We Always Had Paris

Templeton Peck - 2020
    She was a New Yorker, had just turned forty, and was about to put her youngest child in college. He was pushing 50 and relishing a sabbatical from his San Francisico law practice. Opposites attracted. A few weeks later they were engaged. A year later they were honeymooning on bicycles in Burgundy, after a wedding in a chapel at JFK. And after five years in San Francisco, they sold their house, quit their jobs and moved to Paris -- “permanently,” they said. For seven years their home was in a foreign country, in a foreign culture, bathed in a foreign language, on the rue des Marronniers in the 16th Arrondissement of the most beautiful city in the world. We Always Had Paris is the story of their adventure. It really happened. It is also a love story.

The Fast Diet Magic Book: The Cheat's Guide to Easy Weight Loss with Intermittent Fasting

Caitlin Collins - 2014
    But for some of us, things haven’t been quite so simple. Some of us have found intermittent fasting difficult, unpleasant or we simply have not lost as much weight as we had hoped. So why read The Fast Diet Magic Book? If you tried 5:2 fasting but just didn’t lose much weight you had some success with intermittent fasting but found it very difficult If you need a way to cope better with the hunger If you wish your weight loss could be much faster while intermittent fasting If you suffered with headaches, ravenous hunger or low energy If you are just starting out and don’t know which type of intermittent fasting to do …then you should read this book. There are plenty of weight loss books detailing the science behind intermittent fasting. This is not one of them. The Fast Diet Magic Book is written as a helper, a friend to guide you through the psychological side of fasting – to help you manage the hunger, the boredom, the weaker moments, the side-effects to keep your weight loss motivation high. If you are one of the very many people who doesn’t seem to lose weight doing normal 5:2, this book will suggest various ways in which you may have been going wrong. And for those of you who have been doing everything right and still had little success with intermittent fasting, it will show you exactly why. You can even use it as a guidebook to create your own programme for weight loss, all based on variations of intermittent fasting. This book will show you: The simple but crucial mistakes you may inadvertently be making which may be sabotaging your weight loss How to almost magically accelerate your weight loss with small but powerful changes to the standard 5:2 fast diet All the other kinds of intermittent fasting such as 16:8, 19:5 and 24 hour fasts All about ‘eating windows’ and how these are often the missing key to successful weight loss How to create intermittent fasting combinations that will allow you to lose weight faster, even if it hasn’t worked before Strategies to help you deal with hunger, lose weight and feel great while doing it How to cope with possible side-effects such as headaches, constipation and insomnia All about the psychology of fasting: how to manage the boredom, irritability and cravings and stay upbeat and positive while fasting How to plan for and cope with your first fast Dozens of weight loss tips and tricks for making intermittent fasting easier and more effective How to make the whole thing so effortless that you actually begin to enjoy fast dieting But most of all, it will show you how to create a personal plan which will allow you to lose a lot of weig

BOMB DOORS OPEN: From East End boy to Lancaster Bomber Pilot with 617 'Dambuster' Squadron

Ken Trent - 2016
    From near fatal accidents during training in Canada, to dodging flak and fighters over Germany, not to mention trying to land with a ten ton 'Grand Slam' on board, his motto in life has been 'Just Do It'. Born in the East End of London, he left school as the Battle of Britain raged overhead. Determined to 'do his bit', he signed up for service in the RAF. Volunteering for special duties after completing his first tour, he became a member of the famous 617 'Dambusters' Squadron, flying to attack precision targets such as viaducts, submarine bases, and even Hitler's hideout at Berchtesgaden. When the War ended he tried to forget about his experiences, and told no-one of what he had been through; until fifty years later, when an unexpected phone call led to him taking the controls of a Lancaster bomber once more. He is one of the last of an extraordinary generation, one who flew through the unfriendly darkness of German skies, was hunted by fighters and shot up by flak, but pressed ahead with his duty knowing that his chances of survival dwindled every time he took off. His modesty and unfailing sense of humour are an inspiration. Just Do It. Ken is very kindly donating all of his royalties from the sale of this book to The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund & Holidays for Heroes Jersey.

