Monster Girl Hunter

Jack Porter - 2020
    But now, with the help of a magic beacon, I’m seeking those who are tainted. The impure. Abominations.Monster girls.But not to kill.They need my help. All kinds of help.I'm more than happy to provide it, to do all I can to keep them safe from the real monsters that exist in the world.


Kate Harper - 2015
    He is stunned to discover than his old friend Peter Mandeville left his only child in his care in the hope that he will teach her something about her heritage, an aspect of life that his strong willed daughter has yet to experience. Felix has spent his entire life avoiding the convoluted world that constitutes Society and is appalled by the burden that has been thrust upon him, especially when his new ward refuses to play by the rules. For Dominica Mandeville there are no rules. Beautiful and independent, she has spent her life following in the wake of battle in the company of her soldier father and her Portuguese mother. After a life of adventure, the knowledge that she has been given into the care of a perfect stranger chaffs unbearably. The loss of her beloved parents hurts but the loss of her freedom is the cruelest cut of all. Will she ever learn to be a demure debutante? Or will her impetuosity lead to scandals that even the capable Felix is unable to save her from?

Tom vs. the Volcano God

Marilyn Foxworthy - 2019
    Robert K. Jensen, international man of mystery. The letter was just as mysterious. It came with warnings and non-disclosures and descriptions of dire consequences if I didn’t follow his directions to the letter. Accompanying the letter was a large shipping crate. And inside the crate was a portal to Wonderland. I had no idea that afternoon that my life was about to change so radically. It had changed completely less than a year earlier when it seemed like everything that I had loved was taken away form me. But in this box was something that was a whole new life. Inside the box was Sarah: a non-organic artificially intelligent companion, designed and built by Robby. I didn’t know what it all meant, but Sarah knew exactly what to do. That was Wednesday afternoon. By Thursday, my whole life was different. It was as perfect as Sarah herself. And as she led me down the rabbit hole, I saw and did things that I could have never imagined. Sarah wasn’t the only surprise. No, Sarah was my adventure guide. A decidedly sexy robotic adventure guide, to be sure, and she wasn’t the only beauty on this adventure. There were days I laughed so hard that I nearly passed out; and other days that I loved so much that I actually did. Robby is a man of mystery, but he sure knows how to give a nice gift when we wants to make your life something you can’t imagine. Apparently, I’m supposed to rescue these damsels in distress from a volcano god, or something like that.

The Unspoken Abuse

Edward Charles - 2013
    I couldn’t put my finger on it, but hey, who was I to question her? A heart-breaking true story of misplaced trust and horrific abuse. Edward Charles thought he knew the woman he married. He thought he understood her, and that he had saved her from a maniacal man that made her life a misery. He thought he was her hero, but she wasn’t the one that needed saving. Edward was a career-driven man when he met Angie. She was going through personal trauma and leant on Edward for support, which he was all too happy to give. They fell in love and began a happy life together. But their fairytale didn’t continue that way as, during a life- changing night, Angie put out a cigarette on Edwards wrist. This event marked the beginning of his painful life of secret abuse. Edward writes with a colloquial and readable style that reaches the audience on a personal level, making his experiences approachable whilst keeping the reality and gravity of the abuse central to his story. Readers of A Child Called It series and The Murder of Jeffery Dryden will discover another horrendous secret world, and the heart-rending story of the extraordinary person who suffered it. Edward’s hellish journey, not only through what his wife forced upon him, but through the difficulty he faced in obtaining help from the authorities, shows true determination and raises a real issue that often remains unnoticed and unacknowledged. Edward has taken part in radio interviews on the issue of male domestic violence, and hopes his story will instil courage and hope in others who may still be suffering in silence. Children are being used as weapons against fathers and mothers who love them very much. Message from the author: When an abuser leaves you with scars on your body, they can heal. Sadly the mental abuse leaves scars that are allot harder to recover from. Recovery can take years and in some cases, the victim never recovers. Authorities need to wake up, men can be victims of domestic abuse also. They can also face an uphill battle when it comes to contact with their children. Parental alienation should be outlawed. Once more the law has let the victim down. I would like to point out, if this book was fictional why would I write it? Yes it might not be the works of Shakespeare but truth is truth and no one person can hide that! Thank you everyone who have offered all their kind and positive words of support via reviews and twitter. For everyone else thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts. Edward Charles

