Psychic Self-Defense

Dion Fortune - 1930
    Fortune explores the elusive psychic element in mental illness and, more importantly, details the methods, motives, and physical aspects of psychic attack, and how to overcome this energy. The revised edition of this New Age classic includes an index and an additional explanatory note for contemporary readers. Index.

The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients: A Wiccan Guide to Spellcasting

Lexa Rosean - 2005
    In The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients she provides beginner and experienced practitioners of spellcasting with a quick, easy, and accurate guide to the magickal powers and properties of herbs, spices, flowers, vegetables, fruits, metals, and colors -- more than 500 ingredients in all. With this info at your fingertips, you can craft spells for specific desires or needs -- whether it's love, luck, fertility, or even next month's rent! Written with passion for the craft and a deep understanding of the needs of modern-day Wiccans, The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients is an indispensable addition to every occult library and an essential reference for all with the gift of magick.

Beltane: Springtime Rituals, Lore & Celebration

Raven Grimassi - 2001
    In the only book written solely on this ancient Pagan festival, you'll explore the evolution of the May Pole and various folklore characters connected to May Day celebrations. Raven Grimassi reveals the history behind the revelry, and shows you how to welcome this sacred season of fertility, growth, and gain with:   -May Day magick and divination: Beltane spells to attract money, success, love, and serenity; scrying with a bowl or glass -Beltane goodies: Quick May Wine, Bacchus Pudding, May Serpent Cake, May Wreath Cake -Seasonal crafts: Maypole centerpiece, May wreath and garland, pentacle hair braids, May Day basket -Springtime rituals and traditions: the Maypole dance, May doll, the Mummer's Play, Beltane fires, May King and Queen -Myths, fairy and flower lore: Green Man, Jack-in-the-Green, Dusio, Hobby Horse; elves, trolls and fairies; spring flowers and their correspondences This well-researched book corrects many of the common misconceptions associated with May Day, and will help you appreciate the spirituality and connection to Nature that are intimate elements of May Day Celebrations. Welcome the season of fertility, flowers, and fairies with Beltane: Springtime Rituals, Lore & Celebration.

Paganism for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Nature-Based Spirituality for Every New Seeker

Althaea Sebastiani - 2020
    Paganism for Beginners is your guide to exploring the diverse magick of modern Paganism. The up-to-date handbook introduces you to a breadth of Pagan traditions and core beliefs―welcoming you to this inclusive movement with a myriad of ways to deepen your personal spirituality.Delve into a comprehensive overview of common Pagan practices and discover which speak most profoundly to you. Follow along with the Pagan calendar, meet a pantheon of deities, and learn the ethics and tenets of Pagan spirituality: open-mindedness, self-reliance, freedom of choice, and more. Gain essential knowledge of Pagan symbols, rituals, and tools with this guide.Inside Paganism for Beginners, you’ll find: • Beginners welcome―For those drawn to Earth-centric worship, get introduced to one of the world’s oldest and fastest-growing religious movements. • The old and the new―Discover the historical seeds of Paganism and how the movement has evolved over the decades to serve modern practitioners. • Diverse traditions―Celebrate the practices of Paganism's many traditions: African Diasporic Religions, Celtic Polytheism, Druidry, Wicca, and more.Unlock the magick of the universe with Paganism for Beginners.

Positive Magic: Occult Self-Help

Marion Weinstein - 1978
    If you are new to the occult, this book may provide a new vantage point, perhaps a different way, of looking at life than you are used to! Astrology, Tarot Cards, I Ching, Witchcraft, Words of Power are all explored.

Grimoires: A History of Magic Books

Owen Davies - 2009
    In Grimoires: A History of Magic Books, Owen Davies illuminates the many fascinating forms these recondite books have taken and exactly what these books held. At their most benign, these repositories of forbidden knowledge revealed how to make powerful talismans and protective amulets, and provided charms and conjurations for healing illness, finding love, and warding off evil. But other books promised the power to control innocent victims, even to call up the devil. Davies traces the history of this remarkably resilient and adaptable genre, from the ancient Middle East to modern America, offering a new perspective on the fundamental developments of western civilization over the past two thousand years. Grimoires shows the influence magic and magical writing has had on the cultures of the world, richly demonstrating the role they have played in the spread of Christianity, the growth of literacy, and the influence of western traditions from colonial times to the present.

Hedgewitch Book of Days: Spells, Rituals, and Recipes for the Magical Year

Mandy Mitchell - 2014
    Her book echoes these passions and serves as a tapestry of real-life stories and time-honored folklore laced with a hint of magic! It is aimed at the practicing or would-be witch whose life is more jeans, chaos and the never-ending question of what's for dinner than it is black robes, cauldrons, and incantations."Hedgewitch Book of Days" features recipes and wisdom as it reveals the hidden properties behind the things we use all the time. The author shows how to turn the simplest tasks into meaningful rituals, opening our eyes to the extra special world behind the mundane and how to celebrate it! A new broader approach to old beliefs, there is something for everyone to take away--whatever path you are on.Journey through the wheel of the year with one eye on the kettle and the other on the magical!

The Door to Witchcraft: A New Witch's Guide to History, Traditions, and Modern-Day Spells

Tonya A. Brown - 2019
    The key to unlocking it is in this book. Open it—and invite magic into your life.The Door to Witchcraft teaches new witches everything they need to know to start their witchcraft practice. From harnessing your natural psychic abilities to manifesting your desires with timeless spells, this book guides you through every step of the magical process.Inside The Door to Witchcraft you’ll discover: Witchcraft through the ages—Learn the history of the craft and the evolution of the practice up to the present day. How to tap into your powers—Decide what kind of witchcraft you want to practice and master fundamental techniques for traditions, rituals, and ceremonies. The art of casting spells—Manifest your intentions with witchcraft spells for love, health, career, friends and family, spiritual work, and protection. Cross the threshold to the world of witchcraft and let this book be your guide to becoming the witch that you are destined to be.

