Sun Stand Still Devotional: A Forty-Day Experience to Activate Your Faith

Steven Furtick - 2013
    In this daily, personal guide Steven leads you deeper into Scripture as you begin to live the life God created and saved us for. Over the next forty days, you’ll have the opportunity to see what audacious faith can look like in your own life. Through daily scripture readings and teachings, this book will give you the chance to change your perspective on prayer. If you have the ability to ask, God has the ability to act - and transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. In this devotional, you will learn daily how to develop your faith, walk in the confidence of Christ, and dare to believe God for the impossible.

Burden Of Freedom: Discover the Keys to Your Individual and National Freedom

Myles Munroe - 2000
    The spirit of oppression has specific telltale effects on individuals, communities, and nations. These are identified by Myles Munroe as a hatred for work, laziness, fear, low self-esteem, selfishness, lack of creativity, low initiative, and distrust of those in authority. To break free from these self-replicating cycles of oppression there must be a mental transformation. Paradoxically, freedom requires the need to impose control on self, require more responsibility than slavery, and the decision to accept a destiny of freedom, recognizing the process and discipline that personal and political freedom require. Simply put, The Burden Of Freedom should be available to every citizen and on the shelves of every high-school, college, and community library in the country.

Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers

Maria Covey Cole - 2009
    And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.” —D&C 64:33Caring for small children or keeping track of teenagers often leaves many women struggling to find contentment in their calling as mothers. In this inspirational text, Maria Covey Cole discusses the importance of gaining perspective on motherhood, shunning comparisons with others, and allowing our natures to be changed through the grace of Christ.This beautiful book provides a valuable perspective on the trials and joys of raising a family and the noble calling of motherhood by intertwining heartwarming stories, quotes from prophets and Apostles, and numerous scripture verses.

The Way of Blessing: Stepping into the Mission and Presence of God

Roy Godwin - 2016
    Within that small, praying community known as Ffald-y-Brenin, the deaf hear, the blind see, and the broken receive healing. Roy Godwin reveals how God has given believers the authority to bless others. As the executive director of the Wales retreat center, he shares how this ministry began, stories of miraculous healings, and ways you can usher God’s presence into your community. It begins when we stop chasing blessings and become God’s conduit for blessing others.

Straight Talk on Depression: Overcoming Emotional Battles with the Power of God's Word!

Joyce Meyer - 2003
    Bestselling author Joyce Meyer brings powerful insight from the Scriptures and from her own experience to help you win over depression! You will discover how to walk by faith and not by feelings, the power of willful rejoicing, and the vital role of forgiveness. As believers, joy is not something we try to manufacture-it is something already within us waiting to be released. The victory over depression is yours through Jesus Christ. Rise up in His power and take back your position of joy and freedom today!

Living in Your True Identity: Discover, Embrace, and Develop Your Own Divine Nature

Brooke Snow - 2018
    Beneath the layers of society's expectations, the roles you fill, and the messages you've been told, you'll find your whole, perfect, and worthy self. This empowering book is filled with exercises and actions you can take today to begin experiencing more of your life in the best way ever--as you!

Happily (N)ever After: Essays That Will Heal Your Broken Heart

Thought Catalog - 2016
    When your heart breaks, there's nothing more comforting than realizing that you aren't alone—that others can relate to the gut-wrenching pain of saying good-bye to a relationship that once felt so right. Each of us is bound to enter into a relationship or two that doesn't work out, but that doesn't make those months or years spent caring for an ex a total failure. Every heartbreak is a chance to learn, grow, and heal.

The Wealth of My Mother's Wisdom: The Lessons That Made My Life Rich

Terrence Jenkins - 2013
    It's a life he could have only imagined growing up in Queens, born to a seventeen-year-old mother. But it was the lessons he learned from his mother, Lisa, that helped make him a man—lessons about sacrifice, courage, loyalty, dreams, and perseverance. Lisa pushed Terrence to succeed from an early age, led by example, and always put her son first—even if it meant leaving New York, the only home they'd ever known, in search of a safer environment for him. Her drive eventually became Terrence's drive.Inspirational, funny, and down-to-earth, with stories and advice straight from Terrence J and his mom, as well as some of his famous friends, including Kevin Hart, Ludacris, T.I., Trey Songz, and Laz Alonso, The Wealth of My Mother's Wisdom offers a positive, powerful message: with a strong family bond, the possibilities are endless.

When God Winks on New Beginnings: Signposts of Encouragement for Fresh Starts and Second Chances

Squire Rushnell - 2000
    . ."GodWinks" are the so-called circumstances and that are delivered directly to you, one of nearly seven-billion people on the planet, at particularly needed moments in your life. Like the wink you received from a loved one as a child that meant, "Hey, kid, I'm thinking of you right now," . . . GodWinks are messages of encouragement from above.With more incredible-but-true stories about how God communicates with us through everday circumstances, SQuire Rushnell delivers another powerful book geared toward people at a crossroads in life--a time when these winks are most needed!