A Gallery of KNOTS!: A Beginner's How-to Guide (Tiger Road Crafts Book 10)

Tara Cousins - 2014
    From traditional sailor’s knots to the trendy friendship bracelets of the 90’s to the modern craze of paracord crafts, knot tying is a fun and valuable skill. Guys, gals and even young kids can learn the principles of knot tying to create a huge variety of projects. This ebook will teach you a selection of the most widely used, best loved knots and a variety of accompanying projects. The step-by-step photo instructions make it easy to learn, even for the beginner!

Hong Kong and Macau: A 3D Keepsake Cityscape

Kristyna Litten - 2012
    Visit the Tian Tan Buddha, Tai O, Victoria Peak, Chi Lin Nunnery, Victoria Harbor, Statue Square, the ruins of St. Paul’s, Guia Fortress, and other famous spots.

Interval Weight Loss: How to Trick Your Body into Losing Weight the Scientific Way – One Month at a Time

Nick Fuller - 2017
    As Dr Nick Fuller, one of Australia's leading obesity researchers, has discovered, we're all tuned to a set body weight - a weight range that the body feels most comfortable being. When you take your body out of that comfort zone, it will work back towards its starting point as a defence mechanism. In The Interval Approach, Dr Fuller explains how you can trick your body into believing it's at its new set point so that you not only become slimmer but stay that way. And the good news is that you don't need to starve yourself to do this or go on any fad diet. In fact, following the next fad diet will only make the problem worse and you will end up dieting yourself fat.Containing meal plans, mouth-watering recipes and tips on organisation, The Interval Approach details how Dr Fuller has helped hundreds of his patients lose weight and keep it off using this method - and how you can too. It's simple, based on the latest scientific findings and effective. So, if you've tried every diet under the sun and are still watching those scales go up, then you need to stop now and read this book. You have nothing to lose but the kilos.

Ketone Power: Superfuel for Optimal Mental Health and Ultimate Physical Performance

Cristian Vlad Zot - 2014
    After all, human DNA is 99% exactly the same. So, there should be a prescription (Rx) that works for the majority of us. Cristi himself, fed up with not being able to lose the last few pounds of his belly fat, has started studying and experimenting with ketogenic nutrition and ketosis. Ketosis is the metabolic state where your body uses fat and ketone bodies (by-products of fat) as the main source of fuel and it is achieved by drastically eliminating sugar from the diet. Long-term constant ketosis leads to keto-adaptation. Keto-adaptation brought various improvements in Cristi Vlad's existence, such as: fat loss, elimination of hunger, elimination of cravings for high-carbohydrate foods, improved mental performance, ultra-high energy levels, less sleep required per night, better sleep, enhanced endurance and strength training output, and probably the most important: ability to eat chocolate every day. In Ketone Power, Cristi Vlad, inspired by his mentors and armed with extensive research and personal experience outlines: 1. How he lost 10 pounds of fat in 2 months eating 70% of his calories from fat and consuming 2,000-3,000 kcals per day. His exercising routine was reduced from 5-6 times/week to 1-2 times/week. Before/after photos are included. 2. How the human body works differently when running on a fat metabolism compared to a carbohydrate metabolism (that which most of the people are in). 3. How his 2 month experiment became his new lifestyle due to the benefits of keto-adaptation. 4. How ketogenic nutrition is a powerful therapeutic approach to diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and other health issues. 5. Protocols for strength training and endurance training. 6. His shopping list and the foods he consumes daily to support keto-adaptation. Fat-bombs are included. 7. His virtual academy consisting of mentors, websites, courses, MOOC sites, and Youtube channels all of which helped him achieve knowledge on ketogenic nutrition and human biochemistry. All of what Cristi Vlad did and keeps doing does not include fancy and expensive gadgets or pockets full of cash. It only requires willingness to improve one's existence and enjoy life every second that passes. You can do this by yourself as well. This book is the prescription.