Honoring Your Ancestors: A Guide to Ancestral Veneration

Mallorie Vaudoise - 2019
    Filled with hands-on techniques and tips, Honoring Your Ancestors shows you how to create an ancestor altar so you can work with ancestors of all kinds. Author Mallorie Vaudoise also shares fascinating ideas for incorporating rituals, spells, family recipes, and even practices like music and dancing to help you open this wonderful new dimension of your spiritual journey.Ancestor veneration is one of the most widespread spiritual practices in the world. This book shares the important distinctions between working with blood ancestors, lineage ancestors, and affinity ancestors while helping you recognize the signs that your ancestors are responding to your petitions and offerings. You will also explore important topics like mediumship and ancestral trauma so you can be sure to develop a veneration practice that's uplifting and affirming for you.

Nordic Runes: Understanding, Casting, and Interpreting the Ancient Viking Oracle

Paul Rhys Mountfort - 2001
    The runes have deep resonances within the pagan Norse world of gods and goddesses, giants, dwarves, warriors, and wizards, which have greatly influenced the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, among others. Norse tradition attributes the discovery of the runes to the "All-Father" Odin--a god of inspiration and secret wisdom and the mythical prototype for runecasters, who established the pattern for gaining his knowledge.Nordic Runes addresses three major areas: Runelore, the history of this 2000-year-old Norse oracle; Runestaves, the meaning of the individual runes of the Elder Futhark alphabet and their powerful mythological, magical, and practical lessons for daily life; and Runecasting, a comprehensive guide to the oracular application of the ancient runes, including their crafting, divination, and self-development. As Nordic Runes shows, the runes do more than simply reflect the path of fate; they help develop and enhance intuition. By learning to cast and interpret the runes, the user becomes receptive to the energy currents in material reality and empowered in the arts of its transformation.

Shaman Pathways: The Celtic Chakras

Elen Sentier - 2012
    Tread the British native shaman's path, explore the goddess hidden in the ancient stories; walk the Celtic chakra spiral labyrinth.

Pendulum Magic for Beginners: Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom (For Beginners (Llewellyn's))

Richard Webster - 2002
    A pendulum is a powerful tool, yet small enough to carry around and use anytime. With just a few minutes of practice, anyone can start using it. Using the easy techniques in this book, you can use a pendulum for guidance, self-improvement, psychic development, and a wealth of other practical purposes. Locate lost objects Gain insight on any decision Test food for freshness or allergens Change bad habits Resolve health issues Diagnose car or appliance problems Communicate with spirits Explore past lives Once you've mastered the basics, you'll learn more advanced pendulum techniques, including little-known methods that can be used to help you achieve any goal you desire.

Witchcraft for Tomorrow

Doreen Valiente - 1978
    It tells you what the old religion of witchcraft has to offer the new age; how the ago-old Craft of the Wise can be practiced in the modern world; how to initiate yourself and start your own coven. The author has been a practicing witch since 1953, and in this book she gives a new Book of Shadows (the witch's handbook of rituals and instructions) based upon ancient magical tradition but geared to present times. Included are spells, incantations, witch songs, and practical advice on how to run a coven and how to acquire your own collection of magical implements.

The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells for Modern Problems

Dixie Deerman - 2005
    Delightfully well-written and practical, filled with atmospheric illustrations and diagrams throughout, it encompasses all the principles and philosophy of spell casting, and gives recipes for charms to solve common contemporary problems. This offers what witchcraft and Wicca books don’t: an in-depth understanding of what’s behind the spells and why they work. It’s amazing how much magic is in here: Geomancy, Elemental Scrying, Tree Divination, Mystic Dance and Drumming, Kitchen Witchery, and lots more. From healing, protection, and attraction spells to spells for discernment, repulsion, and concealing, not a topic goes uncovered.

Horns of Power: Manifestations of the Horned God

Sorita d'Este - 2008
    Our ancestors often envisaged their gods as anthropomorphic beings who encapsulated this wild essence. Today the gods of the bull, the ram, the goat and the stag still hold tremendous power and are invoked at rituals by a new priesthood who continue to seek the wildness of nature and the inspiration that it holds. These deities transcend the safe and known boundaries of human structure, sometimes even luring us across the threshold of the known into the unknown worlds beyond. This unique anthology brings together the work of more than twenty people, including that of dedicated scholars and modern day mystics. Through their written and artistic contributions they illustrate some of the many manifestations of the Horned God. A true cornucopia of both insightful and well researched essays takes us from the well known Celtic Cernunnos and the legend of Herne the Hunter, to the goat-footed Greek Pan, the lesser known Slavic Veles and Egyptian Khnum. Horned serpents, unicorns, the tale of the Battle of the Bulls in the Irish Tain Bo Cuailnge, the Welsh Gwyn Ap Nudd and the faery Puck are all also considered. Then a wild hunt as we journey with the mystics who share their own experiences of the gods of the wildwood and untamed beasts. Each story is as different as the person who experienced it - and each illustrating in its own unique way a Horned God who is wild, unpredictable, loving - and at heart a trickster. For those who wish to dare a bit more than others, visionary meditation journeys to explore the mysteries of Cernunnos and Gwyn Ap Nudd are included. Horns of power would of course be nothing without the horns of beauty of the feminine divine, and in the final section of this anthology the reader is presented with works exploring horned goddesses, such as the lunar horned Hekate, Selene and Artemis and the antlered Elen. Whether through the mysteries of their existence, the vast scope of their influence or the endurance of their survival through to the modern day, each contribution provides a window into the wonders and mystery of the enduring magick of the horned gods."