DMT with the pineal gland, considered by Hindus to be the site of the seventh chakra and by René Descartes to be the seat of the soul. DMT: The Spirit Molecule makes the case that DMT, naturally released by the pineal gland, facilitates the soul's movement in and out of the body and is an integral part of the birth and death experiences, as well as the highest states of meditation and even sexual transcendence. Strassman also believes that alien abduction experiences are brought on by accidental releases of DMT. If used wisely, DMT could trigger a period of remarkable progress in the scientific exploration of the most mystical regions of the human mind and soul.

The Illustrated Herbiary: Guidance and Rituals from 36 Bewitching Botanicals

Maia Toll - 2018
    Would meditating on the starflower help heal you? Does the spirit of sweet violet have something to offer you today? Contemporary herbalist Maia Toll, author of The Illustrated Bestiary and The Illustrated Crystallary, profiles the mystical, magical, bewitching personalities of 36 powerful herbs, fruits, and flowers in this stunning volume. The book includes a deck of 36 beautifully illustrated oracle cards — one for each plant — and ideas for readings and rituals to help you access your intuition, navigate each day's joys and problems, and tap into each plant's unique powers for healing, guidance, and wisdom. Also available: The Illustrated Herbiary Collectible Box Set and The Illustrated Bestiary Collectible Box Set.

F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way

John C. Parkin - 2007
    This title argues that saying Fuck It is a spiritual act: that it is the perfect western expression of the eastern ideas of letting go, giving up and finding real freedom by realising that things don't matter so much (if at all).

Lunar Abundance: Cultivating Joy, Peace, and Purpose Using the Phases of the Moon

Ezzie Spencer - 2018
    It shows how by tuning into the natural rhythm of lunar ebbs and flows, you can connect with work, relationships, your body, and surroundings on a higher level than ever before, becoming more productive and self-aware in the process. Filled with inspirational photography and interactive features, it's also a practical guide to self-care that will help you summon your true potential and create a better life for you and for those in your orbit. This beautiful book is perfect for any woman seeking holistic wellness and unique inspiration to feed mind, body, and soul.

Everyday Zen: Love and Work

Charlotte Joko Beck - 1989
    Combining earthly wisdom with spiritual enlightenment, it describes how to live each moment to the full and shows the relevance of Zen to every aspect of life.

Shaman Pathways: The Celtic Chakras

Elen Sentier - 2012
    Tread the British native shaman's path, explore the goddess hidden in the ancient stories; walk the Celtic chakra spiral labyrinth.

The Clairvoyant's Handbook: A Practical Guide to Mediumship

Amy Hale - 2012
    It describes aspects of the authors journey from a new learner and previous sceptic to a practising medium with all of the highs, lows and difficulties experienced along the way. This is an absolute must for anyone who is trying to develop their clairvoyant abilities or for those who are simply curious about the spirit world. The exercises are so easy to follow - the first down to earth spiritual book with a large dose of humour thrown in.

Magic Words and How to Use Them

Genevieve Davis - 2020

Wicca Herbal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Herbal Magic, with Simple Herb Spells

Lisa Chamberlain - 2015
     Thanks to the increasing popularity of Wicca, there has been a resurgence in interest in herb magic. With all of the readily available herbs – either store bought, grown, or foraged – herbal magic is one of the most accessible forms of magic of all, not to mention one of the most effective! If you’re looking to start practicing Wicca or Witchcraft (or you want to practice spellwork under a completely different umbrella!), herbal magic is one of the best starting points. Magical Properties of Herbs Going right back to the earliest recorded history, the healers, shamans, and other medicine men and women of the “old days” understood that herbs are useful for more than just nutrition and physical cures. But throughout history and across continents, all societies had working relationships with herbs and their magical properties. When you think about it, it’s little surprise that herbs are among the most powerful tools of magic. After all, plants embody the power of the four classical elements working together to create and sustain life – Earth (the soil), Fire (the Sun), Air (Oxygen), and Water (well, plants do need water!). Of course, not all herbs have the same magical properties. Some herbs, like lavender and cinnamon, are primarily used for matters of the heart. Others, including basil and sage, are called upon for protection spells. Throughout this book, you’ll learn about the magical properties of some of the most popular herbs, enabling you to use them effectively during spellwork. Wicca Herbal Magic: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide Many people are drawn towards Wicca through the concept of Witchcraft and magic, and the idea that we can positively change our circumstances. Wicca Herbal Magic was created to teach these people the whys and hows of herbal magic so that they can improve their lives in all the important areas – love, health, and wealth. By reading this book, you will learn about the history of our relationship with herbs and plant life, dating back to the earliest civilizations. You will discover 13 of the most popular (and readily available) herbs used by Witches today, plus each herb’s magical properties and magical associations. You will then be taught several practical tips for working with herbs. This includes how to buy, grow, or forage magical herbs; how to store them; and how to charge them for magical use. Finally, you will enjoy a selection of practical magic spells. This includes a variety of magical teas, magical baths, and magical creations. We will also combine herbal magic with another powerful type of magic – candle magic. In other words, Wicca Herbal Magic will teach you everything you need to know to start practicing candle magic, today! Would You Like to Know More? Download now by scrolling to the top of the page and selecting the buy button. Readers will also be treated to an exclusive free gift!