The Noble Art of Seducing Women: My Foolproof Guide to Pulling Any Woman You Want

Kezia Noble - 2012
    She runs many classes and a workshop, and even produces corporate videos on the chemistry of attracting women. Now, in answer to requests from her students, Kezia has written a book on the 15 steps to becoming a master seducer, the first and only sure-fire pick-up guide to be written by a woman. It has the potential to transform a lonely man into someone who need never be single again, unless, of course, he wants to be. Kezia is a no-nonsense teacher who always tells the truth, and works with her students instead of belittling them.

How to Make Someone Love You Forever!: In 90 Minutes or Less

Nicholas Boothman - 2004
    Time to stop being too shy to meet someone, wondering why a promising first date wound up going nowhere, or realizing too late that it happened with the wrong person anyway. Nicholas Boothman has a much better way. Drawing on his expertise in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Boothman charts a three-step plan that will help anyone find the love of his or her life. Step one: get ready--come to know who "you" are through honest self-assessment, and then to know what type of person is your matched opposite--i.e., the person who completes you. Step two, the heart of the program, is working seriously on interpersonal skills--how to be charming, not alarming; flirt with confidence; synchronize body and voice to create trust and chemistry; keep enthusiasm high; even how to cast a wide social net and dress for a first meeting. Step three is about accelerating the kind of intimacy that leads to love, by finding "Me too!" triggers and mastering the art of incidental touch. You'll learn to tap into key emotions through low-, medium-, and high-risk disclosures--and how to intensify the nonverbal signals that turn sparks into a flame. All the while you'll establish a solid romantic foundation to convert this magic 90 minutes into a lifetime of love and commitment.

Nine Ball: Confessions of an Angst-Ridden Maniac Who Decided to Get Laid or Die Trying

Jeff Allen - 2009
    There, would-be players shared their field reports, strategies, and results. They compared notes, exchanged critiques, and figured out a body of knowledge that defied everything men had ever been told about getting women--what has since come to be known as "game."The undisputed king of the field report was a player named "jlaix." This was the handle of Jeff Allen, who would go on to be a founding member of Real Social Dynamics with Tyler Durden and Papa, all of whom play major roles in Neil Strauss's "The Game," the bestselling expose of the world of pickup artists. In an arena founded on one-upmanship, Jeff Allen did it bigger and better than anyone. "Get Laid or Die Trying" presents in utterly shameless, hilarious, and graphic detail, Jeffy's gritty, 100 percent real, and jaw-droppingly astonishing feats of seduction, revealing exactly how one goes about: - Attracting the girl you want by sleeping with all of her friends- Getting into the pants of the hottest girl at the party--a total stranger--in less than thirty minutes- Deflecting last-minute resistance with a single word- Pulling a chick who is surrounded by ten jealous guys- Cutting out enormous dudes that could easily pound you to a "fine red mist"- Getting threesomes as your default extraction- Having a stable so big you have to trim it down, and other "quality problems"- Convincing a girl you just met that before you fuck her, she must mow your lawn Jeff's tactics produce superhuman results, yet he doesn't do anything you couldn't do--now that you've seen it done. The worst part? You could have been doing this your whole life.

Stone Cold Mage

Jamie Hawke - 2019
     Then I go to stay at my aunt's while starting college, and she's killed because of me, her home invaded by demons, and I learn there is so much more going on in the world than I could have ever understood. Throw in a couple of gargoyles and me unlocking an ancient path to insane amounts of magic, and you have my story. Be careful, though, as it's not for the prude at heart. For Adults Only.

