A Method for Prayer: Freedom in the Face of God

Matthew Henry - 2009
    True prayer comes from the heart, so why do we need a method? The great devotional commentator and pastor shows here that Christians benefit from discipline just as much as talking freely with God. You will discover the methods Jesus taught, look at styles of prayer, and see helpful examples. Duncan has incorporated some of Henry's other work on prayer.

All Things for Good

Thomas Watson - 1660
    In this fine study of Romans 8:28, Thomas Watson explains how both the best and the worst experiences work for the good of God's people.

The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor's Heart

Harold L. Senkbeil - 2019
    And he offers practical and fruitful advice� "born out of his five decades as a pastor� "that will benefit both new pastors and those with years in the pulpit.In a time when many churches have lost sight of the real purpose of the church, The Care of Souls invites a new generation of pastors to form the godly habits and practical wisdom needed to minister to the hearts and souls of those committed to their care.

Him We Proclaim: Preaching Christ from All the Scriptures

Dennis E. Johnson - 2007
    But moving beyond theory, Him We Proclaim provides examples of how this method applies to all Old and New Testament genres, from history and law to psalm and prophecy to doctrine and exhortation.

How People Change

Timothy S. Lane - 2006
    Paul David Tripp and Timothy S. Lane collaborate to expose the heart issues at stake and help people to make real, lasting change. These answers, the authors assert, lie in appropriating the fullness of the grace and freedom of Jesus in new ways that offer radically more hope than conventional models.

Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages

Haddon W. Robinson - 1980
    This updated edition will benefit a new generation of preachers. Praised by Newsweek magazine and his peers as one of America's most significant preachers, Robinson guides you step-by-step through the fundamentals of preparing and preaching an expository sermon.

The Trellis and the Vine: The Ministry Mind-Shift that Changes Everything

Colin Marshall - 2009
    Vine work is the Great Commission.And there is trellis work: creating and maintaining the physical and organizational structures and programs that support vine work and its growth.What’s the state of the trellis and the vine in your part of the world? Has trellis work taken over, as it has a habit of doing? Is the vine work being done by very few (perhaps only the pastor and only on Sundays)? And is the vine starting to wilt as a result?The image of the trellis and the vine raises all the fundamental questions of Christian ministry: * What is the vine for? * How does the vine grow? * How does the vine relate to my church? * What is vine work and what is trellis work, and how can we tell the difference? * What part do different people play in growing the vine? * How can we get more people involved in vine work? In The Trellis and the Vine, Colin Marshall and Tony Payne answer these urgent questions afresh. They dig back into the Bible’s view of Christian ministry, and argue that a major mind-shift is required if we are to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ, and see the vine flourish again.

CSB Spurgeon Study Bible

Anonymous - 2017
    The CSB Spurgeon Study Bible features thousands of excerpts from Spurgeon’s sermons, chosen and edited by Alistair Begg in order to bring the richness of the Prince of Preachers’ insights into your daily study of God’s Word.   Features include: Introductory Biography of Charles Spurgeon, Study notes crafted from Spurgeon sermons, Extracted sermon illustrations placed on the same page as the associated biblical text, Sermon notes and outlines in Spurgeon’s own handwriting, “Spurgeon Quotables” inserted throughout the Bible, Book introductions with book overviews in Spurgeon’s own words, Topical subheadings, Two-column text, Concordance, Smyth-sewn binding, Presentation Page, Full-color maps, and more.   The CSB Spurgeon Study Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible's original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture's life-transforming message and to share it with others.

A Quest for Godliness

J.I. Packer - 1990
    I. Packer has had a long-standing passion for the Puritans. Their understanding of God and His ways with man has largely formed his own spirituality and theological outlook. In A Quest for Godliness, the esteemed author of Knowing God and a dozen other books shares with his readers the rich world of Puritanism that has been so influential in his own life.Dr. Packer masterfully uncovers the hidden treasures of Puritan life and thought. With crystalline clarity he reveals the depth and breadth of Puritan spiritual life, contrasting it with the superficiality and deadness of modern Western Christianity.Drawing on a lifetime of study, Dr. Packer takes the reader on a survey of the lives and teachings of great Puritan leaders such as John Owen, Richard Baxter, and Jonathan Edwards. He offers a close look at such subjects as the Puritan view of the Bible, spiritual gifts, the Sabbath, worship, social action, and the family. He concludes that a main difference between the Puritans and ourselves is spiritual maturity--the Puritans had it; we don't.In a time of failing vision and decaying values, this powerful portrait of Puritans is a beacon of hope that calls us to radical commitment and action when both are desperately needed.A Quest for Godliness is a profoundly moving and challenging exploration of Puritan life and thought in a beautifully written book. Here is J. I. Packer at his very best.