How to Hear the Voice of God

Tanya Guerrier - 2012
    Hear God’s voice today!

Just Read It

Omar Al Busaidy - 2015
    The book is addressed to the youth as well as professionals who wish to pursue greater achievements in both their personal and professional lives. Most of the points discussed are common sense and taught to us at home, school, religious places or elsewhere. The book can also be an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs who seek guidance on setting up businesses both profit and non-profit. This book will also open your mind to the way we behave with each other and how we could look at similarities rather than differences so that we all could live peacefully and support each other in achieving our goals.

On the Shortness of Life: Adapted for the Contemporary Reader

James Harris - 2016
    The philosopher brings up many Stoic principles on the nature of time, namely that men waste much of it in meaningless pursuits. According to the essay, nature gives man enough time to do what is really important and the individual must allot it properly. In general, time can be best used in the study of philosophy, according to Seneca. This essay has been carefully adapted into a contemporary form to allow for easy reading.

Fast Food for the Soul

Barbara Berger - 2000
    Fast Food for the Soul   We are what we think. We can change our lives by changing our thoughts. Our thoughts and words are all-powerful. Through our thoughts and words, we create our lives.   In this simple yet important book, Barbara Berger shows you how to harness the power of the mind to create the life you want. She reminds us of what is available to us - from the power of release and saying no to focusing, blessing, and giving. And she offers fast, effective techniques for solving health problems, financial difficulties, and other life challenges. Give your soul a boost and your heart a pick-me-up - when you change your thinking, you will ultimately change your life.   Decide on the life you want, visualize it, affirm it, decree it, focus on it, believe it, have faith in it, and you will find yourself living this life much sooner and faster than you ever dreamed possible.

Start Your Day with Katie

Katie Piper - 2012
    I know how well they worked for me in regaining my life, and now I want to share them with you.' Katie Piper. Start your Day with Katie is a page-a-day book of Katie Piper's most powerful inspirational thoughts, plus quotes and mantras that helped give her courage and hope after her rape and acid attack. With Katie's guiding messages, you can begin every day on the right track. Let these affirmations help you find happiness and inner strength. They are one of the tools that Katie Piper used to rebuild her life. Keep this book with you or by your bedside table to turn to any time you need a little help in finding peace or inspiration.

Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques: Mastering Manifestation and Attracting What You Want Fast!

Eddie Coronado - 2015
     The fastest way to manifest your desires is by implementing a Law of Attraction Action Plan. Since everything in the Universe is energy, the necessary ingredient for manifestation is the consistent mental and emotional energy that you emit in the form of thoughts, feelings, words and actions. It’s very important to remember that the phrase "Law of Attraction" contains the word ACTION. So many people on this spiritual path get caught up reading lots of books about the Law of Attraction, but they fail to take the daily action that will translate their desires from the invisible world of thought to the visible world of manifestation. There are many books on the market that explain what the Law of Attraction is and what it does, but few that actually teach people how to use this creative power on a daily basis. As a result, this book will provide you with step-by-step instructions, proven techniques, spiritual insights, and success stories that will help you manifest your desires with the Law of Attraction. Like all my other books, this book is all substance without the unnecessary fluff and filler. It gets right to the point by explaining what you must do on a consistent basis to manifest your desires. So, if you are serious about manifesting your desires, you should read this book and then implement your Law of Attraction Action Plan today. The Table of Contents: PART 1 - THE ADVANCED LAW OF ATTRACTION TECHNIQUES: This section contains a number of metaphysical techniques that will help you manifest your desires easily and effortlessly. Within this section you will learn how to harness the tremendous power of an Intention Statement, a Belief Statement, and a Vision Board. You will also learn how to use Emotional Visualization and Mirror Work to manifest desires. This section also includes three powerful visualization scripts that you can use to manifest money, material possessions, love and romance, or anything that you can make a part of your beliefs and feelings. PART 2 - MANIFESTING DESIRES: This section includes interviews with people who have successfully manifested their desires with the Law of Attraction. You will read about their metaphysical insights and what they did to manifest financial abundance, a successful business and a lucrative career. This section also covers each interviewee’s Law of Attraction Action Plan. PART 3 - MANIFESTING LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS: This section includes detailed interviews with people who have manifested love and romance with the Law of Attraction. Once you read this section you will have no question about what you should do to manifest a soul mate. PART 4 - COMMON DENOMINATORS OF SUCCESSFUL MANIFESTATIONS: This section highlights the common denominators of all successful manifestations and explains what is required to manifest any desire. After reading this section you will have no question about the actions you must take to manifest your desires with the Law of Attraction. PART 5 - QUESTION AND ANSWER SECTION: This section addresses some of the most important questions relating to the Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques. Some of the questions covered are: Can I really manifest any desire with the Law of Attraction? How can I make my manifestation exercises easier to perform each day? How long will it take to see results with the Law of Attraction? And more. PART 6 - CREATING & IMPLEMENTING YOUR DAILY LAW OF ATTRACTION ACTION PLAN: This section explains how you can create and implement a successful Law of Attraction Action Plan.