Courts and Cabals

G.S. D'Moore - 2020
    . . literally. He's surrounded by the supernatural cream of the crop: children of alpha werewolves, banshees with ties to the United Nations, a faerie princess from another realm of reality, and a teenage succubus who might be the scariest, and sexiest, of them all.Everything is going as great as can be for a vanilla human until one misstep lands him in trouble with a noble of the Unseelie Fae. Caught between the wrath of a Fae Court, and the desire of a Succubus Cabal, Cam must fight to survive, and figure out he might not be that normal after all.Warning: Courts and Cabals is for 18+. It contains adult situations, and supernatural creatures that generally treat humans like s#!t. You've been warned.

Angel of Death: Killer Nurse Beverly Allitt

John Askill - 1993
    Liam Taylor's death, on 21 February 1991, was to become the first in a string of infanticides carried out by the soon-to-be-notorious 'Angel of Death'. Between February and April 1991, four babies were murdered and another nine attacked. Recounting the emotional turmoil of those parents, the 3-month police investigation, Allitt's motive and accounts from her early life, John Askill and Martyn Sharpe tell a sensitive, at times harrowing, tale of how this 'plain', rather 'ordinary' girl from the small village of Corby Glen became one of Britain's most notorious serial killers.

Is He Mr. Right?: Everything You Need to Know Before You Commit

Mira Kirshenbaum - 2006
    Right? Tired of wasting time with one Mr. Wrong after another? You're not alone. Too many of us make bad decisions about the men in our lives and end up committing to relationships that don't bring us the happiness we deserve. Now you can have that crystal ball you were wishing for. With this groundbreaking book, internationally recognized relationship expert and bestselling author Mira Kirshenbaum turns her attention to the most common relationship question women have: Is he the one I should commit to? This is the only guide you'll ever need to answer that question once and for all. Offering savvy, straightforward advice gleaned from helping thousands of women find lasting love, Kirshenbaum offers the only step-by-step strategy for determining whether or not you should commit. "Is He Mr. Right?" will help you: - Decide if your guy is a keeper--or not - Identify the Five Dimensions of Chemistry and how to tell if you and your man have it - Understand the secret of women who find love: dump the duds fast - Focus on what you need to make you happy--and get it You will discover what you really want from a relationship, learn how to trust yourself again, and stop wasting time with guys who aren't right for you. A must-have for any woman, "Is He Mr. Right?" provides the tools you need to find real happiness in love.

The Shifter's Matchmaker: Books 1 - 4

Emilia Hartley - 2019
    By the time you reach the end you'll be begging for more! This is one series you do NOT want to miss! Book 1 - The Bear's Matchmaker Book 2 - Her True Alpha Mate Book 3 - Her Alpha Mismatch Book 4 - Her Enchanted Alpha Match Book 1: Some women might like to have three handsome, powerful bear shifters vying for their attention, but Ophelia (Lia) Caldwell is not one of them. For one thing, she knows that the alpha bears only seek her out to steal her sealskin and the control of the coastal land around Monterey that goes with it. It sucks to be a selkie. Lia is seriously considering retreating to the ocean and trying to reconnect with the pod she lost as a child, but her adoptive sister Nessa, who moonlights as a matchmaker for shifters convinces her to try hooking up with a guy who might be able to protect her from the alpha bears. But what kind of protection with Miles be? He’s a playboy who can’t stay focused on one woman for more than a day or two. Even worse, he’s another bear. Lia wants to tell Nessa to forget about it. This match is a terrible idea. But Miles sees her in a way the other bears don’t, and Lia’s oddly attracted to him despite his faults. Will giving him a chance be the worst mistake she’s ever made? Or will it be her salvation? Book 2: Ever since her Alpha helped her tame her panther and explore her creativity, Monica has been sure her destiny lies with him. He doesn’t notice her, though, and when she tries to trick the shifter matchmaker, Nessa, into setting them up, Monica finds herself with a different alpha entirely. Nikolai’s pack is on the verge of revolt after his failed attempt to steal a selkie skin, and he’s beginning to doubt his own fitness as a leader. The last thing he needs is the distraction of a sexy shifter from another pack. But Monica makes him laugh and bolsters his confidence. He can’t keep his mind—or his hands—off her. Monica can’t keep her hands off Nikolai either. But what about her plans for the future? Could Nikolai be her true Alpha match? Book 3: Like many fox shifters, Regina Woodward is stuck in the fifties. She loves vintage clothing and classic movies. What she doesn’t love is controlling male foxes who expect perfect homemaker wives. She’s just about given up on ever finding a mate when her friend Nessa, the local matchmaker, suggests she date Oscar Torres. An alpha bear. Regina’s mother would have a conniption just hearing about it. Not that Regina’s sure she wants to hook up with Oscar anyway, seeing how he’s closed-off emotionally. But when he asks for her help to save a wild fox-shifter who has been getting into trouble up north, Regina can’t refuse. And the more time she spends with Oscar, the more she loses her heart. To an emotionally constipated bear her only remaining family is going to hate. There’s no way this ends well—is there? Book 4: Nessa Caldwell has a gift for pairing shifters with their fated mates. Except when that shifter happens to be herself. But though her gift doesn’t work reflexively, she’s sure it’s a bad idea to date Caz Frost, even if her friends think she should try it.