No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering

Thich Nhat Hanh - 2014
    In No Mud, No Lotus, Thich Nhat Hanh offers practices and inspiration for transforming suffering and finding true joy. Thich Nhat Hanh acknowledges that because suffering can feel so bad, we try to run away from it or cover it up by consuming. We find something to eat or turn on the television. But unless we’re able to face our suffering, we can’t be present and available to life, and happiness will continue to elude us. Nhat Hanh shares how the practices of stopping, mindful breathing, and deep concentration can generate the energy of mindfulness within our daily lives. With that energy, we can embrace pain and calm it down, instantly bringing a measure of freedom and a clearer mind. No Mud, No Lotus introduces ways to be in touch with suffering without being overwhelmed by it. With his signature clarity and sense of joy, Thich Nhat Hanh helps us recognize the wonders inside us and around us that we tend to take for granted and teaches us the art of happiness.

You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance and Living Your Purpose

Chani Nicholas - 2018
    Gone are the days of "on Tuesday you will meet your prince charming" horoscopes. Instead, Nicholas is spearheading a radical new approach to astrology. In her hip, inspirational weekly horoscopes, she doesn’t tell readers what will happen to them. Instead, she encourages her devotees to take control—to confront themselves, their desires, and their needs—to fulfill their potential using the power of the stars.Written in her lyrical, cool-girl, feminist writing style, You Were Born for This explains how knowing your star signs and what they mean for your individual character can be revelatory. Understanding the astrological chart can help you refine your intentions, identify your strengths, recognize areas for growth, become more connected to your core self, and steer you on your spiritual path.In an era when growing numbers of people feel a sense of meaninglessness and a desire to learn more about themselves, You Were Born for This teaches you how to harness the zodiac to help you become more in tune with yourself and your place in the universe.

The Spiritual Awakening Process

Mateo Sol - 2016
    No matter what we do or where we go, we always seem to carry a gaping void of emptiness and isolation within us. Although we try to fill this hole with money, possessions, lovers, careers and addictions, we eventually wind up feeling desolate and alone, not knowing what to do with our lives. Suddenly, after a traumatic experience or spontaneous catalyst, it is common for us to experience a sacred rebirth of “waking up” to life. This chaotic period is known as the spiritual awakening process.The Spiritual Awakening Process is a book walks you through the beginning stages of reconnecting with the loving and eternally wise place within you known as your Soul.In these pages, you will discover:1. What is happening to you,2. Why you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening,3. The three internal spiritual worlds to explore,4. How to retrieve and integrate any fragmented pieces of your psyche,5. What spiritual “traps” you need to be mindful of, and6. How to communicate with your soul.Through the Soulwork practices of Inner Child Work, Self-Love and Shadow Work, this book helps you to personally initiate deep psychological healing. By removing the blocks and walls that surround your Soul, you will be able to access deep levels of joy, creativity, energy, courage, peace, fulfillment, freedom, and love.The Spiritual Awakening Process is a psychospiritual manual that is composed of various articles that we have published on our website in the past. We have also added extra content to help illuminate your path and guide you through this sacred time of life.

Oceanic Mind - The Deeper Meditation Training Course

Tom Von Deck - 2009
    Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student of meditation, Qigong or Yoga, this book is for you! The dozens of easy to follow warm up exercises and ancient meditation techniques alone is worth the cost of this course. However, Oceanic Mind introduces not only the finest techniques, but a complete meditation strategy training for consistently profound meditation. The strategy training transforms meditation into a much much easier and a more customized process. Regardless of your background, you will love this book.