Grace and Glory

Geerhardus Vos - 1903
    Long out of print and eagerly sought after, Grace and Glory is a collection of sermons given at Princeton Seminary and will be enthusiastically welcomed by readers who are already indebted to the work of Geerhardus Vos.

Redemption: Freed by Jesus from the Idols We Worship and the Wounds We Carry

Mike Wilkerson - 2011
    Most Christians don't make golden idols like the Israelites in the wilderness, but we do set up idols on our own desert road--idols like substance abuse, pornography, gluttony, and rage. And even those who don't know the pain of actual slavery can feel enslaved to the fear and shame that follow sexual abuse or betrayal by a spouse, for we suffer at the hands of our idols as well as those created by others. We need more than self-improvement or comfort--we need redemption.Redemption is not a step-oriented recovery book; it's story-oriented and Bible-anchored. It unfolds the back-story of redemption in Exodus to help Christians better understand how Christ redeems us from the slavery of abuse, addiction and assorted trouble and restores us to our created purpose, the worship of God. Readers will discover that the reward of freedom is more than victory over a habitual sin or release from shame; it is satisfaction and rest in God himself.

Mortification of Sin

John Owen - 1656
    Owen is very insistent that believers cannot hope to succeed in this battle in their own strength. He sees clearly that the fight can be won only through faith in Christ, and in the power of the Spirit. Fighting sin with human strength will produce only self-righteousness, superstition and anxiety of conscience. But with faith in Christ, and with the power of the Spirit, victory is certain. The temptations in times like Owen's and ours are obvious on every side; the remedy to them is clearly pointed out in this practical and helpful book.

Church Planter: The Man, The Message, The Mission

Darrin Patrick - 2010
    What lies deeper, at the heart ofevery church plant?The most critical human component of every church plant is the planter.Darrin Patrick, vice president of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network, looks at what Scripture teaches about this man's character, his teaching, and the aim of his church. Offering guidance and wisdom from years of experience, Patrick reminds us that ultimately no church will succeed apart from a man with a message who leads a church on a mission.This book is for every Christian leader.Church Planter is an essential resource for those considering planting a church or already in such a plant, and maybe even more important for those leading an established church. It has wide-ranging application for elders and leadership teams seeking to better understand how the gospel must take root in their church. Avoiding an over-emphasis on particular models or methods, Patrick lays out biblical principles and sound wisdom as he urges the church to return to biblical criteria for determining the man, the message, and the mission God uses to build his church.

Help for the New Pastor: Practical Advice for Your First Year of Ministry

Charles Malcolm Wingard - 2018
    How do you moderate meetings, manage a church budget, and counsel struggling congregants, all while preparing sermons every week? The new pastor’s time is also inundated with something else—advice! Too much of it! Where do you begin? What you need during your make-or-break first year is practical, realistic preparation for ministry. Drawing from more than three decades of his own experience, Pastor Wingard gives essential help for navigating the principal duties of the minister. Find the tools you need to get established in your ministry and lead with confidence.

The Pastor's Family: Shepherding Your Family through the Challenges of Pastoral Ministry

Brian Croft - 2013
    Brian and Cara Croft identify the unique challenges that pastors face as husbands and fathers.  They also discuss the difficulties and joys of being a pastor’s wife and offer practical advice on raising children in a ministry family.  In addition to addressing the challenges of marriage and raising children, they also highlight the joys of serving together as a family and the unique opportunities pastors have to train their children and lead their families.  With discussion questions for use by couples and pastoral reading groups, this book is ideal for pastors and their spouses, pastoral ministry students and their wives, as well as elders, deacons, and others who wish to remain faithful to the care of their families while diligently fulfilling their calling in ministry. The Pastor’s Family equips pastors with time-tested wisdom to address the tension of family and congregational dynamics while persevering in their calling.