Dragon Shift: The Quest Giver's Guild: A Harem Gamelit Adventure

Victor Briggs - 2021
    But when I devoured a demon core and gained access to a forbidden quest system, my life changed forever.Sintar was like Earth in many ways. It had a blue sky, green grass, and air that I could breath. The demon attacks and shifter magic, however, were new. Every man and woman in Sintar had the ability to change their form.And now, that included me. And the gorgeous, silver-haired wolf girl I saved on my first day.My future is dark and full of danger, and someone in Sintar wants me dead. I'm to be the only person who can transform into a dragon, but when I learn to master my power and the strange new quest system, I know I'll find the answers I need.If I fight hard enough, I can protect the people who have come to count on me.(This book includes harem content)

How to Become an Alpha Male

John Alexander - 2005
    without ever having to play their games or deal with rejection. Sold as an ebook at, John Alexander's guide is now available, for the first time ever, as a hardcopy book. You see, once you have these secrets all the 'work' of meeting women will be done for you... automatically! You can just 'flip on' your magnetic powers of attraction... so to speak... and instantly bring sex, romance and more roaring into your life! Why does the Alpha Male Method work so well? Because it's based on the same hush-hush psychological tactics advertisers have used for centuries to get filthy rich. They work for anyone, anywhere and at any time (no matter how desperate your situation is right now).

Public Speaking Essentials: Six Steps to Sizzle on Stage

Ramakrishna Reddy - 2015
    You may be overloaded with too much of information. There are loads of information in form of books and articles out there that can help you. However, would it be nice to have an easy and simple process to follow to handle this area of your life? Discover The Easy Guide To Public Speaking: “Public Speaking Essentials” will reveal 6 steps that’ll help you overcome your fear and speak like a PRO. These are easy to understand and implement solutions coming from someone who was in the trenches and who's now an active and successful public speaker. Since he was a shy kid as he was growing up, Rama ventured into Public Speaking to handle this area of his life. As a result of his learning from mentors, toastmasters and contests, Ramakrishna Reddy has won more than 25 Public Speaking Contests and written 3 books related to Public Speaking. He speaks regularly to people ranging from few dozens to few hundreds. Ramakrishna is dedicated to sharing the lessons he’s learned to help others become confident in public speaking. Public Speaking Revealed in Six Simple Steps: How to overcome Public Speaking Anxiety How to master three pillars of Public Speaking How to Practice for Presentation Day How to Handle the Presentation Day How to create a connection with the audience How to handle glitches during the presentation day Download now to know more about this 'no clutter' guide.