Book picks similar to
Vertebrate Dissection by Dominique G. Homberger
Marine Biology
Peter Castro - 1991
This introductory, one-semester text is designed for non-majors.
At the Bench: A Laboratory Navigator, Updated Edition: A Laboratory Navigator
Kathy Barker - 1998
In this newly revised edition, chapters have been rewritten to accommodate the impact of computer technology and the Internet, not only on the acquisition and analysis of data, but also on its organization and presentation. Alternatives to the use of radiation have been expanded, and figures and illustrations have been redrawn to reflect changes in laboratory equipment and procedures.
Inorganic Chemistry
Catherine E. Housecroft - 2001
It offers superior coverage of all key areas, including descriptive chemistry, MO theory, bonding, and physical inorganic chemistry. Chapter topics are presented in logical order and include: basic concepts; nuclear properties; an introduction to molecular symmetry; bonding in polyatomic molecules; structures and energetics of metallic and ionic solids; acids, bases, and ions in aqueous solution; reduction and oxidation; non-aqueous media; and hydrogen. Four special topic chapters, chosen for their currency and interest, conclude the book. For researchers seeking the latest information in the field of inorganic chemistry.
The Scopes Trial: A Brief History with Documents
Jeffrey P. Moran - 2002
Tennessee schoolteacher John Scopes brought the question of teaching evolution in schools to every dinner table, and it remains an essential topic in any course on American History, the History of Education, and Religious History. This volume’s lively interpretative introduction provides an analysis of the trial and its impact on the moral fiber of the country and the educational system, and examines the race and gender issues that shook out of the debate. The editor has excerpted the crucial exchanges from the trial transcript itself, and includes these along with reactions to the trial, taken from newspaper reports, letters, and magazine articles. Telling political cartoons and evocative photographs add a colorful dimension to this collection, while a chronology of events, questions for consideration, and a bibliography provide strong pedagogical support.
Hidden In Plain Sight 10: How To Program A Quantum Computer
Andrew H. Thomas - 2018
This book contains an introduction to quantum mechanics, with complete instructions and videos showing you how to program a real quantum computer, provided by IBM.
Hard Evidence: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology
Dawnie Wolfe Steadman - 2002
An essential supplement to a forensic anthropology text, this reader provides case studies that demonstrate innovative approaches and practical experiences in the field. The book provides both introductory and advanced students with a strong sense of the types of cases in which forensic anthropologists become involved, as well as their professional and ethical responsibilities, the scientific rigor required, and the multidisciplinary nature of the science.
Hit Down Dammit! (The Key to the Golf)
Clive Scarff - 2010
Surprisingly, a great many players surveyed did not even know you need to hit down to get the ball up in the air. Hit Down @#!*% ! concisely explains the concept - and the technique - of hitting down at the golf ball for proper trajectory, increased backspin, much improved distance, proper divot taking, and best of all: consistent shotmaking.If you are inadvertently - or intentionally - hitting up at the ball, Hit Down @#!*% ! is for you. (Also available as DVD series, and MP3 download, all on Amazon.)If you are a seasoned amateur who has inexplicably “plateaud” - just cannot seem to get to the next level despite lessons and/or acquiring a library of books and videos - Hit Down @#!*% ! is for you.Symptoms of hitting up include (but are not limited to): - topping the ball- skulling the ball- pushing the ball- slicing the ball- poor distance- difficulty getting off back foot- poor backspin- no divot- fat divots- chunking the ball- thin/fat chip shots- roofing the ball with your driver- inability to hit long irons and/or fairway woods- good shots followed immediately by poor shotsHitting down at the golf ball is not a new concept, but it is a hitherto poorly explained (or completely avoided) concept. All pros agree on the need to hit down, so there is no debate there. Even Tiger Woods, in his 306 page “How I Play Golf”, states the need to hit down at the ball – but does not explain how. Hit Down @#!*% ! does. Learn to hit down, watch the ball go up, and your scores go down. BONUS: At the end of this book you will find a link to purchase the Hit Down @#!*% ! 4 DVD series and receive a full credit for the purchase of this Kindle ebook.
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist: A Commonsense Handbook for Successful Saltwater Hobbyists
Robert M. Fenner - 1996
As a pragmatic, hands-on guide for beginning to intermediate hobbyists, The Conscientious Marine Aquarist demystifies the process of planning, setting up, stocking, and managing a beautiful, thriving slice of the tropical ocean. A leading advocate for the responsible collection and care of wild-caught specimens, Fenner starts with the basics -- "What is a fish?" -- and proceeds to give the reader the scientific background and expert-level secrets to being a smarter consumer, better steward, and more successful marine aquarium keeper.
Human Biology
Sylvia S. Mader - 1988
In this edition, each chapter presents the topic clearly and distinctly. Detailed, high-level scientific data and terminology are not included because the author believes that true knowledge consists of working concepts rather than technical facility.
Lansing M. Prescott - 2004
This title is suitable for students preparing for careers in medicine, dentistry, nursing, and allied health, as well as research, teaching, and industry.
Night Zero
Rob Horner - 2019
The theory is sound, but something goes wrong, and a highly contagious combination of virus and prion is unleashed, a middle-stage organism too dangerous to test. With emergency services overwhelmed, a small community hospital tries to combat the unthinkable--an illness that causes aggression, spreads through violence, and won’t allow the dead to rest.
Galapagos: A Natural History
Michael H. Jackson - 1985
An attractive and comprehensive guidebook, this work has been completely revised and updated by the author. The reader will find an easy-to-use text which details the natural history of the plants and animals found in the Galápagos Islands. Management and conservation of the Galápagos National Park is discussed, and visitor information and notes about the various tourist sites are given. An index and checklist of plants and animals with page references and a glossary of technical terms are provided. New photographs have been added.
The Forensic Anthropology Training Manual
Karen Ramey Burns - 1999
This manual is designed to serve three purposes: to be used as a general introduction to the field of forensic anthropology; as a framework for training; and as a practical reference tool.
Genetics: From Genes to Genomes
Leland H. Hartwell - 1999
Written by an author team, including a Noble Prize winner, this text presents the integration of Mendelian and molecular principles, providing students with the links between early genetics understanding and the molecular discoveries that have changed the way the field of genetics is viewed.