Dumping Iron: How to Ditch This Secret Killer and Reclaim Your Health

P.D. Mangan - 2016
    The accumulation of excess iron in the body, a condition that affects perhaps the majority of adults, leads to much higher risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and shorter lifespan. Dumping Iron shows how to measure your iron levels, what the test numbers mean, and how to go about lowering iron if necessary. Humans are adapted to a low-iron environment, so once iron is in our bodies, it virtually never goes away. Our new, high-iron environment leads to iron accumulation, and to ill health and early death. Iron is the secret killer that no one is telling you about. Finally, in Dumping Iron, the scientific and medical data that indicts iron is assembled in one place. What the experts say about Dumping Iron: “Dumping Iron by P. D. Mangan is a must read by anybody interested in maintaining optimal health, including those in the medical field. Iron overload is an exceedingly common malady in the population and it is easily diagnosed, but it is under-addressed. It leads to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and numerous other chronic and debilitating illnesses. The good news is that iron excess can be prevented and readily treated, which results in a decreased risk of many diseases and improvement in overall health and vitality. Dumping Iron clearly tells us how to achieve these goals.” — Luca Mascitelli, M.D., Lieutenant Colonel, Italian Army, and author of numerous scientific papers on iron and health. “In Dumping Iron, Dennis Mangan has provided the reader access to a massive scientific data pool linking body iron overload to major diseases of mankind… I submit that Dumping Iron should be required reading in science and nutrition for high school and above. The ultimate triumph of Dumping Iron might be an informed public that will increasingly access ferritin test screening, and health care providers better prepared to interpret tests of iron status, particularly the ferritin level. Acknowledgment of risks of iron overload and proper product labeling might lead to reduced public iron intoxication and improved population health to a degree that would be no less than monumental!” — Leo Zacharski, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College. Dr. Zacharski has written extensively on the connection between iron and disease, and has conducted clinical trials of lowering iron. “Iron has been compared to fire. A small amount of fire is quite useful in our stoves and furnaces. But when fire is ravaging the contents and walls of our home… BEWARE. In this informative book, Dennis Mangan makes clear the devastation that can be caused by excessive/misplaced iron in the tissues and walls of our bodies. We learn that for essentially all diseases — infections, cancers, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, gout, osteoporosis, cardiovascular ills, and more — that the iron burden is a dangerous risk factor. But equally important, the author describes a variety of well tested methods that are readily available to neutralize the iron peril. Adoption of even a few of these methods can remarkably decrease iron-catalyzed disease episodes, enhance well being, and, not least, increase longevity.” — E. D. Weinberg, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biology at Indiana University, and the author of over 140 scientific papers, many of them on the role of iron in disease.

The Big Fat Truth: The Behind-the-scenes Secret to Weight Loss

J.D. Roth - 2016
    Who could help it? Here was a young woman who, just a few months earlier, had weighed in at 340 pounds on the hit ABC show Extreme Weight Loss. Now for all the world to see—and merely part way into her one-year effort to pare down—she’d (literally) gone further than she’d ever expected. From barely being able to walk up the stairs to running 26.2 miles in practically no time? The body is an amazing thing. And yet … it’s no match for the brain. It wasn’t the strength of Meredith’s body propelling her across the Niagara Falls finish line—it was the power of her mind.               No one knows that better than JD Roth, who as the number one producer of TV weight loss shows has helped countless overweight people change their bodies—and lives—for the better. Viewers of Extreme Weight Loss, The Biggest Loser, The Revolution and other transformational shows have seen the “technicians”—the trainers, the nutritionists, the doctors, and other health pros who appear on-screen—but they’ve never seen the heart and soul behind these amazing makeovers. That would be JD, whose production company not only created weight loss television, but who has produced more episodes in the genre than all other producers combined. He’s the behind-the-scenes wizard who gets inside the heads of the shows’ participants, encouraging, persuading, prodding, and inspiring them to succeed. Intimately involved in casting the shows’ contestants, then seeing them through the weight loss process, he’s the guy whose picture they tape onto their elliptical trainers and angrily scream at each night—then hug out of gratitude the next morning. He’s the guy who holds them when they cry and the one who tells them they need to get back on the treadmill even though they’re crying. JD is the shows’ tough-love dad—love being the operative word. Because it’s not just TV to JD; he’s on a mission to change people’s lives. Every fat person (yes, “fat person”—there’ll be no sugarcoating here) knows that you need to move more and eat less to shed pounds. Not exactly rocket science. Yet that simple formula doesn’t get to the root of what makes someone top out at 500 pounds, or sometimes just carry an extra fifty. The missing link in transformative weight loss is mental and emotional fortitude. Mining the same problem-solving and motivational skills JD has used so successfully with reality show contestants, The Big Fat Truth gets readers to address the real reasons they’re overweight (and nobody gets away with saying it’s because they love food). With his combination of enthusiasm, empathy, no-holds-barred style, and master story-telling abilities, JD helps them unearth and tackle the unresolved issues they’ve buried under the French fries and chocolate chip cookie. Presented in three parts, The Big Fat Truth includes short straight-to-the-point chapters that help readers identify their real issues, create their own reality show, and then shake up their lives to do the impossible. Included throughout are inspiring stories, advice, and before-and-after photos from people JD has helped to lose weight (both on camera and off), along with quick tips for how to stay accountable and a 30-day plan for putting this advice into action.

OMG I Would Die Without Chocolate - How I Quit Sugar and Didn't Kill Anyone.

Ellen Parker - 2014
     There are loads of 'sugar free diet' books available right now, but precious few that give you a blow-by-blow account of what happens when you cut sugar from your diet. And believe me, LOTS happens! This is a personal story (cut through with some good information on going sugar free) about what happened to me, my body, my mood, my family when I started my sugar free diet. If you're considering taking the big step of cutting sugar from your diet and you want to know what you're in for, then this is the book for you. If you want detailed, scientific information on the nutritional benefits of a sugar free life, go look elsewhere. If you want a 12 step plan, go buy a different book. This is one woman's struggle with her sugar addiction and her waistline, and her determination to become healthier without going insane (from lack of chocolate.)

The Bodybuilder's Nutrition Book

Franco Columbu - 1985
    Franco Columbu, a well-known expert on nutrition and kinesiology (and two-time Mr. Olympia) presents the most successful strategies and diet plans for achieving a superior physique. How the body utilizes the basic nutrients and how to use that to your advantage is explained in detail.

The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann: What really happened?

Chelsea Hoffman - 2016
    What really happened to missing child Madeleine McCann? Crime writer Chelsea Hoffman delves into the evidence against the girl's parents, as well as the numerous theories in her case, with never-before-seen exclusive interviews and a look at the media madness surrounding this mysterious disappearance.

It's Not A Diet: the no cravings, no willpower way to get lean and happy for good

Davinia Taylor - 2021

Read in Order: C. J. Box: Joe Pickett in Order

Titan Read - 2016
    You will spoil the story and your own enjoyment if you read a series in the wrong order and you will miss the development of an author’s writing if you read their books in a helter-skelter fashion. With our original reading list you get the perfect tool to enjoy C. J. Box’s books the way they where meant to be enjoyed. You can also use the reading list as checklist. Simply use the inbuilt highlight feature to highlight all the books that you have already read. Inside this book you will find a link that will allow you to download three classics for FREE along with three free audiobooks. Enjoy! Note To Readers This is a bibliography. The author and publisher of this book do not guarantee the accuracy and/or completeness of the content within this book and are not liable for damages arising from the use of this book. The bibliography portion of this book can be found in publicly available sources and only includes elements, such as titles and dates of publication, which are not subject to copyright protection. The bibliography is unofficial and not approved, authorized, licensed, or endorsed by any author, publisher, or organization mentioned within it.

Up Sticks: Portugal: Book three catches up with the dynamic duo as they explore the sunny Algarve

Tim Thomas - 2016
    Follow them now as they get taken on an impromptu road trip, discover secluded beaches, rocky coves, caves, lakes and flies in cakes.